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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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Could someone tell me how you're spose to delete your entire account, all the posts you have made, all your pictures?

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Could someone tell me how you're spose to delete your entire account, all the posts you have made, all your pictures?

Maybe if I report my post I get an answer?

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PJTP...Wow...just, WOW.

That said - the real reason I originally came on today was to report that I am finally, truly and completely in



CONGRATULATIONS Ebony!!! :bored::thumbup::wub::smile2::lol::w00t:

Feels great doesn't it. You have worked very hard and deserve to be proud of yourself!!

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Congratulations Ebony! I am soooo happy for you!

(I have no idea what is going on around here - I hope it gets worked out soon for everyone. This site really helped me especially during my first year.)

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~I've been ignoring what's going on here on the thread over the last day or so. I don't have enough information to comment or throw my hat in to the ring. I don't know the whole story and I don't want to know. I hate conflict, right or wrong, that's just how I am.

But I do want to say that I'm sad as to what's happening. My favorite thread has gone all sideways and I feel like I've been thrown out into space with no protective gear and no way to get back home. Don't know if that makes any sense. Guess it doesn't matter anyway.

For those leaving, contemplating leaving or who have left, that makes me sad too. I will miss you.


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~Ebony, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! And I love what you said about the board. I agree with you.

~Slim, are you okay with all this flooding stuff? Watching the news last night was scary!!

~G4E, so glad you checked in. Lots of prayers for you today!

~Brandy, I have no answer for you but I'd hate to see you leave too.

~PJTP: Took DD to preschool this AM, then went upstairs to get my work file to catch up since being gone all last week. Well, I can't get the checks out of the safe that I need in order to do payroll and bills b/c the damn safe BROKE!!!!!!! WTH!!!

So my putting them in there to keep them safe instead of my own safe here at home, turns out to be a HUGE mistake! I called the pastor at home and asked why the sign on the safe, no one was in the office yet when I got there. He said, "well, it's broken." I told him that the checks, ALL of the checks, for ALL of the accounts, were in there.

He did say they were working on it. I told him this is bad, very bad. No payroll. No bills paid. No NOTHING! He said he'd call me later. Yeah, whatever. Can't do my job without the checks! Businesses are not going to let me call them and say, "gee, can't pay the mortgage on the first b/c the safe broke and I can't get the checks out of it right now. Think you could wait a few weeks?" HA!!!


This is so NOT my problem but I'm going to be the one to have to find a solution to this. Dammit!

I wonder if I can get a temporary book of checks from the bank in town to use in the meantime...

See? I'm already trying to fix what isn't my problem.

Okay. Leaving the LBT drama for my own at home. Later y'all.

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PJTP...Back from my lunchtime walk, feeling great!:wub:

CONGRATULATIONS Ebony!!! :smile2::thumbup::wub::lol::wub::w00t:

Feels great doesn't it. You have worked very hard and deserve to be proud of yourself!!

Thanks so much Shalee! Hey - I just noticed you had a Tummy Tuck - mind if I pm you some questions?

Congratulations Ebony! I am soooo happy for you!

(I have no idea what is going on around here - I hope it gets worked out soon for everyone. This site really helped me especially during my first year.)

Thanks, CC! And I second your emotion on the site...I know I would not have been as successful without my buddies on the boards!

~I've been ignoring what's going on here on the thread over the last day or so. I don't have enough information to comment or throw my hat in to the ring. I don't know the whole story and I don't want to know. I hate conflict, right or wrong, that's just how I am.

What Heartfire said! :lol:

But I do want to say that I'm sad as to what's happening. My favorite thread has gone all sideways and I feel like I've been thrown out into space with no protective gear and no way to get back home. Don't know if that makes any sense. Guess it doesn't matter anyway.

I understand completely...the site wouldn't be the same without all the people we love on it!

For those leaving, contemplating leaving or who have left, that makes me sad too. I will miss you.


I second that emotion! :lol:

yay Ebony! 'grats!!!

Hi LJM! *Waving wildly* Thanks so much - I'm very happy about it!

[quote name='heartfire;1332007

This is so NOT my problem but I'm going to be the one to have to find a solution to this. Dammit!

