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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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It's my AngelBaby's birthday today (she's 28!!) and last night I had a "surprise shopping party" for her. It was at a local fancy boutique, where you can book the shop for the night, invite about 8-12 people, they put on champagne and strawberries, give everyone a 10% discount, plus the host gets 10% of the total sales as an additional discount and everyone gets a free gift if they purchase something. The stuff in this boutique is absolutely gorgeous - clothing in all sizes and styles, fabulous jewellery, handbags, purses and hats... I could buy everything on their floor! The gifts were amazing too - mostly earrings that were retailing at around $30 a pair, and each one chosen specially by the staff to match what the person bought...

I bought my daughter some exquisite shoes (she's going to take a photo with her phone and send it to me soon - I'll post it when she does); and bought myself a hot new dress! This is the first dress I've worn (except for my daughter's wedding 7 years ago) in over 20 years!! Excuse the messy hair and unflattering face pic but I love the dress...


Edited by Fanny Adams

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Beth has posted to her blog from her parents house, but not here. I wondered about her too.

I am glad that you feeling better Heartfire. I guess it takes the tummy a little longer to feel better than it does for it to get out of wack.

Well, Beth needs to get her butt over here!

Thanks. And ain't that the truth! And WHY???

When my DH was on deployment, the kids and I used to mark off days on the calendar until his return. When we got down to less than 30 days, it became the "No Mores"...no more 1st of the month without Daddy, etc. When it got down to 7 days, it was the "No No Mores" - No more Mondays without Daddy, etc. It made missing him a little less painful...for them and for me! :confused:

Thinking about going to try on new shorts tonight after work - I want to see if I can fit into a 14 yet...wish me luck! :w00t:

Awwww, that's so wonderful! Must have been hard with him gone so long! I have an end date this time b/c DH has vacation starting the 30th. They have to have him HOME by then! :drool: Hoping it'll be sooner tho!

Let us know how it goes with the shorts! I'm wanting to shop but also not wanting to spend the money on clothes I'm not going to be able to wear come next year!

HF, actually yes. I’ve taken several classes there. The ECCO training center (Episcopal or something). Anyway, it’s quite possible that was me. I did mention in one of my classes that I had just gotten my Lap-Band done at that time. I think it was only 3 weeks later.

This would have been nearly 2 years ago when he took the class. It was for the CalCards. He'd managed to avoid having one assigned at his former unit but they nailed him here! I don't even know how it came up but he was talking about something the accounting instructors had said and mentioned their names. I remember him saying Irene for some reason.

J Wow!! Small World!! Though apparently there are more than 7,500 CalFire employees… but I’m sure there are only a few Irene’s![/size]

AND it being an accounting class WITH the accountants, it probably WAS you! It is a small world! And now you know where I live! :tongue:

Thanks for the welcome back! I’m so glad to be back! I need you guys to help me get across that finish line. Whether it is in the support forums cheering me on, or in here just to blow off a little steam!

I love this place. I don't have a support group IRL, so this place is it. I mean, I have DH and mom, but as far as an actual GROUP. The one in the city is all bypass, tho they're very nice. It's also an hour away.

I really understand how your daughter might be feeling. When I went out on the fire to help out (Lightning Complex), the guys had already been there for nearly two months! Their kids would constantly call them and ask when they are coming home. I felt so bad for them, so I rushed through the papers to get them home ASAP. I did that instead of milking the time, and I really could have. I’m just not that type though.

Oh, that was so nice of you!

christmas came early for me, MIL/FIL are MOVING to florida........

the collective cackle, laugh & snort can be heard from TX if you listen closely:)

Whoo Hoo! Party time!!!

Can my MIL/BIL go too? Please? I'm begging here....I'm so freaking jealous!

Slim, let go of her leg and get off of the floor. Really, hon, it's okay. You can let go now. She gets it. And it's just not ladylike, please! (:blink: Couldn't resist!)

Okay, so there ARE good things about not being married :thumbup:.

LOL! I wouldn't know. I got married when I was barely 19 and we're headed to our 22nd anniversary!

Yay on the XL! That is so awesome! How did I miss seeing this before?

My posts are too long! Thank you, I'm thrilled!

That is so sweet how you DD loves her papa. DS would miss his dad when he worked out of town just a few years ago. He was 10 and wanted his dad home every night.

It's great when she sees him, either when he's coming in the door or if he's at the station, she yells, "PAPA!" and throws herself at him. It's so cute!

Holy cow! This is a long post. Sorry.:redface:

That's okay. Mine are always long. I'm always trying to catch up!

* DH has allowed me 3 days to gloat, smirk, laugh, giggle, throw a parade & buy a new house warming present for his parents. the good karma is their moving an hr from my parents and i should sick my mom on them.....LOL

LOL!!! It's too funny but I am really happy for you!

