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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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~ Got some much needed ME time today. Was gone for 4 hours! :( And enjoyed every minute of it!

Yay for you!

~ Okay, that's just SAD. That also means that she doesn't clean. Help or no help, clean your nasty self! I don't care how big you are, wash anyway!!! Even at my mom's heaviest (she's a bypasser) she was meticulous about cleaning EVERYTHING, daily and making sure to dry thoroughly to make sure she didn't have any skin issues.

Most of my family is big, but you would never see them out unclean.

PJTP: Had a nice 4 hours by myself today. Left the house and ran a couple of errands. Then went to the nursery and bought some more herbs for a soon to be empty pot in the garden. Wandered up to the lake and went thru a couple of shops. bought a jar candle called Cinnamon Sticks! Yummm! Then wandered down to the bakery and sat with my Water and a good book. When lunch came, took my time eating while reading and enjoying the breeze. So nice!!

Now if I can just get a solid night of sleep, I'll be golden! I'm about to spike DD's water to get her to sleep thru the frickin' night! Haven't had a decent night in well over a week!

I told DH the other day that I just wanted to go rent a hotel room for the night so I can sleep! LOL!

Okay, out of water. Need to go refill. BBL.

I can relate. It can get hard when they are little. You are a great mommy!

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Lu, did something specific happen? :(

yeah - i was SO reluctant to post any pic & when i did here on this thread in my wkout clothes, i got a few nasty notes......that i really was never overweight.

pissed me off cause i really work hard (gym wise at least). so i blocked the skanks & removed personal shit -

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The whole online stalker thing is scary. When I was doing another WL program, I chatted with a lot of the people on that site. Then I started talking to one guy in particular. He would PM all the time :(. I talked to him on the phone - big mistake. He still calls on occasion. It's been more than 3 yrs since I did that program. Move on, dude!

I don't post personal info. I'm not happy that my Bandster profile lists my city. I don't want that on there and can't figure out how to remove it. I was lucky with my diet buddy guy. He is harmless. He just wanted to meet me in person. Eeeek. It never went further than talking but it was too much for me. I was soooooo not interested in him. He always wanted to know if I'd spoil him. Uh, no. It was sort of creepy. And spoil him? Eww.

So, anywho, I agree with you Lulu. Too many freaks with too much free time. Present company excluded of course! :(



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I'm sorry to hear that. I thought maybe something recent happened with the switch to no avi (your choice, not saying anything about it).

And if it makes you feel better, you were plenty fat enough. Wait... :(


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And if it makes you feel better, you were plenty fat enough. Wait... :wub:


no shit!

can't hide behind a bmi of 36 & i couldn't :( anyway over / done with - just the creeps come out and it's strange you share (at least here in this thread) and don't expect the lurkers to read then hit ya up w/weird crap.....

dh has "issues" w/social sites & me sharing here too much - but i'm a chatty kathy doll.......string always pulled.:thumbup:

wonder if sexylips was reported to the mods????

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dh has "issues" w/social sites & me sharing here too much - but i'm a chatty kathy doll.......string always pulled.:(

You'n me both. Mom said I started talking by 9 months and never quit. :(

wonder if sexylips was reported to the mods????

Dunno... would they do anything about her? What is not good for her is copyright infringement where those photos are concerned, especially since that Erika gal is a professional.

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i can't have a large purse - I'd just fill it and wouldn't be able to find anything.

Did you all hear about the 500 lb texas inmate who attempted to smuggle a gun into prison by hiding it in the 'rolls' - LOL!

KC~ I can't find anything in my purse! The bottomless pit, but if I dump it out I could probably live for a week (or more).

That is crazy! Who would even want to check between the fat rolls - EWWW!

I didn't hear about that, but I used to work at a doctor's office. There was a 500 pound lady that came in because of pain under one of her skin folds. They found part of a sandwich covered in mold!:ohmy: It had apparently gotten stuck in there at some point, and she didn't notice it.:eek:

So gross!

People are a little crazy. This could add some real fun to the curious thread!

~ LOL! Sorry! I didn't even catch that. I started to say good god but hate using the Lord's name as an expletive so changed it to goodness gracious. Rat's ass is my favorite expletive right now but with a mina bird toddler in the house, don't dare say that one out loud! Another fav is "bloody hell" but alas as with the above, doesn't dare pass my lips for little ears to hear and repeat! DH would know immediately where it had to have come from! And with my luck, she'd say it in church, standing next to Pastor with his mic on! Yep, would never live that one down!

PJTP: Had a nice 4 hours by myself today. Left the house and ran a couple of errands. Then went to the nursery and bought some more herbs for a soon to be empty pot in the garden. Wandered up to the lake and went thru a couple of shops. bought a jar candle called Cinnamon Sticks! Yummm! Then wandered down to the bakery and sat with my Water and a good book. When lunch came, took my time eating while reading and enjoying the breeze. So nice!!

