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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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...rethinking betrothal...


So, in a sense, you're asking Lu - how much to pimp her bitches? :sneaky:

Or would that be studs?

Yeah. I'm a "why girl" so if she can 'splain and convince me, so be it. I'm not big on rules around the house...do homework, clean room, etc...

Kind of the same idea at our house, you are expected to respect the space and contribute to the household. The kids have always been pretty good about that. They are pretty free to go do what they want as long as they are home on time and we know who they are with and where they are. Both of them have been honest and up front and that makes life a lot easier.

Of course when your parents are both teachers at your high school there is not much room to mess up - someone will know!:sad:

Our biggest issue is her cleaning up after herself in the common areas. Her room is neat down to the spot and position of her iPod...but the living room? eh...who cares! Socks on the floor...half filled glasses of milk laying around...ugg...disaster.

My DD is that way, except she has to have everything in its place outside of her room. It is like her little sanctuary where she can just be a slob and it doesn't matter! It will be interesting to see which child shows up in her dorm room - will she be the neat and tidy roomie or the messy roomie???

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send labs to SNT - they are the BEST digging to china worker bees EVER. reason my flower beds are rock gardens & have a green house:)

just as long as they're well-behaved! what am i saying - they're yours so they're spoiled rotten!

But will they dig on command??? If so, I was planning on building some new beds this fall, and need the sod removed and the earth dug about 18"...what's the rate you pimp them for?

holy 18", batman. what gets planted 18" deep, seriously? (shut up pervy Lulu and Plain!!!)

Man...I'm hungry and sleepy....which will win?

we both need sleep! we were up way too late chatting last night! i was surprisingly awake today at work tho. who knew!

ROFL to "pimping bitches"!!!

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My DS is having a vey hard time in kindergarten he was super excited the 1st week now he hates it...I keep getting note from the teacher that he is difficult and refusing to do any work he just wants to play...yeah he just turned 5 what do they really expect from him?

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I have no kids so I'm no expert here :). When it was time for my niece to go to school, my bro decided to have her tested to see if she was ready. Her b'day is in August. Well, she passed the test. My nephew has a June b'day. With him, they decided to wait and send him to Kindergarten the following year. My niece had more occasions of bad behavior and got into harmless trouble with her friends during Junior High. My nephew is well-adjusted, very friendly and the kind of person everyone likes.

I have to say that now they are both fine. Niece is an RN. Nephew graduates Mizzou in Dec. So, it worked out. But my mom, sis, and I could definitely see that having the nephew home with his mom for that extra time made a difference. He was much more "ready" for school. This could be your son's issue too.

I agree with you though. If he wants to play...well, yeah, he's 5. I hope this situation improves. I'm sure you're worried but stuff does work out! Of course, this is just my opinion and what happened in my family. Kids are different and your DS may be thrilled with school again next week. I hope the school has some suggestions for you. :)


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I'm annoyed with the teacher I think she's already decided he's a problem child and is making it worse..he comes home crying everyday because he gets a sad face on his report sheet..

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so many kids just can't think for themselves, it is sad!

Really sad. They grow up to become people who want everything spoonfed to them, no critical thinking, whining, ignorant adults...(I work with some of them!!)


I did that as a kid...threw rocks at windows with my friends. we ended up breaking a huge window in the apt complex where we lived.

Um...Glou, me thinks you were a bit of a hellion as a child.


CC - The recipe sounds delicious! In my recipe, the zuc is sliced and then left to dry a bit on a towel - helps with the moisture factor.


I'm annoyed with the teacher I think she's already decided he's a problem child and is making it worse..he comes home crying everyday because he gets a sad face on his report sheet..

Let me get this straight...in kindergarten in the first weeks they have decided what type of child your son is, AND they have report sheets?!?! Man!!


Morning all. I slept in (again), and am relaxing with coffee.< /p>

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Let me get this straight...in kindergarten in the first weeks they have decided what type of child your son is, AND they have report sheets?!?! Man!!


Morning all. I slept in (again), and am relaxing with coffee.< /p>


way to motivate a 5yr old w/sad face report sheets - very sad.

have any of you seen the thread about the woman who's kid sits in a silent lunch room. these poor kids can't iteract w/their peers during "down time" - insane.


i can pimp out the labs- but they generally dig where you don't want them too. i swear there is one hill in our backyard that they think jimmy hoffa is burried in. you can barely see their legs , all upper body & head is in this hole - digging away.


up w/coffee as well, dogs & hubby still sleeping - so i plan on ejoying the quiet for as long as it lasts:)

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My DS is having a vey hard time in kindergarten he was super excited the 1st week now he hates it...I keep getting note from the teacher that he is difficult and refusing to do any work he just wants to play...yeah he just turned 5 what do they really expect from him?