KC is a sweetie.

I agree! And I like her stories!

i think the IL are moving for many reasons:

Doesn't matter as long as they're moving! :thumbup:

Let's be real now - so how do I find mr right and screen the in laws without seeming too picky?!

Ok let's be honest - how do I just find mr right - screw the in laws!

They live very far away or are already dead?! Is that bad?

I actually LIKE my ILs. They're good folk. I'm blessed.

*Fanny, that sounds like SO MUCH FUN! And that dress is AWESOME!!!!!

PJTP: DD and I had a great day in Yosemite. Just what we needed. She wants to do it again! She had fun at dance class and is now currently eating... again!

She is barely 3 and way taller than the other girls, who are also 3 (older 3s), in her class! :eek:

I think this is why people keep asking me if she's 5 or starting Kindergarten!!

Okay, need to eat something then it's bedtime for DD.


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It's my AngelBaby's birthday today (she's 28!!) and last night I had a "surprise shopping party" for her. It was at a local fancy boutique, where you can book the shop for the night, invite about 8-12 people, they put on champagne and strawberries, give everyone a 10% discount, plus the host gets 10% of the total sales as an additional discount and everyone gets a free gift if they purchase something. The stuff in this boutique is absolutely gorgeous - clothing in all sizes and styles, fabulous jewellery, handbags, purses and hats... I could buy everything on their floor! The gifts were amazing too - mostly earrings that were retailing at around $30 a pair, and each one chosen specially by the staff to match what the person bought...

I bought my daughter some exquisite shoes (she's going to take a photo with her phone and send it to me soon - I'll post it when she does); and bought myself a hot new dress! This is the first dress I've worn (except for my daughter's wedding 7 years ago) in over 20 years!! Excuse the messy hair and unflattering face pic but I love the dress...

Wow Fanny, your daughter looks hawt in that dress!! :confused:

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Ok I have to share with you all the funniest pic. I have a Meyer lemon tree and these mushrooms grew in the pot:


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That made me snort Diet Dr. Pepper all over my computer!!! I love the mushrooms, I would say to hell with the tree, and grow the shrooms!!! They are hilarious!!!!

Can't you just see marketing them as divorce plant gifts or something!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!

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My humble mushrooms made you speechless..... I don't understand all the fuss!

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My humble mushrooms made you speechless..... I don't understand all the fuss!

Young lady, does your mother know you have those things at your house? And does she know about the mushrooms?

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I can understand about Tap needing a break. I just wanted to get it out there just in case she happened to read it, that we care. That's all. I haven't actually had any of the hatefulness that occurs here and other sites spewed in my direction (that I know of anyway) yet. I really don't understand why people would be that way, but I recognize that I am just being naive about it. I would rather be naive. I like to think that if you put kindess/nicess out, that you will get that back in return. I know it won't always happen, but in my own little imaginary world (thanks to lots of medicine *snickering*) it does.

I am right there with you. I always give the benefit of the doubt and I want to believe that people will always do the right thing!

I'm so sorry about the Migraine. I hope you feel better soon. I need to color my "not so blonde" streaks. I actually have blonde highlights to cover my gray, but the gray around my temples is not cooperating. It just sticks out at all types of odd ways.

It took a few hours, but I was good for the rest of the day!

Diito! I miss Tap too. :redface:

Me too!

UGH! So sorry! I swear I didn't send it to you! Are there pressure changes up there? That's another trigger for me.

We got a major heat wave and I think that had something to do with it.

Have fun getting you hair done! Maybe relaxing and enjoying a little down time will help the migraine go away!

I love the gal that does my hair, so it was a nice relaxing 1.5 hours. I am thinkin' I like the hair. We decided to go a bit darker and then some caramel highlights. I usually don't go this dark, but the gray is driving me nuts!

And my sarcastic, some times caustic, sense of humor has gotten me in to trouble too b/c it just doesn't sound the same on paper, so to speak!

I have learned to control my sarcasm - teaching does that to you! However, DH gets called in at least one time a year over some little frosh kid, the older kids get his humor, but the little kids just don't!



PJTP: If DD ever gets her cute little butt moving, we're heading in to Yosemite today for a couple of hours.

Hope you had a great day! How fun!

This evening she has dance class. She's missing papa and I'm trying to keep her busy. Has to be hard on both of you when he is gone!

PJTP...Hi Everybody! :wub:

I just "colored" my gray into submission for another few weeks. My DH says I should let it grow out - I would, but it's kinda like when I grew out my relaxer - it's hard to hide it while it's growing out, and I have so much hair now that I'd have to cut it short again to get it all to look the same. No thank you - it took me nearly 18 months to grow it out after cutting off the relaxer and going natural, and I love my curls now. I'll be coloring until my hairdresser retires...and since that's me, I've got at least 20 years before THAT happens! :thumbup:

Sometimes I wish I could twinkle my nose and redo my hair with magic! It takes so long to grow it out and get to where you want to be!

