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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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Everyone with plans, have fun this weekend! I plan to relax after having a hellatious (is that even a word?) day at work! I really hate when I am hormonal at work. It makes for a bad day. DH happened to call at a bad time wanting to be his normal a*shole self. Well, it sent me into a fit of tears. He does not handle tears well. It was hilarious to me later, but at the time I was just a puddle.

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Thanks again to all of you for your responses. I'm not afraid of the surgery or having complications. I'm not reading any more horror stories though. And I think I'm going to increase my pre-op diet to 5 days. I AM worried about the fatty liver issue. But my surgeon is aware of it and so far I've not had any bad news about my blood work.

I hope you all have great weekends and do something fun or good for yourselves. Life's too short to not enjoy it!!


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TPG-I think you are going into this with such a great attitude! I know that none of us can say how things will go, but based on your attitude??? You are going to kick some a$$!

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I am sitting here at my goddaughter's parent's house (they only live 3 houses down from me) getting them wasted on watermelon mojitos - just had to send someone to get more rum and ice!

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I'm so PISSED right now I could just spit!!!! I can't even hardly type I'm so mad!

I've been on another site for YEARS. Talking near 10 or so. The powers that be decided we're not worth their time anymore and began plans to shut the site down. Several of the regulars have been working their butts off to build another site that we can all transfer too. Completely separate from this company. Since I'm not working full-time and have more time than the others, I offered to take PMs with personal info of the regulars who wanted to be notified of the new site. Trying to keep as many of us together as possible.

For the last 2 weeks, I've been collecting and making this list. Constantly logging on (oh and that's a whole nuther bitch too!) and checking PMs and transferring data and making my list.

This week I did a test e-mail to the list to make sure I transferred everything right and have been filling my inbox on my personal e-mail with all the tests coming back as replys.

Anyway, the site said they were shutting us down at midnight tonight. 12:01, August 15th, to be exact. I figured they meant Eastern time so considered that I had til 9 my time. I was still getting PMs this evening before dinner so I was going to be checking the site til the last possible moment to make sure I had everything I needed.

After dinner, DD and I took off to visit DH at work. We get home at it's about 8. Set her up with her snack and go sit down at my computer to check the site again. It was 8:15. The rat bastards had already SHUT US DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup::cursing::):cursing::wub::cursing::) :):cursing::thumbup::cursing::sneaky::cursing::drool: :wink2::cursing::laugh::cursing::blink::cursing::angry: :w00t::cursing:

And this is supposed to be a CHRISTIAN company! They were supposed to honor their word!!

It used to be that you had to log in twice to even get on the site. You had to have a user id and password to access the site, then you had to have a user name and password again to even post or really do anything else. You could only get on the site if you subscribed and set this whole thing up. About 2 months ago, they dropped the first log in and made the site public! Could be issues when you have professionals talking to others regarding the issues they're having or whatever. ANYBODY could have read ANYTHING at that point and it could have caused a lot of problems for someone if they weren't careful.

Anyway, just needed to spew! I'm getting myself all wound up again. This all happened only an hour ago and I'm still pissed! I'm going to go find some wine! 'Night!!!

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That totally sucks! You must be so disappointed. It's so maddening when people don't do what they say they're going to do. I would have also thought the time meant EDT and you'd be fine. I'm sorry you put so much work into this and had this happen. I'm not computer savvy so I don't have any good suggestions. I will toss a hex their way, however :thumbup:.

I hope you're able to salvage something from all of this. I'll be around all weekend if you need to vent. You can PM me or catch me here. Meanwhile, here's a hug :). Hang in there!! I really hope you can get this worked out. I also really hope whoever shut you down early gets a nasty case of body lice....snarky, yep, but it's deserved.


Edited by ThePoolGirl

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That sucks....it is one of the things I really dislike about these type of sites. I hate when I just "lose" friends, and have no alternate way of contacting them. It happen for years.

When I first joined LBT I was in a group of us who had all been banded at a similar time. One of the womens sons had been sent to Iraq, and we all knew how stressed she was, and one day she was just gone. No word from her....ever again. I still wonder what happen.

Now we have other options, and most have some contact through Facebook or Myspace----and it is a relief to be able to contact them that way.

I know the Shrinking Violets group, we have all met up and done the vacation thing, so we have phone numbers, and texts, and communicate outside the forum. But with the upset in THIS room, with people leaving, and feeling a need for a break, it leaves you feeling like something is missing, and the sad thing is that it isn't someTHING, it is someONES, and with them being gone, you can't even tell them.

I can see you are dealing with a lot of it in both places, and I am really sorry.

Any of them available on FB or anywhere???