I'm annoyed with the teacher I think she's already decided he's a problem child and is making it worse..he comes home crying everyday because he gets a sad face on his report sheet..


That really pisses me off...I'm so sorry you're going through that!!! Sad faces? Really? What are they learning in Kindergarten...Russian Politics or something??? I mean, crap... A sad face? That's disgusting to me. Poor kid - there are other ways to get kids to calm down and get them to pay attention.


I got kicked out of Kindgergarten. :) I hated naps and was like, "Hey - the other kids are asleep now I can play with whatever." Not so...the teachers didn't like that so much...so they sent me home one day w/a note to my mom and I remember I never went back.


way to motivate a 5yr old w/sad face report sheets - very sad.

have any of you seen the thread about the woman who's kid sits in a silent lunch room. these poor kids can't iteract w/their peers during "down time" - insane.




I showed that to DD - she thought assigned seats in her cafe were bad! ha!


It's kinda weird what they're doing in schools these days...it's like a step BACK in time, when we really need a huge leap forward!!!

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Morning all. I slept in (again), and am relaxing with coffee.< /div>

I wish I could say I slept in. I was awake until almost 12, but I was back up at 4 (darn internal clock:cursing:). I just lay there refusing to get up. I finally dozed back off until 7. I am now drinking my coffee and fixing Breakfast (everyone is up here). No relaxing time to myself. Darn it!

i can pimp out the labs- but they generally dig where you don't want them too. i swear there is one hill in our backyard that they think jimmy hoffa is burried in. you can barely see their legs , all upper body & head is in this hole - digging away.

up w/coffee as well, dogs & hubby still sleeping - so i plan on ejoying the quiet for as long as it lasts:)

Enjoy some quiet for me too. I am up making my plan of attack for the weekend. I don't want to have to leave the house but once. I will get my weekend shopping done (I hope) and then relax the rest of the weekend. I am truly hoping this is how it goes. Of course, the best laid plans...:)

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That really pisses me off...I'm so sorry you're going through that!!! Sad faces? Really? What are they learning in Kindergarten...Russian Politics or something??? I mean, crap... A sad face? That's disgusting to me. Poor kid - there are other ways to get kids to calm down and get them to pay attention.

I got kicked out of Kindgergarten. :smile2: I hated naps and was like, "Hey - the other kids are asleep now I can play with whatever." Not so...the teachers didn't like that so much...so they sent me home one day w/a note to my mom and I remember I never went back.

I showed that to DD - she thought assigned seats in her cafe were bad! ha!

It's kinda weird what they're doing in schools these days...it's like a step BACK in time, when we really need a huge leap forward!!!

It's a sorry state that our school systems are in right now. No child left behind.:) Yeah right. I read about some students that weren't quite "making the grade" at a local school here. The principle actually encouraged the kid to drop out of school and get a GED!:) What kind of crap is that? They said that the students were brining down their test scores! WTF? What about if you teach the children and make it engaging, they will want to learn it!?!?!?!?

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It's a sorry state that our school systems are in right now. No child left behind.:) Yeah right. I read about some students that weren't quite "making the grade" at a local school here. The principle actually encouraged the kid to drop out of school and get a GED!:smile2: What kind of crap is that? They said that the students were bringing down their test scores! WTF? What about if you teach the children and make it engaging, they will want to learn it!?!?!?!?

Now Slim, you know that's too much like right. :)

Similar to what Taps said, these kids will be pampered brats that have no skills to deal with rejection or criticism. Can you imagine having them report to you? "But but you can't give me a bad review."

I received the following as an mp3 in email but found the transcript online. Hopefully you all will find it amusing as well.

"This is hilarious - no wonder some people were offended! This is the message that the Maroochydore High School Queensland, staff voted unanimously to record on their school telephone answering machine. This is the actual answering machine message for the school. This came about

because they implemented a policy requiring students and parents to be responsible for their children's absences and missing homework. The school and teachers are being sued by parents who want their children's failing grades changed to passing grades - even though those children were absent

15-30 times during the semester and did not complete enough school work to pass their classes.

