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plain - cooper clinic @ craig ranch (mckinney, tx).

i'm also having a bone density test as well (next fri), was quoted $238 for both. body fat test is $110 - thought it would be more.

Thanks! I'll look into that!

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Oh yes I will, Missy. Either send me a friend request or PM enough info that I can send you one.


I have my new specs on, and it is taking time to adjust...

I guess X-ray vision isn't all it's cracked up to be. :confused:

LOL, so true... but I have a hard time believing that my muscle gain is in direct proportion to my fat loss. :wink: Tell me it CAN happen before I cry... :thumbup:

Well it can. Plus your weight is changing a bit so it's not like it's an exact match.

Are you losing inches?

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i was at my grocery store last wk, put my purse on the ledge next to the CC machine and there was $40 - 2 twenties.i handed it to the cashier and she looked at me like i had 2 heads.


The convenient ATM machine to my house is close to a Seniors complex. Both DH and I have at different times gone in and their cards are still in the machine, or the money is still sitting in the dispenser...we track down the person, but how many other people steal the money and the poor senior has no idea what happened to their money.

Omg, THAT'S where I lost that money? Yeah... um... I'll PM you my address. :wink:


I dated a guy who kept a list of his money in serial number in a spreadsheet. Each morning, he'd make a list.

Maybe it was like trainspotting - he wanted to see if any bills recirculated to him?? I'm trying to think of anything that would explain such a thing - other than just insanity!

PJTS(cream): If I see the numbers 242 through 244 one more day... I'ma gonna throw a scale through the window.

Been there; know the feeling well. Here's hoping your plateau doesn't last 7 weeks....

ok - i'm going to do the tank test for body fat next wk.

Let us know how it goes; I'd love to do that some day in the future - if ever I reach my goal weight...sigh.

Oh, and I have to ice my broken toe. Yes, I fell when I got up this morning and broke my second toe on my left foot.

Hi Susan. Sorry to hear about the toe.

I guess X-ray vision isn't all it's cracked up to be. :confused:

Nope. And I hate having to move my head to look at the keyboard without waves of nausea...

OK - It is finally Thursday......more coffee please!

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Maybe it was like trainspotting - he wanted to see if any bills recirculated to him?? I'm trying to think of anything that would explain such a thing - other than just insanity!

Pretty much insane. He was very regimined about a lot of things. :wink: Until I came along and blew all his plans to hell! That's what we fought about most...me telling him he did not getting any enjoyment out of life, and him trying to explain to me that he WAS actually enjoying all that crap. By the end of our dating, he only kept his money in order by denomination and no longer by serial numbers.

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Wow, I really like my job a lot, but y'all are hard to keep up with this way!!!

Lu, hope the ankle is better.

Beth, I know it doesn't make any sense at all, but I swear when my scale got stuck is when the inches fell off. The best thing I ever did was start a notebook with detailed measurements, as well as weight, and when the weight stalled, I would see loss in inches. In the end, I am equally thrilled by the fact that Curves shows me with a loss of over 70 inches, as well as the pounds lost.

Check it out.....it kept my heart calmed during the weight loss stalls, and it isn't a matter of IF a plateau will happen, it is a matter of WHEN they will happen, we all had them, we all get them......and they still suck!

I am losing. My fill is GREAT! I honestly am shocked at what a perfect level I find myself. I can eat, just small amounts, in a slower pace than I was eating. I know ideally I should still be slower, but honesty forces me to say, I am eating almost normally, almost normal size bites, but the amount I can take in, is WAY diminished!

Susan----so sorry to hear about your toe. Hope all is going well, and that you have a great experience with Dr. A. They treated us like royalty!

I had to literally LOL, when I read about you going for the Water based body fat test Lu. Last year when the Shrinking Violets all met up, we were at the pool, and we (well most of us, I will not incriminated everyone!!!) had had a few drinks. The hot tub was attached to the pool, and had HOT water piped into it, and it waterfalled down into the pool. Well we wanted pictures, so we all piled into the hot tub. There was really a waterfall then! That was funny enough, but what set us off, was the lack of water in the hot tub when we did a mass exit of the tub to go to dinner--it was hilarious, we still laugh about it!!! We had displaced a LOT of water!!!

