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PJTP: I've been growing a beard for the past 2 months. Pics to follow.

Why am I very afraid?

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Ebony-yay on the NSV! As far as your DH, I think that is just a man thing. Don't let that steal your joy. I think a lot of men don't have whatever it is that should stop them from saying things like that. I know my DH has been known for saying things like that. I try not to ask him. Instead, I ask DS. He hasn't learned his father's lack of tact.

Ebony, I know I'm chiming in a little late, but I 2nd this. Men have no tact, but you gotta roll with it. DH will tell me, "you're wearing THAT today?" I just say, "Nope" or "Yep" depending on how *I* feel about it. I only ask him when I'm really iffey about it.

Actually, the grandma comment would have probably had me rolling. :angry: But, I've been told my humor is off-center. lol

morning all~

*kc, i have 2 goats that i have no idea what to do w/them other than let them roam & eat the grass. my neighbor said he'd take them off my hands and i just might let him have them....he wanted to trade for some peacocks - but i just wanna deal w/the dogs i have at the moment & the old man horse.

I would love peacocks! They're so pretty - but if they're that noisey and messy, then NO WAY!!

*tpg - when is your surgery? soon correct?

Are you pyched, TPG??? (My only unsolicited advice: get anti-gas meds.)

*HAPPY BDAY KAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES, DITTO - Happy Birthday!!!!!

*watermelon mojito - too early to go get the ingredients and sit by the pool all day sipping??????????? i am serious:sneaky:

To sit by the pool....no! To come to work, yes - so that leaves me out.

*changed my avi - cause i've worked very hard over the last 2yrs & so there...:hurray:

DAMN RIGHT!!! If anyone says anything, please post it here so that we can know. Let her be very afraid if she lives in Houston!!!!

Heartfire-I will your DH and all of the firemen in my thoughts. I think your husband is awesome for being a fireman!

Same here, Heartfire! (Now I get your screen name!)

I used to be the property manager for a building that the annunciator (sp?) panel was faulty, but the owner wouldn't fix it. So, every now and then the alarm would trigger and the firemen would show up.

YUM, YUM.... Me likes A LOT men in a fireman's uniform!!!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes, was a good day! Would have been great if I hadn't had to work!!! DH come and took me to a great lunch at a really nice little place, and then sent me flowers at work, cuz he felt bad he was off and I was not!

Then tonight we went to dinner with the parents and kids, and grandkids----20 of us!!!

I am DAMN old! Lots of grandkids!!!

See y'all tomorrow, thanks again! Being remembered made me feel special!!

Holy Crap!!! I hope that as I get older the family will expand like that. DH's family is "normal" size, and mine is practically non-existent. When my grandparents were alive we'd all gather at their house for holidays, but when they passed, everyone just split and I haven't seen any of my cousins for about 15 years now. So, big families feel safe and warm to me. :wub:

I'm glad you had a good day, and got to spend it with those who matter the most (even if part of it was at work!).

So glad you had a great b'day! You're not old - you're broken in, like a good pair of jeans. :)

By the time I break in a good pair, they're fuzzy in the thigh area!!!! Dang it!

Why am I very afraid?

lemme think....

Because I never mentioned where the beard was?

Oh, yeah...THAT'S WHY!!!

Happy Tuesday, all!

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Ok - so I'm glad that I can occasionally share words of wisdom from my job - since apparently there are some basic life principles not taught in society today:

If your 70 something year old mother and grandmother has not moved an inch in over a week (literally laying in same position on couch) and really wont eat anything - then yes she does have to go to the hospital no matter what you think.

In addition the absolutely gross stench pouring off of her from the wounds that cover 2/3 of her body from laying in the same position for so long (bad enough to make very hardened nurses run out of the room) are an issue - (just for your general info) - and you probably should not just assume that she was bathing herself if:

1 - she smells that bad and

2- you've already stated she hasn't moved in over a week (even though you see her every day).

My next point - the maggots that are living beneath both her breasts, under her panus and in her vagina - are not normal inhabitants and it should be dealt with.

My final point - you and the other 15 members of her children and grandchildren deserve to be shot!