Now if I can just get a solid night of sleep, I'll be golden! I'm about to spike DD's water to get her to sleep thru the frickin' night! Haven't had a decent night in well over a week!

I told DH the other day that I just wanted to go rent a hotel room for the night so I can sleep! LOL!

Okay, out of water. Need to go refill. BBL.

My little darlings have quite the vocabulary - I try to hold back as much as possible, but sometimes I just let it rip! Needless to say, they both have pretty clean language, even when I check their social sites and such - I am pretty impressed.

Hope you get some sleep soon! That is just exhausting when you cannot sleep and have full days and little ones to care for!

Your afternoon sounds lovely! Glad to see you did get some down time. Mom's need that!

have NO idea why someone would do that ??? this place really gets stranger by the day.

heartfire - your afternoon sounds WONDERFUL!!!

i have a wks worth of "my tivo" lined up - bunch of magazined, new cook book, LOTS of wine on tap this wk.

would have thrown a parade for DH when his car svc picked him up - but knew that would hurt his feelings:)

Lu~ Have to agree, this place does have some pretty weird people! Don't know why you would post someone elses picture - that is flat out strange.

Enjoy your down time! I love when everybody is gone at my house - so quiet and nice. I can do what I want, when I want! Doesn't happen often, but when it does!:thumbup: When DH leaves he always feels bad about leaving me alone, and I'm kickin' his ass at the door! Love him, but I occasionally love to be alone too!

yeah - i was SO reluctant to post any pic & when i did here on this thread in my wkout clothes, i got a few nasty notes......that i really was never overweight.

pissed me off cause i really work hard (gym wise at least). so i blocked the skanks & removed personal shit -

People are stupid! Why would they attack you - everyone should be glad to see that others have had success and met their goals or are on their way to meet their goals.

The whole online stalker thing is scary. When I was doing another WL program, I chatted with a lot of the people on that site. Then I started talking to one guy in particular. He would PM all the time :w00t:. I talked to him on the phone - big mistake. He still calls on occasion. It's been more than 3 yrs since I did that program. Move on, dude!

I don't post personal info. I'm not happy that my Bandster profile lists my city. I don't want that on there and can't figure out how to remove it. I was lucky with my diet buddy guy. He is harmless. He just wanted to meet me in person. Eeeek. It never went further than talking but it was too much for me. I was soooooo not interested in him. He always wanted to know if I'd spoil him. Uh, no. It was sort of creepy. And spoil him? Eww.

So, anywho, I agree with you Lulu. Too many freaks with too much free time. Present company excluded of course! :eek:



EWWW that is really creepy! I guess I am too trusting of people. My DH always says that. I want to assume the best and that does get me in trouble.

I'm sorry to hear that. I thought maybe something recent happened with the switch to no avi (your choice, not saying anything about it).

And if it makes you feel better, you were plenty fat enough. Wait... :thumbup:



no shit!

can't hide behind a bmi of 36 & i couldn't :( anyway over / done with - just the creeps come out and it's strange you share (at least here in this thread) and don't expect the lurkers to read then hit ya up w/weird crap.....

dh has "issues" w/social sites & me sharing here too much - but i'm a chatty kathy doll.......string always pulled.:wub:

wonder if sexylips was reported to the mods????

I am always a chatty kathy! Ask and I will tell - my surgeon's office has asked if I will talk to potential patients who have questions, I always say yes and probably scare them by answering their questions so honestly!

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I can help with whatever questions you have. I am actually the chair for our hospital's sepsis committee. I am at your disposal.

Cool! I managed a lot of vent pts that went into ARDS due to sepsis and helped write my hospital's Protocol on ARDS ventilation (included the infamous "Prone Ventilation). However, I haven't so much as browsed any new info for about 8 years......

PJTP: So I've been following a dog rescue site that does giant breeds. We want a Newfoundland someday. I was on there yesterday and they have THE cutest newfie puppy! Called Cinnamon and it's color is just that! SO CUTE! Hopefully he finds a good home soon.

Love the newf. Obey the newf.

Yeah, but "those people" aren't allowed here in the cool people thread, those of us who know better.. Unless, of course, Plain got drunk and loose-lipped with the secred knock and handshake again... :(

The knock is still "Shave and a haircut.....two bits" right?

:thumbup: Plain needs to keep his loose lips CLOSED!!!! :wub:

This might solve a lot of the country's problems - I hear what comes out of his mouth is quite infectious

You kidding? I'm an expert on everything! Just ask my mom.

Ye gods and little fishes, what the HELL am I going to wear??? :thumbup:

Very little, I hope *waggles eyebrows up and down*

I didn't hear about that, but I used to work at a doctor's office. There was a 500 pound lady that came in because of pain under one of her skin folds. They found part of a sandwich covered in mold!:eek: It had apparently gotten stuck in there at some point, and she didn't notice it.:(

When I first graduated respiratory school, My first "real hospital" job was at a very small (about 30 beds) hospital, and I had to do EKGs in the ER. Long story short, I have seen many, many things stuck under folds and boobs.

i will say there is a BIG reason i took my personal info/pic down off this site last wk & that's because this place has quite a few sickos.

