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Now that I'm all better I want my 1cc unfill BACK!! I'm eating like I've been starving! Oh wait! I was!

Yeah man....weren't you on liquids for, like, 17 years? Welcome back to real food!!

You might want to think about doing in in 0.5cc or even 0.25cc increments to sneak up on the sweet spot. It is so easy to overshoot it and a 1cc fill is a BIG fill at this stage of the journey.

Sounds pretty wise to me.

Being sick for a couple of days has sapped my energy...took the dog out for a short break and I'm whooped! Guess I'll have to ease back into my regular routine...I just feel so tired right now...:(

You know the drill. Stay hydrated, rest, and wait. You'll be better soon.

Hey ya'll...

Happy Tuesday.

Hey! You back? That's cool.

Hey BBK! I hope you are having a great day! It's cold here too! brrrr

Oh my. It was extremely chilly at my house. 48 degrees is cold in east Texas.

Start working on final exams tomorrow - as soon as they are available for download. 100 questions for Biz Math, and polishing up a paper for Humanities...gonna be a busy week for me!

Wow, finals already? Good deal.

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Because I inadvertantly left off Diva AGAIN, lol:

I've noticed for myself that since I've been taking better care of myself along with workouts, plenty of fluids, eating better... I tend to get over my illnesses better (not necessarily quicker). But I also know when to take it easy. My rest period is over now though, so it's back on the saddle! I'm going to go out for my morning walk in a bit. It's still too cool outside, so maybe in a few hours.

Sounds like you are doing the right thing! We expect that of you, you know, lol.

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Hi all :w00t: I've been busy packing and getting ready for the move. I'm still a bit scared to trust that it will all go through on time, after all the ups and downs getting here, but so far, so good!

Hang in there, Fanny! I hate to pack and I understand being scared. You've been thru a lot w/this house selling!

Heartfire, I know what you mean about being hungry again after an unfill but don't be in a rush to get the whole 1cc back again. You might want to think about doing in in 0.5cc or even 0.25cc increments to sneak up on the sweet spot. It is so easy to overshoot it and a 1cc fill is a BIG fill at this stage of the journey.

Oh I'll be careful! I don't want it all back at once but I was at my sweetspot when I got sick. Sucks but I'll go slow!

I'm going to take my own advice for that - heading in for another fill tomorrow, as I'm desperately trying to lose more weight before my December surgery and haven't been doing well (1 lousy little kg in the whole last month *sigh*). I may only do an 0.25cc fill, as I have been having quite a few problems getting stuck lately, but in between those times, I'm still eating pretty heartily. I think most of my problems have been because I had gotten so far out of the bandster habits and was just cruising happily on maintenance mode. Time to get my act together, now!!

Just a thought but have your paid attention to how FAST you're eating? If I'm eating a lot but seem to be getting stuck more often than I should, I'm usually eating too fast! For some reason I revert to the "inhaling" of my food. Just a thought.

PJTP...Hi y'all! :scared2:

Been down the last couple of days with some kind of virusey-thing...not quite the flu, but not feeling my best. Hoping to get rid of it today so I can go back to work tomorrow...

Glad you're feeling better!

You'll be great for December, Fanny! I know the 'getting stuck' feeling - I have that occasionally, but not too often (thank goodness). After my long plateau and recent fill, I dropped about 9 lbs, but I'm holding steady at 196 now. Want to lose another 20 or so and see where that takes me.

But you're losing a bunch of inches right now. Probably the reason for the stall!

Being sick for a couple of days has sapped my energy...took the dog out for a short break and I'm whooped! Guess I'll have to ease back into my regular routine...I just feel so tired right now...:w00t:

Take it easy! You don't want to backslide with the illness again!

Hey ya'll...

Happy Tuesday.

Glou, I am so glad you're back!

Hf, worry not! We are all troopers and if we fall off, we get right back on! You will be fine, here's my hand - I'll help you back up. :seeya: We have all gone through alot to win the battle of weight loss, and together we will meet and beat our goals - and stay there.

