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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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I am hoping and praying for postive results from the interview.

I anyone else having trouble getting on here today? I don't know if it is the site or my internet.

Thanks to you and tap. From your mouths to God's ears, especially in this economy! That'll be two different interviews, two chances...

I haven't been having troubles. Might be your internet...?

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OK - you may now resume your regular postings of marathons, kick boxing, new style shoes and lovin' sweat!

Ok, I got the shoes, but lovin' sweat? Nah!:frown:

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Oh my stars!!! Heart said "hard-on"! I kinda picture you all goody-goody, Heart. I'm a bit aghast!

LOL! My fav saying is "Donkey Dick" but I don't get to say it very often! LOL!!

Actually, I'm an ANGEL... with busted up wings and a crooked halo!

Maybe I'll FINALLY see some decent movement in the scale, instead of this piss-farting around with 0.5kg up and down each month...

I sure hope this works for you! Best wishes!

Michelle~ You were a posting fool today!

I know! But if I'd done one long multi-quote post, it'd a been 2 pages long! :coffee:

Try to have a fun weekend! You get to see me the next weekend! I am really looking forward to meeting in person!

I'm so exited! Nervous too tho!

And I also can't believe you used the word "hard on".:cheers2:

Yea, I know, see above. :grouphug:

They are trying to make the teachers completely responsible for every aspect of student learning. The students don't have to take any responsibility and if they are failing it is our fault! WHAT????

THAT is ridiculous! That is also one of my pet peeves. The lack of personal responsibility! It's WAY too easy to blame others for your mistakes but the right thing to do is own up to them and learn your lesson and move on! It's called "being an adult!"

Overall, so far so good!

And I did answer about 2010 up there somewhere. From what I see, my classes end about mid-May, though saying that now it doesn't sound right. Hmm... I have a daytimer I bought that has all the different school functions/data in it, so I'll check it later on and verify. I'd LOVE to be able to come!

Sounds like a good first day. Well except for the malware attack! :party:

Sorry I missed that post. Sometimes I scroll too fast or miss a page altogether! :P

I think we were looking a June originally b/c that's when SheSmiles was going to be here. And we want you there!

i go to bed, much too early.

new puppy awfully active @ 5am :clock:


Good morning everyone else, even those who don't love me anymore. :blink:

Morning Susan! Course it's afternoon now! LOL!

Now, good morning all! Im late signing on, but my mother is visiting with us for a few weeks, and between being up at all hours helping her to the bathroom, and stuff, and getting her set for the day as both DH and I are out, this really is my first break. I have such a great respect for those who deal with the elderly leaving them their dignity and treating them with compassion. I love my mother, but I find this personal care very difficult and difficult for her to accept from her daughter. Dh is a real support too, but she doesn't like him to see her after her 'accidents' etc, so it's up to me to get her into the tub etc. And my house is not designed with the amenities she really needs....but I digress.

Now, if I could just get back into the groove on other 'band' things...portion control, exercise....

Bless you for all that you are doing for your mom. I now how hard that is.

Ktork... Valley girl here! :woot: I am in Eugene!

Damn! It's like 2-3hrs from Black Butte! We'll be there for almost a week and on our way thru Bend, we're stopping in to meet up with Kristen.

Omg, it's SEPTEMBER! :shocked:

That's all.


I am making a tweaked jambalaya recipe (I've added kidney and black Beans instead of rice).

Yumm! Recipe please!!!

Not really a story Tap... But I am up for a promotion which would give me another 3 weeks a year vacation and I want it bad... I am just hoping one of the chicks ahead of me has it bite her in the ass lol.

Then I'll be praying for Karma! LOL! Best wishes!

Okay then - set another plate, please! Beth and I will join you.

(Although I eat meat, I don't 'do' internal organs...kidneys, livers, brains, etc. ick. double ick)

Eww, me either! I don't even like dealing with whole birds cause ya gotta get the gizzards out! YUCK!

Are you kidding me?!? I think you're just peaches! (((hugs)))

Yeah, I'll even include Plain in that. However, I don't like to admit that publicly. Ever.


