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nice plain - welcome to my world!

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PJTP again. Somebody please tell me that Patrick Swayze's death is a cruel hoax!

Ah well, I'll have to watch Roadhouse and Red Dawn again in his honor.

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I agree Plain, time to watch Roadhouse....I was so sad to hear he had lost the battle, it was one that little hope held out for, but I guess a part of me was still hoping.

On a brighter note, we are home from my DH's cardiology appointment, and he got all good news!!! His Echo looked good, EKG looked good, no need for further testing this year. His profusion rate is PERFECT! His BP, and heart rate a tad low---which is not bad since he was in A fib for so long with a resting heart rate of over 130! They lowered his meds. His cholesterol, is perfect, she said she would be happy, out of work, but happy if she had an entire patient load of people like him!!

We don't have top go back til next year!

It is always such a relief! He began with a sudden onset mitral valve failure, set up an immediate surgical date, then during angioplasty to check the state of the arteries, they caused a blood clot in the ileac. So heart surgery was postponed while that resolved--- 3 months later -- by then the heart had enlarged dangerously. They did the surgery, reduced the size of the heart as well, and all looked good. Then the same morons who were responsible for the blood clot, mismanaged his coumadin therapy, and he had a massive GI bleed due to a bilateral tear of the esophagus ( a Mallory Weiss tear KC). Almost lost him with that one, spent forever in ICU. Made it through that, but all the drugs and blood they gave him to stop the bleed obliterated the maze procedure they had done when downsizing the heart, and threw him into A fib--- but they could do nothing until he healed enough from the bleed to intubate him! Was a horrible (not to mention crippling financially) time. So to go and get ALL good news is such a huge relief!!!

Back to the real world for me, and off to work I go.

Softball game tonight, not sure if I'll make it back here or not----have fun!

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wow Kat - that's a laundry list of every complication you do not want - oddly enough it sounds like a recent pt sent to us from another hospital.

glad he checked out - thats awesome - I'm sure it has a lot to do with your direction and good home care. congrats!

home from work - going to bed soon but will bbl!

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Good luck slim!

Yes! And be careful of "snap" boy! :thumbup: Yikes!!!

PJTP Kinda suprised myself today. It's only 4pm right now and I wore a pedometer today to see how many steps I take after reading the 10,000 step challenge thing online. I have taken 8200 steps and I haven't even really tried to get in extra steps. I did do a 10 minute walk earlier at work to get my muscles loosened from my run yesterday.

You are inspiring me!!! In my head....

that's great~!

ya know what i have noticed is that i park FAR away from any store.....where i use to circle around the parking lots waiting for that front row person to swoop up on.:thumbup:

I park mid-way away. DH and BF will make it a game to find the closest and my mother wants the closests that won't ding her car. Me...I don't care - whatever I see, I park there. I'd rather be close if it's raining...but other than that - no worries about walking.

sobering moment at the gym today.

i went begrudingly, as DH is on a super kick ..... and while walking on the treadmill - i glance back at DH on the stairmaster talking to a guy on the life cycle (that ski machine). as i go meet up w/dh to stretch afterwards i realize why this guy had an unusual Jerky move to his routine.

he had a prosthetic leg & just got it after an injury in the war. it shamed me some that here i was bitching that i didn't want to go today & this guy was overjoyed to......

Okay....that does sober me up a little. I have 2 good working legs and I'm being stupid to not use them! Beginning to feel that motivation again...! :thumbup:

PJTP: Tonight, in the middle of the night, I unhooked one of my patients (much older gentleman...in his mid-70's) so he could go to the bathroom. When he was getting out of bed, he cut loose with a huge fart. He looked very sharply @ me and asked "Did you just sh*t your pants?". I said no, and then he responded with "Oh well, I guess it was me, then".

LMAO...This is too good!!!! I love this! I'd have said, "I think so."

PJTP again. Somebody please tell me that Patrick Swayze's death is a cruel hoax!

Ah well, I'll have to watch Roadhouse and Red Dawn again in his honor.