Thanks, Diva!

I've noticed for myself that since I've been taking better care of myself along with workouts, plenty of fluids, eating better... I tend to get over my illnesses better (not necessarily quicker). But I also know when to take it easy. My rest period is over now though, so it's back on the saddle! I'm going to go out for my morning walk in a bit. It's still too cool outside, so maybe in a few hours.

I've noticed that too! I've got to get off my butt. I haven't walked in forever! Now that we FINALLY cooled off, I need to get back in the neighborhood.

It's so nice to see everyone! Have a blessed day all. :thumbup:

:w00t: Morning again all!

Nice puking pumpkin there Diva--what you trying to tell us?? :w00t: hehe!

Trying to deal with the weather here...it is like 43 right now~ wow! Saturday it was 73...lol...no wonder people get sick!

Thanks for the WB. Hope I feel safe enough to stay--- :(

Hi BBK!! We changed drastically overnight here. We were in the low 90s yesterday and today it barely got in to the 70s! It's cloudy and trying to rain! I love this weather!!

PJTP: I left work early. I am not feeling very well. Hopefully with some rest I can be good for my trip tomorrow. It was 109 in Phoenix yesterday! This morning it was 49 here in the DC Metro area!

Oh CC! Not you too!!! I sure hope you can still make your trip tomorrow! Take care and get some rest!

I'm trying to tell you - I love punkins!! Pumpkin Soup, pumpkin pie, pumpkin ice-cream, pumpkin guts.. oh yeah that's kinda gross. lol!

We love pumpkins too! DH has bought these extreme halloween pumpkin books the last couple of years. Actually I think Halloween might just be his favorite holiday. Tight race w/Christmas! LOL!

I am STILL fighting it.

No apologies. I just wish you were better already! I feel bad that you're still sick!

Finally finished my homework and turned in my last quiz for Business Math class - got 100% :tongue::w00t:

Start working on final exams tomorrow - as soon as they are available for download. 100 questions for Biz Math, and polishing up a paper for Humanities...gonna be a busy week for me!

Finals already? I thought you just started classes!!! Sheesh! Time is moving WAY too fast!

Yeah man....weren't you on liquids for, like, 17 years? Welcome back to real food!!

Sure as hell felt like it! Thanks! I'm glad to be back! LOL!

PJTP: Okay, gotta go start dinner. Eggplant Ragu, Pasta, salad, and french bread. BBL!

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Just a thought but have your paid attention to how FAST you're eating? If I'm eating a lot but seem to be getting stuck more often than I should, I'm usually eating too fast! For some reason I revert to the "inhaling" of my food. Just a thought.

Yes, I think there's a fair bit in that. I've noticed that I get "first bite syndrome" a lot and I think it is because I am so hungry when I go to eat, that I just wolf the first bite down. I try to be careful and chew but it's those times when I don't pay attention that it bites me back :(.

It's hard to explain to Chris, as he gets very worried when he sees me starting out hungry, only to sit and stare mournfully at my plate after the first bite. He really doesn't want me to have another fill but I think a small one is in order. I'm just going to have to be really strict with myself on sticking to the right foods and the bandster rules. I have to do something, as I'm too hungry to stick to the "diet" plans and I'm just not losing. I think I'll ask for 0.25cc, as last time I was in this state, the 0.5cc fill was too much and I ended up having 0.25cc taken out anyway. On the other hand, will 0.25 do the trick in time?? I've only got another 2 months before the op, so not a lot of wiggle room to have another if it doesn't work this time. Decisions, decisions...

PS: I'm curious as to what I should call Chris on this forum. It's not DH, so what? DB for Dear Boyfriend? DLIL for Dear Live In Lover? Sorry, but I have just WAY TOO dirty a mind to be comfortable calling him DP :thumbup::scared2: *snickers* (for Dear Partner, you perverts!! hehehehehe)

Edited by Fanny Adams

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Sorry, but I have just WAY TOO dirty a mind to be comfortable calling him DP :scared2::( *snickers* (for Dear Partner, you perverts!! hehehehehe)

*whistles while walking away *

I'm NOT going to comment on that, heehee.

