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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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Taking a moment to be serious here (even though just typing that makes me snicker) I have a great nephew who is 5, and he is being raised by morons, and yes the mother is my niece. He is constantly telling my other great nephews he is going to kill them. He spends hour upon hour in front of the TV playing violent video games with his Dad. Who is a little bitty guy, and has an attitude 10X his size. He takes all the karate and Judo classes, and is apparantly quite good, tho will never be as good as he claims to be. Has my nephew in them already as well.

IMHO these are the kids who are growing up shooting one another. The lives they lived growing up have no nurturing, whether it be gang related, or simple neglect while parents play violent games, and they get it in their heads they can drive and crash and just hit restart in their lives, and shooting someone is so ingrained and natural to them, it is no longer a big deal.

Most of us growing up when you played army or cops and robbers, even if you used toy guns had to yell "You're Dead" and argue for 15 minutes over whether the other one had to die or not. The games these days have real looking people, and real reactions to the abuses delivered....hearts pump blood and brains ooze out....and they learn to have no problem pulling a trigger pointed at someone.

I know it is not all video games, but my great nephew has not ever figured out the real/not real things---there is not a line to him. My grandkids watch SpongeBob, and see him get fried on the grill, and at 3 & 4 know it is not REAL. #1 they do not see sponges walking around, and #2 it is done in cartoon form. My great nephew is allowed to play the games where the characters look like people on TV---he has no concept of reality like that.

My SIL has been to SS for him, all kinds of things, but he is well, and clean, and fed, so they let it be. On a kind of funny note in regards to him....

He told my BIL, that he got in trouble at school and could not say the B word anymore. He repeatedly mentioned he got in trouble over the B word. Finally after several mentions my BIL asks him "what is the B word--- Brandon???" Joking about his name being a B word----and Brandon tells him in a stage whisper "M****r F****r is the B word, don't you know that???"

Kat I understand. I am forever on to my DD's about what the grandkids play and watch. But to no avail. My grandsons especially. they play violent video games that just scares the heck out of me about what they are thinking while playing them. it is scary when you hear little ones talk like that. They are desensitized about death.

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They are desensitized about death.

It is really scary how much kids are able to see on TV that we would never have seen as children. I thought I was all big girl because I watched Blue Lagoon! Can you imagine what a kid would think of that movie now? That is so PG (not the person PG) compared to what they show on TV?!?!?!

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In T-20 minutes I will have been up for 30 hours - 3rd time this week - that has got to take some years off my life.

But my parents are here safe and excited about the walk tomorrow.

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KC~ Glad that your parents made it into town safely and you will be able to walk with your mom tomorrow!

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I don't know what is up - but thank goodness for sugar free popsicles! This summer - I can't keep them out of my mouth - it's like some sort of evil oral fixation.
Beth - oh yeah! Edy's no sugar added fruit pops - mine are 25 cals - tangerine, strawberry and rasberry. Heaven for my mouth!

These were really making me laugh. Hmm guess we know what's going on in your head!!!

Beth, are we now taking them 2 at a time????? :w00t:

ROFLMAO!!!!!!! bow chicka bow bow - does that count as a "don't ask, don't tell" topic?

My mom's birthday party was schedule for the day before I was to start my pre-op diet. They called the Monday before and moved my surgery date up!:lol: I ended up missing my "last supper". It worked out for the best because it gave me less time to stress over it. I stopped drinking soda the day I went to the seminar (almost 3 months before surgery). I can't look at a Dr. Pepper without drooling.:frown: On my bandiversary, I plan to drink at least 1 soda just to have the taste.

The first time I tried a diet coke after having been off of them for a long time was gross which was very odd as I had been a DC addict since college. Never could do root beer, Dr Pepper, or Mr. Pibb. Major yuk to me.

Just thought I would mention that he obviously likes you now. Just saying...:unsure:

LOVED this comment; very sweet of you, Slim. (btw, so I'm the only SNT now, huh?)

lesson#1 - if you have come in because you have multiple gun shot wounds throughout your body (and it's not your first trip for that reason) and you have multiple tattoos everywhere - do NOT cry to me when I give you a tetanus shot.

You shoulda said, "oh suck it up, ya baby!!!"

lesson#2 - if you are a Dr and a RN politely informs you that you have ordered a wrong (very wrong) dose of a critical medication - the correct response is thank you - not 'I don't have time for this trivial crap'!

My mom was a med tech. She has always talked about how the docs went through the same training that the med techs did before med school. "The first class they took after had to have been 'I am God' b/c none of the med techs act like that!!!" Too long of a story but I told off a doctor for the first time this year. It was my LB's new "associate surgeon". After the "incident", I typed up an email to my surgeon stating in no uncertain terms that I would not be seeing that woman again. *snaps* Companies, doctors, et al need to realize that they have jobs b/c of us. Just sayin' (fricka fracken AT&T U-verse....)

"Our visiting hours have ended for the night and this does apply to everyone including the 3 of you - you are welcome to come back when we re-open at 0800. You may choose to leave now or I will be happy to have security assist you. Please make sure to leave your weapons at home when you return tomorrow because I would hate for you to shoot yourself when you sit down - but if you show up here again with them - the police will come escort you to their house and you will not be allowed back in the hospital ever. You all have a good night now."

Needless to say there were a few expletives shouted in return as they reluctantly went down the hall.

All these years, I thought I had a pair but I bow to you, KC, b/c clearly yours are made of titanium!!! Damnnnnnn girl!!!


my brothers fiance' makes pitchers of these:

margaritas mixed w/sangria - lots of fruit (oranges/limes/apples)

sounds yummmmmm

I love her and In Plain Sight w/Mary McCormack. I think I'm attracted to tough broads...don't tell DH.

