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PJTP...Hi y'all!

Been busy today - lots of paperwork, computer stuff, filing. Nothing too stressful, so it's okay...

Job hunt continues, made contact with the union rep today re: filing a grievance. She's making good noises, but we'll see what actually happens. She has a good reputation, so let's hope her claws are about to come out.

Got another fill yesterday, so I'm on liquids for a day or two...I seem to be more sensitive to them lately. I'm craving carbs like mad - gotta keep the hands busy so they don't put anything crunchy, salty or fat-filled in my path.

Preparing for my 'Step Out for Diabetes' event this weekend - got some good pledges going, and I'm getting nervous and excited. It's a 3 mile course that I plan to run, based on my work with the C25K program. Farthest I've gone since I started, but I can walk 2.5 with no problem (gotten faster since I started) so I'm gonna go for it.

Gotta weed out the closet again - I'm currently wearing a pair of size 18 pants that are about to fall off of me...went to the ladies' room and pulled them down without unbuttoning and didn't even realize what I'd done...happy surprise!

Hoping for good news on the job application front soon...got class tonight and tons of homework to do, as usual...BBL!:tt1:

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Gotta weed out the closet again - I'm currently wearing a pair of size 18 pants that are about to fall off of me...went to the ladies' room and pulled them down without unbuttoning and didn't even realize what I'd done...happy surprise!

Hoping for good news on the job application front soon...got class tonight and tons of homework to do, as usual...BBL!:tt1:

Yay on the pants! That is great! I am wishing you the best on the job front!

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i get collagen implants in the tear ducts twice a yr...

OWWWW! and EWWWW!!! :tt1::scared2:

I have been reeling all day. They announced a layoff at my company. Thankfully, I don't think I will be directly affected, but is hitting extremely close. If the bottom 3 are let go, then it is very possible that next quarter could be me. My husband couldn't carry the load of the household on his shoulders (his paycheck can't even cover our utilities per month). I know that there are others going through this right now. I am not even trying to diminish what anyone else is going through. I know that any job loss in today's economy is hard. It just scares the crap out of me to think that I am the main bread winner in this house, and I could lose my job.

On a MUCH brighter note: DS brought home an all A progress report.:thumbup::thumbup::smile:

Oh Slim, I'm sorry for your situation! Such a bad spot to be in. I too am the breadwinner for my family, and like you, today they just announced layoffs. I'm safe...but for how long???

No one told me that life was going to be this stressful when I was a youngster!!!

But YAY for DS's report! YOu must be very proud.

Job hunt continues, made contact with the union rep today re: filing a grievance. She's making good noises, but we'll see what actually happens. She has a good reputation, so let's hope her claws are about to come out.

It's a 3 mile course that I plan to run, based on my work with the C25K program. Farthest I've gone since I started, but I'm gonna go for it.

Gotta weed out the closet again - I'm currently wearing a pair of size 18 pants that are about to fall off of me...went to the ladies' room and pulled them down without unbuttoning and didn't even realize what I'd done...happy surprise!

I hope your union rep can take action and not just make noise!

Good luck on your walk/run/wog!

And what a great NSV!!:cool::w00t:

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OWWWW! and EWWWW!!! :tt1::scared2:

What she said!:thumbup:

Oh Slim, I'm sorry for your situation! Such a bad spot to be in. I too am the breadwinner for my family, and like you, today they just announced layoffs. I'm safe...but for how long???


No one told me that life was going to be this stressful when I was a youngster!!!

Me either!!! :cool:

But YAY for DS's report! YOu must be very proud.

Of course!:smile:

I hope your union rep can take action and not just make noise!

What she said!

Good luck on your walk/run/wog!

And what a great NSV!!:w00t::w00t:

That is an awesome NSV!!!

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Wow, slim, here's sending prayers and good thoughts your way. Congrats on making THIS cut... but I am sending long-term prayers for the next quarter.

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Wow, slim, here's sending prayers and good thoughts your way. Congrats on making THIS cut... but I am sending long-term prayers for the next quarter.

Thanks Beth. I guess we can all use some long-term prayer here lately. I hope that we all come out of the other end of this so much better off than before.

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OWWWW! and EWWWW!!! :tt1:

it is gross. but my dry eyes have kept me from getting lasik for yrs now, and contacts are out of the question.

that skinny little stick of collagen is FAB vs the dry itching......reason - makeup is not much in my vocab.

* slim, i sure hope you manage to escape the layoffs.*!!

* ebony, hope your search provides a new gig here soon.