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Fighting the flu here at our house too....DH.

He has been sick for several days---I am SO ready for him to be well, and life be back to normal. I am praying hard I don't get it. He threw up hard, and dry heaved for hours. That scares the crap outta me! I have anti nausea meds, but it did nothing to help him, he threw them up before they had a chance in hell of helping!

I made jokes about it, but he was SO sick, his poor chopper got left out in the cold for 2 nights! It has only spent the night outside at rallies! LOL

Well.....I need to get some things done, no matter how I try the DW has not learned to load itself, or the laundry to put itself away.....

Welcome back Glou....missed you.

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Yes, I think there's a fair bit in that. I've noticed that I get "first bite syndrome" a lot and I think it is because I am so hungry when I go to eat, that I just wolf the first bite down. I try to be careful and chew but it's those times when I don't pay attention that it bites me back :(.

It's hard to explain to Chris, as he gets very worried when he sees me starting out hungry, only to sit and stare mournfully at my plate after the first bite. He really doesn't want me to have another fill but I think a small one is in order. I'm just going to have to be really strict with myself on sticking to the right foods and the bandster rules. I have to do something, as I'm too hungry to stick to the "diet" plans and I'm just not losing. I think I'll ask for 0.25cc, as last time I was in this state, the 0.5cc fill was too much and I ended up having 0.25cc taken out anyway. On the other hand, will 0.25 do the trick in time?? I've only got another 2 months before the op, so not a lot of wiggle room to have another if it doesn't work this time. Decisions, decisions...

PS: I'm curious as to what I should call Chris on this forum. It's not DH, so what? DB for Dear Boyfriend? DLIL for Dear Live In Lover? Sorry, but I have just WAY TOO dirty a mind to be comfortable calling him DP :thumbup::scared2: *snickers* (for Dear Partner, you perverts!! hehehehehe)

Fanny, if you're that hungry, .5 might be okay. Talk to you doc. I think it really depends on HOW hungry you are. I totally have first bite syndrome. All of a sudden I'm stuck and I literally don't remember the first bite I took. I think, for me, I get stuck more often when I NEED a fill than I do when I'm at a good place. It's that first bite. Being to hungry and not paying attention.

As far as to what to call Chris (and I lol'd at your own suggestions) there is always DSO (dear sig. other). I've seen DBF a lot. Oh another would be DC (dear Chris). I have no idea what would work well. The other problem is then you've got to continually explain what the abbreviation means! Depends on what you're most comfortable with.

~Plain, figured you wouldn't be able to leave that one alone but you sorta did! Not sure how I feel about that! LOL!

Fighting the flu here at our house too....DH.

He has been sick for several days---I am SO ready for him to be well, and life be back to normal. I am praying hard I don't get it. He threw up hard, and dry heaved for hours. That scares the crap outta me! I have anti nausea meds, but it did nothing to help him, he threw them up before they had a chance in hell of helping!

I made jokes about it, but he was SO sick, his poor chopper got left out in the cold for 2 nights! It has only spent the night outside at rallies! LOL

Well.....I need to get some things done, no matter how I try the DW has not learned to load itself, or the laundry to put itself away.....

Welcome back Glou....missed you.

Kat, is Rick feeling ANY better yet? That is an awful bug! Has he been seen at all or tested or anything? Probably just too sick to get there, huh?

Still amazes me that the chopper was outside for so long! Actually would still be there if DS hadn't taken care of it.

Yea, when you figure out the DW/laundry thing, let me know!


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GRR! Fair warning: long post!

So I went in for my fill but didn't see my regular doctor. He's been getting so busy in the last year that he has been concentrating on the surgery and has taken on some more doctors to cover the "mundane" stuff like check ups and fills. I saw today's guy once before in February and a different one last month (female and nice), now the bloke again. So there we have Gripe No. 1: I'm annoyed that I no longer get to see "my" doctor, just whoever is free at the time and that means I lose continuity with them, have to re-explain my situation and have to deal with contradictory advice.