For me it's Roadhouse, Red Dawn, and Dirty Dancing. Mmm....loved me some Patrick Swayze in Dirty Dancing...

On a brighter note, we are home from my DH's cardiology appointment, and he got all good news!!! His Echo looked good, EKG looked good, no need for further testing this year. His profusion rate is PERFECT! His BP, and heart rate a tad low---which is not bad since he was in A fib for so long with a resting heart rate of over 130! They lowered his meds. His cholesterol, is perfect, she said she would be happy, out of work, but happy if she had an entire patient load of people like him!!

We don't have top go back til next year!


Back to the real world for me, and off to work I go.

Softball game tonight, not sure if I'll make it back here or not----have fun!

That is so great, Kat! I'm so happy for you. What a relief to get a clean bill of health! What a compliment, too from the doc! :) Nice!


Happy Tuesday all...Co-worker is out again today and I love it! :) Busy, busy. Already got to put the smack down on someone who claims they emailed us something in August, and she attached the email and our email address isn't there! Hello? Can you read before you send a smack down to me? She bolded and underlined stuff, KINDLY NOTE...blah blah... She got all worked up and all I had to do was forward it back and say our email isn't on this original, please note for the future...blah blah. I'm sick, I know...but I love my job when co-workers aren't here.


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PJTP...Hi y'all!

Been a busy morning - two unwanted days away from the office will do that to ya...:thumbup:

Gathering evidence for my next move, keeping my nose clean, and not saying anything to anybody. Since they are determined to use my every word against me, I'll just do my talking outside of the office...:mad2:

DD called because the local school messed up her financial aid somehow and now they've locked her out of her classes...:thumbup: Called to straighten everything out and they are claiming I missed some piece of paperwork. Guess who I'll be calling this afternoon! :thumbup:

Going for a fill appt at 1 pm. Been stuck for over 6 weeks and even though my exercise has increased, the weight isn't moving. The hunger is back - that's why I'm stuck on the scale. I've been eating like no tomorrow - so fill time, here I come!

Scheduled for a "Step Out for Diabetes" walk this weekend in my area - it's 3 miles and I'm going to run / walk / wog the course - something I would NEVER have done pre-band. That part I'm very happy about...gotta get a stopwatch feature on my iPhone so I can time myself and see how I do...

If anyone wants to contribute, you can do so at: Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes:. All contributions gratefully accepted - my goal was a little ambitious, I think: $250.00 though I only started a few weeks ago - I don't know why I thought the walk was at the END of the month instead of the MIDDLE! :)

Have a wonderful day! BBL! :thumbup:

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PJTP: I'm going to hell. I just know it.

Today was DH's first day back to work after his surgery three weeks ago. I couldn't have been more happy.

He just called here about 10 minutes ago to say "his boss" was sending him home.



Cuz WHY (thinking it's something to do with "you don't work

here anymore")?

Because I'm just not doing well. I didn't do well last night. He gave me some work I can do from home.

Now, heaven help if this is the truth. BUT... I sometimes feel like he milks stuff to death. I'm STILL hearing about his vasectomy he had in March of 2008! And the fact that he's been sitting here not really looking for work has got me in knots.

I was talking with my foodie friends the other night (they brought stuff over to make and the three of us went out for ice cream afterwards since DH didn't want to go), and the male friend is also in the computer field, though different than what DH does. He also makes VERY good money (though I have no idea how much). DH has made comments before about how they spend willy nilly and how they must make a lot, and the male friend and I were talking about that. I told him I have come to the conclusion that he reaps what he's put INTO it! Since I've known him, he goes to at least two training sessions a year to get new info and learn new programs.

DH does NOTHING. And I mean NOTHING. If he doesn't learn it on the job, it doesn't get done. At one point last year he said his boss had opened the door for him to get some training on the company dime, and every time I asked him about it, I was met with, "Well, yeah, I wrote him about it a couple weeks ago, but he hasn't gotten back to me." Uh, WTF??? YOU go after HIM, you asshole!