In our defense, it was a small round little hot tub and we crammed 10 of us in it!!! It was so much fun. But think that is as close to a water/body fat test I'll be doing!

Let us know how it goes.

I had a yard sale a few years ago, and made a deal with a local charity to pick up all the leftovers. So a couple of weeks later she calls me and tells me while sorting through my things she found a beaded purse with money in it. I kept saying it wasn't mine, I had no beaded purse, and she said she picked it up here, stuffed it in with other purses I had, and insisted it was mine, and brought it to me. I continued to argue it was NOT mine....and it wasn't. I looked through it, and it had $182.42 in it. So I was talking to my Mom and told her what a pretty little purse it was, it was hand beaded, but that I thought I would just make a donation to the charity in the amount, she said first she wanted to see the purse. So she comes over and tells me that there is a picture on the bulletin board at the senior center of the purse as being lost. So we go down, and get the #, and we called, and this little woman was thrilled! She said she almost starved losing that money. But her concern was the purse, her granddaughter beaded it for her. She had come to my yard sale, and had apparantly laid it down when looking at other purses or something, and it got loaded up with the rest of the stuff! She could not believe how many hands it had gone through and that her money was still in tact--she even knew to the PENNY how much she had in the little thing! She tried to give me a reward!!! Instead Mom and I convinced her to donate $20.00 to the charity that was honest enough to return it. The girl who runs the local outlet of this charity, is my regular mail person, so I used to see her everyday---but I honestly think she would have returned it to whoever.

But without the purse being so unique, how would you be able to identify it??? Maybe we should ALL keep a spreadsheet!!! NOT!!! Maybe your old boyfriend is behind the www.wheresgeorge webiste!!! Where you actually track money, especially $1 dollar bills!!!

Gotta get going, I had the morning off, as the Dr. has an extended surgery scheduled today....but even with the extra time, I am gonna run late if I don't get moving!!!

Have a good one everyone!

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I dated a guy who kept a list of his money in serial number in a spreadsheet. Each morning, he'd make a list.

That was CPA in VA that I left to come to TX.

Best. Move. Ever.

Wow - sounds similar to my ex-husband!

PJTS(cream): If I see the numbers 242 through 244 one more day... I'ma gonna throw a scale through the window. :wink: Over two freakin' weeks now, and I've been doing everything right. EVERYTHING.


How frustrating!!

Hey everyone!! PJTP from my hotel room in Mexicali, Mexico. If you want all the details of how things are going, check out my thread in the sleeve forum.

I wanted to stop in and say hi real quick, and thank all of you that have sent me well wishes via pm, Facebook, email, etc. It is much appreciated.

Now, I am exhausted and need a nap before dinner. Oh, and I have to ice my broken toe. Yes, I fell when I got up this morning and broke my second toe on my left foot. No bad omens, please!!

Talk to ya soon!

Thinking about you Susan! So sorry about your toe!

Beth, I know it doesn't make any sense at all, but I swear when my scale got stuck is when the inches fell off. The best thing I ever did was start a notebook with detailed measurements, as well as weight, and when the weight stalled, I would see loss in inches. In the end, I am equally thrilled by the fact that Curves shows me with a loss of over 70 inches, as well as the pounds lost.

Check it out.....it kept my heart calmed during the weight loss stalls, and it isn't a matter of IF a plateau will happen, it is a matter of WHEN they will happen, we all had them, we all get them......and they still suck!

I am losing. My fill is GREAT! I honestly am shocked at what a perfect level I find myself. I can eat, just small amounts, in a slower pace than I was eating. I know ideally I should still be slower, but honesty forces me to say, I am eating almost normally, almost normal size bites, but the amount I can take in, is WAY diminished!

I really need to do the measurement notebook. I am just coming out of a very long stall. It would have been nice to have my measurements! My doctor took measurements before surgery but we always forget to look at them.

