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KRTORK - congrats on the run - that's awesome

SLIM - good luck on the projects

LULUC - the statement 'touching way of speaking to me' in regards to plain - just gives me the willies! But regardless as you know - whatever it takes to keep you here - I'm with it!

Been very busy today (not usually a good plan on a 24 hr+ day as I head back into work tonight) but I had cleaning and cooking to do.

Was cooking up a storm! One thing - my herbs have taken on a life of their own - I grow them in pots and yet I have basil and oregano 'weeds' coming up throughout my garden - had to make pesto.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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Hello all. It's pouring here so no pool today. Hope you all are having good weekends. I need to grocery shop but with the rain....maybe tomorrow.

Lulu, glad you're back and sorry to hear about the doggy. That is so hard to deal with :).

KC, pesto is good stuff. The watermelon mojitos also sounded very, very good :). Recipe, please?

Ebony, slim, anyone else doing house stuff: You have my admiration. There was a time I enjoyed doing all that housey stuff. Not any more! If I can't hire someone to do it, it just doesn't get done. Too much back pain for sanding and painting.

PJTP: And the ballgame is rain-delayed :sad:. Again.



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Hi again, everyone. Sorry I was MIA over the weekend. I had the grandkids with me and we were busy! Unfortunately, that included being busy making chocolate crackles and caramel/nut/popcorn, so I didn't hit my goal this morning and have a major weigh-in with my trainer tonight :) Oh well... it was FUN making them!!

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I was just looking at the pics on your blog. Can I come live with you?? I have always wanted to see Australia. My nephew and his wife had their honeymoon there and they have some wonderful memories and great pictures. Your pics made me want to call the travel agency.

I liked your blog but noticed that you spell colours wrong. Guess you learned that from Liz, huh? :sad: She should keep a dictionary in her ugly purse :).

Your weekend treats sound yummy. chocolate is a good thing!!! And popcorn, and candy, and cake...sorry, I'm getting ready for my pre-op diet and am a bit obsessed with food right now :). Must be my dinnertime or something.



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Watermelon Mojitos:

chunked up a seedless watermelon and pureed it down with a bunch of fresh mint and let it sit for a little while - then strained it off using a very fine strainer. If you don't have a fine strainer - put a couple paper towels over a regular strainer.

I fill a tall glass with ice and then squeeze the juice of 1/2 a lime per glass. add simple Syrup, agave nectar or artificial sweetener as per taste. Pour in a good measure of rum and fill the rest of the glass with the watermelon juice.

If you are not into drinks as strong - add a little lemon lime soda.

I put a spring of mint in and decorate the glasses with a slice of lime and watermelon


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Krtork-How/when did you start running? It seems that so many (Luluc, Mac, Ebony,etc) run for exercise. How far along into your weight loss did you start? How did you start? I tried doing the couch to 5k, but I didn't do well.

Next question-to all of you do-it-yourselfers, what is the best way to remove paint from around baseboards and doors?

Slim~ I started running about 2.5 months out from surgery and I have not looked back. I wanted to wait until I was closer to 200 lbs, but decided I just needed to get it going. I did the Couch to 5K program and loved it. It brings you along slowly so I did not have any problems/pain. I did my first 5K in Dec and try to do one at least every other month, just to help with the motivation:smile2: Here is the link to coolrunnings: Cool Running :: The Couch-to-5K Running Plan

Ebony has also just started the program, so she would also be a good resource! She also just did a great job answering your question about removing paint!

hey all ~

well cause plain has such a touching way of speaking to me - i really didn't plan to leave ; just needed to handle stuff.

had to put my husbands dog (yes his, not mine) down on friday morning, and i likely was a bit over sensitive last wk.

i'd like to thank my FB/PJTP friends for your lovely words & ktork i plan on surfing that sight this evening w/DH to pick out some art work.

i NEED this site cause i'm a fat ass who loves food - i don't have a support system much outside this place because DH and i chose to keep our banding very private.

off for some much needed ritas' .... :sad:

Well, fatass to fatass, glad you are back! Sounds like you are feeling better. Glad I could recommend the site - her artwork is absolutely lovely!

