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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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Is this it?


Ok, now that I actually see it, I get what they're trying to say. The title is still a bit awkward, though. I would suggest:

Everybody Keep Your Chins Up

Keep Your (Collective) Chins Up

I secretly wanna crash their blog and write way over the top comments, like "You two are HI-larious!" and "Never has my Quest for answers to my obesity problem been so fraught with humor!!"

Edited by plain
edited name of blog per TPG request

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It's funny, you know, but the more I read in this site about the troubles that US citizens have with their complicated insurance system and Medicaid, etc, the more I think you guys really NEED a universal health care system.

Our system isn't perfect by any means, but ask any Aussie about how difficult or easy it was to get the band, either privately or through the public system, and I'll bet most of them would say it was a walk in the park compared to the stories from our US counterparts.

What we need are tort reforms, and other major tweaks to the existing system -- NOT to scrap it.

Anyway, sorry y'all... didn't mean to get politics going in here. :blushing:

Hehe - I knew I was being a "bad" girl, bringing politics in here, but I couldn't resist having a bit of a dig :ohmy:. We should go start a(nother) thread in Rant and Raves, debating the relative merits of our systems, coz I have some pretty strong opinions and they're almost diametrically opposed to yours. I think the debate would be fun, as you seem to be one of the few political debaters capable of presenting logical and reasoned arguments. I love debating but don't bring it into this thread very often.

Whatdya say? Up for some fun? (Although I can't really get started till I finish work in a few hours - just sneaking in for quick posts at the moment.)

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I hope you're sh*tting me. That's the name of their blog?!? That's pretty offensive to me and I may be the least PC person here (Ok, so the least PC person is Beth :blushing:). Other considered titles for their blog:

Barely Human

There's Still Hope, Fat Ass - I think I'll vote for this one!

OMG look @ U

Impending Coronary

Snicker, snicker. Yeah, can you believe that blog? Sheesh. I found it offensive but I'm extra cranky right now.

PJTP: And THEN my DSL went out...no warning...just gone for an hour. Urgh.

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Morning! You all posted a ton last night.

Glouc-I am glad that decided NOT to disappear on us.

TPG-I am praying everything works out for you.

Heartfire-I am so glad that you all enjoyed the food! I was so scared about it.

re swineflu-there has been a few deaths here in this area from it. It scares me spitless, but the schools are trying their best to address it. If a child shows any flu like symptoms, they are being sent home and cannot return until they have been symptomless without the use of medicines for 24 hours. I know that makes it hard on some parents, but you should not send your child to school sick. That is just the way that it is. I hated to see when parents knowing sent their children to school with stomach viruses and such. If the child was throwing up at home, why on earth send them to school to throw up more?

Anyway, I hope that everyone has a blessed day. I am off to fix more coffee.< /p>

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Can I come stay with you, Fanny? I'll get banded there AND get to see the Opera House!! I'll even bring my own Protein drinks!!

You can come stay with me anytime!! (And that goes for any of you, out there - if you're visiting DownUnder, you had BETTER come look me up!! I have a guestroom for anyone that wants it!) Mind you, you won't get to see the Opera House from my place. I live in Perth, which is on the other side of the continent from Sydney - think New York/LA distances.

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Morning all to the PJTP posting fools - man, you guys are a busy lot! Remember PJTP is a politics free zone.

Finally it's Thursday (it is, right??) - with m mother staying here I get so very tired and confused. So while she sleeps a bit, I thought I would get caught up on the events here before heading to work. And yes, I'm up early enough to 'do' the Y, but I am just NOT interested and the thought of it makes me shudder. I will walk to work, but I am definitely easing back into the hated routine of exercise....blah!

Have a good day (and Fanny, for you a good evening) all.

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We know you don't have sex.

I never realized my innocence was so obvious!

Very possible. Dove hunting is a "shotgun" hunt, and it's possible a bird got enough pellets to not die right away.

Poor little thing.

Wait...Allergy Recognition Self Test?


