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never heard of them...full recip please. And apples? I've never put apples in sangria - yet another new thing to try. Oranges, lemons, limes, strawberries, pineapple even...but never apples.

Hubby and I went to a new Spanish/Latin restaurant and had sangrias and it had apples in it. YUM!

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Man, I was going to try to multi post, but you guys have been busy again this morning!

I haven't had moonshine, but you would think it would be easy for me to find here in the sticks. Moonshine with tea...hmmmm I have never had sangria either. It sounds so good with all of the fruit. When I was in college, they used to make this punch with some extremely potent white liquor (I'm not sure of the name), beer, and dark rum with all types of fruit in it. They called it "through 'fer" punch. They called it that because after one drink you were "through 'fer the night because the alcohol would sneak up on you (you couldn't taste it). I remember drinking it once. I don't remember much after that.:wink2:

KC-I guess I am not ghetto enough because the thought of those loud talking people scares the crap out of me for you. Please be careful.


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Ok - so I just got home again - this time it wasn't even for meetings but the poor new nurse I was training had an insane night - and by the time our shift ended still had not documented anything - so I just had to sit there and walk her through the night's activities - poor thing she was in a daze with all the crazies.

OK LOVE True Blood, Nurse Jackie & Hung (still warming up to this one though - needs to pick up the pace) - now I wonder what they all have in common besides being on cable television?!

No problems leaving the hospital - don't be mad but I walked out on my own - no worries guys - It's just normal for a lot of us - I had my ipod in and didn't think anything of it.

For every 'crazy' and ill-mannered patient/visitor there are a multitude of others who are so adorable you just want to squeeze them and take them home with you and then we have the entitled ones who feel because they are in the top earnings bracket for the city that they get 'special' treatment and none of the rules apply to them.

It's all about balance

ALCOHOL - dang it jealous again - go back to work tonight and with family coming in town - wont drink till next weekend :wink2::nanahump:

So please enjoy 5 drinks each for me - my vote is for the swirly things.

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Ok dog is fed, walked and loved on - off to bed

but the hotties are outside the window again! Sadly I believe this is their last day at this house - then they move down to my other neighbor about 4 houses down. :wink2:

Talk to you all in a little less than 5 hours.

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PJTP...Dang, y'all go on a posting spree without me! That's what I get for staying home and off the laptop...ok, time to try and catch up...

Ebony, I think it may be time to go on a tactful, professional offensive.

This sounds interesting...tell me more...

So far they have had you chasing your own tail and making you look incompetent when in reality we all know they are moving the bar, management is not on the same page, and not providing proper documentation of how they want things done. They are either THE most incompetent, unskilled, inept management I have heard of in a long time, or this is a plan of th eirs to shove those they don't like/want/need anymore out the door.

Mmmm Hmmm - so far you sound like you've got a GREAT handle on the situation...especially the pushing out the door part!

If they have a policy manual in place, then WHY should they balk at providing what is obviously missing?

No policy manual that I've seen - there were some binders with stuff from a long time ago, but no procedure stuff like what I've created or what I'm going to ask for...

Bottom line is, it may be time to go on the offensive a bit more, but again, in a tactful, respectful way. You're already starting to do that (double-checking with BB on how he wants something done). Maybe NOW when he gives you a directive, it may become necessary to clarify in writing to him and CC the manager so EVERYBODY can see what's been said and why you're doing whatever you're doing.

Like this idea a LOT...

And when you get bullshit answers like you got today from your manager, do NOT accept that as an acceptable answer to your legitimate questions on policy or how they want things done. That is NOT NEGOTIABLE, imo, to let that b*tch answer you that way and then expect you to, what? What do you do with that??

Yep - that's exactly what I need to do (and will do)...

Polite but strong offensive, my dear. No more tears. K? :)

Beth, you're incredible...like the big sister I wish I had (though I'm older than you, I think)...you have a LOT of wisdom. I'm not sure why I was feeling so...paralyzed about this! I can only chalk up my "flight" (fight or flight) to being hormonally challenged and feeling overwhelmed. In the bad old days, I'd have been like KC's folks and shown her the gatt in my waistband...:blink:

Ebony, you hang in there, mate!! I'm sending special DownUnder joo joo that a new job comes up soon for you!

Fanny, I loves ya, girlfriend...:sad:

For those who do, I need prayers sent up, please.

