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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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Aha!! I heard that!!

***looking around****Heard what?:smile:

On the agenda today: plan honeymoon cruise, get plane tickets for DD to visit her dad's mother in FL in October, and then budget (with the two quarters I have left).

Budget? What the heck is that?:w00t:

Off to work, have a good day all!

Hi Kat!

* boycotted laundry & i think it doubled overnight???

* today is wed right???? i need to get my act together and get stuff done, bbl!

So did my laundry! What's up with that? It is Wednesday. Thank goodness!

PJTP: Well, I'm headed back to the city this afternoon for an unfill. I'm so tight hot tea doesn't even want to go thru! I was afraid of that. I should have just said to do the .25 instead of the .5. My sitter is available so DD will stay home today. I'll go down, get unfilled and come back home! UGH!

Off to get dressed and ready to go. Maybe I can get some work stuff done this AM before I have to leave. We'll see.


I am sorry that your fill was too much. I hope that by the time you are reading this, you are feeling much better.

Really upset with doctors right now. DD had blood work done on Aug 5th and I haven't heard back from anyone. Called the lab yesterday - no record at all of my DD. Called the ordering physicians office over and over and over again last 2 days and finally they called back today.

No. Record. Of. My. DD.

None. At all...as in they asked over and over her name and DOB...I got a lot of, "Ummm....aahhhhhh, welllll. Ma'am, we'll have to call you back."

Can ya'll say: SEETHING?

How the heck did they lose her records?:biggrin:

Hope you all have a great day!

Since you have been doing stuff, do you think you could add my to-do list to yours? :smile:

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* diva - i LOVE those shapper tennis shoes, i don't wear them all the time - but have found a great workout on the stairmaster w/them!!!! congrats on WW working out for ya; i read your thread often.!.

* OK, doing laundry - not happy ... but top chef is on tonight

* KC decided to pull a bobbly flay and create a food challenge w/me - it's ON! thought i'd bring all trash talking here as well as FB:) :biggrin:

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* KC decided to pull a bobbly flay and create a food challenge w/me - it's ON! thought i'd bring all trash talking here as well as FB:) :biggrin:

No fair! There is no way I can make a choice on who to vote for!:w00t:

Edited by *slim*

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No fair! There is no way I can make a choice on who to vote for!:biggrin:

* send each other ingredients - you then have to come up w/a dish * great idea she came up with:)

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[quote name=*slim*;1305811

So did my laundry! What's up with that? It is Wednesday. Thank goodness!

Since you have been doing stuff' date=' do you think you could add my to-do list to yours? :smile:

I do laundry on Wed and Sat. If I don't do it twice a week it would consume me!!!

Sure, send over your list, I will just fit everything in as I drive around!:w00t:

[quote name=luluc;1305883* OK' date=' doing laundry - not happy ... but top chef is on tonight

* KC decided to pull a bobbly flay and create a food challenge w/me - it's ON! thought i'd bring all trash talking here as well as FB:) :biggrin:[/quote]

TOP CHEF! Woo Hoo, DD and I are sooo excited for the new season!

* send each other ingredients - you then have to come up w/a dish * great idea she came up with:)

It's a throwdown and I wonder who will come out on top? (yes, I opened that door) Too bad we all can't sample the food and vote!

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Heading home soon...got prices, but no actual plans in place.

Really upset with doctors right now. DD had blood work done on Aug 5th and I haven't heard back from anyone. Called the lab yesterday - no record at all of my DD. Called the ordering physicians office over and over and over again last 2 days and finally they called back today.

No. Record. Of. My. DD.

None. At all...as in they asked over and over her name and DOB...I got a lot of, "Ummm....aahhhhhh, welllll. Ma'am, we'll have to call you back."

Can ya'll say: SEETHING?

Oh. My. Gosh! Are you flippin' kidding me?!?!?!?!?! That is SO WRONG!!!!!!!!! I sure hope it gets worked out soon. That is ridiculous! And of course it's going to be up to YOU to jump thru the hoops to get it taken care of or to get her back in for re-do's! :smile:

Good morning!

Went for an early morning run, met the volleyball girls to try on shoes and get sizes, met spirit wear vendor to approve colors for shirts, picked up DS and dropped him off for workout, met former student at school to give her a projector for her wedding this weekend, picked up DS, home for a few moments and then off to take DD to her oral surgeon to get her wisdom teeth pulled. BUSY! There is still more to do!!!!

I feel like I have 100 things to do, but they are all little minor things that have to be done! No substance.