DH had a friend come over, he is in town from the west coast. They have been friends since 3rd grade. Was so good to see him, he has had some chaos----divorce etc. His Mom is here and has ALS---so he has been trying to come see her more often, but his wife --- well the ex wife, is a mexican national, she never became a citizen, and even though she is divorced, she can stay in the country with the kids, legally. But he is afraid if he leaves for too long, she will go back to her family in Mexico with the kids....so he has been waiting til he can bring them with him. But now the kids are big enough they know the fear, so he feels safer----and they both wanted to come anyway!!! Go figure kids out!

Got to spend time gazing upon my new grandson tonight, he is sooooo sweet, it just melts my heart!

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PJTP...Good morning PJTP Family!:wub:

Just came in from an awesome run...did Week 3, Day 3 of the Couch to 5K program and completed all of it. A couple of times I was a bit tired, but soldiered through. It took just about 30 minutes, and I used the "long" route that I use for weekend walks. I feel great!

DH is away at a pilot's meeting this weekend and combining that with a visit to his sister in Arizona. I'm jealous...wish I could have gone, but job changes and the budget made that impossible.

Signed the paperwork to sell our old church building to a new church - one more set of signatures today and it's all done. We (the old church) will have the 'load off our minds' taken away (it's a beautiful old building, but a LOT of work for a small congregation) and the new group will have a building they can grow into - they are so excited! :thumbup:

I've got another busy Saturday ahead - more drywall patching, painting and moving stuff around in the MBR, homework and studying, and we'll throw some fun in there as well - though anyone who knows me knows I LOVE working on my old house!

Have a wonderful weekend and when I come up for air, I'll try to check in! :)

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You sound like you are going to have a busy day, Ebony! Would you pass some of that energy my way?

I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend.

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That totally sucks! You must be so disappointed. It's so maddening when people don't do what they say they're going to do. I would have also thought the time meant EDT and you'd be fine. I'm sorry you put so much work into this and had this happen. I'm not computer savvy so I don't have any good suggestions. I will toss a hex their way, however :unsure:.

I hope you're able to salvage something from all of this. I'll be around all weekend if you need to vent. You can PM me or catch me here. Meanwhile, here's a hug :smile2:. Hang in there!! I really hope you can get this worked out. I also really hope whoever shut you down early gets a nasty case of body lice....snarky, yep, but it's deserved.


Thanks, TPG. I'm a little better this AM. And you made me smile! A lot of it is sadness b/c I've made a lot of friends on that site and have gotten good advice, prayers, well wishes, sympathy... you get the idea. I have a list of about 65 people who want to be notified when we get the new site up and running but it all happened kind of fast and I'm a little panicked that we didn't get everyone!

I went to bed last night and nearly hyperventilated thinking of stuff! Oh did I do that, did I get that off-loaded, did this person get my PM or e-mail, etc. I've never gone thru anything like this either so that doesn't help.

Listen, I did see your post in amongst the madness that was my yesterday and I wanted to say a couple of things.

First, I think the others gave you great advice.

Second, I think you'll do great b/c you have done your research and you know what you're getting yourself into.

Third, you have to be SURE that this is what you want.

Fourth, be prepared for the "head stuff" that is going to pop up. I'm not sure I've talked to ONE person who didn't have to deal with any head issues. They may have been minor but there is usually always something to deal with that we didn't expect. Me especially!! :biggrin:

Besides you have us! :wink: LOL!

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That sucks....it is one of the things I really dislike about these type of sites. I hate when I just "lose" friends, and have no alternate way of contacting them. It happen for years.

When I first joined LBT I was in a group of us who had all been banded at a similar time. One of the womens sons had been sent to Iraq, and we all knew how stressed she was, and one day she was just gone. No word from her....ever again. I still wonder what happen.

Now we have other options, and most have some contact through Facebook or Myspace----and it is a relief to be able to contact them that way.

I know the Shrinking Violets group, we have all met up and done the vacation thing, so we have phone numbers, and texts, and communicate outside the forum. But with the upset in THIS room, with people leaving, and feeling a need for a break, it leaves you feeling like something is missing, and the sad thing is that it isn't someTHING, it is someONES, and with them being gone, you can't even tell them.

I can see you are dealing with a lot of it in both places, and I am really sorry.

Any of them available on FB or anywhere???

DH had a friend come over, he is in town from the west coast. They have been friends since 3rd grade. Was so good to see him, he has had some chaos----divorce etc. His Mom is here and has ALS---so he has been trying to come see her more often, but his wife --- well the ex wife, is a mexican national, she never became a citizen, and even though she is divorced, she can stay in the country with the kids, legally. But he is afraid if he leaves for too long, she will go back to her family in Mexico with the kids....so he has been waiting til he can bring them with him. But now the kids are big enough they know the fear, so he feels safer----and they both wanted to come anyway!!! Go figure kids out!

