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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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Thanks to all of you for the encouraging answers to my freak-out. I feel that I am informed and have done as much research as I can. I'm comfortable with the whole band thing and I trust my surgeon. I'm just getting nervous. Think I'm gonna avoid the threads with disaster, never again, pus, or anything else icky in their titles :thumbup:. What will be, will be. I just plan on following the rules and doing the best that I can. For any of you who suggested that I talk with my surgeon, I have your names and will be coming for you :sneaky:. I'll be bringing margaritas and chips though.

I also hope that Tap returns and that Lulu doesn't leave. This is a great thread and I'm so pleased that you all welcomed me in. Not that I gave you much choice with that clip art sledge hammer I carry...darn, I'm sensing another restraining order coming my way...:thumbup:

PJTP: I'm really lucky. My surgeon only requires a 3 day pre-op diet. And, I actually like some of the Protein Shakes :sneaky: - not that vile Isopure clear fruity crap...OMG...nasty! I feel so sorry for anyone with a long pre-op. Actually, I feel more sorry for their families. I think one could get a bit snarky on just liquids. They might even eat chicken strips :(.

Have a great weekend!!


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PJTP...good news on the job front...

The second interview scheduled for Tuesday next week has turned into a Third interview with another of the senior staff on Monday! Now I've got back-to-back interviews with the folks in that office - I'd say they are interested.

My contact also asked for a list of specific office skill expertise - more detail than is on my resume, so I sent that over this afternoon.

Methinks this sounds good. I was also called by a friend across campus who suggested I put in for another job on that side (which I had already done, but it's nice to get the call).

Went for my lunchtime walk and got whistled at by the construction workers...:(

All in all, not a bad afternoon...:thumbup:

Good news! Hope it all works out!

AWESOME! Good luck hon. I will pray very hard for you to get it!

:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: That's worse than plain!

They did an EKG on me today. they will call me and let me know when I go and get the "thin needle biopsy" done. They are going to stick the needle straight through my neck into the mass. FUN, fun. Then when they know if it is benign or not then they will schedule my surgery. I didn't get any answers:sneaky: today because none of them are dr.s and can't answer my questions.

Hugs... hang in there. :smile2:

Hi everyone!


absolutely not - i'd address you directly here or FB

i'm PISSED - i'm PISSED that this forum no longer allows those w/issues w/the band to have a safe haven to voice those issue w/out commentary............while working up posting points.

i should just do what taps did and bow out - cause i have nothing nice to say any longer, let the experts not at goal preach on.............

ITA. It sucks when you're making a post and you have to specifically ask the dummarses to keep it to themselves every time.

yes, Tap left a few days ago.

I am sorry for any unintended harm to anyone posting that I may have caused.:crying: I didn't mean to hurt you or anyone else intentionally.

PJTP I go Monday morning to get the thin needle biopsy done. Kat has helped to relieve my fears.

Best wishes... please let us know how it turns out. :sad:

I get really tired of people that have little or no experience with the band trying to give me advice.

My favorite is I ate a whole cheeseburger on post op day 1 I think my band slipped... Thats not giving me advise thats just plain annoying and stupidity. I only come to pjtp and try to steer clear of the rest.

No kidding... Like, yeah I've been banded almost two years, so I really need the 2 cents of someone who's had their band less than a week. Or worse, even people who have not even had the band placed yet!!

I was in the chatroom and I was spewing my love for Weight Watchers (and all of you are probably sick of hearing about that already but... :laugh:) but some dillweed asks me outright... You STILL need WW even though you have the BAND??? Why? don't you chew enough, blah 3. Eff yoo buddy... The honeymoon doesn't last that long. Come talk to me in 6 months... gah, get over your piney HTT attitude and go PB on yourself. :drool: OK, if I get banned right now you'll know why. :sneaky:

That's a really shitty thing to do. I don't understand anybody's reasoning for that. I will admit, there are those who "only" need to lose 70 pounds, and I wish it was me. I have to lose more than twice that. But that is their journey, and this is mine. To me, to PM somebody like that is cowardly and chickenshit.