THAT'S scary.

Yes. It is.

~TPG, what a mess! You do what YOU need to do for YOU!

~Kristen, Best wishes for DD's surgery tomorrow.


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Kristen-sending prayer and positive thoughts your way for your DD's surgery. Hopefully the valium will kick in long before her nerves.

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PJTP...Good morning!

Y'all have been BUSY this morning...lemme see if I can summarize / capsulate / catch up...

I'm not leaving! Can't get rid of me that easily. I'm just having a bad day. Glou, I have NO problems with you!

Don't leave, Pooly! We'd miss you waaaaay too much!

As for my surgery saga, I finally got a call from the original doc. Because my insurance is Medicaid (don't judge me here...I NEVER thought I'd be disabled and on Medicaid) if I self-pay, they could drop me. I have too many other health issues to let that happen. The doc did say I was a good candidate for lap band and suggested another doc in the same hosp. It's very hard to find anyone who will accept Medicaid. I did find someone though! I'm submitting paperwork and we'll go from there.

Oh crap - I HATE that kind of stuff. Here's hoping the other doc is able to help you right away...

I'm sure you all can imagine how frustrated I am. My surgery should be over and done by now. I may have to wait at least 6 months now. Don't know for sure. So, the day has been full of ups and downs. Then, I come here and read Glou's thread...then to FB and find that someone commented on my comment...well, I'm annoyed. Let freedom ring, to loosely quote the Martina song....

Maybe giving the other doc all your info and records will 'encourage' them to fast-track you? It couldn't hurt to try...and maybe the first doc feels like he owes you and will help out in that area...

WTH, whatever.... You can't please everybody...I'm finished with trying that. Thanks for letting me vent. I really rely on my PJTPers for support and laughs.

Anywho, TTFN,


I hate to admit this, but he does have a point. hmmmmm:unsure:

Be very careful - you'll encourage Plain to go off again!

TPG-Can you tell we are all pulling for you?

What Slim said!

Ok, so I should have been in bed 2 hours ago. I have been playing Mafia Wars and losing! WTH???

Anyway, good night everyone! I hope that everyone had an overall good day!

KC-I hope that you had a safe and uneventful flight!

Again - what Slim said...I've had my challenges with Mafia Wars, but more so with Vampire Wars on FB...yes, I am a techno-junkie! :blushing:

I have the same feeling! Although, mine came about after this nice gentleman clad in leather offered me a drink in a bar I was not familiar with. I....don't like to talk about it.

Ewww...there's an image I could have done without!

You can't feel your butt either? So maybe I could indulge my spanking fetish and you could get some restful sleep. I call that a win / win.

Okay, that's just WRONG...

Yep, I knew it happened for a reason. I also was soooo very not comfortable with this surgeon and his office staff. I did address these issues when I talked to the doc today. So, I won't contact the Board of Healing Arts, but they are on notice! I really don't think your office manager should tell a patient that a doc won't treat you if you're a difficult patient. Uh, gee, sorry I questioned someone calling me at 8:15 from their own home to cancel my surgery...and the beotch didn't even apologize. Can you say HIPAA violations?? :tt2:

Excuuuse me? DIFFICULT? WTF?

So, yeah, things happen for a reason. There's even more to this story. A bit of misrepresentation... Ya know, things like that. I think I dodged a bullet. :ohmy:

Yep, definately - like Beth said - a mortar shell!

And ANOTHER reason I wanted to self-pay:

Downloaded the required paperwork from new doc. It's 25 pages! Then, there's a checklist that tells you how long it should take to fill out each section of paperwork. For instance, the Allergy-Recognition Self Test should take a week :sad:. I am so not amused. How the hell do they know how long it'll take me? I am not your average bear....

Again, I say crap. This sucks. A lot. :)

Aren't there consultants / volunteers to help Medicare patients fill out paperwork like that? Perhaps nearby in your community? It's worth a shot, maybe that will help with the frustration level...I'm so sorry you have to deal with this! :lol:

A week...? Wait...Allergy Recognition Self Test?