IF you come home one night and you find your husband passed out on the couch and he is still in the same position 24 hours later - this also should be looked into even if you think he has probably just taken too much morphine and ativan (btw - that's not normal either)

- Seriously saddened at the state of mankind this last night!

Have not slept but on my way to go volunteer for a charity golf tourney today - need some COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everybody have a great day!

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* grey hair - omg, what a PITA.....seems like they only hold color for 2wks then BAM, back w/a vengence.

* just got heartfires user name as well - hope your hubby is safe michelle

* plain & KC have nurse humor going on, have to re-read (too many mojitos i think)

* ebony, good thoughts on your interview today

* kristen, DH and i picked out some artwork last night; i'll take a pic when we get it back - again thanks for the link!

* pool gal has a few days till surgery - exciting time, i got banded around holiday time and it was scary to start eating around turkey/xmas day

* laundry fairy didn't show up yesterday; need to track him down and slap him a bit:

catch ya ltr!

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My next point - the maggots that are living beneath both her breasts, under her panus and in her vagina - are not normal inhabitants and it should be dealt with.!

i am SO glad my Breakfast had already been digested.

really?? that is beyond disturbing - SO grateful for the medical field that can / care for this stuff.

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Ebony-thinking of you today. Knock 'em dead!

Hi everyone! (I started to name names, but I knew I would forget a name and be in trouble!)

PJTP-I had a fight with some medicine this morning. The medicine won. I have been having some major acne issues. I went to the doctor. She gave me an antibiotic and some topical hardline face cream. Well, the directions on the antibiotic said to take on an empty stomach (I should have known much better than this). It was awful. I WON'T be doing that again. I finally was able to get some hot chocolate down about an hour ago. It took me almost 2 hours to get 20 oz down, but it went down. It seems to be staying down. I will do liquids the rest of the day.

Edited by *slim*
I really should proof read my posts. :)

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Poor Grandma!!!!

I'd cut those bastards outta the will! (Maybe leave them to the maggots.)

Forget cutting them out of the will, just cut the bastards!:)

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this a new thing slim?

Over the last few months. It seems to have gotten worse this month.

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PJTP...Hi Everybody! :sad:

Just came in from my lunchtime walk - my less dedicated co-workers think I'm nuts 'cause if it's dry, I go - no matter what the temperature! I just make sure to hydrate before and after, and heck, it's only half an hour! Wimps!

Ok - so I'm glad that I can occasionally share words of wisdom from my job - since apparently there are some basic life principles not taught in society today:

If your 70 something year old mother and grandmother has not moved an inch in over a week (literally laying in same position on couch) and really wont eat anything - then yes she does have to go to the hospital no matter what you think.

In addition the absolutely gross stench pouring off of her from the wounds that cover 2/3 of her body from laying in the same position for so long (bad enough to make very hardened nurses run out of the room) are an issue - (just for your general info) - and you probably should not just assume that she was bathing herself if:

1 - she smells that bad and

2- you've already stated she hasn't moved in over a week (even though you see her every day).

My next point - the maggots that are living beneath both her breasts, under her panus and in her vagina - are not normal inhabitants and it should be dealt with.

My final point - you and the other 15 members of her children and grandchildren deserve to be shot!

I got the Uzi and the clip is loaded...what a bunch of a**holes! If that had happened to MY grandma, I would be rip-roaring mad and she'd be out of that nasty place before they could ask whazzup?

What a bunch of idiots...and I only used that word because the ones I'm thinking would get this post pulled for language! :biggrin::cursing::thumbup::cursing::cursing:

IF you come home one night and you find your husband passed out on the couch and he is still in the same position 24 hours later - this also should be looked into even if you think he has probably just taken too much morphine and ativan (btw - that's not normal either)

- Seriously saddened at the state of mankind this last night!

Oy vey...what a bunch of "meat sacks"! They don't deserve to be called people...

Have not slept but on my way to go volunteer for a charity golf tourney today - need some COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everybody have a great day!

* grey hair - omg, what a PITA.....seems like they only hold color for 2wks then BAM, back w/a vengence.

