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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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Plain -- too funny!!

Lu -- that puppy has grown a foot since the last picture!! Still way too cute though!!

Taps -- sorry about the eyes, hope they are getting better!!

Lu, I still think you are one very lucky woman to have the husband you do. Beth, sorry yours is being such a pain..... I guess that's why I don't have one. (Probably only one reason, I'm sure the low self-esteem and weight issues had nothing to do with it, but I digress) I've always said that I have managed to do pretty well on my own and when I read your struggles it sometimes makes up for some of the loneliness.

No cable, phone or internet for 3 hours this morning. They cut the line again. It happened one day two weeks ago and then again today -- grrrr! How am I supposed to keep up with PJTP with no internet access?? I did walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes since there wasn't much else available. Yea, me!!

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Lu -- that puppy has grown a foot since the last picture!! Still way too cute though!!!!

she has grown & gotten sassier by the day - she's barking at the big dogs taking a nap, to get up & play w/her....:thumbup:

i do feel extremely lucky w/DH & feel i take advantage at times.....i try to make up for that when i can..:thumbup::mad2::thumbup:

how are you feeling???

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how are you feeling???

I am feeling great!! As I mentioned earlier, I walked on the treadmill this morning while the cable, phone and internet were out and went to Curves this afternoon. I did have them take out the abs exercises and the squat machine for a while to recover from the surgery, but it felt good to work out and get all green dots!! Yea Curves smart!! The food intake is still the hardest part but I've done ok with that today as well. It all starts with the first day...... Well, I think I am getting back in the right mindset.

Last night at my homeowner's association meeting I resigned from the board with one year left on my term. I have been on the townhome board for 7 years and the first 4 years I was also on the master association (single family and townhomes combined). I am done with all the petty crap. Someone else can step up for a while. One of the guys that got elected last night is not someone I want to work with so I definitely will NOT be tempted to re-up any time soon.

Oh, and by the way -- I hate fish!! Fish makes me gag!!:mad2:

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Good day! My itchy burning crusty eyes kept me up until 430 this morning - that's gettin' up time, not going to bed time! Anyway, I was all confused. When I did get up I opted to work from home, and have been going full out - both with work work and baking. Remember my apple picking of last week? Well DH wants to go again this weekend so I was busy - a few apple pies; couple quarts of applesauce; a few dozen phyllo apple crisps; and another couple of apple loaves. Gotta make room for the next few bushels!

Lulu, since it's your ranch, just set a date. That way, tap can ask off, and everybody else can be working on their calanders. Those unhappy with the date....see ya next year (like how I've already made it an annual thing?)

I agree!

PJTP: Tonight, in the middle of the night, I unhooked one of my patients (much older gentleman...in his mid-70's) so he could go to the bathroom. When he was getting out of bed, he cut loose with a huge fart. He looked very sharply @ me and asked "Did you just sh*t your pants?". I said no, and then he responded with "Oh well, I guess it was me, then".


PJTP again. Somebody please tell me that Patrick Swayze's death is a cruel hoax!

Ah well, I'll have to watch Roadhouse and Red Dawn again in his honor.



On a brighter note, we are home from my DH's cardiology appointment, and he got all good news!!!

That's great news, Kat!

Gathering evidence for my next move, keeping my nose clean, and not saying anything to anybody.

DD called because the local school messed up her financial aid somehow and now they've locked her out of her classes...:sad: Called to straighten everything out and they are claiming I missed some piece of paperwork.

Going for a fill appt at 1 pm. Been stuck for over 6 weeks and even though my exercise has increased, the weight isn't moving. The hunger is back - that's why I'm stuck on the scale. I've been eating like no tomorrow - so fill time, here I come!

Scheduled for a "Step Out for Diabetes" walk this weekend in my area - it's 3 miles and I'm going to run / walk / wog the course - something I would NEVER have done pre-band.

You've got a few things going on there, don't you? Keep your head down at work and gather info and document document document.

Hope you got DD's tuition straightened out.

I know all about needing a fill. Now that I am out of the 'blues' I am ravenous. But I'm not getting a fill until mid-October....nothing but limited willpower to keep me from eating and drinking everything!