It's really pathetic that anybody would do that and make people feel like they don't want to be here. :mad2:

Whatever someone's stats are pre or post band is really kind of off limits discussion IMO. Even 70 lbs can be a major hinderance to someone. For me right now it's the difference from being able to walk comfortably due to my bad knees and getting completely off my blood pressure meds.

They can stick it.

I know....welcome to dealing with the general public, right? Shut down one douche and it seems like there are two to take his place. Still, as troublesome and never-ending as it seems, the only way for mods to know if anybody is stirring up crap or over-stepping boundries is if somebody says something.

I totally understand and support anybody that feels like they need to take a break (or leave forever, if that's the best thing), but it seems like a real shame to let some jackass drive you off. Especially if that jackass is me. :wink2:

The fact is this website is really massive. It's is by far the largest message board I've ever come accross. Considering 74.9 % of the population today are total loser know it alls who really no much of nothing (AKA TROLLS), we're going to get them here too.

I've had to notify the moderators of a few myself. I don't care and I'll do it in a heartbeat. This is a great forum, and one that has helped me so much. I'll do what I can to make it as nonassical as possible. Just doing my civic duty!!

I can't believe that there are idiots out there complaining that people aren't fat enough for a lap band. WTH is up with that?? Maybe they're jealous because they have a much longer journey ahead of them. 'Cause we all know that losing 10 pounds is so easy and 100, well, you're just a loser and a quitter to get a band. Jeeezzz! I just don't understand people. Being overweight sucks enough all on its own without someone telling you that you're not really fat enough. Guess they weren't with you the last time you went swimming suit shopping :wub:. Put your minds at ease folks! I AM fat enough for a band and I'm gonna get one!! So there...ha ha :tt2:. And if necessary, I'll make the sacrifice and pack on a few more pounds. I'll force myself to eat those brownies, that lasagna, the extra butter.... It'll be tough, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Wouldn't want to be called skinny or something else so rude.:smile2:

Take care everyone!


Hehe! Maybe I'll take up on your cause! :thumbup:

Okay, I would ask your surg-- OOPS!

Okay, I was in your boat too. I didn't JUST want to know the good stuff because I felt I wasn't doing myself much of a service if that's all I chose to read. However, there were times I had to lay off the bad news threads too because it got to be a bit scary. It's one thing to read enough to be informed, but I didn't want to freak myself out. I still don't read about that stuff. If I end up being a statistic, then it'll happen, but at this point it won't be because of my aftercare. But I can't sit here and dwell on it either. The numbers are in my favor, but with the constant realization that it COULD happen.

It is really best to at least know what you're getting yourself into. You don't have to constantly read it of course - but at least you will know ahead of time what you can do to try to prevent issues with the band.

It's still one of the safest surgeries.. but it is also one that doesn't not come with risk.

You'll do fine, just be sure to stick to your post op diet, refrain from getting too tight, and avoid overeating. :wink2: If you still have issues beyond that, at least you will know it wasn't anything you did wrong.

I like your positive, can-do attitude.

Well, here's my $.02: There are instances where the band has slipped, or malfunctioned, or whatever. Some of these (IMO) are undoubtedly due to the stupidity of the owner, but some aren't. I was comfortable enough with the statistics to "play the odds" (maybe because insurance paid pretty good for my band. I don't know if I would have been quite as comfy had I been self-pay). Once I was comfortable with the risks, the "horror stories" didn't worry me much. Heck.....you can read stuff in any newspaper that might discourage some folks from ever leaving their house, but we "play the odds" every day to do just that.

Having said that, I have to ask: Are you SURE you want the band (verses any other surgery, or even verses doing nothing)? I love my band, but it's a lot of work, both physically and mentally. If I hadn't been so diligent on research, I might be bitter with my choice (but luckily I knew exactly what I was getting into, so I'm ok).

This deserved an encore.

Now good morning everyone. I hope you are having a good day. Update on DBIL...they are taking him off the meds that have paralized him and are going to start to wake him. I think from what my DS said it is to see how well his vitals will do on their own? Not for sure. I love my sister, but gets fear confussed and squirrley when it comes to what Dr.s and Nurses are telling her. That is why it is better if someone is with her when medical things are being explained. I will be going up to see him tomorrow so I will know more myself.