Have a successful day everyone!!!!

What she said! Hi Diva!!

Hubby got called for another interview today... goes on Thursday. I'm hoping ONE of these suckas comes through!

Best wishes to DH, Beth!!

Okay, I think I'm all caught up now. I MUST DO WORK! I'll BBL!

Edited by heartfire

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PJTP...Hi Everybody! *waving wildly*

I'm here, I'm here!:blink:


Just chillin'...home is okay. H is being lovey-dovey and sweet as pie. Part of me wants to believe he's real, that everything will be okay, and we can just resume our normally scheduled relationship, but nah...I've been burned like that before, and I'm not ready to forgive and forget just yet.

Ran nearly 1.5 miles this morning, non-stop! Having a wonderful time with the running thang - 3 days a week now, and I absolutely love it. No change in the scale yet - it's been about a month that I've been stuck, I think, and I'm anxious for that next 6 lbs to go away so I can be in Onederland! :P

Great job on the running! Hang in there with the scale thing. It's fickle!

Gotta go through the closet - all my size 18's are starting to hang unattractively on me...H mentioned it this morning (in a nice way, funny enough). Guess I've gotta go shopping - darn! (said with tongue firmly in cheek)

WhooHoo! Shopping trip!

I will continue the job search - though part of me wants to re-hang my shingle as an entrepreneur. I would have to do it the right way, though - save up enough and THEN do it. Having just bought a car, and with DD in college, now would NOT be the time for an ill-advised risk.

Yea, probably not a good time but it's always an idea for later!

Been looking at condos on-line - found one in a complex I'd LOVE to live in...one bedroom, really reasonable. Gives me a target to shoot at should H screw up again. Have tentatively decided I'll stay put for now, get DD off to VSU, and see what happens. I'll be putting my financial plan in place in the event I have to buy a home next year.

Good for you for having a plan! Prayers tho that you don't need it.

Love y'all for worrying about me...and I'm glad I have LBT and specifically PJTP to come to...

Mee too!

Regarding the get-together at Lu's house - end of May works for me as well - Memorial Day weekend? Just lemme know - like y'all, the earlier I plan, the better it will be...:frown:

I can't remember what SheSmiles' plans where! The whole idea was for all of us to get together when she was here and I thought that it was kinda anytime in June. Maybe Lu can remind us.


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crazy , crazy ass day ....:frown:

taps, yes - rescued a yellow lab last fri & am posting another pic for you not to look at. she's a sassy thing.

* i do like goose liver pate' ; livers not so much

* crock pot dish sounds yummy

* good luck all @ school / jobs

* tired - can you tell; i blame glouc

* exercise keeps my energy level up - not so much today

* couldn't pay me to be a mod here

* round 3 of rennovations pick back up tomorrow & my kitchen will be gutted. DH is traveling so i'm glad for my mini frozen meals. ahhhhhhhhhhh the smell of paint back in the house. end date for final for it all is turkey day; i say christmas but more like valentines if i had to guess.


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Ohhh my! Don't turn your back with that lil cutie while I'm around... :frown:

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It is a weight loss forum, after all. What better way to lose than to think of liver and not eat at all?

OK....but sadly, I don't have this message on my fridge, so it is AFTER I eat and plunk myself here that I read it...my strawberry yogurt isn't lookin' so good now.:shocked:

I am hoping and praying for postive results from the interview.

I anyone else having trouble getting on here today? I don't know if it is the site or my internet.

No troubles getting on the site. Still holding out great hope that a fantabulous job, nay, career, is revealed to you.

Ran nearly 1.5 miles this morning, non-stop! Having a wonderful time with the running thang - 3 days a week now, and I absolutely love it.

See what I mean? Does NOT compute. Not at all.

Been looking at condos on-line - found one in a complex I'd LOVE to live in...one bedroom, really reasonable. Gives me a target to shoot at should H screw up again. Have tentatively decided I'll stay put for now, get DD off to VSU, and see what happens. I'll be putting my financial plan in place in the event I have to buy a home next year.