* plain, i'm good w/late may early june. afraid any later in the summer, will be too hot for those not use to texas summers. memorial day where peeps have an extra day off?

ranch is plenty big for the gathering - pool/hot tub, lots of land to roam....:)

* beth, MAN i don't know how i would handle your situation at ALL.

sounds like moma babied' him just a tad too much, that personal responsibility is not high on his priority list.....just doesn't sound like the person i visualize you with.

* OK - back to puppy training 101; she doesn't like to share her toys.., see pic

Plans sound great; I agree with your assessment of Beth's situation and her man-child.

Love the puppy!

My new therapist wanted me to get a book that deals with husband/wife relationships -- one where we each have our part that we read. She recommended it one week and then asked if I had looked into it on our follow-up visit. I told her that with all due respect, I've done all the tricks: The Five Love Languages (TWICE, and all he did was argue with the teachers), Marriage Encounters, other church-oriented marriage/relationship groups, numerous books, therapists... my mom finally said to me when I told her about this new book, "Are you kidding?? HOW MANY things do you have to do before you realize that he JUST DOESN'T GET IT and probably never will?"

It was then that I decided I'd not waste my time with yet another book. :unsure:

Your mom is right!

Well, I just made a bold move. I just called them and asked them to pull that amount out and put it into an account in my name only.

One day, that money may be my lifeline.

Absolutely agree.

But I also believe he does these things in case he needs to play the Mommy Sympathy Card. Regardless, I am doing now what we agreed to. I asked him before I signed up if I should stop everything right then and not attend full-time, and he said no, that I had been diligent in attending and making excellent grades. So... I'm keeping up with my end of the bargain.

I can hardly wait for the mommy calls telling me what a horrible person I am for putting such pressure on him to get a job. :)

I am without speech.

If she called me I think I would lose my soul - I would EXPLODE!!

Very smart Beth I am all about the CYA. Even though I could never imagine anything happening with DH and I we both have seperate accounts and a joint account. We each put money into our individual accounts weekly.. we pay into it just as if it was a bill. If something were to happen to him I would be able to access what I need easily.

Same with DH and I. There is 'our relationship' money - that pays all bills, trips, etc and our individual money. For me, it is my retirement, my separate trips and my books. For him, it's technology...always some new gizmo is needed.

she has grown & gotten sassier by the day - she's barking at the big dogs taking a nap, to get up & play w/her....:blink:

Awww...that's sweet.

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PJTP - The regulars may remember me commenting that DH's ex is, well...a little different. Her Christmas gift to him included underwear (and yes, she still gives him gifts, and now gives me one as well); when we went to her place for dinner earlier this year, she still has their wedding picture up. Well, just now she sent him an email - "Under different circumstances, today would have been our wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary."

I think this is weird.

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PJTP - The regulars may remember me commenting that DH's ex is, well...a little different. Her Christmas gift to him included underwear (and yes, she still gives him gifts, and now gives me one as well); when we went to her place for dinner earlier this year, she still has their wedding picture up. Well, just now she sent him an email - "Under different circumstances, today would have been our wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary."

I think this is weird.

Tap, honey, no need to THINK - that IS WEIRD :sad:. No doubt about it. I think I'm afraid to ask what kinds of gifts she gives you....:) Sounds like a very interesting situation y'all have going.

I really hope your eyes are getting better :unsure:. Ouch on the pink eye! Glad you're back to PJTP!!

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PJTP - The regulars may remember me commenting that DH's ex is, well...a little different. Her Christmas gift to him included underwear (and yes, she still gives him gifts, and now gives me one as well); when we went to her place for dinner earlier this year, she still has their wedding picture up. Well, just now she sent him an email - "Under different circumstances, today would have been our wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary."

I think this is weird.

Now I'm speachless. Very weird.

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PJTP - The regulars may remember me commenting that DH's ex is, well...a little different. Her Christmas gift to him included underwear (and yes, she still gives him gifts, and now gives me one as well); when we went to her place for dinner earlier this year, she still has their wedding picture up. Well, just now she sent him an email - "Under different circumstances, today would have been our wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary."

I think this is weird.

Okay, EW... HOW long have they been divorced??

PJTP: My "dearest" is staying home the week. :) I can't help but feel it's being milked to the nth degree. He seemed to feel fine at the end of last week, then as this week neared, all of a sudden he was complaining again. I dunno...