The outgoing message:

Hello! You have reached the automated answering service of your school. In order to assist you in connecting to the right staff member, please listen to all the options before making a selection:

* To lie about why your child is absent - Press 1

* To make excuses for why your child did not do his work - Press 2

* To complain about what we do - Press 3

*To swear at staff members - Press 4

* To ask why you didn't get information that was already enclosed in your newsletter and several flyers mailed to you - Press 5

* If you want us to raise your child - Press 6

* If you want to reach out and touch, slap or hit someone - Press 7

* To request another teacher, for the third time this year - Press 8

* To complain about bus transportation - Press 9

* To complain about school lunches - Press 0

If you realize this is the real world and your child must be accountable and responsible for his/her own behaviour, class work, homework and that it's not the teachers' fault for your child's lack of effort: Hang up and have a nice day!

If you want this in another language, move to a country that speaks it."

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I had an issue with my son as well for kindergarten. I can tell you though that first of all the kids know if you don't like the teacher and if you make comments about her in front of him he instantly will react with negative behavior to her. You have to be a united front with the teacher or your child can work the 2 of you against each other.

If I was in your situation what I would do is I would have a conference without buddy there. I would have the principal present. I would write down all of my negatives and POSITIVES that you have seen in her and your son since school started. I would ask her to use a different system with him and or other kids when it comes to the reports.

Once you, the teacher, and the principal have come to a uniform agreement then you need to have a quick meeting with the teacher and Buddy. Both of you inform him of his responsibilities and what the teacher is going to do to make sure he learns and is a success. Once he sees the united front and that he isn't gonna slip at school or home it helps him get on track.

This can be done with love and a little discipline. I understand he is 5 but this is when good and bad study habits begin.

Good luck

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A 5 year old should have certain expectations while at school, but the teacher should not be giving him sad faces to bring home. I am a true believer in personal accountability - which is not in favor in US education these days.

I think Brandy had the best suggestion. Meet with the teacher and soon, don't let this drag on. The teacher should not be labeling the poor kid the first week of school - those labels tend to stick! He probably just needs to understand what is expected and it may be hard for him, as a 5 year old, to listen and understand what he is supposed to do.

Slim~ I know some schools are trying to meet the numbers and they do just get rid of kids that can't meet the expectations. On the other hand in the classroom I think a lot of districts are dumbing down the curriculum just so kids can pass. It is a slippery slope we are sliding down. We need to push and engage the upper end students, yet make sure that the lower end students are getting an education. This is supposed to happen all in one classroom with all level students and at the high school level we may have 35 plus students needing our attention during a class period. My DH has 45 students scheduled for an Algebra class in a very small room. He is frustrated because he knows that students will get lost in the shuffle and those are the very kids that need more individual attention and will not get it.

It is also important that the kids have some responsibility in this too. The student is the one with the grade next to their name on the report card - the grade that they earned, not the grade they were given. We have teachers that don't give Ds and Fs, just to keep parents off their backs - how sad is that? So if the kid does not learn anything they still get a C and they are passed on - Parents happy, administrator happy, student happy. Hmmm.

Taps is right, we have created a generation of students "who want everything spoonfed to them, no critical thinking, whining, ignorant adults...(I work with some of them!!)". They are used to their parents fighting their battles and nobody has ever told them no! Sad! The kids would be better served to realize that not everyone gets an A, not everyone makes the team, etc.

SNT, the thing that makes your post so funny, is that it is true! DH and I were rollin', it is dead on!

I love kids, I love to teach. They are the reason I show up to work everyday! I try to make my classes interesting and fun - but hey, some subject material is kind of dry! I try to build a relationship with my students and those of you that see me on FB can attest to that - probably 98% of my friends are former students. It is my job to present the material, but it is the students job to actively engage and at least try to learn! I work with all level of students and I do make adjustments for those that need it. I am an ADHD kid, I get it! But I still have high expectations for them to meet - you don't just get a grade, you earn a grade.

Ok, off my soap box. I may have offended some of you and I apologize ahead of time.

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I wasn't offended by anything that you said krtork. Things are just so different now. I mean, my son is in 7th grade. Do you know that I had to teach him how to write in cursive? They don't teach that anymore here. It isn't important. Of course, then they write a note in cursive and expect him to read it...

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I wasn't offended by anything that you said krtork. Things are just so different now. I mean, my son is in 7th grade. Do you know that I had to teach him how to write in cursive? They don't teach that anymore here. It isn't important. Of course, then they write a note in cursive and expect him to read it...


Yikes! No teaching cursive? That was a second-grade thing. Scary. Here's our future...can't read, can't write like a grown-up...but hey, they can type with their thumbs... Sad stuff.

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