Michelle, hope you are feeling better! I am in the middle of debating (with myself) whether or not to have a fill. You know me and that damn plateau!

Hope you all have a great day!

Sheesh! Your day is making me tired! Oh wait. Maybe it's b/c I've had only about 400 calories for the entire day and it's after dinner time!

I AM feeling better but he took out ALL of what he put in yesterday! Dammit! AND he refuses to see me til he gets back from vacation. So first part of October. I'll make the appt when I get back into town late Sept.

I am sorry that your fill was too much. I hope that by the time you are reading this, you are feeling much better.

I am Slim, thank you.

* KC decided to pull a bobbly flay and create a food challenge w/me - it's ON! thought i'd bring all trash talking here as well as FB:) :w00t:

Ooooooo! Sounds like fun! Also sounds like something for the June meet up. THAT WE NEED TO PICK A DATE FOR!!!!

Too bad we all can't sample the food and vote!

I agree. I'm so there!

PJTP: Feels so much better to be able to drink Water and not get STUCK!!! :smile:

Only problem is that I hit Target again afterwards and spent a lot more money today. Mama got a little carried away! :smile:

Bought yet another purse that I hope will work this time!

Found some CUTE ugg-type boots for DD for the winter.

Bought her a ballerina barbie doll with brown hair. (WHAT am I getting myself in to!)

Found a CUTE nightie for DD too.

Bought her some more dance stuff for classes. She needed the whole outfit thingy.

Bought me some new fuzzy-lined slippers w/hard soles b/c I'm always wearing my slippers outside! My old, nasty, falling-apart ones hit the garbage can when I got home.

Found a CUTE dress for me in a size... wait for it... XL!!!!!! Tried it on when I got home and it is PERFECT!!! So excited!!!

Anyway, got some of the stuff on sale too so that's always a bonus!

DH called and they're holding them til the weekend. Saturday or Sunday. UGH!

Okay, I've got to make some Soup. I'm on liquids for the next couple of days.

Oh, forgot. Lost 3lbs between yesterday and today's doc visits! :biggrin:


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I just thought I would mention this while sitting here in this thread alone, I miss Tap. I really miss her being here with me early in the morning. I just had to say it again. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today.

Tap-I hope that you are starting to feel better. Come back soon, ok?

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Plain, thanks so much for that compliment. It’s really really hard sometimes, especially when you dig yourself a bit of a hole. However, holes were meant for climbing out of!! Or were they? LOL


HF, Yes, I’m glad to work for CalFire because right now we are the only few CA state offices not being Furloughed (3 days OMG!! Well, right now anyway).

Yes, I do work in the HQ Bldg. I’m a Grant Analyst, but I have a lot of accounting background with the State and with CalFire so I am trained to go out as a Payment Processing Tech Spec. I’m still considered a Trainee, and have only gone out on one other fire last year (thanks to Boss again). He’s getting heck for it though!! LMAO! Anyway, they let me do more than half my incident call on my own. I got raving reviews… hehe (just had to throw that in there!)

As far as Billy was concerned, well I had to break our date. I felt I’ve been doing way too much cardio recently. I have so many new tools and I’m just blowing right through them, because I feel great! We have the rest of our lives together to get it done though. :-D

I hope you feel better from your fill. I’m surprised he would give you so much. My doc wouldn’t even give me .5cc when I needed a huge fill. He’s crazy though, so don’t take that to mean a darn thing.


Shonda, LMAO! Hey don’t apologize for feeling like you do about work. Because if 126.6 Lbs is all of you there’s not enough! Haha!!


Glou, sounds like you are a bit of busy today. Save some time for us too!


Lu, it’s Thursday now. Got anything done yet?

Glad you like the shoes! I love them, but I”ve also realized that it gives me almost too much workout. I need to scale back just a bit. Never in my life thought I’d say that, BTW…

Awww, so many are reading my thread. J That makes me happy. I’m just thankful to have found something that I can work with!


Re: Tap. I went through it too. I took a very long extended break from LBT. I was not doing well, and to top it off when I was looking for support I was treated bad. That’s not support.

I don’t know exactly the extent of her reason of taking a break – but I fully understand. I needed a break from the entire LAP BAND world…

I have been posting more now than I have in a really long time, but most of it is my mood too.

PJTP: I really have nothing to report at the moment, so Hi Everyone! I hope everyone’s day is successful and as wonderful as each of you are. J

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Heading home soon...got prices, but no actual plans in place.

Really upset with doctors right now. DD had blood work done on Aug 5th and I haven't heard back from anyone. Called the lab yesterday - no record at all of my DD. Called the ordering physicians office over and over and over again last 2 days and finally they called back today.