I hear ya, girlfriend...dyed mine into submission last night finally - wanted to be cute for my interview this afternoon! Of course, it's hard to be professional and crisp when it's 90+ degrees outside, but I'm doing my best...

* just got heartfires user name as well - hope your hubby is safe michelle

What she said!

* ebony, good thoughts on your interview today

Thanks Lulu! :wub:

* laundry fairy didn't show up yesterday; need to track him down and slap him a bit:


catch ya ltr!

Poor Grandma!!!!

I'd cut those bastards outta the will! (Maybe leave them to the maggots.)

Absolutely - at a minimum!

Forget cutting them out of the will, just cut the bastards!:mad2:

Da*n skippy! Just a waste of skin and air...all of 'em!:mad2:

Just finished lunch - trying to listen more to my body and eat only until "full". Half a flatbread sandwich, about 5 grapes, and I'm done LOL

If I keep doing this, I'll get off my plateau really quickly...still working to be at or near my goal by Christmas. I think if I can get to 170 and hold it, I'll be in good shape for surgery and be able to end up somewhere closer to 160 or 155...

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Ok - so I'm glad that I can occasionally share words of wisdom from my job - since apparently there are some basic life principles not taught in society today:

If your 70 something year old mother and grandmother has not moved an inch in over a week (literally laying in same position on couch) and really wont eat anything - then yes she does have to go to the hospital no matter what you think.

In addition the absolutely gross stench pouring off of her from the wounds that cover 2/3 of her body from laying in the same position for so long (bad enough to make very hardened nurses run out of the room) are an issue - (just for your general info) - and you probably should not just assume that she was bathing herself if:

1 - she smells that bad and

2- you've already stated she hasn't moved in over a week (even though you see her every day).

My next point - the maggots that are living beneath both her breasts, under her panus and in her vagina - are not normal inhabitants and it should be dealt with.

My final point - you and the other 15 members of her children and grandchildren deserve to be shot!

IF you come home one night and you find your husband passed out on the couch and he is still in the same position 24 hours later - this also should be looked into even if you think he has probably just taken too much morphine and ativan (btw - that's not normal either)

- Seriously saddened at the state of mankind this last night!

Have not slept but on my way to go volunteer for a charity golf tourney today - need some COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everybody have a great day!

Holy crap! That is just beyond sad. Exactly WTH is wrong with some people??? Shooting those family members would be too pleasant for them. It'd be too quick and not nearly painful enough. Urgh. Sickos.

Lulu - my laundry fairy didn't show up either :sad:. I think those beotches are prolly together somewhere drinking mojitos.

Have a great day everyone!!


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ebony, sounds like things are going in the right direction for you work wise! I'll keep you in my prayers, you deserve it so much after all you have been going through recently with your current employment.

heartfire, I work for CalFire too. They tried sending me out on a fire last week but my boss denied them. :sad: Well, he found out what happens here when you prevent properly trained employees from doing the departments mission. However, now that I'm allowed to go they have nothing. Interesting! I'm still next on the list though.

kc, are you serious???? :cursing::eek::mad2: Um, my first thought would be my grandma died. I'm surprised she didn't. That is just sick. I can't even properly comment on that. :biggrin:

As for myself, well I'm just continuing my fight. I REFUSE TO just give up with my weight battles. I have been really sticking to my plan and have been bumping up my workout routines to when I first started. I have been re-energized by my equipment, shoes etc! I finally did 3 miles today in my Skechers. OMG, it was tough but I did it!

Tonight I have a date with Billy Blanks. It's our second one, but he really put an impression on me with our first. We'll see if he can give me that same ole feeling. :thumbup:

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Lulu - my laundry fairy didn't show up either :cursing:. I think those beotches are prolly together somewhere drinking mojitos.

Dang, is that why there are piles of clothes in my laundry room?:sad:

Have a great day everyone!!


I hope you have/had a great!

Tonight I have a date with Billy Blanks. It's our second one, but he really put an impression on me with our first. We'll see if he can give me that same ole feeling. :thumbup:

Hey Diva! I dated Billy once years ago. He was too much for me to handle.:biggrin:

KC-how was the golf tournament?

Ebony-How was the interview?

How is everyone doing this evening?

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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