He's in a field where you have to be a perch or top-feeder, and instead he sits there like a catfish -- or bottom feeder. I think I ought to suggest that if he wants to just sit on his laurels and DO nothing and LEARN nothing to keep up with the industry, that he go into digging ditches, because every time he stays with a job for a while, he loses out on SO much when it comes time to move on. :mad2::cursing::thumbup:

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* plain, i'm good w/late may early june. afraid any later in the summer, will be too hot for those not use to texas summers. memorial day where peeps have an extra day off?

ranch is plenty big for the gathering - pool/hot tub, lots of land to roam....:mad2:

* taps, hope your eyes are feeling much better.

* kat, very happy all well w/DH. saw that late last night on FB - what a relief!

* glouc, the gentleman was very inspiring. had me up at 4am today to hit the gym, cause i need to be home w/contractors about. the smile on his face made the dark ride to the gym much easier.

* beth, MAN i don't know how i would handle your situation at ALL. no secret that DH and i don't share many of the same political / religious view points - but try not to disrespect one another. i brought your situation up to him and his said in the bible it was the man's job to provide for family. i am not quoting directly the passage he gave me, but he firmly believes in that......so that similarity we share:blush:

sounds like moma babied' him just a tad too much, that personal responsibility is not high on his priority list.....just doesn't sound like the person i visualize you with.

hope i don't offend you by saying...

* OK - back to puppy training 101; she doesn't like to share her toys.., see pic


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* beth, MAN i don't know how i would handle your situation at ALL. no secret that DH and i don't share many of the same political / religious view points - but try not to disrespect one another. i brought your situation up to him and his said in the bible it was the man's job to provide for family. i am not quoting directly the passage he gave me, but he firmly believes in that......so that similarity we share:blush:

sounds like moma babied' him just a tad too much, that personal responsibility is not high on his priority list.....just doesn't sound like the person i visualize you with.

hope i don't offend you by saying...

No offense taken. Believe it or not, I'm a totally different peron than I was when I met him in my 20s. I've grown, I believe, and he hasn't. I've also grown more independently. And yes, mama DOES baby him -- terribly. She has totally wussified him.

About the Bible passage -- it's funny you should mention that. We used to belong to a church that was doing a relationship Bible study that we were participating in. There were probably about 8-10 couples who were part of this get-together in the leaders' home.

This one particular night the study was a bit different -- instead of all of us together in one room discussing that week's study, this study was to be done with the wives separate from the husbands. We were learning our "jobs" in the marriage, as it were.

I could hear DD being very talkative. I couldn't hear what he or the others were saying, but hubby has a distinct voice and I could hear him giving a lot of input.

Later on when the groups broke up and we were all mingling (and hubby was outside smoking), the husband/leader said he thought DH finally "got it." I asked what he meant. He said DH was saying stuff like, "So you're saying I'm supposed to do this and this and this?" To him, he felt that it meant DH "got it." I said, "Uh, no, he's freaking out that he has that much responsibility." The leader kept disagreeing with me, kept feeling that the light went on. I said, "Oh, it went on alright, and he doesn't like what he sees in the light."

Sure enough, later as we were driving home, DH was saying, "Omg, so I'm expected to do THIS and THIS and THIS??"

The next week I went to the leader and said, "I told ya so." :thumbup:

My new therapist wanted me to get a book that deals with husband/wife relationships -- one where we each have our part that we read. She recommended it one week and then asked if I had looked into it on our follow-up visit. I told her that with all due respect, I've done all the tricks: The Five Love Languages (TWICE, and all he did was argue with the teachers), Marriage Encounters, other church-oriented marriage/relationship groups, numerous books, therapists... my mom finally said to me when I told her about this new book, "Are you kidding?? HOW MANY things do you have to do before you realize that he JUST DOESN'T GET IT and probably never will?"

It was then that I decided I'd not waste my time with yet another book. :mad2:

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Well, I just made a bold move. I had had some money put into a Global Allocations account in 2005 when I first started working, and though it's not a TON, it's a nice little amount that's been growing steadily.