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Plain~ Bahhaha! Too funny!

Tap~ Hope the eyes get better, does not sound fun at all! All the apple goodies sound delicious. Okay, the ex is creepy - eww!

Lu~ The pup is looking good! She looks like she has put on some more weight - fat and sassy! How is the kitchen coming along?

Suzy~ Glad you are doing well! Good for you to drop the additional workload, especially if you would have to work with someone that is not your fav!

Kat~ Glad that DH had a positive outcome from his dr visit!

LJM~ Hi!

Pooly~ How's it goin?

Beth~ I agree with what the others said about your DH! He does not sound like someone that you would be with at all! Good for you for taking some steps to have some financial independence if you should need it.

Spring Meet Up~ Memorial Day weekend???

Patrick Swayze~ So sad! Okay, now I get to tell my Patrick Swayze story; so, back in the day right after they released Dirty Dancing - so he is super popular with all the girls - I am at the US National Arabian Horse Show in Abq and I run into Patrick! Literally run into the guy! So I turn and he is apologizing all over the place and I am standing there like an idiot with my mouth open, while my friends are rolling with laughter. So he turns and walks on and I finally find my voice and state that I will never shower again! My friends are dying because they have never seen me speechless! And that is my Patrick Swayze story. Oh, I did eventually shower.

PJTP: DS is doing better, still feeling a little tight in the chest, but he is able to breath. It is hard to keep the kid down - he is mister on the go all the time!

DD leaves for Corvallis this weekend. I am trying to be all brave, but I am pretty sad that she will be going. It will be hard to walk by her room and not have her there. She is excited but is stalling on the packing - so that is driving me nuts! I will get through this! I will get through this!

I go in to the dr tomorrow so I get to hop on the scale - little nervous about that. I have not been feeling well today and feel kinda bloated, don't know what is going on, even a bit nauseous. Bleh!

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Hey Y'all!!!

Glad to finally have time to get the laptop up and running! Having a grand time :) but have been having PJTP withdrawls!

Got to meet Kristen and that was way cool. It was great, even with the rain. The thunder wasn't too bad but the flash of lightening was a little nerve-wracking! All good tho.

Monday we went on a five mile hike. The horrors!!! Seriously, it was probably the single worst hike I've been on in a long time. I'd have sworn it was 10 or 15 miles, not 5. At one point we are bush-wacking and having lift the stroller over rocks and thru stuff that wasn't wide enough for a Nat to get thru! My poor little DD had to walk about 2 miles because of this trail!!! I felt so bad for her! Mom and I were way past needing food. Mom's way worse off b/c she eats so little she needs to literally eat every 2 hours. Anyway, I won't bore you with the drama but it was awful! I was SO proud of DD. She did a FANTASTIC job. she kept going even when she didn't want too and toughed it out.

Towards the end I was trying to encourage her b/c none of us wanted to keep going but there was no alternative. We were on a river trail and the only way out was the way we'd come or to keep going. We had to keep going. So I'm telling her how proud of her I am and she'd say, "no want proud, mama." Or just gotta keep walking, "no wanna keep walking." Oh, another one was that she just had to push thru the brush, "no wanna push, mama." Oh and what made us just laugh our heads off was when I told her at one point that we just needed to keep going, we had too so she'd just have to suck it up and keep going, "no wanna suck it up, mama!"

The "suck it up" thing is something I've been saying to her as kind of a life lesson thing. It's done in a gentle way and with guidance but what I'm trying to teach her is that she can't have everything go the way she wants it too and there are just going to be times in life when something isn't going right. She's just going to have to "suck it up" and figure out a way to make it better for herself or to make it as okay as possible in a bad or not right situation. Yesterday, she just didn't want to! I felt so bad about the whole thing for her! It was awful, just awful!

On a good note, I am upright and functioning well today. Not too sore, tho the calves are mooing some. Not too loudly tho. Today, we took it easy and did a little "shopping" trip in Sisters and then we came back to the house and I made a big pot of chili for everyone.

~Lu, I agree, just pick a date. It's your place and the one who's going to have to put up with everyone. Loved the new pic of the baby!

~Kat, great news w/DH!

