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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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not gotten out of jammies today.........:blink: BARELY walked outside w/the dogs:wink2:

i have been cooking for a few days as my friend gets out of the hospital tommorrow * my BF has eaten way to many subway & take out salads so i've been doing some home cooking for her.....

can't believe i just made a pot of chicken & dumplin's and shoved it into tupperware before jumping into a bowl or 3.

saw the curious thread - i'm going with the fact you had to be there as it was happening to appreciate; got lost fast.

You are a truly good friend to take care of your BF like that! Chicken & dumplin's, you have some strong will power girl!

So I lost a bet this am - and had to make cinnamon rolls today for the group tonight at work.

Sooo excited that tonight is my last night till sunday!

They probably made sure that you lost because they love your cookin'!

Hi everyone!

Hi Slim!

If I've been a party to that, I apologize, even though I know you would address me. I'm not always very good at the tough love aspect when I DO offer honest advice, and I know that about myself.

As for the posting points, I'm guessing it has to do with the whole contest thing? I forgot that was going on. If that's somebody's intent, at the expense of others, I agree that is wrong.

Personally I'd rather make fun of myself and plain, and maybe Monkey and KC. Some of the stuff we read IS kinda funny, but overall I realize people have legitimate issues and concerns. And again, if I have been a party to ANY angst on your part, I apologize. I'll try not to contribute to the making fun of people's issues. I'm sorry if I've done that.

I also would like to voice an apology if any of my posts were inappropriate. As for the "seriously curious" thread, all of that was done in fun. If there's something else, please make me aware of the situation. Otherwise, hope everyone is having a great day.


yes, Tap left a few days ago.

I am sorry for any unintended harm to anyone posting that I may have caused.:unsure: I didn't mean to hurt you or anyone else intentionally.

PJTP I go Monday morning to get the thin needle biopsy done. Kat has helped to relieve my fears.

I want to chime in on the apology if I offended anybody! So sorry, it was all done in fun. I do take this all seriously and I do try to post and offer advice when and if I can. When I first was banded, this was the place I came to get answers from people that had been there and done that. I think you surgeon can offer advice, but sometimes it is nice to hear from others that have had the same experiences.

I miss Tap!

I can't believe that there are idiots out there complaining that people aren't fat enough for a lap band. WTH is up with that?? TPG

That is so ridiculous! Everybody comes to the point where enough is enough and you are at the last straw and you choose how you will deal with the issue of your weight - whether it is WLS or other means.

Question: I read lots of posts on this forum...the good, bad, and ugly. As my surgery date looms, I'm starting to wonder if I should lay off. Did reading the horror stories cause any of you to freak out? I think I'm comfortable with the band and the idea of the band, but what if something happens? I thought most of the slippage issues, etc. were happening 'cause people didn't follow the rules, but now I'm reading more and more where it just seems to be a fluke. Okay, I'm getting nervous. My date is coming up soon....eeek. Should I read all the stuff on here or should I stick to possum recipes and play Pollyanna?


Thanks! And if one of you tells me to ask my surgeon, I'll hunt ya down :confused:

Well, I would ask your surgeon:tt2:. I think it is natural as your surgery date gets near that you question whether or not this is the right option for you! If you were blindly going into having surgery, I would question your sanity! You should be concerned about the cons of having a band, but I think each person needs to weigh the risks and decide what is best for them.

At this point - I would get my band again! It hasn't all been easy, but it has been worth the gains. Talk to me in another year and I might have a different opinion, but so far so good here! Again, weighing what is important to you and what you are willing to do to get healthy is a personal decision.

And, let's give peas a chance. I'm for whirled peas too!:sad:



G4E~ Good luck with the testing! Again, positive thoughts heading your way!

I have been MIA the past day or so! I had an officer team meeting with my DECA kids at school. It was a fun day, they are so fun to be around and so silly - all girls! We have a really fun year planned and we were reviewing and getting ready for fall. They had some great ideas and changes that we are putting into place.

Being back in the building added some extra pressure and I am feeling that push to get back to school and get ready for fall! Oh, I wish I could just saunter back in when the other teachers show up the week before school. Just is not in my nature!!!