KRTORK - congrats on the run - that's awesome

Been very busy today (not usually a good plan on a 24 hr+ day as I head back into work tonight) but I had cleaning and cooking to do.

Was cooking up a storm! One thing - my herbs have taken on a life of their own - I grow them in pots and yet I have basil and oregano 'weeds' coming up throughout my garden - had to make pesto.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Nothing like a good run in a beautiful place to start the day!

You need to slow down! Damn girl, you have way to much energy!!! :tt2:You can send some of those herbs this way! I did not get anything planted this "spring". I have one Tomato that actually grew and I have one pot of basil that I got from Trader Joe's and never got it in the ground. How pathetic is that???

Hello all. It's pouring here so no pool today. Hope you all are having good weekends. I need to grocery shop but with the rain....maybe tomorrow.


Sorry about the rain! Hope you have a good day even though you can't get your swim in!

Hi again, everyone. Sorry I was MIA over the weekend. I had the grandkids with me and we were busy! Unfortunately, that included being busy making chocolate crackles and caramel/nut/popcorn, so I didn't hit my goal this morning and have a major weigh-in with my trainer tonight :thumbup: Oh well... it was FUN making them!!

Sounds like you had a lovely weekend with the grandkids and made some yummy treats!

Your weekend treats sound yummy. Chocolate is a good thing!!! And popcorn, and candy, and cake...sorry, I'm getting ready for my pre-op diet and am a bit obsessed with food right now :). Must be my dinnertime or something.



You will find yourself obsessed until surgery. I wanted to eat everything "one last time" before surgery. :) Didn't happen, but I kept thinking about all the things I just had to have!

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Just checking in, and letting you know, my modum is screwy, I have been without internet all day, then looked over here, and it was lit up again, and Voila! How long? Who knows!!!

Lu, hugs over the dog, whoever he "belonged" to he was in your heart too.....sorry.

I better get busy, I have to find something to wear to work tomorrow, and I seriously DO NOT want to go. You have no idea, I mean SERIOUSLY don't wanna!

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Kat - I picture your face all srewed up , pouting, turning red and stomping your feet as you say "I don't wanna!"

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Hey everyone, whats up?

Kat, I have plenty of clothes to wear tomorrow, but I seriously do not want to go either. I had a nice, relaxing weekend and would like to have a few more days of it.

I have been busy trying to help with getting the other site going, and although I check in every day here, I have been bad about checking in on my favorite thread. I am up to date on Lulu, but what happened to Taps?

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Kat - I picture your face all srewed up , pouting, turning red and stomping your feet as you say "I don't wanna!"

You're almost right, but don't forget that I am a BIG girl, so I can say bad words while I pout!!!

And Susan, I HAVE plenty of clothes, just don't wanna wear them, prefer my home clothes....cuz I would prefer to be HOME!!!

I should NOT have to work tomorrow, and that is my final decision!!! For what it's worth!!!

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Lulu - thought of you tonight. Was reading in our local monthly KC food newpaper - there was an ad for a local organic sheep farm and they're offering cheese-making courses this fall - thought I remember you saying you had goats.

Think you need to work on this - (in all your spare time of course!) :)

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KC, thanks for the mojito recipe. Sounds yummy. And sounds clear-liquidy for my clears phase. Right? :)

Lulu, like the new avatar and glad you're back. :)

As for my upcoming surgery, I'm not really too freaked out or focused on food. I've decided to do a 5 day pre-op instead of my doc's 3 day. I'm worried about my liver. My problem now is that I'm in charge of most of the food for my dad's 80th party. I get to do all the sides, fruit for the choc fountain, breads, and a dip. My sis-in-law is doing...uh, she ordered a cake and bought paper products :sad:. My bro is doing the grilling. It'll be at their house which means I don't have to clean mine, but I think I got a raw deal. They do NOT know about the surgery and I have no plans to share. So, not eating will be tricky. I'll just stay busy "checking" on things and waiting on people. I'm sure it'll be fine. Unless I develop "lack of choc syndrome" and attack that fountain like a lion on a carcass. Hey, don't judge me! I'll eat plenty of fruit with it :thumbup:.