I hope you all have a blessed day and weekend!:wub:

Keeping your DBIL in my thoughts. Hope it all turns out well! You have a blessed weekend as well.

Here's my dose of daily happenings: I still have a job! they told us we're moving across town - and that's the worst of the news.

I will still work with Princess, but everyone else is getting split up. The bad managers here are no longer managers and Princess will be answering to a woman now. Ahh...justice.

Moving across town means a longer commute, but there are van pools. It also means every other Friday off!!! I loved that schedule when I worked there before, and have missed it!

Thank God that it's happening this way. I'll miss working with DH, but at least I can have lunch with him every other Friday. :)

I'm so happy, I'm giddy. One of the managers said, "Good, because you have been grumpy!" I'm thinking, F-You, B - you knew your job was safe, even if you're being DEMOTED. HA!

She got it wrong...I'm not grumpy I'm evil.:w00t:

congrats again! I'm so glad everything worked out for you... now... exhale. :sneaky: Wasn't that nice?? :drool:

PJTP...I'm here y'all, I'm here *Ebony waves arms wildly*

BITCH - Being In Total Charge of Herself - and I resemble that remark as well...let me know when the beatdowns will begin, I got your back!

I love this and intend to use it for my own personal and selfish reasons.


PJTP: I'm having Chevy's tonight. I hope it doesn't make me gag!

Have a great weekend all!!

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I really hate the things that have been happening to our friends! I miss Tap! I don't want to miss Luluc! I don't like that Brandy and Glouc only come around every once in a while! It seems that one by one, all of the people that attracted me to this thread are leaving. It's not the same when all of you are gone (including the names that I didn't mention that had already left us). Why do the ignorant people have to ruin things for us! The PJTP thread is really the only reason that I come to LBT everyday. Reading about what is going on with you all is the high point of my day. It is just all so sad. I hope that all of you that have or are thinking about leaving would please come back.

I second that! This is my first stop everyday - I look forward to seeing how everybody is doing. All of you are my band family!

Now good morning everyone. I hope you are having a good day. Update on DBIL...they are taking him off the meds that have paralized him and are going to start to wake him. I think from what my DS said it is to see how well his vitals will do on their own? Not for sure. I love my sister, but gets fear confussed and squirrley when it comes to what Dr.s and Nurses are telling her. That is why it is better if someone is with her when medical things are being explained. I will be going up to see him tomorrow so I will know more myself.

I hope you all have a blessed day and weekend!:crying:

G4E~ Glad to hear that they will be waking him - I hope that is a good sign and things are going better!

When us girls went, we had a buddy system. Too many of us got wasted and wandering around alone was not a good idea. Friend's niece had just turned 18, so she was upset with us for it. We told her: you don't go if you don't have someone with you all the time. Duh...dumb brat. We're in 30's to 40's and WE have a buddy system.

Buddy system is where it is at. "If we go together, we leave together". Never leave anybody out by themselves, very dangerous!

Here's my dose of daily happenings: I still have a job! they told us we're moving across town - and that's the worst of the news.

I will still work with Princess, but everyone else is getting split up. The bad managers here are no longer managers and Princess will be answering to a woman now. Ahh...justice.

Moving across town means a longer commute, but there are van pools. It also means every other Friday off!!! I loved that schedule when I worked there before, and have missed it!

Thank God that it's happening this way. I'll miss working with DH, but at least I can have lunch with him every other Friday. :wink2:

I'm so happy, I'm giddy. One of the managers said, "Good, because you have been grumpy!" I'm thinking, F-You, B - you knew your job was safe, even if you're being DEMOTED. HA!

She got it wrong...I'm not grumpy I'm evil.:sneaky:

So glad to hear that you still have a job! That has to be a huge relief! I am also glad that Princess may find it a little more challenging to get away with all the crap she pulls!

Every other Friday off, sweet gig!

Not grumpy, evil - yeah, I would say that sounds about right!