I wonder if I can get a temporary book of checks from the bank in town to use in the meantime...

It's a good suggestion - does the company have a credit / debit card linked to their bank account that could be used for a one-time thing? Wire transfers - possible' date=' but maybe expensive...hope it works out okay![/b']

See? I'm already trying to fix what isn't my problem.

It's what we do...we are problem-solvers!

Okay. Leaving the LBT drama for my own at home. Later y'all.

Going back to the filing and such...YUK! :bored:

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First, let me say congrats Ebony! I think that is so awesome!!! Hitting onederland is such a great feeling! I am glad that we were here to share that with you.

I am not going to get into the fray of what has been going on. I only got bits and pieces of what was happening so I don't feel comfortable trying to jump in. I will only say this. I came to LBT for info on being a bandster. I stayed because of the wonderful people that I "met" here on the PJTP thread. I really miss the way things were. I really wish/hope that they can get back to that. If not, then I guess I will be yet another casualty of this war of words.

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I'm trying to work on the LBT peace accord behind the scenes and now I have to be busy explaining privacy policies ;-) .

You've been around long enough to know that I'm usually fair and I do the right thing at the end of the day. I'm not favoring Susan over any other mod or member.

HH personally sent me a message stating that he understood why he was banned.

Please be more specific. What in heavens are you talking about ? Ahhhhhhhhh come on! (Yes, that's me shouting out loud in frustration.)

HH was banned. He knew why he was banned. After he was banned, he signed up under multiple new aliases because he was ticked off. This is an extremely clear cut case for banning a member if I ever had to pick one.

As you can see, the topic did pique my interest :bored:.

I'm all ears......I'd still prefer PMs for specific private member or mod complaints. I play by the golden rule, treat others as you want to be treated.

If my LBT peace deal goes through I think it might solve some of the issues at hand. It's a tough job guarding privacy and having publicly available checks and balances.

Ok, here goes. Laws exist for a reason. I had an issue with a poster months back. He was, well, rude and escalated to nasty. Each post I made in response, I tried to de-fuse, be conciliatory, etc. Each time he would ratchet it up a notch. I realized what I was doing wasn't working so I reported him and STOPPED communicating with him. I also PM'd plain for help. It took a while, but eventually (a day or so? Don't remember) he was banned. During that "waiting period" I DID NOT engage him. Just because he called ME a bowel movement didn't give me the right to call him something nasty. See my point? Headhunter was out of bounds but he was NOT alone. His "partner in crime" should've been banned also. She wasn't. Why not? She seemed to stalk him and bait him, and some of her posts were just as hateful and nasty, just not as "creative". If someone steals your car, in this country at least that doesn't give a person permission to go steal THEIR car. And yet the other person wasn't banned too. Why not?

Many of us, in the absence of good info, assume this was a vendetta against HH. Maybe we're wrong, but how would we know? As they say, actions speak louder than words. SHE was still posting.

I commented on this and was finally told by plain "How do you know she wasn't chastised" (I paraphrase) Hmm, digesting this I realized...HOW DO I KNOW SHE WAS? Why are some things blatanly public and then OOPS time for a team huddle, closed doors, "private communication". Either the rules are broken or they aren't. Why the grey area? SHE should've been banned too. Period. And if we asked why she wasn't, a good answer should've been forthcoming, not nudges, innuendo, "I wish I could tell you but I can't" etc.

Later, I was participating in a thread and the "other" person involved most publicly in the HH fiasco made a snide comment. I told her "If you don't like it don't read it". She jumped on me, told me "You don't own the board" etc. What happened? SUSAN stepped in and slapped us both down publicly. What was THAT about? And why is THAT ok for public fodder but the other not? I don't give a rip about Susan trying to spat at me. I wasn't doing anything wrong or untoward. But do you see my point? The rules are not being applied fairly, evenly, without prejudice.

Another case in point is a poster who many MANY of us see as a bully, at the least. But she was given seeming laissez faire to ride roughshod as she saw fit. Why? Friends in the mods?