We have been busy picking up firewood in the forest. DH works for the Forest Service and they had a bunch of cut wood down in the Lava Cave Monument area, so DH asked what they were going to do with it - said we could have it as long as we took it all! So 6 pick up loads later, we have firewood for the winter! Yeah, it definitely cuts down on the heating bill!

Hope everyone is doing well! I'll check back in tomorrow!

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And if necessary, I'll make the sacrifice and pack on a few more pounds. I'll force myself to eat those brownies, that lasagna, the extra butter.... It'll be tough, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

I like your positive, can-do attitude.

Question: I read lots of posts on this forum...the good, bad, and ugly. As my surgery date looms, I'm starting to wonder if I should lay off. Did reading the horror stories cause any of you to freak out? I think I'm comfortable with the band and the idea of the band, but what if something happens? I thought most of the slippage issues, etc. were happening 'cause people didn't follow the rules, but now I'm reading more and more where it just seems to be a fluke. Okay, I'm getting nervous. My date is coming up soon....eeek. Should I read all the stuff on here or should I stick to possum recipes and play Pollyanna?

Well, here's my $.02: There are instances where the band has slipped, or malfunctioned, or whatever. Some of these (IMO) are undoubtedly due to the stupidity of the owner, but some aren't. I was comfortable enough with the statistics to "play the odds" (maybe because insurance paid pretty good for my band. I don't know if I would have been quite as comfy had I been self-pay). Once I was comfortable with the risks, the "horror stories" didn't worry me much. Heck.....you can read stuff in any newspaper that might discourage some folks from ever leaving their house, but we "play the odds" every day to do just that.

Having said that, I have to ask: Are you SURE you want the band (verses any other surgery, or even verses doing nothing)? I love my band, but it's a lot of work, both physically and mentally. If I hadn't been so diligent on research, I might be bitter with my choice (but luckily I knew exactly what I was getting into, so I'm ok).

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Hey guys, I am so sorry we are potentially losing some long time great members here. When you are in a thread and having problems, please pm the link and I will see if I can step in and help out with the problem posters.

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I really hate the things that have been happening to our friends! I miss Tap! I don't want to miss Luluc! I don't like that Brandy and Glouc only come around every once in a while! It seems that one by one, all of the people that attracted me to this thread are leaving. It's not the same when all of you are gone (including the names that I didn't mention that had already left us). Why do the ignorant people have to ruin things for us! The PJTP thread is really the only reason that I come to LBT everyday. Reading about what is going on with you all is the high point of my day. It is just all so sad. I hope that all of you that have or are thinking about leaving would please come back.

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Question: I read lots of posts on this forum...the good, bad, and ugly. As my surgery date looms, I'm starting to wonder if I should lay off. Did reading the horror stories cause any of you to freak out? I think I'm comfortable with the band and the idea of the band, but what if something happens? I thought most of the slippage issues, etc. were happening 'cause people didn't follow the rules, but now I'm reading more and more where it just seems to be a fluke. Okay, I'm getting nervous. My date is coming up soon....eeek. Should I read all the stuff on here or should I stick to possum recipes and play Pollyanna?


Thanks! And if one of you tells me to ask my surgeon, I'll hunt ya down :sneaky:

Ok, ASK YOUR SURGEON!!! When you hunt me down we'll go out and enjoy the local cuisine. Taco Bell anyone?:thumbup:

Good thing there's not a stupidity competition. Sounds like the complainer would win that one hands down. :sneaky:

Preach it sista!

You are a truly good friend to take care of your BF like that! chicken & dumplin's, you have some strong will power girl!

I haven't made chic. and dumplings in months. If I make them I will eat them for days since IMHO they don't freeze well. I still haven't learned how to make just enough for 1 or 2 searvings. I still make a giant pan full.:drool: Man I want some now! Thanks ya'll!

They probably made sure that you lost because they love your cookin'!

I want to chime in on the apology if I offended anybody! So sorry, it was all done in fun. I do take this all seriously and I do try to post and offer advice when and if I can. When I first was banded, this was the place I came to get answers from people that had been there and done that. I think you surgeon can offer advice, but sometimes it is nice to hear from others that have had the same experiences.

So did I. I felt so comfortable here. I love the thought of others that have walked the same path being able to give me some insight.

I miss Tap!

So do I.

That is so ridiculous! Everybody comes to the point where enough is enough and you are at the last straw and you choose how you will deal with the issue of your weight - whether it is WLS or other means.