Gripe No. 2: His dieting advice is VASTLY different to everything my surgeon told me and does not look easy to follow. Basically, he works on the theory that you don't eat when the band is tight, which is almost always first thing in the morning, so no Breakfast at all, light lunch of Protein only (preferably salmon, tuna or eggs, no red meat, no dairy and avoid chicken breast meat), bigger evening meal of fish and vegetables. Well hell!! My surgeon does agree with the "don't eat breakfast if you're not hungry" thoughts (has said it like that - not DON'T eat before midday), but he has always emphasised eating a balanced healthy diet. I know I want to get things moving and I'm quite sure the new doc has a point when he says "this plan gets the best results" because if I eat nothing but salmon and veges OF COURSE I'm going to lose fast, but who the **** wants to eat like that? GRR!!

Gripe No. 3: Last month the nice lady doctor said she wanted me back here every 4 weeks to check on things up until my surgery date and then we would do an unfill a couple of days before the surgery. This guy says as I'm walking out "make an appointment for 6 weeks." I explained the situation - an appointment in 6 weeks is 3 weeks before my surgery, which means if I need another fill, it will only have 3 weeks to get me any where and if he wants to do the unfill then, that's WAY too soon! He shrugged and said "oh well, I know what the bookings are like and that's when we'll be free next..." I checked with reception and managed to get an appointment for 4 weeks away but still annoyed at the "who cares about your situation" attitude.

GRRR!!! I don't know if I am just pissed off because I got told something I didn't want to hear (i.e. 2 meals a day only, nothing in between, nothing but fish and veges... UGH!!) or if I should genuinely be pissed off with this guy - but I want that lady doctor back next time!!

Oh, and in the end, he only put in 0.25cc, so I'm hoping that will be enough to make a difference over the next month. If not, I'll be back for a top up in FOUR weeks, not six!

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PJTP: What's the deal with some celebrities defending Roman Polanski? He drugged, raped, and sodomized a 13 yr. old girl, pled down to a lesser charge, and then fled to France.

What exactly is the debate over letting this cat go??

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PJTP: What's the deal with some celebrities defending Roman Polanski? He drugged, raped, and sodomized a 13 yr. old girl, pled down to a lesser charge, and then fled to France.

What exactly is the debate over letting this cat go??

I also do not understand this. The crime was horrible and I don't care how much time has passed, he needs to be held accountable.

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Even if the victim (who is now in her mid-40's, I think) wants everyone to let it go?

I'm merely bringing up her point of view. I personally think he's scum.

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I think the danger of the situation is evident in the comments of his ex sister-in-law. She claims he is a good guy and the sex was consensual. There is no way we should consider an adult drugging and having sex with a 13 year old consensual.

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To she who does not receive PM's and had chosen to be ugly and ignore my previous PM, I shall now post in a thread.

I had thought that we were friends outside of LBT. From you, I would've at least expected a "heads up" courtesy email at my unfriending on FB. While I had been surprised and disappointed at first to have been UF'd, I am now just resigned to the unfortunate notion that people feel like they have to choose a side after last week's mess. I personally feel like this is BS but so be it.

I had originally typed, "I will miss seeing your status updates and your farms" but now that I realize how unfeeling you are, I'm good now.


Oh and PS...while I am not friends with some you feel that are are on "your" side, we are still square tho we are not friends on FB.

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Even if the victim (who is now in her mid-40's, I think) wants everyone to let it go?

I'm merely bringing up her point of view. I personally think he's scum.

Oh, I totally understand her wanting to let it go. Her life must have been relatively quiet for many years and now.....all the troubles anew. However, that's a separate issue. Polanski already pled guilty and fled, avoiding at least some of his punishment. My issue is "why is Hollywood closing ranks around this guy"? He hasn't even had a revelant film in decades. IDK......

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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