To those of you going back to work tomorrow...sorry. It is nice to work at home. I have to get myself going on that soon too. I play all summer and then kill myself making jewelry and handbags for all my fall shows. I work best under pressure but I'd really rather just hang out in the pool until we get our first snow.

Hope you all had a good weekend. Have a great Monday!



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PJTP...Hi Everyone!

Lulu - I second everyone's compliments on the new avatar, and I too am glad you're back. So sorry about losing one of the family pets - they are so special to us. Hugs to you and your DH. :sad:

I hear all y'all that don't want to go to work...I have that feeling a couple of days a week, but not today, 'cause I have an interview this afternoon. Please send good joo-joo, mojo, and whatever else ya got this way...interview today and tomorrow with the same department - hoping to be their newest staff person very soon! :thumbup:

Krtork - thanks for the compliment regarding the Couch-2-5k and the house work - I'm enjoying the running and the house is a definate labor of love...

TPG - sounds like you have a good plan to prep for your upcoming surgery. I wish you all good luck and an easy recovery.

NSV - Since I have an interview today, I bought another "suit". It is a size 16W, has a "portrait" style collar (kinda wide open) and a straight skirt. Put on the suit this morning and while the jacket fits okay, the skirt is too big! I was able to pull it off my hips without unzipping it. :) I'll probably return it, since I didn't really "wear" it, but I think this means no more internet shopping for a while - I'll have to go TO the store and try stuff on...I thought I knew what size I was, but not so much...:w00t: It's a great problem to have!

Not so happy moment - showed DH the suit after I put it on and asked his opinion...the numnutz said "It depends...do you want to look like your Grandma, or your Great-Grandma?" :sad: I just wanted to kill him...I was so hurt...WHY do some guys NOT understand that words can hurt? I called him on it - told him he should have chosen different words to get his point / opinion / screwed up point of view across. His defense? "That's why guys don't like answering that question"...WTF? :laugh::):angry:

There are a MILLION AND ONE ways to answer that freakin' question without hurting your wife's feelings. If any of you have taken the 5 Love Languages quiz on FB, I'm a "Words of Affirmation" person. Negative comments hurt me worse than if you physically hit me. A physical punch I can return, I tend to 'freeze' when negative words are thrown at me - hence some of my difficulty at work lately.

He couldn't seem to understand just how badly his offhand comment hurt. Tried to defend himself by saying he said that to get his "message" across so I wouldn't wear the suit. :laugh:

I think there are SO MANY BETTER WAYS to say what he did without hurting ME in the process...I'm still hurt and mad, and when I'm like that, I tend to stay that way for a while. Thank goodness I'm at work and don't have to LOOK at him for a few hours...I'll calm down in a short while, but the hurt won't go away so soon...

Nearly spoiled my NSV...but I'm not gonna let it. I'm going to exchange the skirt for a 14W (Yay me!) and hang onto the jacket for a bit longer to see how it looks with a better-fitting skirt. And if I like the jacket and skirt together, to HE** with what HE says!

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Ebony-yay on the NSV! As far as your DH, I think that is just a man thing. Don't let that steal your joy. I think a lot of men don't have whatever it is that should stop them from saying things like that. I know my DH has been known for saying things like that. I try not to ask him. Instead, I ask DS. He hasn't learned his father's lack of tact.

Edited by *slim*
stupid spelling

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morning all~

*kc, i have 2 goats that i have no idea what to do w/them other than let them roam & eat the grass. my neighbor said he'd take them off my hands and i just might let him have them....he wanted to trade for some peacocks - but i just wanna deal w/the dogs i have at the moment & the old man horse.

*tpg - when is your surgery? soon correct?

*HAPPY BDAY KAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*ebony, i like your devotional posts & the NSV is awesome !!!

*watermelon mojito - too early to go get the ingredients and sit by the pool all day sipping??????????? i am serious:sneaky:

*changed my avi - cause i've worked very hard over the last 2yrs & so there...:)

*happy monday - off to get watermelon:ohmy:

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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