I had a yard sale a few years ago, and made a deal with a local charity to pick up all the leftovers. So a couple of weeks later she calls me and tells me while sorting through my things she found a beaded purse with money in it. I kept saying it wasn't mine, I had no beaded purse, and she said she picked it up here, stuffed it in with other purses I had, and insisted it was mine, and brought it to me. I continued to argue it was NOT mine....and it wasn't. I looked through it, and it had $182.42 in it. So I was talking to my Mom and told her what a pretty little purse it was, it was hand beaded, but that I thought I would just make a donation to the charity in the amount, she said first she wanted to see the purse. So she comes over and tells me that there is a picture on the bulletin board at the senior center of the purse as being lost. So we go down, and get the #, and we called, and this little woman was thrilled! She said she almost starved losing that money. But her concern was the purse, her granddaughter beaded it for her. She had come to my yard sale, and had apparantly laid it down when looking at other purses or something, and it got loaded up with the rest of the stuff! She could not believe how many hands it had gone through and that her money was still in tact--she even knew to the PENNY how much she had in the little thing! She tried to give me a reward!!! Instead Mom and I convinced her to donate $20.00 to the charity that was honest enough to return it. The girl who runs the local outlet of this charity, is my regular mail person, so I used to see her everyday---but I honestly think she would have returned it to whoever.

But without the purse being so unique, how would you be able to identify it???

What a great story! Thanks for sharing!

Lu - hope your ankle is better!

Now for me - I went and purchased some new clothes in size 12 last night. It feels so nice have something that fits even though I hope it will not be for long! lol

I still see pictures of me and just see FAT even though I have lost so much. I frustrate myself!

I am going to start the couch to 5k I think. I need to get moving more.

Now to update FaceBook. Funny_Face_by_pro_amateur.gif

I hope you all are having a GREAT day!Omg_omg_omg_omg_by_de_Mote.gif

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PJTP...It's gonna be a crazy couple of days!:wink:

Today - prep for admissions committee this afternoon - lots of copying, collating and making up packets for the committee folks. They ALWAYS bring files back late, so I'll be doing it again tomorrow morning for a second batch.:confused: I also gotta wait for my boss to sign some letters so we can send out admissions packets. There are over 40 of them to stuff and seal, and they must be gone to Fed Ex by tomorrow, because...

Friday afternoon I'm leaving work early because DD and I are off to Virginia State University, where she's been accepted to the Mass Communications / Broadcasting degree program. Leave my office at 3, pick her up at the train station, jet up the freeway to the airport and check in for our 7:30 flights. We won't stop moving until 11-something Friday night when we eventually find our hotel and collapse exhausted.:thumbup:

Saturday morning at 8 am (oh-dark-thirty after the late day on Friday) we report to the college for a day-long tour and activities. We'll squeeze in a little sightseeing and dinner and probably turn in early, unless they've got a social activity planned for the visitors, or a party. It's a college campus - there's bound to be a party SOMEWHERE!:tt2:

Sunday morning we fly home - pretty early. I'll spend the rest of Sunday recovering and catching up on homework, since I'll have been away from my computer for two days.

And...I've still got to configure the new laptop and transfer a ton of files from the old pc to the new one so I can give DD the old pc to take to college with her. :eek:

WHEW! I'm tired already, and I'm not even started yet! Vitamins, here I come!:w00t:

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* kat, i love your stories! glad your enjoying the job!!

* ebony, have fun w/DD - exciting time for her....

* CC, the couch 5k is a wonderful program - really jump starts the workout process. congrats on the 12's & hopefully they don't have a long shelf life.

* measurements, really important to take. like kat, i noticed inches falling when the scale stalled.....i don't think they work in unison.

* ankle, doing better - have a splint/sock on it now and plan to see my trainer here shortly. got him being creative so not to put the pressue on....

......happy thursday!!

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I would love to do the fat test, but not until I'm sure I'd be pleased with the results!


PJTP - I'm HUNGRY today. I've have 4 goals that I'm trying to work on in order to re-jump start my weight loss.

1 - no salt

2 - low carbs

3 - add exercise

4 - add Water

I have been sucking down water like crazy this morning. I didn't bring a mid morning snack, so I'm hurrying the clock along to lunchtime!

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PJTS(cream): If I see the numbers 242 through 244 one more day... I'ma gonna throw a scale through the window. :smile2: Over two freakin' weeks now, and I've been doing everything right. EVERYTHING.