My mom called tonight and said that my dad had an MRI on his head on Monday due to severe dizzy spells and memory loss. The MRI tech told him that she saw a mass on the left side of his head but was not able to truly read the results in order to know if it is solid or liquid. His doctor will be back in town at the end of the week (they hope).

Prayers going up and gone up for ya, girlfriend...

My folks were hoping all it is is a cyst he's had forever on the left side behind his ear, which hasn't come to the surface for years, had turned inward.

I am finding out (but haven't shared with my mom) that it's more likely than not that it's cancer. We won't know until we know, but I've written my mom and told her to get recommendations and line up a neurosurgeon asap so that they'll have somebody his doctor can refer him to.

I'm a bit numb right now, so I'll close. I'll let you know when I know something. Right now I'm the only sibling that has been told anything.

Make sure they double-check EVERYTHING...docs are human and have been known to make mistakes in a 'rush to judgement' occasionally...

Beth - prayers are up hon - hang in there!

What she said! :blink:

OK on a lighter note - let's have some lessons from work:

lesson#1 - if you have come in because you have multiple gun shot wounds throughout your body (and it's not your first trip for that reason) and you have multiple tattoos everywhere - do NOT cry to me when I give you a tetanus shot.

ROFLMBO...it's too funny - after all of that, he cries at a tetanus shot? I know they are painful, but dang! Grow a set!

lesson#2 - if you are a Dr and a RN politely informs you that you have ordered a wrong (very wrong) dose of a critical medication - the correct response is thank you - not 'I don't have time for this trivial crap'!

My mom was a very experienced LPN who did similar things - often had to correct the docs, especially if they were rushing or felt the "knew" what the patient needed without a thorough read of the chart...she'd pull them to the side and not-too-gently remind them of the possible repercussions of a bad decision (with the family nearby) and just happen to say the word 'lawsuit' loud enough for the inevitable gold-digging family members to hear and start talking about how much money they'd get in the event of a mistake...:nanahump: Usually was enought to get the doc to calm down and double-check their answer...

OK - what happened to the post I just posted? It got eaten...

My sleep patterns are back to normal - finally after 5 terrible days of 'sleepless in tapland'.

Glad you're back to snoozing on schedule!

When I referred to being late, I meant getting out the door. I just cannot get motivated to haul my ass to the Y for 6am...I haven't been there in over a week now. And although I am briskly walking 60+ minutes a day, I know it isn't the same. But my mojo is lost - and frankly, I'm not interested in finding it!:Banane56:

I know what that feels like - but ya gotta get back in there, sport! *in my best coaches' voice*

Ebony, you around? How's your day going, hon?

Wonderfully well - had a really funny stomach episode. Wednesday night was "National Night Out" - live radio broadcasts, food, community organizations, etc. Fun times, but that hot dog I ate (sans bun) had probably been sitting out too long, so...upset tummy. Stayed home on Thursday because I was sliming everything, and stayed home today (Friday) just because...


Mom wrote me and dad's doc doesn't think tumor/cancer, he thinks infection and is sending him to an ENT doctor. I'm begging her to still have a neurologist look at the MRI just in case.

Good idea to have the neuro look at the MRI - and thank GOD his initial prognosis is better. Took me a few minutes to figure out ENT was ear-nose-throat...:biggrin:

Had a good evening yesterday - DH and DD found a discounter with gently used and scratch-and-dent appliances here in town and got a stainless steel Jenn Air side-by-side fridge for 1/3 the normal retail. The only blemish was a couple of scratches on the door handle. I'm not complaining...DH wanted me to check them out before buying one...I :wub::wub: my DH!

DD registered for classes at community college today - she's bearing up really well under her disappointment. This would have been the weekend we moved her to VSU...going to give her a special basket (had it made for the occasion, but giving it to her now) to commemorate her 'growing up'.

Feeling good today - sunshine, moderate temperatures and a 'free' day help. Been eating VERY lightly because of the previous day's issues...so far, all is well.

Had to check in - I missed y'all!

Congrats Beth on being so consistent with your posting - that means you are excellent at checking in here and helping others. If you were just a troll, no way you'd show up for TWO significant posting milestones...:wub:

Love y'all lots - bbl!:wink2:

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Slim: Maybe it was Everclear?