Our bank had lumped it into our joint account (hubby has investments in his name only that I don't have access to), so I just called them and asked them to pull that amount out and put it into an account in my name only.

It's money that he recently asked me to tap into to help pay for some of his medical bills so that he didn't have to sell any of his stocks. I look at it as money that will be squandered away if he doesn't find a job. One day, that money may be my lifeline.

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Well, I just made a bold move. I had had some money put into a Global Allocations account in 2005 when I first started working, and though it's not a TON, it's a nice little amount that's been growing steadily.

Our bank had lumped it into our joint account (hubby has investments in his name only that I don't have access to), so I just called them and asked them to pull that amount out and put it into an account in my name only.

It's money that he recently asked me to tap into to help pay for some of his medical bills so that he didn't have to sell any of his stocks. I look at it as money that will be squandered away if he doesn't find a job. One day, that money may be my lifeline.

well - your being smart in my opinion.

re- bible passage, i'm not overly religious - nor was i raised in the same faith as my husband...

i remember when we first started to discuss me no longer working & mapping out a plan - we joked the "toys" & trips would come to a hault & he said that while the joyride might end - he rather me find something i'm passion about vs earning the check. that is when he first brought up that bible passage.

i'm still figuring out what i want to be when i grow up - but it's not as urgent at the moment & he's carrying the load now w/out complaint.

& no you can't have a puppy....LOL :mad2:

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No puppy? Gosh, Lu, you're so selfish. :thumbup:

We aren't overly religious. If anything, I believe probably more than he does, but I don't attend any church nor have I for many years. Too many issues with church. Long story.

But still, I believe there is a rhyme and reason to everything. There's a way things are supposed to go. His mom dogged on me early on in the marriage because we could afford for me to stay home and raise my daughter. That was OUR CHOICE. However, she had a real problem with sonny-boy being made to do all the heavy lifting. I used to say, I'd rather JUST have to go to work! Everything I did around the house was much longer than an 8-hour day anyway, and I didn't get paid!

I would be willing to bet he's already thrown me under the bus and told them way back when that I was no longer working. Whether they know I'm back in school or not, I have no idea. But I also believe he does these things in case he needs to play the Mommy Sympathy Card. Regardless, I am doing now what we agreed to. I asked him before I signed up if I should stop everything right then and not attend full-time, and he said no, that I had been diligent in attending and making excellent grades. So... I'm keeping up with my end of the bargain.

I can hardly wait for the mommy calls telling me what a horrible person I am for putting such pressure on him to get a job. :mad2:

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PJTP: Tonight, in the middle of the night, I unhooked one of my patients (much older gentleman...in his mid-70's) so he could go to the bathroom. When he was getting out of bed, he cut loose with a huge fart. He looked very sharply @ me and asked "Did you just sh*t your pants?". I said no, and then he responded with "Oh well, I guess it was me, then".

Hillarious. Made my day.

nice plain - welcome to my world!

I don't like your world KC... It's sleepless. Go to frickin bed women!!

PJTP again. Somebody please tell me that Patrick Swayze's death is a cruel hoax!

Ah well, I'll have to watch Roadhouse and Red Dawn again in his honor.

I really wished it had been :mad2: Too many lately... MJ (Care less) but farah and patrick they will be missed.

Well, I just made a bold move. I had had some money put into a Global Allocations account in 2005 when I first started working, and though it's not a TON, it's a nice little amount that's been growing steadily.

Our bank had lumped it into our joint account (hubby has investments in his name only that I don't have access to), so I just called them and asked them to pull that amount out and put it into an account in my name only.

It's money that he recently asked me to tap into to help pay for some of his medical bills so that he didn't have to sell any of his stocks. I look at it as money that will be squandered away if he doesn't find a job. One day, that money may be my lifeline.

Very smart Beth I am all about the CYA. Even though I could never imagine anything happening with DH and I we both have seperate accounts and a joint account. We each put money into our individual accounts weekly.. we pay into it just as if it was a bill. If something were to happen to him I would be able to access what I need easily.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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