Well, I would ask your surgeon:tt2:. I think it is natural as your surgery date gets near that you question whether or not this is the right option for you! If you were blindly going into having surgery, I would question your sanity! You should be concerned about the cons of having a band, but I think each person needs to weigh the risks and decide what is best for them.

At this point - I would get my band again! It hasn't all been easy, but it has been worth the gains. Talk to me in another year and I might have a different opinion, but so far so good here! Again, weighing what is important to you and what you are willing to do to get healthy is a personal decision.



G4E~ Good luck with the testing! Again, positive thoughts heading your way!


I have been MIA the past day or so! I had an officer team meeting with my DECA kids at school. It was a fun day, they are so fun to be around and so silly - all girls! We have a really fun year planned and we were reviewing and getting ready for fall. They had some great ideas and changes that we are putting into place.

Being back in the building added some extra pressure and I am feeling that push to get back to school and get ready for fall! Oh, I wish I could just saunter back in when the other teachers show up the week before school. Just is not in my nature!!!

Sounds like you are having fun!

We have been busy picking up firewood in the forest. DH works for the Forest Service and they had a bunch of cut wood down in the Lava Cave Monument area, so DH asked what they were going to do with it - said we could have it as long as we took it all! So 6 pick up loads later, we have firewood for the winter! Yeah, it definitely cuts down on the heating bill!

I love the smell of a fire.

Hope everyone is doing well! I'll check back in tomorrow!

I really hate the things that have been happening to our friends! I miss Tap! I don't want to miss Luluc! I don't like that Brandy and Glouc only come around every once in a while! It seems that one by one, all of the people that attracted me to this thread are leaving. It's not the same when all of you are gone (including the names that I didn't mention that had already left us). Why do the ignorant people have to ruin things for us! The PJTP thread is really the only reason that I come to LBT everyday. Reading about what is going on with you all is the high point of my day. It is just all so sad. I hope that all of you that have or are thinking about leaving would please come back.

I fully agree with what you have said. I have grown to love everyone on the PJTP thread. Yes including you plain. This is family here. I think that is why I went back to FB. So I can keep up with the ones who have left already. Most of them are on FB. Not all though.

Unfortunatly no matter where you go or what you do there will always be a few that will ruin it for everyone. I will be truthful there are times I read someones post on the other threads and I just want to scream at them that they are idiots. But I refrain myself. Only because at 1 time I was one of those idiots. I wasn't yelled at or called stupid. Granted there are some doozies on here, (we know most of those threads) that really needs yelled at in a nice way. In a way that they don't know that they are being yelled at and called stupid. But the people who come on here saying that we wasn't ever fat, or you only have 70 lbs to lose why are you here, need to get a grip! People work very hard to lose their weight. I don't care if it is 70 lbs or 270 lbs you have to lose it is still a struggle. We all know that there are "moles" on these boards that we have to watch out for. But they usually stick out like a sore thumb. I say report them to the mods and let them take care of the moles. For people who need to get things off their chest there is the rants section. IMHO no one should get upset with replys in that section considering it is a rants section and just about anything goes there.

For anyone thinking about leaving (Lu) or anyone else, please rethink it.

Now good morning everyone. I hope you are having a good day. Update on DBIL...they are taking him off the meds that have paralized him and are going to start to wake him. I think from what my DS said it is to see how well his vitals will do on their own? Not for sure. I love my sister, but gets fear confussed and squirrley when it comes to what Dr.s and Nurses are telling her. That is why it is better if someone is with her when medical things are being explained. I will be going up to see him tomorrow so I will know more myself.

I hope you all have a blessed day and weekend!:wub:

Edited by gone 4 ever

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No were you can't have my phone # I would hang up and you would have a very long drive...

Wonder if my phone works on a cruise ship. Being thrown overboard doesn't sound fun.

I'd never hurt a friend! And, cell phones don't work at sea.

When us girls went, we had a buddy system. Too many of us got wasted and wandering around alone was not a good idea. Friend's niece had just turned 18, so she was upset with us for it. We told her: you don't go if you don't have someone with you all the time. Duh...dumb brat. We're in 30's to 40's and WE have a buddy system.

Oh no - is it happening again - I thought you were over that phase.