THAT'S scary.

Okay - that's just WRONG. What if you do something to yourself to bring on anaphylactic (sp?) shock or some other adverse and severe reaction?

I hope you're sh*tting me. That's the name of their blog?!? That's pretty offensive to me and I may be the least PC person here (Ok, so the least PC person is Beth :tt1:). Other considered titles for their blog:

Barely Human

There's Still Hope, Fat Ass

OMG look @ U

Impending Coronary

What on earth? Who thought up that nonsense...

Well, anyway...minor scale victory this morning - even with my imperfect run at the 5 day pouch test, I'm off of my plateau and weighed in this morning at 202! I'm down roughly 3 pounds...I've been bouncing up and down a pound, but nothing serious. I find myself wanting salty, crunchy things - I think maybe my cycle may be getting ready to start...YUK!

Anyway - the job hunt continues, H is trying hard to work his way back to being DH, and DD is loving school so far. I'm up to running 1.5 miles 3 days a week, non stop (no walking) and I feel skinny today! :w00t:

Hope everyone has a wonderful day, and I'll BBL!

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I'm off of my plateau and weighed in this morning at 202! I'm down roughly 3 pounds...

Anyway - the job hunt continues, H is trying hard to work his way back to being DH, and DD is loving school so far. I'm up to running 1.5 miles 3 days a week, non stop (no walking) and I feel skinny today! :blushing:

What a nice positive feel-good post! (although the running thing eludes me).

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What a nice positive feel-good post! (although the running thing eludes me).

i thought the exact same thing.

3lbs ebony - onederland!!!

ktork - hoping all goes well w/your daughter

i would read the beth/fanny thread - likely not participate - but would DEF read it.

organizing / purging / playing with textiles - nice morning:)


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Ebony has just convinced me to retry the pouch test! :biggrin:

Thank you! :lol:

DD loves school this year as well, though I did have a little trouble with the counselor... who will call me and refer to HER as HE, though I've told her many, many times that DD is in fact FEMALE.

DD was in a higher math/science last year and it about kicked her butt...we talked -with counselor- and decided to be in reg. math/science for 7th...but higher level english/social studies classes - just to keep her moving forward. We agreed, I filled out paperwork and then this year, DD comes home and says to me, "You put me in higher math, didn't you?" I said, no.. why? She said there were kids from last year in her class. I went on long-ass diatribe on how, see? it was hard for them too.. you're not the only one not in higher math/sci this year...blah blah - typical mom-speech where the kid's eyes just glaze.

Well, turns out she's in higher level for all classes. She's kinda a little weirdo (my kid) and thinks she "failed" last year because she only got a B. I swear - the complete opposite of me, who by the time I was her age was skipping and smoking...THANK GOD she's not like me!!

So...anyway. Counselor is just a little old lady - not meaning harm, but it put DD into a frazzle for a while. Now I think she's settled into it, but I have a feeling it'll be a long academic year.

It does help that I'm going back to school, too and will be doing homework right along side her.

Edited by Gone4Now
mather just didn't make sense...s'posed to be math. I is good at grammar.

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~Pooly, of course you're cranky right now! You have every right to be! They are going to make you jump thru tons of hoops b/c it's a government thing. I just am so sorry you're having to deal with this! (((HUGS!!!)))

I hope you're sh*tting me. That's the name of their blog?!? That's pretty offensive to me and I may be the least PC person here (Ok, so the least PC person is Beth :biggrin:). Other considered titles for their blog:

Barely Human

There's Still Hope, Fat Ass

OMG look @ U

Impending Coronary

Yea, don't ya love it! I like your ideas tho! Esp the second one. :lol:

What we need are tort reforms, and other major tweaks to the existing system -- NOT to scrap it.

Anyway, sorry y'all... didn't mean to get politics going in here. :tt1:

Agreed and no, not going there! LOL!