Welcome to Advanced Weight Loss 201. Seriously, it seems most people on LBT have plateaus after the initial weight loss. Mine started after the first 11 lbs lost. I'd lose a couple of pounds and then nothing for a couple of weeks and then a couple of more and so on and so on. For the last 2 weeks I've been losing and gaining the same 2 lbs; however, today, I had an infinitestimal movement of a whole whopping 1 lb downard from my lowest weight since the surgery so I'm now "officially" 173. I hope this is not the beginning of a new trend where I only lose .5 lbs every 2 weeks. At that rate it will be 2 years from today to reach goal.

Hey everyone!! PJTP from my hotel room in Mexicali, Mexico. If you want all the details of how things are going, check out my thread in the sleeve forum.

I wanted to stop in and say hi real quick, and thank all of you that have sent me well wishes via pm, Facebook, email, etc. It is much appreciated.

Now, I am exhausted and need a nap before dinner. Oh, and I have to ice my broken toe. Yes, I fell when I got up this morning and broke my second toe on my left foot. No bad omens, please!!

Talk to ya soon!

Wow, how excited you must be on your upcoming surgery!

Since you've received plenty of "I'm sorry for your pain" on your toe, I'm just gonna make fun of you and call you a klutz.

Edited by Donna113
another infinitestimal movement on the scale - yes I count them all!

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I just realized that El Diablo/Dan is right.

I am a Newbie Snob.

I haven't spent much time out of the Lounge/Rants area lately. I just spent about 20 minutes going through some of the other sections and realized it was icky.

I don't like the "What's a PB" - even though I know I asked it.

I don't like the "I haven't lost a thing since surgery last week...What to do?"

I don't like the "I was banded yesterday and I just ate pizza and chicken wings and ice cream and the contents of the refrigerator, will I be okay?"

I really HATE the "You'll be fine!"

I spent just a few minutes reading this stuff and am thoroughly disgusted by it.

Kudos to those of you who spend time and patience answering and explaining and being SO GOOD. That's just not in me.

I LOVE PJTP and the Rants.

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Glouc, I am so there with you, babe!

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Pretty much insane. He was very regimined about a lot of things. :confused: Until I came along and blew all his plans to hell! That's what we fought about most...me telling him he did not getting any enjoyment out of life, and him trying to explain to me that he WAS actually enjoying all that crap. By the end of our dating, he only kept his money in order by denomination and no longer by serial numbers.

You don't keep your currency in your wallet by denom? :w00t: How do you know how much you have? Guess you haven't worked in a cash dept anywhere!!!! Mine are in denom order, facing the same way, and "conditioned" meaning straightened out and unfolded. Virgo power!

I just realized that El Diablo/Dan is right. I am a Newbie Snob. I haven't spent much time out of the Lounge/Rants area lately. I just spent about 20 minutes going through some of the other sections and realized it was icky. I don't like the "What's a PB" - even though I know I asked it. I don't like the "I haven't lost a thing since surgery last week...What to do?" I don't like the "I was banded yesterday and I just ate pizza and chicken wings and ice cream and the contents of the refrigerator, will I be okay?" I really HATE the "You'll be fine!" I spent just a few minutes reading this stuff and am thoroughly disgusted by it.

Kudos to those of you who spend time and patience answering and explaining and being SO GOOD. That's just not in me. I LOVE PJTP and the Rants.

I concur! In my surgery month thread, I used to add the URL for the LBT abbreviations!

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You don't keep your currency in your wallet by denom? :w00t: How do you know how much you have? Guess you haven't worked in a cash dept anywhere!!!! Mine are in denom order, facing the same way, and "conditioned" meaning straightened out and unfolded. Virgo power!

Oh, no...I'm kinda anal too. That's why by the end of the relationship, I'd gotten him to lighten up some from serial numbers and data entries. Though, I guess before we got too serious, he really had a lot of time on his hands :confused: then he met me!

My till was NEVER short and ALWAYS in order. Heads up, chin to the left. It drives me nuts when I get money from the bank and it's all over the place. I guess in the grand scheme of things it's not important, but I like my money in order.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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