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Back from jury duty. Made it through to the jury panel stage and then was not picked. It was for a speeding ticket. I wouldn't have cared who said what, I would have said not guilty as I don't believe in traffick tickets. There's much better use for cops. My DH gets pulled over and ticketed for almost everything and anything. I'm a speed demon and roll through stop signs all the time and rarely get pulled over. When I do get pulled over, I just get a warning. I haven't gotten a ticket in 17 years. That just goes to prove that cops issuing tickets are capricious so I have no respect for traffick cops.

I am so sad you have such a poor opinion of cops! :cursing: Being a traffic cop is one of the most dangerous jobs you can have. My husband is a retired officer having served 22 years. He was shot in the leg with a 357 and nearly killed by a drunk driver who ran a stop sign and hit him. He spent 30 days in the ICU and almost did not make it. The drunk driver was killed. Her passenger told the paramedic that they were running stop signs for fun. Thankfully he is retired now and fighting computer crime in an office! lol

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Sorry ColoradoChick if I offended you. I don't have a poor opinion of cops; just not too fond of traffick cops. I realize they provide a valuable service and I want the dangerous drivers off the road but I still prefer for them to be looking for criminals, not traffick violators. I know most traffick cops would prefer looking for real criminals too. Like I said, they've always been very good to me and let me off all the time with a warning.

Forgive me? :cursing:

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i'm of the "stop signs are optional after 10pm" camp myself.

Ah so YOU are the one! I am the one who unfortunately plays dodge 'em with you and other drivers!

I'm with Coloradochick - way too many 'redlights and stopsigns are optional' people have caused death and needless trauma.

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Sorry ColoradoChick if I offended you. I don't have a poor opinion of cops; just not too fond of traffick cops. I realize they provide a valuable service and I want the dangerous drivers off the road but I still prefer for them to be looking for criminals, not traffick violators. I know most traffick cops would prefer looking for real criminals too. Like I said, they've always been very good to me and let me off all the time with a warning.

Forgive me? :scared2:

I am not offended at all. No worries. :cursing: I understand your feelings. Most traffic cops would rather be looking for bad guys and in fact they pull one over for a traffic infraction. Traffic cops actually find additional and more serious offenders once they pull some people over. My husband hated giving law abiding people silly tickets. There is a big problem with departments judging the officers productivity by the number of traffic tickets they write. It is not called a quota but some departments do use the "productivity" number to gauge weather a officer is a hard worker or lazy.

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Ah so YOU are the one! I am the one who unfortunately plays dodge 'em with you and other drivers!

I'm with Coloradochick - way too many 'redlights and stopsigns are optional' people have caused death and needless trauma.

yeah - small town TX, i don't even have a stop sign or stop light in my town. nobody pays attention to road rules out in the country - just what i learned.....hangs head.

living in NY - i was a subway gal.

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I honestly do my best to follow traffic law, I know I became much more observant after having children and worrying for their safety. My DH was given a ticket a couple of years ago on Black Friday at 4 in the morning, because the light was yellow when he entered the intersection. He tried telling the officer that it changed awfully late for him to safely stop without slamming the brakes, and he was through it before it turned red. The officer told him, that was irrelevent. And give him the ticket. He got a little pissy when DH ask where to sign to be able to see a judge over it. The officer actually told him it would cost him way more if he did it that way. We went to the judge, and took with us a copy of the manual for the drivers test where it states a yellow caution light indicates to clear the itersection.....it does not say slam on your brakes! The judge could not get a straight answer out of the officer, she finally gave up asking him and dismissed it. Waste of time and $$$.

Through the years he has had assorted speeding tickets etc, but never fought one, because he said he deserved those....but this one was bogus!!!

Fanny---the snakes even in a controlled room environment, would have had me hanging from the light fixtures in fear! My brother has had several as "pets" but not me!!! He got all the brave genes!

Boobs? I am with Mac---my cup size increased if anything. The band went down from a 44-46 to a 38, but the cup size is still a DD.....was thinking I might shrink a bit...but like Susan, mine have been big since puberty.