Got to spend time gazing upon my new grandson tonight, he is sooooo sweet, it just melts my heart!

Yeah, between the angst here and what happened on the other site, I'm in an uproar. I actually got stuck and PB'd my greek yogurt this AM. GREEK YOGURT!!! Who'd a thunk! And that was after being up for an hour and having taken my supplements already! I'm drinking hot tea with honey in it right now.

I'm going in for a fill on Tuesday, if I keep getting stuck on soft foods, I'm going to have to cancel the appt. It's all stress right now so I just need to settle down. I've thought about PM'ing all of you my home e-mail addy but then if YOU guys drop off, I have no way of finding you!

I don't do FB. There is a general secretaries site that some of the girls are on but no one likes it so I haven't even gone there. Once we get the new site up, those on my list will be able to touch back in with us. I just have to be patient and work my way thru my feelings about our site shutting down. It's like losing an old friend. I know it's just a website but it was a lot more personal than that. Well, y'all know. We feel the same about this thread. That's why we're trying to meet up next summer!

I can't even imagine what your DH's friend has gone thru with his ex and the kids. How do you live with the fear of your kids disappearing on you? Yikes! Gives me chills just thinking about it!

Kat, I hope you had just a fantastic time holding that new baby last night! What a Blessing!

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PJTP...Good morning PJTP Family!:smile2:

Just came in from an awesome run...did Week 3, Day 3 of the Couch to 5K program and completed all of it. A couple of times I was a bit tired, but soldiered through. It took just about 30 minutes, and I used the "long" route that I use for weekend walks. I feel great!

DH is away at a pilot's meeting this weekend and combining that with a visit to his sister in Arizona. I'm jealous...wish I could have gone, but job changes and the budget made that impossible.

Signed the paperwork to sell our old church building to a new church - one more set of signatures today and it's all done. We (the old church) will have the 'load off our minds' taken away (it's a beautiful old building, but a LOT of work for a small congregation) and the new group will have a building they can grow into - they are so excited! :biggrin:

I've got another busy Saturday ahead - more drywall patching, painting and moving stuff around in the MBR, homework and studying, and we'll throw some fun in there as well - though anyone who knows me knows I LOVE working on my old house!

Have a wonderful weekend and when I come up for air, I'll try to check in! :unsure:

Congratulations!! I've heard about C-5K program but have never looked in to it. Running doesn't really interest me right now but I'm still figuring out the walking bit! Maybe someday I can see myself doing it. You're an inspiration!!

The trip would have been fun. Too bad it didn't work out!

The sale of the church must be a sad thing too. I can't imagine it. But what a Blessing to the new congregation! Praises!

Have fun while you're so busy. Sounds like you love, if not every minute of it, a good portion of it!

You have a wonderful weekend too, Ebony!

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*Glouc, sorry about the move, glad you still have a job tho! Safe travels this weekend and have fun at the party!

*Beth, safe travels for you too. Have a nice visit with your folks! Sorry about the nightmares! Kinda funny tho, you have to admit.

*KC, how were the mojitos? Have a good weekend.

*I miss Tap and Lu!!!! :biggrin:

*Hi to everyone passing thru! I thought about naming names but don't want to get in trouble for missing someone and I KNOW I would! LOL!

*Beth, don't know if you saw my question to you the other day about school but when does it end? Is is by the end of June? Could we do the meet-up the last weekend? Or if She was still going to be in the States, another weekend the first part of July? I don't remember what Lu said about She's availability or schedule.

*Nothing on the agenda today. We're sitting outside right now. Hasn't gotten too warm yet. DD is playing in her sandbox and on the porch and I'm sitting at the table with my laptop.

We've got fires up and down the State and DH isn't coming home tomorrow. May not be home all week. We'll see what happens Monday. If he makes it home then, then he'll be home til he goes back in on Thursday. Otherwise, I'm figuring he won't be home at all this week. We'll see.

Have a good day all. I'll check back later! Don't forget to post your exciting weekends here so Slim and I have something fun to read and can live vicariously thru you! LOL! (Slim, I know you'll get the joke!)


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heart, sorry about how they done the other web site.

Beth have fun with your parents and safe travels.

Ebony sounds like you will be extremely busy.

Kat, once again words of wisdom.

TPG, you will do fine.

Everyone else Hello hope all is well.

I will be checking in whenever I can. my internet is off now. So I will check in whenever I can. I am at the hospital right now getting ready to see DBIL.

Take care and love ya'll:wub:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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