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Hey everyone! I'm so sorry for those of you dealing with job issues. Too stressful :w00t:. WTG DS of Slim :tt1:! Tap, hope the eyes are getting better. Lulu, did you not wash your computer-infected hands before rubbing your eyes?? Bad move - Tap Cooties are tough :thumbup:. Beth, I hope your hubby gets himself in line soon. I had back surgery and went to dog-sit 4 days later - a St. Bernard no less. Dude, grow up. Brandy, at least you have some energy some days :cheers2:. You just gotta match up those days with the busy days. Heartfire, glad you had a good trip, though it sounds tiring. Torky, hope you're feeling better. Saw your post last night on FB and was worried about you. Ebony, WTG on another NSV :smile:! SNT, hey there :cornut:! Who did I miss?? Sorry :hat:. I also haven't been feeling well.

Went to doc today. I have swimmer's ear :eek:, wicked bad allergies :sad:, and while not vertigo, something similar. I can't walk straight. Someone keeps moving my doorways to the right. I walk into the doorjams. Ouch. Nausea comes and goes. Fun. Got some drugs and we'll see how it goes. Still sitting on my paperwork for WLS. Gonna mail it tomorrow!! I'm eager to get going, really :cool:. I just know I'm in for a long wait with Medicaid. Urghh. They move soooooo slowly :thumbup:.

I hope you all get feeling better, get hubbies up and moving, Celebrate the good stuff like puppies, NSVs, and good report cards. Be good to yourselves. BTW, loved the Patrick Swayze story!! Glad there was a shower at some point there :w00t:. Glou, you made me :smile2: too! Take care, all and TTFN.

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Back to school time increases the patients we see with pink eye--conjunctivitis--by easily 7 or 8 times. Seriously!

So everywhere those kids go--grocery store, malls, etc----anything they have touched since rubbing their eyes, harbors the germs--laying in wait for you to touch and then touch your own eye.

They laugh at me at work, because I wash my hands so frequently, and rather than a pretty bouquet of flowers on the corner of my desk---I have Clorox wipes!!! I wipe down every door knob, light swithch, chair arms, every surface that I cannot spray with Lysol!

Duct implants are growing in popularity big time. We are doing more of them all the time.

Dinner is ready timer just rang (nope not the smoke alarm!) catch y'all later!!!

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Thanks everyone for the well wishes. It just seems like we all have something going on right now. I am glad that I have you all for support through it all.

Tap-the ex thing is strange to say the least.

TPG-I love how you wrap things up. You are too funny! Hopefully the wheels will move fast for your surgery issues. I hope you feel better soon with the inner ear problems. I know that has to be a bad feeling. I took some medication once that gave the sensation of turning cart wheels whenever I closed my eyes for a second or two. I can't imagine that feeling while walking.

Luluc-my first thought when I read about your eyes was that you should have sprayed everything down with Lysol like SNT once you read about Tap's eyes. LOL Tap must have some mighty infectious cooties. :tt1:

Beth, Ebony-I have to say that I admire both of you for taking steps to make sure that if the need arises, you can/will be able to take care of yourselves. I am sending good thoughts and prayers to both of you for the jobs & husband situations.

Kat-enjoy your dinner!

Heartfire-how you after your trip?

Suzyt-how are you doing?

krtork-are you ok? I know you said you weren't feeling well last night.

To all of the night workers(plain, SMS, & KC)-I hope you have an uneventful night. :thumbup:

To everyone else, I hope you are having a wonderful night.

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PJTP...Hi again!

I have a few minutes before my 8 pm online class, so guess where I am...LBT!

Wow, slim, here's sending prayers and good thoughts your way. Congrats on making THIS cut... but I am sending long-term prayers for the next quarter.

I'm adding my prayers to that as well, Slim...it's scary all over out here!:eek:

Thanks Beth. I guess we can all use some long-term prayer here lately. I hope that we all come out of the other end of this so much better off than before.

Absolutely - long-term prayer never hurt anyone...what is that old saying "There are no atheists in foxholes"...I think our economy is definately in a foxhole and everyone that is currently working needs prayers that their jobs remain secure...

it is gross. but my dry eyes have kept me from getting lasik for yrs now, and contacts are out of the question.

Sorry you're having eye challenges, Lulu! I wanted to wear contacts, but couldn't...whenever they were in my eyes, my nose ran constantly.

that skinny little stick of collagen is FAB vs the dry itching......reason - makeup is not much in my vocab.

* slim, i sure hope you manage to escape the layoffs.*!!

Yah - what Lulu said!

* ebony, hope your search provides a new gig here soon.

Working on it as we speak, and thanks for the good wishes!

Hey everyone! I'm so sorry for those of you dealing with job issues. Too stressful :sad:. WTG DS of Slim :tt1:! Tap, hope the eyes are getting better. Lulu, did you not wash your computer-infected hands before rubbing your eyes?? Bad move - Tap Cooties are tough :smile:. Beth, I hope your hubby gets himself in line soon. I had back surgery and went to dog-sit 4 days later - a St. Bernard no less. Dude, grow up. Brandy, at least you have some energy some days :cornut:. You just gotta match up those days with the busy days. Heartfire, glad you had a good trip, though it sounds tiring. Torky, hope you're feeling better. Saw your post last night on FB and was worried about you. Ebony, WTG on another NSV :cool:! SNT, hey there :smile2:! Who did I miss?? Sorry :eek:. I also haven't been feeling well.