Look, just because I pleasure myself while dressed like you doesn't make me a sicko. Good day to you Ma'am!

The whole online stalker thing is scary. When I was doing another WL program, I chatted with a lot of the people on that site. Then I started talking to one guy in particular. He would PM all the time :eek:. I talked to him on the phone - big mistake. He still calls on occasion. It's been more than 3 yrs since I did that program. Move on, dude!

YOU were the one that led me on, tease!

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Guess I've always been a little too trusting - you are all slightly freaking me out with the whole picture/no picture - freaky sickos here (like Plain).

Wondered too if the girl had been reported - I agree with Ktork -could be fun fodder for the curious thread (you missed out Lulu on bored posting last friday night (and some general drunkness for others - get bored - check it out. I actually thought you were referring to us when mentioning the 'sickos'!)

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Did you spank her?!

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heartfire - your afternoon sounds WONDERFUL!!!

i have a wks worth of "my tivo" lined up - bunch of magazined, new cook book, LOTS of wine on tap this wk.

would have thrown a parade for DH when his car svc picked him up - but knew that would hurt his feelings:)

~ It WAS wonderful! And your week sounds wonderful too! Yep, a parade might have been slightly over the top! LOL!

I can relate. It can get hard when they are little. You are a great mommy!

~ Awww, thanks! I try REALLY hard! Some days I have to try harder than other days! LOL!

yeah - i was SO reluctant to post any pic & when i did here on this thread in my wkout clothes, i got a few nasty notes......that i really was never overweight.

pissed me off cause i really work hard (gym wise at least). so i blocked the skanks & removed personal shit -

~ That is so much BULLSHIT! I can't believe people do that crap! So we have fatties that are against other fatties because they're not FAT ENOUGH?! Yeah, okay, that makes a lot of sense. Kinda like a dark skinned black person being all over a light skinned black person b/c the lighter skin isn't DARK enough! WTH!

I'm not happy that my Bandster profile lists my city. I don't want that on there and can't figure out how to remove it.

~ That's why I didn't do a profile. They wanted too much info.

it's strange you share (at least here in this thread) and don't expect the lurkers to read then hit ya up w/weird crap.....

~ Yeah, I forget that this isn't a private chat room just for us sometimes. I try to be careful and generalize more about where I'm at but it wouldn't be too hard to figure it out.

And I talk WAY too much too!

My little darlings have quite the vocabulary - I try to hold back as much as possible, but sometimes I just let it rip! Needless to say, they both have pretty clean language, even when I check their social sites and such - I am pretty impressed.

~ Yep, I have a truckers mouth. Comes from hanging with the guys in HS. I do have some colorful expletives!

Hope you get some sleep soon! That is just exhausting when you cannot sleep and have full days and little ones to care for!

~ I'm sure hoping soon. I may actually go down soon after DD tonight. She goes down at 8. I'm thinking by 9 at the latest would be good! I sure wish she still took naps! I'd be taking them too!

Your afternoon sounds lovely! Glad to see you did get some down time. Mom's need that!

~ That's what my mom keeps telling me. It's hard tho. When DH is at work, I'm pretty much a single mom. If I need someone to watch DD when he's gone, I have to hire a sitter. We don't have family too close by so I can't just drop her off or easily get help with anything.

Then when DH is home, there's things he needs/wants to do or we've got stuff going and then it's back to work for him. So it's tough sometimes. Harder when I'm so flippin' tired.

Enjoy your down time! I love when everybody is gone at my house - so quiet and nice. I can do what I want, when I want! Doesn't happen often, but when it does!:( When DH leaves he always feels bad about leaving me alone, and I'm kickin' his ass at the door! Love him, but I occasionally love to be alone too!

~ LOL! The first time I was here by myself, I just sat. For the longest time. I didn't have tv or radio on, did nothing, just sat. It was kinda funny. That hasn't happened in a long time either! Might need to orchestrate that one.

Love the newf. Obey the newf.

~ LOL! It's funny b/c I always think of you and your newfie when I'm on the rescue website. I so want to love on your newfie! I'm so envious!! :(

She was. She got sent to the principal's office.

~ Oopps! Didn't read the rules did she?!

PJTP: Got my new herbs planted this afternoon. Winter Savory, Oregano, Basil, Parsley. I still need to get some Thyme and maybe a few other ones. Maybe a mint or 2. We'll see. Will have to wait for next spring for those tho. We'll also have to see what makes it thru the winter. Have no idea!

Okay, less than 10 minutes til DD heads to bed then me soon after. Have a great night all! See ya on the 'morrow!

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You all have me really nervous now!

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You all have me really nervous now!

Why??? What have you done?:blink:

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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