Now that you mention it, that does sound very familiar in a hazy kind of way.:blink:

Ok - so I just got home again - this time it wasn't even for meetings but the poor new nurse I was training had an insane night - and by the time our shift ended still had not documented anything - so I just had to sit there and walk her through the night's activities - poor thing she was in a daze with all the crazies.

I bet.

OK LOVE True Blood, Nurse Jackie & Hung (still warming up to this one though - needs to pick up the pace) - now I wonder what they all have in common besides being on cable television?!

I have yet to watch any of those even though I have cable.

No problems leaving the hospital - don't be mad but I walked out on my own - no worries guys - It's just normal for a lot of us - I had my ipod in and didn't think anything of it.

For every 'crazy' and ill-mannered patient/visitor there are a multitude of others who are so adorable you just want to squeeze them and take them home with you and then we have the entitled ones who feel because they are in the top earnings bracket for the city that they get 'special' treatment and none of the rules apply to them.

It's all about balance

Well, I have mentioned that I am the biggest wimp...I just was a little concerned. You know where you work better than any of us. Take of you.

ALCOHOL - dang it jealous again - go back to work tonight and with family coming in town - wont drink till next weekend :Banane56::biggrin:

So please enjoy 5 drinks each for me - my vote is for the swirly things.

Consider it done!:wink2:

Ok dog is fed, walked and loved on - off to bed

but the hotties are outside the window again! Sadly I believe this is their last day at this house - then they move down to my other neighbor about 4 houses down. :blink:

Talk to you all in a little less than 5 hours.

It still shows you online. That is way less than 5 hours. Are you being distracted by the attractions out of your window?

Love y'all lots - bbl!:nanahump:

I am glad that you are feeling better. We :sad: you too!

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TPG: Where's the standoff??

Check the boards for Mexico Anyone? There's another MX thread too, but not as much fun. It's HH vs. Donna....scary stuff. Or, maybe I'm just bored. I was majorly disappointed with the Stuck Pickle post :nanahump:.

Hope you all are having a great Friday! I'm in for the swirly thing drinks...yum....:wink2: Can I just chuck a watermelon in a big ole bowl with some cheap wine and limes?? Cutting fruit seems to be too much effort today. I'm just thinking about adding a big ole straw and starting this weekend early.


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Wow, I was up for the evening posting, but got way behind this morning! Went for a nice 3.5 mile run and it was beautiful this morning. Slightly overcast, but the temp was perfect for a run! Came home and mowed the lawn so the poor pups could use it for their business! It was getting so tall the little one could hardly go!:wink2:

CRAP CRAP - ya'll posted a LOT last night, see plain backed away from mafia wars:)

i just go to bed WAY early:)

* KAT, congrats on the new grandbaby today!!!

* beth; you are missing so much on cable outside true blood: nurse jackie, hung, good stuff!!!

* sweet tea vodka drink - :nanahump:

* KC, your job is thoroughly entertaining to read!!

* ktork, your a HS teacher? i admire those who deal w/the hormonally challenged!!!!!


I love hs kids, they are great! So full of energy and creativity. The hs drama gets a little old, but, have to take the bad with the good! I teach marketing so they want to be in my class (well, for the most part) and we do a bunch of fun business projects, run the student stores (coffee shop, clothes, snack shop) and travel for competition. They keep me hopping and they are the reason I can get up and go to work every morning!

I think vodka is a stretch - sure it's regional - if we're talking backwoods moonshine with some lipton bags put in it.

Kind of like suntea, but with alcohol! Oh yeah!


my brothers fiance' makes pitchers of these:

margaritas mixed w/sangria - lots of fruit (oranges/limes/apples)

I need to get my drink on! You all have such good recipes, I am heading to the liquor store today!

Ooh, sounds good! My uncles used to make moonshine (up in the hill of good ole WVA (a.k.a. BFE). They used to make a blackberry flavored moonshine that was sooo good!

Blackberry moonshine - I'm in!

LOVE Nurse Jackie!!!! When we watch it, DH goes, yep...that's you. (Aside from the pain killers and boytoy/dealer on the side.)

Don't get cable - maybe I need to get some DVDs!

Ok dog is fed, walked and loved on - off to bed

but the hotties are outside the window again! Sadly I believe this is their last day at this house - then they move down to my other neighbor about 4 houses down. :blink:

Talk to you all in a little less than 5 hours.