Regarding the get-together at Lu's house - end of May works for me as well - Memorial Day weekend? Just lemme know - like y'all, the earlier I plan, the better it will be...:P

It is good to have a plan in place, even if you don't execute it. Be prepared!

Hehehe, you're NOT alone! :blink:
Ok, I got the shoes, but lovin' sweat? Nah!:frown:


I can't remember what SheSmiles' plans where! The whole idea was for all of us to get together when she was here and I thought that it was kinda anytime in June. Maybe Lu can remind us.

As I hadn't heard about any plans I was wondering if perhaps you had made these great plans via Facebook, and those of us not in the 'in crowd' would be left out. Glad to know that the planning is just slow to happen - but let's get to it people. I have to submit my holiday request this month.


taps, yes - rescued a yellow lab last fri & am posting another pic for you not to look at. she's a sassy thing.


* round 3 of rennovations pick back up tomorrow & my kitchen will be gutted. DH is traveling so i'm glad for my mini frozen meals. ahhhhhhhhhhh the smell of paint back in the house. end date for final for it all is turkey day; i say christmas but more like valentines if i had to guess.

So what all is going into this new kitchen? How many ovens? Fridges? How much counter space - it will never be enough!

Just checking in while my mother reads and DH blobs in front of the TV.

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OK - what new weirdness is happening with my fonts etc?

That was FONTS, Plain, not fronts. (Cut you off at the pass)

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OK - what new weirdness is happening with my fonts etc?

That was FONTS, Plain, not fronts. (Cut you off at the pass)

Cut him off at the ass? WHAT?? :P

Oh. Never mind. :frown:

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PJTP-I am going to try to pull a KC today. I have been up all night, but I am going to try to stay up all day. I have already put dinner in a crock pot so that I don't have to worry about burning my house down. I go back to my regular shift tomorrow. If I take a nap now, I won't sleep tonight. Last night was mentally draining. I am telling you this so that if I start typing gibberish (more so than normal), you all will know it is from lack of sleep adding to my normal stupidity.

You'll be drooling like KC soon too!

Slim honey - I've had years of practice and induction into the mental instability that allows me to function in a sleep free zone - my prayers for you!

Writing down the day that KC admitted her "mental instability"!!!

Okay then - set another plate, please! Beth and I will join you.

(Although I eat meat, I don't 'do' internal organs...kidneys, livers, brains, etc. ick. double ick)

Not enough money...

My friends had a party once where they took an egg, onions, and chicken liver and cut it all up, mixed in seasonings and put it on Ritz crackers. I never liked liver before, don't really like it now - except that way.

Also remember field dressing a deer in my uncle's butcher shop. The hunters were s'posed to do it, but one guy didn't. Liver isn't very pretty... :thumbup:

OK I just threw up a little in my mouth...gah.

* tired - can you tell; i blame glouc

ditto but I always blame Glouc.

* round 3 of renovations pick back up tomorrow & my kitchen will be gutted. DH is traveling so i'm glad for my mini frozen meals. ahhhhhhhhhhh the smell of paint back in the house. end date for final for it all is turkey day; i say christmas but more like valentines if i had to guess.

Lu without a kitchen. Oh lawd this is gonna be ugly.

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OK I just threw up a little in my mouth...gah.


I aim to please. Oh, wait, no I don't give a damn.

Lu without a kitchen. Oh lawd this is gonna be ugly.

Hey...she can come hang out in Houston and get her cook jones' out with us! We won't mind, really...will provide wine, doggie friends. :mad:

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:drool:Hey...she can come hang out in Houston and get her cook jones' out with us! We won't mind, really...will provide wine, doggie friends. :thumbup:

i will get to H Town before WD & cook for ya.

built a kitchen upstairs - so while it's not the mack daddy .... i still have something to work with.

been dreaming / designing this kitchen for 3yrs - tomorrow is my christmas:)

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Lu - when you coming to KC again?

SNT - at least I can admit it

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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