I think one of the major flaws is the mod system. We ARE human. Mods too. We people can't help but have favorites, others who get on our nerves, others who we see as boring as dirt, etc. The mods should be the rule enforcers. It's hard to be part of the crowd and then be able to step back and police the crowd as well. That's almost unfair to ask.

I think Susan should be removed as a Mod. I think no matter how loudly it is proclaimed that she is fair doesn't make it so. Moreover though the entire mod structure as defined by LBT needs to be revamped.

Lastly this is LAP-BAND® talk. I commend you for the variety of experiences you try to produce. Good and bad. I also find the threads for other types of WLS enlightening and informative. But you have in the past had mods who ALMOST seemed condescending to those of us with bands. Mods who seemed to imply that banded people were idiots if they thought it was the best option. Is that what you intend? There are other forums for the sleeve, for bypass. This IS a band site. Differing opinions are healthy but not when mods step in with judgments.

Mods should be above the fray. They aren't. Rules/Laws should be applied evenly. They aren't. There should be no reason to "hide" someone's punishment. I don't mean to put 'em in the stocks and let us walk by, but if someone is told to watch it, it needs to be out here, not behind the scenes. And the application of the rules needs to be fair and even handed, not dependent on if a moderator worked 70 hours or had a fight with a spouse or has a soft spot for this poster over that one.

I am unhappy and prone to leave NOT in a "take my ball and go home" way, and not because someone I liked was (rightly) banned, but because I'm uncomfortable seeing inequities and not taking a stand. It's how I was raised, we all have our "buttons", I guess. Rules are rules. In the real world, often they are unevenly applied based on privilege, money and power. One would hope here in "cyber space" that things could be more right and fair. Can't you at least TRY to be unbiased? Susan should step out for a bit, at the least. But she isn't the "whole" problem, any more than Headhunter is. The mod system needs to be revamped.

And an update: I believe I misused the word "banned" or if not, perhaps needed a modifyer. I don't think ANY of the posters I mentioned; HH and his sparring partner, the "gentleman" who called me a bowel movement, nor the "bully" should've been banned permanently. I meant, I supposed, "banned for a set time" or suspended, allowed to cool off. Even being in Texas, a capital punishment state, I still think people deserve a few chances. I KNOW HH had/has a lot of productive content he could contribute, and the others may very well have the same; now we'll never know. I think there needs to be guidelines for "first offense" etc...rarely is an infraction so egregious that it deserves permanent banishment.

Edited by RestlessMonkey
Content/Clarity re word "BANNED"

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Okay I just have to jump in with my 2cents for and trust me that will be about all it is worth. I guess you could call me a fairly new person on LBT because I have been on here for less that a year. With that said I have been banned twice!!! My battle has and still is with _ _ _ _ as most of you already know. When I joined this site it was because I was looking for answers to my questions and to get support. At first I met ALOT of wonderful people and then She came along and started attacking everything I said about my choice of surgeon and the fact that I chose to go to Tijuana to have surgery.

I was called so many names I can't even keep track by this person and several others yet I was the one who was banned??? WHY? I had sent numerous letters to the mods and to Alex himself with the proof and nothing happened. This person still states she has never been warned or banned at anytime?? Now how can that be? I received so many letters from other posters stating that they were afraid to post for fear she would attack them again, she is the biggest bully I have ever met.

I have never had a run in with HH, but do recall a few threads that were a little severe for my liking, but he was not the only one doing this. So I can't speak about his being banned.

All I can say is that there needs to be accountability for ALL posters!!!!!! Some people barely say anything and get banned and others say what ever they want and continue to post WTH just not fair at all. I have no issues with Susan she has always been kind and fair to me, I have written to Alex in the past asking for some sort of change here. Maybe with all of this happening it will finally happen??

PS, the last time I got banned I deserved it...LOL


PSS now since _ _ _ _ is no longer posting another Mod jumps on all my threads in her place!!

Edited by Fab by 50

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That said - the real reason I originally came on today was to report that I am finally, truly and completely in



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PJTP...Back from my lunchtime walk, feeling great!:bored:

Thanks so much Shalee! Hey - I just noticed you had a Tummy Tuck - mind if I pm you some questions?

Ask away... :-)

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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