No. Record. Of. My. DD.

None. At all...as in they asked over and over her name and DOB...I got a lot of, "Ummm....aahhhhhh, welllll. Ma'am, we'll have to call you back."

Can ya'll say: SEETHING?

That is absolutely ridiculous! Are they serious! I would be down there and in their face so fast they would still be on the phone with me! I hope you can get this worked out!!!

Sheesh! Your day is making me tired! Oh wait. Maybe it's b/c I've had only about 400 calories for the entire day and it's after dinner time!

Get some more calories in!

PJTP: Feels so much better to be able to drink Water and not get STUCK!!! :eek:

Glad that you are feeling better! Drinking water is a good thing!:o

Only problem is that I hit Target again afterwards and spent a lot more money today. Mama got a little carried away! :eek:

Found a CUTE dress for me in a size... wait for it... XL!!!!!! Tried it on when I got home and it is PERFECT!!! So excited!!!

I always spend way too much at Target. I can always find things I didn't really know that I needed. WTG on the NSV!!! Yeah!

DH called and they're holding them til the weekend. Saturday or Sunday. UGH!

(((hugs))), he'll be home soon!

Oh, forgot. Lost 3lbs between yesterday and today's doc visits! :blink:



I just thought I would mention this while sitting here in this thread alone, I miss Tap. I really miss her being here with me early in the morning. I just had to say it again. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today.

Tap-I hope that you are starting to feel better. Come back soon, ok?

Slim~ Hopefully she will be back soon. Sorry that you don't have an early morning buddy!

PJTP: Woke up with a lovely Migraine this morning! Not a great way to start the day. I have my workout class this afternoon, so hoping it will be cleared up and I will be ready to go!

On a positive note: I get my hair done today. Excited to get rid of the lovely "blonde" streaks! Don't know how I will get it cut, so I will be browsing books while the color goes on. Taking DD with, she needs a trim, but she gives good guidance on styles!:)

Hope you all have a great day!

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Hi LilMissDiva! I wondered what you did for CalFire, but didn't ask.

Hi everyone else reading right now (KC, krtork I see you down there)!

I can understand about Tap needing a break. I just wanted to get it out there just in case she happened to read it, that we care. That's all. I haven't actually had any of the hatefulness that occurs here and other sites spewed in my direction (that I know of anyway) yet. I really don't understand why people would be that way, but I recognize that I am just being naive about it. I would rather be naive. I like to think that if you put kindess/nicess out, that you will get that back in return. I know it won't always happen, but in my own little imaginary world (thanks to lots of medicine *snickering*) it does.

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PJTP: Woke up with a lovely Migraine this morning! Not a great way to start the day. I have my workout class this afternoon, so hoping it will be cleared up and I will be ready to go!

On a positive note: I get my hair done today. Excited to get rid of the lovely "blonde" streaks! Don't know how I will get it cut, so I will be browsing books while the color goes on. Taking DD with, she needs a trim, but she gives good guidance on styles!:blink:

Hope you all have a great day!

I'm so sorry about the migraine. I hope you feel better soon. I need to color my "not so blonde" streaks. I actually have blonde highlights to cover my gray, but the gray around my temples is not cooperating. It just sticks out at all types of odd ways.

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Good Morning! Tho I guess for most of you it's afternoon now. :)

Tap-I hope that you are starting to feel better. Come back soon, ok?

Diito! I miss Tap too. :eek:

HF, Yes, I’m glad to work for CalFire because right now we are the only few CA state offices not being Furloughed (3 days OMG!! Well, right now anyway).

Yea, just wait til October, I guess it is. There goes what, 14-15% of the paycheck? Freaking me out as I don't work, (okay, 5 hrs a week doing our church's books at home, :blink:), and that will NOT make up for what we are going to lose with the cut. We already live pretty close to the bone. There is hardly anything that we can cut.

Thank GOD you and DH still have jobs tho!

Yes, I do work in the HQ Bldg. I’m a Grant Analyst, but I have a lot of accounting background with the State and with CalFire so I am trained to go out as a Payment Processing Tech Spec. I’m still considered a Trainee, and have only gone out on one other fire last year (thanks to Boss again). He’s getting heck for it though!! LMAO! Anyway, they let me do more than half my incident call on my own. I got raving reviews… hehe (just had to throw that in there!)

Have you ever done any training sessions in the mountains near Yosemite? Seems DH had a class with the accounting dept and there was an Irene.

GOOD JOB!! Boss needs to stop wearing such tight panties. He's cutting off some blood flow! LOL!