Love IPS! Do you watch "Saving Grace" or "The Closer"? Also strong women! Love the shows tho Kyra Sedgwick's southern accent is awful.

Glou - DH might like that you like strong women!!! :sleep:

I hate my job. I hate my boss. I hate my company. I hate pretty much everyone I work with. That is all.

Well, Mac, how do you really feel???

Kat - Congrats on the grandson! Garrick is blessed to have such a loving family.

I agree! Saw his pic on FB; so precious!!

Perhaps I am slipping into a depression - Seasonal Affective Disorder (and yes it is a real condition) usually associated with the long winter months of limited sunshine, but hells bells, it's effin raining again!!!!! Promising thunderstorms this afternoon, this evening, tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday. It is very difficult to become motivated or interested in doing anything ...

We went through a very long wet spell in the spring. We had been in a horrible drought for years and years so it was "wrong" to bitch about the rain but it definitely affects my mood as well (not to mention the traffic)! If the sun even looked like it was coming out, I would say, "what is that ball of fire in the sky!?!" :blink:

Whew, I'm caught up now. I cannot believe I've read most of >1000 pages on a LBT thread. OMG I need a life... (no comments from the peanut gallery....L, P, or G)

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very sweet of you, Slim. (btw, so I'm the only SNT now, huh?)

Hi SNT! Yep, if you see SNT now, it has to be about you! How are you stranger? You do realize that you are missed when you don't show up for what feels like forever?

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Hey y'all!

Looks like you've been busy! Thread hit a couple of milestones! WhooHoo!

*Ebony, I pray that next week is better and you get a call about a new job!

*Tap, I'm sorry you're in a funk. I think it's contagious. :lol:

*Mac, sorry about the job.

*KC, glad the folks made it! Best wishes on your walk tomorrow.

*g4e, don't feel sorry about your emotions. I totally get where you're coming from. I have a sister. :blink:

*Kat, congrats on the new baby and what a great name!

*Beth, so sorry about your Dad. I agree with the others, make sure you follow all avenues of diagnoses.

What about the last weekend of June? Or the 1st weekend of July? When does the semester end for you?

*Plain, sorry about the extra time off. I guess if it keeps you at least working some, it's okay but still...

*I know I'm missing people/stuff and I'm sorry.

PJTP: Kind of "off" this week. Don't know what's up. Tired I guess. I need some "me" time and that's not going to happen anytime soon. Oh well. Story of my life.

'Night all!

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Leaving in about 20 min o the walk.

SNT - Love in plain sight, closer and saving grace - dvr'd !

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good luck on your race today KC!!!!

a lot to catch up w/- mega coffee needed. i'm not one to stay up late & did so the last 2 nights w/DH.......cause it doesn't matter what time it is in the AM - i'm up early.

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PJTP...Hey Everybody!:blink:

Busy weekend at Ebony's house...finished drywall patching and taping in the master bedroom and closet, sanded previous patching, did a second round of patching, and now going to sand one last time before priming today. Hopefully I'll be able to paint next weekend while DH is out of town for a pilot's conference...

Next home improvement job will be finishing the master bathroom. Also on the list is a remodel/redecorate for the first floor bathroom, new windows in the dining room, painting in the kitchen (just got a new-to-me fridge - yaay!) and painting the front and back parlors. The front parlor also needs a new mantel, but that may be a while. And if I can find any MORE spare time, the front parlor needs some attention, the pantry needs painting, and there is much to be done outside (landscaping, etc). Maybe some of it will have to wait until spring...:w00t:

Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you...

Beth, I loved this - just wonderful...think I'll print it out and read it every day...

Hey y'all!

He is here!!! He actually arrived this morning at 7:54. He is PERFECT!!! He weighed in at 6 pounds even, and is 18 1/4 inches long. Brown hair, and as content as can be! I spent hours holding him today, and amazing at how little and perfect he is.

Congrats, Kat! He sounds adorable, and I love the way the created his name...my DD's first name is Ariana - it's a combination of my DH's first name (Aaron) and my nickname (Diana). My best friend Patrice came up with it...we love it!

I hate my job. I hate my boss. I hate my company. I hate pretty much everyone I work with.

That is all.

I can so relate - I hope you find something to get you out of there soon, Mac...

Off to start my home improvement projects - it's been cool and dry here the last few days, and that has definately helped my energy level.

DD made a multiple-course meal for us yesterday :frown:- her "final exam" from culinary class as requested by DH. chicken croquettes (sliders - they went down really EASY), a cold strawberry Soup (made with pureed strawberries and strawberry ice cream - yum!), caesar salad, and spaghetti carbonara, with a apple-pear crumb dessert. Nothing was low-fat or low-cal, and I loved every bite I took...took an extra long walk yesterday and this morning to help make up for it... :lol: :sleep:

Have a wonderful afternoon, everyone!:unsure:

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Very slow posting today. Apparently, I am the only PJTPer with no life (no big surprise there).

Ebony-when you get done fixing your house, I have a 40 year old house that could use your assistance! :0)

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Very slow posting today. Apparently, I am the only PJTPer with no life (no big surprise there).

Ebony-when you get done fixing your house, I have a 40 year old house that could use your assistance! :0)

** nah, **

i'm in cooking mode right now - gym, market, pool - then the clouds came, which i was glad for.

* love the shapeups - STILL, especially on the stairmaster - in my mind my butt is a few inches higher:)

* house crap, we hired an "organizer" to come to our place on tsday. too much "stuff" i want gone & the rest organized - no idea how to start doing that .... so this slug hired someone.

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I need to hire an organizer. I have trouble getting rid of my own things. I am good at getting rid of DS's things. I am good at getting rid of my own clothes, but other things not so much. I start "organizing" and get disenchanted with the entire thing. I'll get there eventually. So what did you cook, Lulu?

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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