When my DH was on deployment, the kids and I used to mark off days on the calendar until his return. When we got down to less than 30 days, it became the "No Mores"...no more 1st of the month without Daddy, etc. When it got down to 7 days, it was the "No No Mores" - No more Mondays without Daddy, etc. It made missing him a little less painful...for them and for me! :confused:

What a great way to track his return!

Thinking about going to try on new shorts tonight after work - I want to see if I can fit into a 14 yet...wish me luck! :w00t:

Go for the 14! Woo Hoo!

Thanks for the welcome back! I’m so glad to be back! I need you guys to help me get across that finish line. Whether it is in the support forums cheering me on, or in here just to blow off a little steam!

We are cheering you on to the next milestone!

Oh, this sounds fun. And please do post here. I don't do FB or MyS... I don't want to miss the war! And PJTP, I loves me some Bobby Flay...He should dump the TV star wife. I would happily keep him company (as long as he does all the cooking). :thumbup:

Hmm, I wonder if he does cook at home????

How is everybody today?

Much better now that the migraine is gone!


i miss taps as well - i hope she's at least lurking and see's our notes willing her to come back!!!!!


yes, diva - it's thursday and i have gotten "some" stuff done; i've just gotten a bit lazy lately and let a few things house/ranch slide .... oops

I hear ya! I get on a roll for awhile and then it just is so hard to keep up with all the work! BTW I love the tractor with the mow deck - so stinkin' jealous!

*** for slim *** - christmas came early for me, MIL/FIL are MOVING to florida........

the collective cackle, laugh & snort can be heard from TX if you listen closely:)

Sounds like the IL moving is a good thing!:tongue:

[quote name=luluc;1306627* ebony - hope you find some fab 14 shorts. there are some GREAT sales going on' date=' i hit dillards yesterday real quick - and to buy off the rack not try on and pay nothing was the biggest NSV so far.

Macy's this Sat. I am there!

* KC, again i would like to thank you for the doggie treats. i have been spoiling the dogs w/them & DH even tried one today; he said you can cook for him anytime.

I keep hearing about the doggie treats and I want the recipe! KC are given it out or are you getting ready to go into the doggie treat biz?

Let's be real now - so how do I find mr right and screen the in laws without seeming too picky?!

Ok let's be honest - how do I just find mr right - screw the in laws!

I think that is the question that we all asked, or are asking. I found mine when I decided to quit looking - weird how that happens!

It's my AngelBaby's birthday today (she's 28!!) and last night I had a "surprise shopping party" for her. This is the first dress I've worn (except for my daughter's wedding 7 years ago) in over 20 years!! Excuse the messy hair and unflattering face pic but I love the dress...

You are smokin hot in that dress!

Ok I have to share with you all the funniest pic. I have a Meyer lemon tree and these mushrooms grew in the pot:

:eek::lol: Love it!

PJTP: Migraine went away and I had a great day! Wasn't so sure about the hair at first, but it is growing on me. It was super hot today (102) so DH and I went up in the mountains to run. We went up to Broken Top, about 6500ft, and it was a lovely 72 and we had a beautiful run! I am going to have to purchase a small camera that will fit in my handheld water bottle case. It was amazing! I love running across streams, too fun!

DS had his "Iron Bear" test today and missed getting the honor by one bench press! He was so excited to go into football tonight and has been working really hard to get the title, but it wasn't happening! He felt bad, but it was super hot and only a few Seniors made the list this year. He wanted to be the second sophomore to ever get it:sad: He is over it and ready for his first game that comes up in 2 weeks. Looks like he will be starting on JV and he is pretty excited about that!

Hopefully it will cool off tomorrow - I am going to ride my horse! Yeah! I will let you know how it goes. (crossing fingers and praying)

Should head to bed - have to run first thing in the morning!:blink:

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Kristen, what are the requirements for the "Iron Bear"?

Edited by plain

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Kristen, what are the requirements aor the "Iron Bear"?

I'm worried about the Iron bear claws. If I can actually chew 'em, will they stick in my band? Maybe these aren't Breakfast pastries :confused:. My bad.

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I'm worried about the Iron bear claws. If I can actually chew 'em, will they stick in my band? Maybe these aren't breakfast pastries :confused:. My bad.

Mmmmm, doughnuts..... <----- Said in Homer Simpson voice

Edited by plain
had to clarify

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Kristen - I would absolutely give you the recipe - but I'll have to check with Lulu - she might be my new business partner and all. Think I could make a deal with her though - I hear she likes mojitos (or any alcohol for that matter)

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.......bats eyelashes......... whatever do you mean?

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