Morning all

Not sure how my weekend has gotten hijacked but we are apparently pre-partying at their house this evening (I will be bringing pitchers of the mojitos) and then going to the new place for free food and drink.

Guess I am still on liquids! :thumbup:


Heading back into the hospital in a couple hours for some mtgs other than that - MUST CLEAN!

Enjoy those watermelon mojitos - sound great! All liquids yeah!!! Don't forget to take the hangover remedy:wink2:

Hello everybody!

PJTP: Already had a nightmare about school. :drool:

Type A, straight A student - does that sound about right??? You will be fine! Don't worry, go git er done!

I'm here (jumping up and down)...gotta run, because we're going to lunch at a co-worker's daughter's restaurant. The daughter just graduated from culinary school and this is her first professional gig...


Hope you have a wonderful lunch!

I'll be somewhat unavailable for a while as I'm driving to see the folks tomorrow. Right now I have no plan for how long I'm staying. The only things I have to plan for is a therapy session on the 27th and obviously school on the 31st.

Safe travels!

Thanks to all of you for the encouraging answers to my freak-out. I feel that I am informed and have done as much research as I can. I'm comfortable with the whole band thing and I trust my surgeon. I'm just getting nervous. Think I'm gonna avoid the threads with disaster, never again, pus, or anything else icky in their titles :w00t:. What will be, will be. I just plan on following the rules and doing the best that I can. For any of you who suggested that I talk with my surgeon, I have your names and will be coming for you :smile2:. I'll be bringing margaritas and chips though.

I also hope that Tap returns and that Lulu doesn't leave. This is a great thread and I'm so pleased that you all welcomed me in. Not that I gave you much choice with that clip art sledge hammer I carry...darn, I'm sensing another restraining order coming my way...:(

PJTP: I'm really lucky. My surgeon only requires a 3 day pre-op diet. And, I actually like some of the Protein Shakes :smile2: - not that vile Isopure clear fruity crap...OMG...nasty! I feel so sorry for anyone with a long pre-op. Actually, I feel more sorry for their families. I think one could get a bit snarky on just liquids. They might even eat chicken strips :thumbup:.

Have a great weekend!!


Margaritas, chips! Call your surgeon!!!:wink2:

Feeling confident in your decision will make the days leading up to surgery much easier! By all means, if you have any questions, fears, or freakouts, make sure you let us know; you have a wealth of info at your finger tips with this diverse group!:wub:

No chicken strips for you TPG!

PJTP: Had a great morning run by the river. Need to mow the lawns, but it looks like it might rain and then it will just grow another inch over night, so i am thinking mowing is a no go!

I have been finding myself slipping into snack mode! Nasty, nasty old habit. I have been putting everything on dailyplate as soon as it hits my mouth. Hoping I will freak myself out and think twice before I eat! I hate how easy it is for these old habits to return.

Hope everybody has a great weekend!

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PJTP: I'm having Chevy's tonight. I hope it doesn't make me gag!

Have a great weekend all!!

I love Chevy's - YUMMM! I wish we had one here, the closest one is 3 hours away (well, when I drive)!

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PJTP: I'm really lucky. My surgeon only requires a 3 day pre-op diet. And, I actually like some of the Protein Shakes :( - not that vile Isopure clear fruity crap...OMG...nasty! I feel so sorry for anyone with a long pre-op. Actually, I feel more sorry for their families. I think one could get a bit snarky on just liquids. They might even eat chicken strips :thumbup:.

Lucky, maybe. Let's just hope it is enough to shrink your liver appropriately. Three days (though yours is not the first I've heard of) is kinda strange to me.

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Whatever someone's stats are pre or post band is really kind of off limits discussion IMO. Even 70 lbs can be a major hinderance to someone. For me right now it's the difference from being able to walk comfortably due to my bad knees and getting completely off my blood pressure meds.

Heck, I already know what less than 70 pounds lost has done for ME! Before, I was on Singulair and Advair EVERY day for asthma. If I went as little as 2-3 days without either one of these, I was coughing and hacking and it would always work itself into an upper respiatory infection. I can't tell you how many times I had to get breathing treatments and actually considered getting a script to get my own breathing machine.