As far as Billy was concerned, well I had to break our date. I felt I’ve been doing way too much cardio recently. I have so many new tools and I’m just blowing right through them, because I feel great! We have the rest of our lives together to get it done though. :-D

Kinda cool to be able to say that you're working out too hard! Who'd a every thunk THAT would come out of our lips?!!! :mellow:

I hope you feel better from your fill. I’m surprised he would give you so much. My doc wouldn’t even give me .5cc when I needed a huge fill. He’s crazy though, so don’t take that to mean a darn thing.

I do feel better. Can tell I'm still a little tight/swollen as my chocolate milk is going down slow this AM.

And he said he was giving me a small fill! B/c we're going slow! LOL! I was expecting .25 so when he said .5 it kinda freaked me out. Should have said something. I live an hour from his office so 2 days in a row, did a lot of driving! And spent WAY too much money at Target! I have GOT to stay out of that store!

I have been posting more now than I have in a really long time, but most of it is my mood too.

I'm glad you're back! :eek:

PJTP: Woke up with a lovely Migraine this morning! Not a great way to start the day. I have my workout class this afternoon, so hoping it will be cleared up and I will be ready to go!

On a positive note: I get my hair done today. Excited to get rid of the lovely "blonde" streaks! Don't know how I will get it cut, so I will be browsing books while the color goes on. Taking DD with, she needs a trim, but she gives good guidance on styles!:o

Hope you all have a great day!

UGH! So sorry! I swear I didn't send it to you! Are there pressure changes up there? That's another trigger for me.

Have fun getting you hair done! Maybe relaxing and enjoying a little down time will help the migraine go away!

I can understand about Tap needing a break. I just wanted to get it out there just in case she happened to read it, that we care. That's all. I haven't actually had any of the hatefulness that occurs here and other sites spewed in my direction (that I know of anyway) yet. I really don't understand why people would be that way, but I recognize that I am just being naive about it. I would rather be naive. I like to think that if you put kindess/nicess out, that you will get that back in return. I know it won't always happen, but in my own little imaginary world (thanks to lots of medicine *snickering*) it does.

I agree with you about Tap and in case she see this.

I've had some but not too bad. Gets my panties in a wad til I realize that the people who are being hateful or not reading what I said in the way that I meant it, really mean LESS THAN NOTHING to me! Now, if that happened with any of you - that would break my heart! And my sarcastic, some times caustic, sense of humor has gotten me in to trouble too b/c it just doesn't sound the same on paper, so to speak!


PJTP: If DD ever gets her cute little butt moving, we're heading in to Yosemite today for a couple of hours. Going to go to Pioneer Village and walk around and have some fun exploring. Figured we needed some cheap, get us out of the house, fun today. We have a yearly pass to the park so we can come and go as we please. It's nice, $40 for a yearly pass vs. $20 single entrance fee.

This evening she has dance class. She's missing papa and I'm trying to keep her busy. Not to forget that she misses him but just to keep her from dwelling on the fact that she hasn't seen him all week. She gets it this year that when he's gone, he's gone. Last year she still didn't have a sense of time. This year, much more so. And she knows his days on when he's at work. She can tell you! Sunday mornings she'll wake up and ask if Papa is home yet! When I tell her he's not home yet OR not coming home at all, she demands to know why! Wants me to call him and tell him to come home now! It's kinda funny but in a sad way too.

Well, I'd better go see if I can move her a little faster. Talk to y'all tonight! TTFN!

Edited by heartfire
fix it

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Beth has posted to her blog from her parents house, but not here. I wondered about her too.

I am glad that you feeling better Heartfire. I guess it takes the tummy a little longer to feel better than it does for it to get out of wack.

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PJTP...Hi Everybody! :wub:

Hi LilMissDiva! I wondered what you did for CalFire, but didn't ask.

Hi everyone else reading right now (KC, krtork I see you down there)!

Hi Slim!

I can understand about Tap needing a break. I just wanted to get it out there just in case she happened to read it, that we care.

*waving* Hi Tap! We miss you!:o

That's all. I haven't actually had any of the hatefulness that occurs here and other sites spewed in my direction (that I know of anyway) yet. I really don't understand why people would be that way, but I recognize that I am just being naive about it. I would rather be naive. I like to think that if you put kindess/nicess out, that you will get that back in return. I know it won't always happen, but in my own little imaginary world (thanks to lots of medicine *snickering*) it does.