Now with that being said, I really am female...but...I like football!! We watch a few college teams, my Uncle travels with one as the team physician. But we watch all NFL that comes on. This is the first year I have not done Fantasy Football. I was in the hospital dealing with the twisted intestine during team picks.

I love hitting the sports bars for games, the loud cheering etc. FUN! FUN! FUN! We had a friend who played professionally for years actually won a superbowl with the Ravens. We used to go to the games quite frequently when we were living in Denver. Always seemed so silly, go to the game and take a TV!!! LOL Tailgating was a blast tho!

As for men being stoooooopid......it is a fact that they really can say some incredibly stupid things! But on the other hand, had he went on eloquently about things, and quoted you poetic lines....then you would have wondered if he really was straight!!!

At 5'9" myself, I would likely have looked past him due to his height.....and yet I know some awesome men who are shorter than I am. We get set in ways of looking at people, and sometimes we need our world shook up!

I believe no matter what he said, you would have felt slighted simply because you went hunting for the compliment, rather than it being offered freely.

So I think what you need to do is make a concentrated effort to SHOW him what a REAL woman is like!!! That being a woman, and using your womanly ways has nothing to do with size of anything other than your imagination!!!

Had my share of jury duty--would mention how long, but that would jinx me for sure into being called up in the next round!!!

Off to finish decorating!


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As for men being stoooooopid......it is a fact that they really can say some incredibly stupid things! But on the other hand, had he went on eloquently about things, and quoted you poetic lines....then you would have wondered if he really was straight!!!

At 5'9" myself, I would likely have looked past him due to his height.....and yet I know some awesome men who are shorter than I am. We get set in ways of looking at people, and sometimes we need our world shook up!

I believe no matter what he said, you would have felt slighted simply because you went hunting for the compliment, rather than it being offered freely.

So I think what you need to do is make a concentrated effort to SHOW him what a REAL woman is like!!! That being a woman, and using your womanly ways has nothing to do with size of anything other than your imagination!!!

Well he is very eloquent and that "pretty face" comment was said with a significant pause that made it fairly clear what was meant. However, I take the point that everyone is making, which is that he wouldn't be with me if he found me that unattractive, so I'm just going to throttle back the insecurity monster and trust him. Lack of self-confidence is a far more unattractive feature than a little extra skin, so the last thing I need is to spoil everything by indulging that paranoia.

Re the height, he's not tall but then again, the highest heels I ever wear are only 2", so even in those he still has 3" on me, so that's fine by me. My father is short too (5'7"), as is my oldest brother and my ex, so I guess I am just used to that height in guys. I was astonished though at his assessment of me as "tall" - that's not an adjective I've ever thought of fitting me!!

Re the snakes: I was amazed at how calm I was when we were dealing with the venomous snakes. I half expected to go all "girly" and wuss out on that part, but the instructor was really good at bringing us slowly up to speed with each one. In the final "test" of the day, we had to enter a room in which 4 snakes had been released, find them wherever they had hidden themselves and catch and contain them. I couldn't believe how easy it was and how smoothly it all went.

Re the "stop signs are optional" folk: I'm going to bite my tongue on this one because it is a favourite debating hobby horse of mine and I'll probably offend some people if I really get going on that topic. Suffice it to say that those attitudes account for the absolutely shocking death toll on US roads in comparison to any other western country.

Edited by Fanny Adams

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12_2_1.gif 3_12_32.gif The stop sign optinal thing that so many people live by nearly killed my father back in 83. Actually what saved his life was he wasn't wearing his seat belt. It wasnt' law to wear it back then. When he got hit it thru him to the passenger side of the car. All traffic stops are not routine. The officers never know what will happen when they pull someone over. Not only do they have to worry about who is in the car, they have to worry about the other drivers comming upon them. I know a lot of police because I used to manage C-stores. I was privlaged to be able to talk with them and listen to what they talked about. Don't get me wrong, some stops are totally stupid. Some are bad cops. I just wished that our cops would stop more people running stop signs and red lights, especially when they see them run it.