For months now since my weight loss, I haven't been on ANY asthma meds. Every once in a blue moon I get into a slight coughing fit and keep an albuterol inhaler for that purpose, but I have had to pull it out maybe once every 3-4 months.

So yes, I know what 70 pounds (50 to 60 pounds in my case) can mean to somebody. And that's before I get into the fact that I no longer have tremendous aching in my hips and knees from the weight.

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Type A, straight A student - does that sound about right??? You will be fine! Don't worry, go git er done!

Type A, A-, yeah... lol :thumbup:

It was so weird... guy was a total jerk. Kicked me out of the class for being late. Was like a gestapo warden or something. And my dog was in the dream. Very weird.

PJTP: Getting ready to go to Crosby, Stills & Nash tonight at an outdoor concert! Pasta salads, deviled eggs, cucumber salad, MOJITOS, good friends... it's gonna be nice.

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Type A, A-, yeah... lol :(

It was so weird... guy was a total jerk. Kicked me out of the class for being late. Was like a gestapo warden or something. And my dog was in the dream. Very weird.

PJTP: Getting ready to go to Crosby, Stills & Nash tonight at an outdoor concert! Pasta salads, deviled eggs, cucumber salad, MOJITOS, good friends... it's gonna be nice.

I want to go, too!:thumbup:

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What I have found with the weight loss thing, is that the more you have to lose, the faster it goes....in the beginning. Then it slows, and slows as you go. So while it seems those with only 50 pounds left to lose, have it made, it is HARD losing them! It is not as easy! Your body needs less calories, it burns less, unless you DO a lot more! I will admit teasing Lu that I celebrated when I got DOWN to her starting size!!! But did it mean I wanted to stop there? Hell no! And Beth is right, I was off of meds after the first 50 pounds, no more high blood pressure meds, no more diabetes meds, nothing! I have since lost a lot more than that, but it has not been as fast, nor as shocking, because I gained my HEALTH back with the first big loss. But I am not happy with that, I want it all gone....again, and will continue to work til it is. It sucks, when you get the PM's or actual comments in threads that treat you like you are a know it all bitch, when you struggled through exactly what they are!

I had one person really get pissy with me, I had commented in a success thread, because someone come in the there to rain on the parade.....and began discussing their issues, well the thread changed directions, so mods moved it to complications. I got chewed out for flaunting my success in the face of people not so lucky, because all that got me through was luck, all kinds of crap! Several people set them straight that the thread had originally been in a different forum....they still followed me around for several days mocking things I said. I actuallyquit going to my usual threads-----here and my Shrinking Violets, to keep them out of there.

What I see as the problem, is simply know it all people who think they have to correct every little thing that anyone says. Most people know to read advice here with the knowledge it is just the other persons experience. Lately there has been a lot of picking EVERY posters post apart, and correcting EVERY statement, and then tearing apart the grammar used, and just nit picking people to death!

Here in PJTP, we often make fun of it, and imitate it in humor for a few posts and go on, but to be on the receiving end of the crap that is being spewed is annoying as hell. And those doing it, know.....and they know to walk a fine line to avoid being banned, which leaves us as moderators wanting to say or do something but have our hands tied, and it sucks!

I do NOT understand the constant need of some posters to hang out at LBT to trash talk the band....or even to promote their WLS of choice---go to that forum...get over yourself already! Move on. I wish we had the ability to simply move them on, but we don't. So the best I can do is ignore them. To make them see the light we see is as impossible as it is to make some see that the way THEY read the bible is not necessarily the way we read the same thing to mean!

TPG, yes the band is work, it is much easier WITH the band to lose the weight that without. I know you love this.....it is a tool. But hey I did NOT say see your surgeon!!! LOL

Seriously tho, if you have weighed your options (pun intended)....you have to think that yes something might happen, and be detrimental to your health, but at this point, doing nothing is definitely detrimental to your health. Obesity is not healthy!