Went to doc today. I have swimmer's ear :eek:, wicked bad allergies :sad:, and while not vertigo, something similar. I can't walk straight. Someone keeps moving my doorways to the right. I walk into the doorjams. Ouch. Nausea comes and goes. Fun. Got some drugs and we'll see how it goes. Still sitting on my paperwork for WLS. Gonna mail it tomorrow!! I'm eager to get going, really :w00t:. I just know I'm in for a long wait with Medicaid. Urghh. They move soooooo slowly :cheers2:.

I hope you all get feeling better, get hubbies up and moving, Celebrate the good stuff like puppies, NSVs, and good report cards. Be good to yourselves. BTW, loved the Patrick Swayze story!! Glad there was a shower at some point there :thumbup:. Glou, you made me :w00t: too! Take care, all and TTFN.

Hope you get well soon, too, Poolgirl - I've had swimmer's ear before and it's not fun.

Back to school time increases the patients we see with pink eye--conjunctivitis--by easily 7 or 8 times. Seriously!

So everywhere those kids go--grocery store, malls, etc----anything they have touched since rubbing their eyes, harbors the germs--laying in wait for you to touch and then touch your own eye.

They laugh at me at work, because I wash my hands so frequently, and rather than a pretty bouquet of flowers on the corner of my desk---I have Clorox wipes!!! I wipe down every door knob, light swithch, chair arms, every surface that I cannot spray with Lysol!

Duct implants are growing in popularity big time. We are doing more of them all the time.

Dinner is ready timer just rang (nope not the smoke alarm!) catch y'all later!!!

Kids and germs...gotta constantly be on the watch, and even then you can't catch 'em all! I have a co-worker who is very anal-retentive about germ-fighting. She had to travel in Asia earlier this year and brought her own supply of face masks...but she didn't get sick!:thumbup:

Heading to bed...g'night all! :hat:

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He looked very sharply @ me and asked "Did you just sh*t your pants?". I said no, and then he responded with "Oh well, I guess it was me, then".

That was great!!! :)

Kat - Such great news!!! I am so happy for you both! We should start calling you florence (Nightingale)!

Happy Tuesday all...Co-worker is out again today and I love it! :lol:

All the folks in this country worrying about their jobs (including w/in our very own thread) and she doesn't roll her ass into work until 10:30-11:00am. Unbelievable! Every day you tell me about her and every day I get so annoyed!

From suzyT:

Lu, I still think you are one very lucky woman to have the husband you do. amen! i tell her oftentimes that she is spoiled!

Beth, sorry yours is being such a pain..... ditto - can't say i wouldn't have kicked him to the curb by now

I guess that's why I don't have one. (Probably only one reason, I'm sure the low self-esteem and weight issues had nothing to do with it, but I digress) I've always said that I have managed to do pretty well on my own and when I read your struggles it sometimes makes up for some of the loneliness. ditto, ditto, ditto - suzy...i just turned 43 so we really are in the same boat!

Edited by SickNTired

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In a similar vein to your being able to straighten someone out via email, I had to do an impromptu presentation on a conference call yesterday with numerous (5?) big whigs. So far I've gotten 4 "good job" compliments from those at the big whig level!!!

Then I found out today that a frenemy in my dept was reporting on another call about things I track (b/c she's our VP's pet). :) But then I found out that she was reading directly from the presentation and that our highest big whig (Exec VP) kept having to interrupt to explain what she was talking about. :lol: Yep, had to grin hugely about that one!!!

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PJTP - The regulars may remember me commenting that DH's ex is, well...a little different. Her Christmas gift to him included underwear (and yes, she still gives him gifts, and now gives me one as well); when we went to her place for dinner earlier this year, she still has their wedding picture up. Well, just now she sent him an email - "Under different circumstances, today would have been our wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary." I think this is weird.

really weird and REALLY creepy. what does DH say?

Like a truculent child who doesn't want to go to school??

love the word "truculent"!!

Went to doc today. I have swimmer's ear :lol:, wicked bad allergies :), and while not vertigo, something similar. I can't walk straight.

Years ago, a virus went around my company where you'd have vertigo for months. I'd bend over to turn off the shower and get dizzy. So TPG - I feel for ya!

Kids and germs...gotta constantly be on the watch, and even then you can't catch 'em all!

I heard that our housekeeping staff has begun wiping down the doorknobs. (I still only open the bathroom door with a paper towel tho.)

One of my gf's in Memphis has had 2 of her 3 children come down with the piggy flu; it's been really bad with the high fever. She posted on FB that only 6 out of 22 children are left in one of her daughter's class. That's wild!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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