Girl, you need a vaca! You get way too little sleep! Thank God for neighbors, at least you can still see the Hotties - I am sure you have binoculars!:biggrin:

PJTP...Dang, y'all go on a posting spree without me! That's what I get for staying home and off the laptop...ok, time to try and catch up...

DD registered for classes at community college today - she's bearing up really well under her disappointment. This would have been the weekend we moved her to VSU...going to give her a special basket (had it made for the occasion, but giving it to her now) to commemorate her 'growing up'.

Had to check in - I missed y'all!

Love y'all lots - bbl!:Banane56:

My DD is off to college here at the end of Sept. Isn't it crazy how fast they grow up and head out the door to start their own lives! Do you have a good CC in town where you live? DD is going to OSU, but if she doesn't make the crew team, she will most likely be heading home to CC before the year is out. I just can't believe how expensive college is! :sad: We are trying to get her set and ready to go. We get no financial help whatsoever - sux! She does get a loan for $5500, but it accrues interest while she is in school - ick!

Kat~ Hope the grandbaby is well! Can't wait to see some pix!

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Beth, prayers from me for you, your Dad and your family. I'll be thinking about you! Please keep us informed!

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Ok so I did wake up early (not that early though Slim)- no not the hotties (my puppy barking at something moving by - maybe a leaf) - I got almost 4 hours.

My mom sent me a text saying the flights tomorrow are really full from NY (they're on a vaca) through CHicago and they fly standby (dad was a pilot). SO I pray they are able to get here - if not I'll walk for her instead of with her.

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Ok so I did wake up early (not that early though Slim)- no not the hotties (my puppy barking at something moving by - maybe a leaf) - I got almost 4 hours.

My mom sent me a text saying the flights tomorrow are really full from NY (they're on a vaca) through CHicago and they fly standby (dad was a pilot). SO I pray they are able to get here - if not I'll walk for her instead of with her.

Go back to bed! Puppies always bark at the wind - especially when you are trying to sleep!:scared2:

Crossing fingers that your mom will make a flight! I hope you get to walk with her!

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She barks at everything - she didn't really keep me up - once I'm up I'm up. I think it has to do with my body being used to not getting much sleep - so if I wake up it thinks it's just time.


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I am the same way, once I am up, that is it, I am up for the rest of the day. During the school year, DH will wake me up to go let the dogs out and I hate it! I can't go back to sleep. The sad part is, he can! The man can sleep through anything!

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Ok so I did wake up early (not that early though Slim)- no not the hotties (my puppy barking at something moving by - maybe a leaf) - I got almost 4 hours.

My mom sent me a text saying the flights tomorrow are really full from NY (they're on a vaca) through CHicago and they fly standby (dad was a pilot). SO I pray they are able to get here - if not I'll walk for her instead of with her.

I hope that your mom is able to make it for you two to walk together. I will keep my fingers crossed.

Check the boards for Mexico Anyone? There's another MX thread too, but not as much fun. It's HH vs. Donna....scary stuff. Or, maybe I'm just bored. I was majorly disappointed with the Stuck Pickle post :tt2:.

Hope you all are having a great Friday! I'm in for the swirly thing drinks...yum....:lol: Can I just chuck a watermelon in a big ole bowl with some cheap wine and limes?? Cutting fruit seems to be too much effort today. I'm just thinking about adding a big ole straw and starting this weekend early.


I am scared to check the boards for that thread. I want a swirly drink but cannot drink it tonight. I will get enough of volunteering for crap at work.:scared2:

Went for a nice 3.5 mile run and it was beautiful this morning. Slightly overcast, but the temp was perfect for a run! Came home and mowed the lawn so the poor pups could use it for their business! It was getting so tall the little one could hardly go!:tt1:

One day, reading about all that you all do will shame me into doing something. :)

She barks at everything - she didn't really keep me up - once I'm up I'm up. I think it has to do with my body being used to not getting much sleep - so if I wake up it thinks it's just time.


I am the same way. When DH gets up before I do (which is extremely rare), he apparently doesn't like to be up alone so he makes so much noise until the house is up. I can never go back to sleep after. He, on the other hand, can sleep through it all. He can also go back to sleep with ease.:(

I am the same way, once I am up, that is it, I am up for the rest of the day. During the school year, DH will wake me up to go let the dogs out and I hate it! I can't go back to sleep. The sad part is, he can! The man can sleep through anything!

I tell you, you just described my DH!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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