Then we are on the same medication, Slim...I don't understand why people say hateful things either...there is more than enough negativity in the world without people adding to it. I prefer to keep it positive...:blink:

I'm so sorry about the Migraine. I hope you feel better soon. I need to color my "not so blonde" streaks. I actually have blonde highlights to cover my gray, but the gray around my temples is not cooperating. It just sticks out at all types of odd ways.

I just "colored" my gray into submission for another few weeks. My DH says I should let it grow out - I would, but it's kinda like when I grew out my relaxer - it's hard to hide it while it's growing out, and I have so much hair now that I'd have to cut it short again to get it all to look the same. No thank you - it took me nearly 18 months to grow it out after cutting off the relaxer and going natural, and I love my curls now. I'll be coloring until my hairdresser retires...and since that's me, I've got at least 20 years before THAT happens! :blush:

Good Morning! Tho I guess for most of you it's afternoon now. :)

Hi Heartfire!

Diito! I miss Tap too. :eek:

What she said...:eek::crying:

UGH! So sorry! I swear I didn't send it to you! Are there pressure changes up there? That's another trigger for me.

When I used to get Migraines (thankfully, not for over a year now, knock wood) I think pressure changes had something to do with it as well.

Have fun getting you hair done! Maybe relaxing and enjoying a little down time will help the migraine go away!

I hope the relaxing worked...

I agree with you about Tap and in case she see this.

Me too - come back, Tap, come back!

I've had some but not too bad. Gets my panties in a wad til I realize that the people who are being hateful or not reading what I said in the way that I meant it, really mean LESS THAN NOTHING to me!

I love this...definately the right attitude!

Now, if that happened with any of you - that would break my heart! And my sarcastic, some times caustic, sense of humor has gotten me in to trouble too b/c it just doesn't sound the same on paper, so to speak!


Yeah, Beth! Check in, doggone it! :crying:

PJTP: If DD ever gets her cute little butt moving, we're heading in to Yosemite today for a couple of hours. Going to go to Pioneer Village and walk around and have some fun exploring. Figured we needed some cheap, get us out of the house, fun today. We have a yearly pass to the park so we can come and go as we please. It's nice, $40 for a yearly pass vs. $20 single entrance fee.

Good deal - wish I had something like that here...

This evening she has dance class. She's missing papa and I'm trying to keep her busy. Not to forget that she misses him but just to keep her from dwelling on the fact that she hasn't seen him all week. She gets it this year that when he's gone, he's gone. Last year she still didn't have a sense of time. This year, much more so. And she knows his days on when he's at work. She can tell you! Sunday mornings she'll wake up and ask if Papa is home yet! When I tell her he's not home yet OR not coming home at all, she demands to know why! Wants me to call him and tell him to come home now! It's kinda funny but in a sad way too.

Well, I'd better go see if I can move her a little faster. Talk to y'all tonight! TTFN!

When my DH was on deployment, the kids and I used to mark off days on the calendar until his return. When we got down to less than 30 days, it became the "No Mores"...no more 1st of the month without Daddy, etc. When it got down to 7 days, it was the "No No Mores" - No more Mondays without Daddy, etc. It made missing him a little less painful...for them and for me! :mellow:

It's wicked humid today, and warm! Just came back in from my lunchtime walk and I am glad for a/c! Finishing up the second half of a chicken salad from yesterday, plus lots of Water to keep me hydrated.

Thinking about going to try on new shorts tonight after work - I want to see if I can fit into a 14 yet...wish me luck! :w00t:

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Oh slim, I understand. I really miss tap too. We used to talk a lot in our Victorious Valentines thread as well. She was a great motivator, and trust me, everyone is feeling her absence! I do miss her, and I hope she will come back someday – and soon. J


HF, actually yes. I’ve taken several classes there. The ECCO training center (Episcopal or something). Anyway, it’s quite possible that was me. I did mention in one of my classes that I had just gotten my Lap-Band done at that time. I think it was only 3 weeks later. J Wow!! Small World!! Though apparently there are more than 7,500 CalFire employees… but I’m sure there are only a few Irene’s!

No worries about the boss. I’m sure there have been some around here been stretching out those BVD’s

Thanks for the welcome back! I’m so glad to be back! I need you guys to help me get across that finish line. Whether it is in the support forums cheering me on, or in here just to blow off a little steam!

I really understand how your daughter might be feeling. When I went out on the fire to help out (Lightning Complex), the guys had already been there for nearly two months! Their kids would constantly call them and ask when they are coming home. I felt so bad for them, so I rushed through the papers to get them home ASAP. I did that instead of milking the time, and I really could have. I’m just not that type though.


Ebony, you will knock it outta the ballpark. J

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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