~Beth, I'm sorry you're married to a child. I really think you did a great thing by moving the money. Good job!!

~Ebony, thinking of you!

~Tap, I'm so sorry that you aren't doing any better and are now, in fact worse. I think you need to revisit the doc. SOON! Apple stuff sounds YUMMY! Oh, and the ex-wife thing is strange. You already knew that tho!

~SNT, happy belated b-day.

~Plain, the old guy story was pretty funny!

~RIP Patrick! :sad:


I know I'm missing people and I'm sorry!

Sheesh! It's midnight! I gotta get to bed! 'Night y'all!!

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PJTP: My "dearest" is staying home the week. :sad: I can't help but feel it's being milked to the nth degree. He seemed to feel fine at the end of last week, then as this week neared, all of a sudden he was complaining again. I dunno...

Like a truculent child who doesn't want to go to school??

Patrick Swayze~ So sad! Okay, now I get to tell my Patrick Swayze story; so, back in the day right after they released Dirty Dancing - so he is super popular with all the girls - I am at the US National Arabian Horse Show in Abq and I run into Patrick! Literally run into the guy! So I turn and he is apologizing all over the place and I am standing there like an idiot with my mouth open, while my friends are rolling with laughter. So he turns and walks on and I finally find my voice and state that I will never shower again! My friends are dying because they have never seen me speechless! And that is my Patrick Swayze story. Oh, I did eventually shower.

DD leaves for Corvallis this weekend. I am trying to be all brave, but I am pretty sad that she will be going. It will be hard to walk by her room and not have her there. She is excited but is stalling on the packing - so that is driving me nuts! I will get through this! I will get through this!

I go in to the dr tomorrow so I get to hop on the scale - little nervous about that. I have not been feeling well today and feel kinda bloated, don't know what is going on, even a bit nauseous. Bleh!

Love the Patrick Swayze story!

I know you'll miss DD; I'm sure she'll have pangs of homesickness too!

Good luck at the doc's.

Monday we went on a five mile hike. The horrors!!! Seriously, it was probably the single worst hike I've been on in a long time. I'd have sworn it was 10 or 15 miles, not 5. At one point we are bush-wacking and having lift the stroller over rocks and thru stuff that wasn't wide enough for a Nat to get thru! I was SO proud of DD. She did a FANTASTIC job. she kept going even when she didn't want too and toughed it out.

The "suck it up" thing is something I've been saying to her as kind of a life lesson thing. It's done in a gentle way and with guidance but what I'm trying to teach her is that she can't have everything go the way she wants it too and there are just going to be times in life when something isn't going right. She's just going to have to "suck it up" and figure out a way to make it better for herself or to make it as okay as possible in a bad or not right situation.

Your walk was an adventure! That's what I would tell my neice and nephew when things weren't quite as expected in anything we did - an adventure! Glad you are teaching your child to 'suck it up' - I wish more parents did (I wouldn't have to deal with half the whiners I do), and hope more parents do!

Morning All. Hey Slim, where are you???

Again, I was up during the night; back to bed around 230 this time. Still gonna work from home because:1) I'm still oozing from my eyes and will not infect others; and 2) because I prefer it!:)

Catch you later....time for more coffee.< /p>

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Like a truculent child who doesn't want to go to school??

Yeah, dunno. I'm not giving him the warm fuzzies. He's VERY aware that I'm none too pleased. I even told him last night that it was amazing how he seemed to do SO well at the end of last week then all of a sudden... and yet he doesn't call the doctor. At all. Oh sure, he has an appointment tomorrow, but still... if it's STILL this bad, why not check with the doctor (who frankly seemed surprised that he was STILL in this much pain -- TWO WEEKS ago) and ask him what's up?

Ugh, I know I'm going to hell for this, but my mom and I were talking yesterday about this (while he was on his way home). He has been SO babied and SO pampered by mommy dearest that that's all he seems to respond to. My mom likes to remind me how I used to do the same thing early in our relationship, and I know she's right (I said as much). But now I see a wuss who just doesn't know how to man-up, and I'm just not taking that anymore.

Be a man, do your job, quicherbitchin'... I mean, I had gall bladder surgery and was hosting Thanksgiving three days later, and less than a WEEK later I was in Mexico climbing pyramids for chrissake.

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