Getting your mind into the game is the biggest part of it. And for many that is as much what the pre op is for as the shrinking of the liver, it is a mind set, that things, life, is going to change.

Would I do it again? If the options were the same as when I had it done I would do it again in a heart beat! Since I had it done, there have been advances in other surgeries, I might consider, I don't know, I have not researched them enough to say what I would choose if the choice were mine today. But I have been thrilled with my results, and my life with the band. I'm a groupie~yay!

Hope our friends choose us over allowing the others to win.....

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Kat-you are always able to say the things that mean so much. I am grateful to LBT for bringing people like you into my life!

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Kat-you are always able to say the things that mean so much. I am grateful to LBT for bringing people like you into my life!

Awwww TY slim!!! Now what's for dinner? I might really come into your life!!! I have not got a clue what to fix!

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Awwww TY slim!!! Now what's for dinner? I might really come into your life!!! I have not got a clue what to fix!

Come on!:) We're having chicken. My mom decided to become a farmer. She gave me the some jalepeno peppers. I added those to the chicken this morning with some cumin and chili powder. I liked it. :thumbup:

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LOL, we too have jalapenos coming on in the garden quickly! I ate so many it almost made me sick the other night. We stuff them, and bake them----soooo good, but the whole "in moderation" thing got me!

Tomatoes are multiplying on the counter now as well as on the vine, I swear, when I went to work there was nowhere as many on the counter as there is now! Go figure....and I don't even like them!

I am off to go take care of my grandsons for a couple of hours so my DS can take DIL out for her birthday. That means, DH can kick a soccer ball around with the 3 year old, and I can snuggle up with the 1 week old!!! Tough job, but I think I can handle it!!

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PJTP...the Friday evening edition from Ebony's house!:thumbup:

YAAY, glad to see you!

I'll be somewhat unavailable for a while as I'm driving to see the folks tomorrow. Right now I have no plan for how long I'm staying. The only things I have to plan for is a therapy session on the 27th and obviously school on the 31st.

Have FUN on your trip, be safe, and we'll see ya soon!

Have a fun, relaxing, and safe trip Beth! You will do great in school!

What Slim said...

Ebony-I am so glad to see you girlfriend!

I'm glad to see you too, Slim! I would miss my PJTP family too much if I left...so no chance of that! :wub:

Thanks to all of you for the encouraging answers to my freak-out. I feel that I am informed and have done as much research as I can. I'm comfortable with the whole band thing and I trust my surgeon. I'm just getting nervous. Think I'm gonna avoid the threads with disaster, never again, pus, or anything else icky in their titles :blink:. What will be, will be. I just plan on following the rules and doing the best that I can. For any of you who suggested that I talk with my surgeon, I have your names and will be coming for you :mad2:. I'll be bringing margaritas and chips though.

You'll be fine, PoolGirl...you've done your homework, made a good, informed decision, and heck - if WE haven't scared you off yet, you're in good shape! :tt2:

I also hope that Tap returns and that Lulu doesn't leave. This is a great thread and I'm so pleased that you all welcomed me in. Not that I gave you much choice with that clip art sledge hammer I carry...darn, I'm sensing another restraining order coming my way...:thumbup:

I also miss Tap very much...and I love Lulu's wit and the stories about her doggies. I also love the pics of her house, and can't wait to visit...don't go, Lu!

PJTP: I'm really lucky. My surgeon only requires a 3 day pre-op diet. And, I actually like some of the Protein Shakes :w00t: - not that vile Isopure clear fruity crap...OMG...nasty! I feel so sorry for anyone with a long pre-op. Actually, I feel more sorry for their families. I think one could get a bit snarky on just liquids. They might even eat chicken strips :).

Have a great weekend!!


My doctor did NOT require a pre-op diet - but I did one myself to give me the best possible chance during surgery. My family even did it with me...gotta :wub: them for that! I figured anything I could do to increase the chances of success, I would do.

Good news! Hope it all works out!

Thanks Diva!

ITA. It sucks when you're making a post and you have to specifically ask the dummarses to keep it to themselves every time.