Sorry so long.....


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Thanks everyone for the early bday wishes.

:cursing: I am so freaking happy right now---I GOT CARDED TODAY! Seriously! I am stoked! He was really surprised to see my age! YAY! It so paid off to loose all that weight!

I agree Donna about traffic cops, not my fave either! BUT "other" cops are hot! :scared2: lol....man in uniform....yummy!

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Boy, did I open up a can of worms or what with that whole traffick cop thing?

I feel a bit of clarity is needed here: 1) when traveling anywhere in Houston metro area, you have to drive as fast as the traffick will allow else you'll cause an accident by causing road rage and people desperate to drive around you (not to mention the fact that because it's so spread out, you have to drive the speed of sound to actually arrive on the same day). 2) I don't whiz through stop signs -- I come to a rolling stop and move on when I see there are no other cars. 3) I am a safe driver and the only accidents I've been involved in for the past 10 years have all been in stop and go traffick where the car behind me bumped me.

Now, all you other "obey all traffick laws at all times" may go and pat yourselves on the back for being such good little boys and girls. Just stay off the highways in Houston!

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I have been in one accident where a guy turned left on a green light in front of me and there was no way to stop in time.

The worst one I have ever been in, a truck going East swerved around a car in his lane, lost control, went down into the median and come up in the west bound traffic airborn, only to land on me going west!

Been in ones like you mentioned, hit from behind, both times while the driver gawked at accidents in opposing lane traffic! OOOooops!

The last one, she hit me hard! Slammed my car into a utility pole, and jammed my knee between my dash and the door. Ended up requiring surgery on it.

I was battling with insurance right then about my band. My hospitalization caused my monthly meet with the Dr. requirement to be delayed by 4 days---they were going to make me start my 12 month supervised all over!!! I was 10.5 months into the year already!!! When her insurance offered me a settlement-I took it and RAN as fast as my repaired knee would take me to my band surgeon!!!

Best thing to ever come out of an accident!!! LOL


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*GMail is the bomb - no more spam!

Love my Gmail. and technically challenged as I am, just found out Gmail has chat. Any night owls with gmail that wanna chat give me a holler (country version of "holla")

Boobs - gone from a DD to a DDD

** stands and applauds** At least somebody on here has their priorities straight...

And - PJTP that I resisted eating the Cherry pie that was sitting out in the breakroom...

w00t! That's the way it's done, Ebony.....resist one day at a time. Awesome!!

That just goes to prove that cops issuing tickets are capricious so I have no respect for traffick cops.

There was a big stink in Bowie county (Texas) awhile back. A number of state troopers were fired because they weren't meeting their pullover quotas. Veteren troops fired because they weren't pulling over drivers going 59 in a 55 zone.....But hey! At least the state will get a bunch of brand new rookie troopers to work that radar gun.

It is not called a quota but some departments do use the "productivity" number to gauge weather a officer is a hard worker or lazy.

See my previous response. In the scandal I was talking about above, the captain, or looey, or whatever the bigwig was said that there is NOT a quota system. Then in the next breath, he said that the trooper WERE required to perform a number of "interactions" or something like that. Sheesh.....do they think we're all idiots?

So I think what you need to do is make a concentrated effort to SHOW him what a REAL woman is like!!! That being a woman, and using your womanly ways has nothing to do with size of anything other than your imagination!!!

Something tells me that telling Fanny this is akin to throwing petrol on a fire!

Just stay off the highways in Houston!

Donna, I would rather jog down hell's main highway barefoot than drive in Houston traffic again. If I ever have to go there for a professional seminar, I'm calling you for a ride!

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Back from jury duty. Made it through to the jury panel stage and then was not picked.

I also made it through my jury duty. I am still on my case until maybe tomorrow. It took half the day just for the lawyers to finish interviewing the potential jurors. We made it up to juror #24 before they were satisfied with 12 of us. I started to wonder if we were on trial after all of the questions. They didn't start the trial until after lunch. Thankfully, the judge said he didn't believe in staying past 4pm.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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