Hehe - I knew I was being a "bad" girl, bringing politics in here, but I couldn't resist having a bit of a dig :lol:.

Trouble-maker! LOL!!

re swineflu-there has been a few deaths here in this area from it.

If the child was throwing up at home, why on earth send them to school to throw up more?

Morning! And I know what you mean about sharing a recipe and hoping they like it too! I liked it so much, I ate too much! Didn't hurt myself but was def full! DH now?, he stuffed himself! LOL!

There have been some deaths in our area too. It's one of my pet peeves that parents continually send their kids to school sick! So okay, you don't want to deal with having a sick kid so you send 'em to school to make all the other kids sick so then THEIR parents have to deal, or not deal, with a sick kid! WTH???!!!!

Morning all to the PJTP posting fools - man, you guys are a busy lot!

Finally it's Thursday (it is, right??)

I will walk to work, but I am definitely easing back into the hated routine of exercise....blah!

Have a good day (and Fanny, for you a good evening) all.

Morning Tap!

Yep, it's Thursday.

As long as you're doing something!

Hope you have a good day too!

PJTP...Good morning!

Well, anyway...minor scale victory this morning - even with my imperfect run at the 5 day pouch test, I'm off of my plateau and weighed in this morning at 202!

Anyway - the job hunt continues, H is trying hard to work his way back to being DH, and DD is loving school so far. I'm up to running 1.5 miles 3 days a week, non stop (no walking) and I feel skinny today! :tt2:

Hope everyone has a wonderful day, and I'll BBL!

Morning, Ebony! Great job on the scale and the running!

Hang in there on the job and H thing. And SO glad DD is liking school!

Hope you have a great day too!

organizing / purging / playing with textiles - nice morning:)


Morning, Lu! How's about you come out my way when you're all done purging and you can go thru alllllll of my crap and help me purge too?!

PJTP: Okay, gotta get moving. Today is going to be busy and I hardly slept last night! UGH!! I'll try to check in again before I crash tonight!

Have a fantabulous day y'all!!!! :wub:

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Ebony has just convinced me to retry the pouch test! :lol:

Thank you! :tt1:

DD loves school this year as well, though I did have a little trouble with the counselor... who will call me and refer to HER as HE, though I've told her many, many times that DD is in fact FEMALE.

DD was in a higher math/science last year and it about kicked her butt...we talked -with counselor- and decided to be in reg. math/science for 7th...but higher level english/social studies classes - just to keep her moving forward. We agreed, I filled out paperwork and then this year, DD comes home and says to me, "You put me in higher math, didn't you?" I said, no.. why? She said there were kids from last year in her class. I went on long-ass diatribe on how, see? it was hard for them too.. you're not the only one not in higher math/sci this year...blah blah - typical mom-speech where the kid's eyes just glaze.

Well, turns out she's in higher level for all classes. She's kinda a little weirdo (my kid) and thinks she "failed" last year because she only got a B. I swear - the complete opposite of me, who by the time I was her age was skipping and smoking...THANK GOD she's not like me!!

So...anyway. Counselor is just a little old lady - not meaning harm, but it put DD into a frazzle for a while. Now I think she's settled into it, but I have a feeling it'll be a long academic year.

It does help that I'm going back to school, too and will be doing homework right along side her.

First, Glouc, your edit cracked me up!

Second, YIKES! for DD! All of that would have sent me over the edge! Math is not my strongsuit. Well, hell, it's not even on my radar and yet I'm a glorified bookkeeper! :biggrin: In HS it took me 2 years to go thru Algebra 1! And I still barely passed! Then they (mom and counselor) made me take Geometry even tho I only needed 1 yr of math and had done that. Worked my tail off and STILL failed 1st semester. Teacher did all he could in his power to help and I still couldn't wrap my brain around it! He kindly suggested I go TA somewhere for 2nd semester and get out of his class! I happily obliged!!!

Third, congrats to your DD for being so driven!

Fourth, great job for YOU to go back to school!

Okay, outta here! Bye!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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