Yep - if we could create a 'get rid of dummarse' button (like the Staples Easy button) wouldn't that be great?

No kidding... Like, yeah I've been banded almost two years, so I really need the 2 cents of someone who's had their band less than a week. Or worse, even people who have not even had the band placed yet!!

I hear ya on that one...

I was in the chatroom and I was spewing my love for Weight Watchers (and all of you are probably sick of hearing about that already but... :laugh:) but some dillweed asks me outright... You STILL need WW even though you have the BAND??? Why? don't you chew enough, blah 3. Eff yoo buddy... The honeymoon doesn't last that long. Come talk to me in 6 months... gah, get over your piney HTT attitude and go PB on yourself. :drool: OK, if I get banned right now you'll know why. :)

Oh yikes...why can't people just LET someone express their joy at finding something that works for THEM and shut their pie-hole about it? If it doesn't work for you, okay, but why rain on someone else's parade, or worse yet, keep someone else from finding something that might work for THEM...:)

Whatever someone's stats are pre or post band is really kind of off limits discussion IMO. Even 70 lbs can be a major hinderance to someone. For me right now it's the difference from being able to walk comfortably due to my bad knees and getting completely off my blood pressure meds.

They can stick it.

I wholeheartedly agree...lately I've been getting a lot of "you've lost enough" comments from well-meaning friends. I tell them that as long as I'm still on diabetes meds, I'm gonna keep right on losing weight. I'm not stopping until I'm med-free and not taking any more insulin. THEN talk to me about me being thin enough! :angry:

I've had to notify the moderators of a few myself. I don't care and I'll do it in a heartbeat. This is a great forum, and one that has helped me so much. I'll do what I can to make it as nonassical as possible. Just doing my civic duty!!

Can I get an Amen? That is definately my attitude...no one is gonna keep me from LBT - I NEED it too much!

You'll do fine, just be sure to stick to your post op diet, refrain from getting too tight, and avoid overeating. :wink2: If you still have issues beyond that, at least you will know it wasn't anything you did wrong.

Good advice...

I love this and intend to use it for my own personal and selfish reasons.

Have fun with it, girlfriend...can't take credit for it, and I don't remember where I saw it, but I'm so happy I did. I decided to take the word back and give it the power I wanted it to have...

Type A, A-, yeah... lol :sneaky:

It was so weird... guy was a total jerk. Kicked me out of the class for being late. Was like a gestapo warden or something. And my dog was in the dream. Very weird.

Ok, that is weird...maybe your dog bit the gestapo warden? :tt2:

PJTP: Getting ready to go to Crosby, Stills & Nash tonight at an outdoor concert! Pasta salads, deviled eggs, cucumber salad, MOJITOS, good friends... it's gonna be nice.

Ooh, I'm jealous...love CSN...lots of good music there. The food sounds wonderful, too.

Speaking of good food - the restaurant where my co-workers daughter is a pastry / dessert chef is wonderful...homey little place with friendly waitstaff and just enough space to be comfortable. Great food - had a quarter of a turkey / ham / bacon / cheese sandwich on absolutely sinfully delicious bread (kinda reminded me of sourdough). I ate very slowly and chewed very thoroughly. The macaroni salad was great, and dessert was an "Oreo cake". They make them in little individual serving sizes so they are always fresh...LOVED it. Only ate half of that too, though it was sliding down really easily. Gave DD the other part of my sandwich (finished the 2nd 1/4 on the way home) and half the Oreo thingy. She was VERY happy!

Just got back from taking DDog for another walk - just over a mile and a half out and back. Feeling very good! Busy weekend planned - painting the closet, patching the ceiling in part of the master bedroom, and getting ready to patch and prime the rest of the MBR...

Everyone have a wonderful weekend - I'll try to get back on Sat and Sun, but can't guarantee it...just know that I'm out here, that I'm not going anywhere, and I :wub: all y'all!

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Thank you all for the well wishes....We're leaving out of town. DH's daughter is having a pool party at his mom's.

Kat - I wish I had 1/2 the way with words that you do.

(See?! That didn't even make sense!)

Have a great weekend ya'll!!!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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