Nah! Nevah! Long live the irresponsible drunk-dognapping-hooligan in us all.

Let's face it...being overweight has emotional ties and triggers.

And, let's give peas a chance. I'm for whirled peas too!:thumbup:


Whirled Peas make me gag.

The PJTP thread is really the only reason that I come to LBT everyday. Reading about what is going on with you all is the high point of my day. It is just all so sad. I hope that all of you that have or are thinking about leaving would please come back.

:thumbup: Ahh.. Thanks, Slim!

Here's my dose of daily happenings: I still have a job! they told us we're moving across town - and that's the worst of the news.

I will still work with Princess, but everyone else is getting split up. The bad managers here are no longer managers and Princess will be answering to a woman now. Ahh...justice.

Moving across town means a longer commute, but there are van pools. It also means every other Friday off!!! I loved that schedule when I worked there before, and have missed it!

Thank God that it's happening this way. I'll miss working with DH, but at least I can have lunch with him every other Friday. :sneaky:

I'm so happy, I'm giddy. One of the managers said, "Good, because you have been grumpy!" I'm thinking, F-You, B - you knew your job was safe, even if you're being DEMOTED. HA!

She got it wrong...I'm not grumpy I'm evil.:(

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Morning all

So there I was last night enjoying my rather large watermelon mojito when I get a call from my goddaughter's parents saying they wanted to take me out. I tried to explain that I was post shift, up most of the day, un-showered and sitting in my pj's. Long story short - I was told I had 15 min to be outside or they would come in.

Turns out friends of theirs who own one of our favorite local bars have been working on another one, also close to us (so dangerous) This weekend is the soft opening so free drinks and food for friends.

When we went out last night - the new place was already closed so we went to the other place.

Not sure how my weekend has gotten hijacked but we are apparently pre-partying at their house this evening (I will be bringing pitchers of the mojitos) and then going to the new place for free food and drink.

Guess I am still on liquids! :thumbup:


Heading back into the hospital in a couple hours for some mtgs other than that - MUST CLEAN!

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I'd never hurt a friend! And, cell phones don't work at sea.

When us girls went, we had a buddy system. Too many of us got wasted and wandering around alone was not a good idea. Friend's niece had just turned 18, so she was upset with us for it. We told her: you don't go if you don't have someone with you all the time. Duh...dumb brat. We're in 30's to 40's and WE have a buddy system.

Nah! Nevah! Long live the irresponsible drunk-dognapping-hooligan in us all.

Whirled Peas make me gag.

:thumbup: Ahh.. Thanks, Slim!

Here's my dose of daily happenings: I still have a job! they told us we're moving across town - and that's the worst of the news.

I will still work with Princess, but everyone else is getting split up. The bad managers here are no longer managers and Princess will be answering to a woman now. Ahh...justice.

Moving across town means a longer commute, but there are van pools. It also means every other Friday off!!! I loved that schedule when I worked there before, and have missed it!

Thank God that it's happening this way. I'll miss working with DH, but at least I can have lunch with him every other Friday. :sneaky:

I'm so happy, I'm giddy. One of the managers said, "Good, because you have been grumpy!" I'm thinking, F-You, B - you knew your job was safe, even if you're being DEMOTED. HA!

She got it wrong...I'm not grumpy I'm evil.:(

I'm glad that you are coming out of all of that ok. I was really scared for you and your DH. You are not evil. You just like to act that way.:thumbup:

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Yay Glou. I am thrilled for you! I know it eases your mind in these troubling times.

you know you would miss the princess if she got put some where else.

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PJTP...I'm here y'all, I'm here *Ebony waves arms wildly*

Hey, I'm already a bitch and have nothing to lose. I would GLADLY beat the crap out of them for my peeps here.

BITCH - Being In Total Charge of Herself - and I resemble that remark as well...let me know when the beatdowns will begin, I got your back!

Question: I read lots of posts on this forum...the good, bad, and ugly. As my surgery date looms, I'm starting to wonder if I should lay off. Did reading the horror stories cause any of you to freak out? I think I'm comfortable with the band and the idea of the band, but what if something happens? I thought most of the slippage issues, etc. were happening 'cause people didn't follow the rules, but now I'm reading more and more where it just seems to be a fluke. Okay, I'm getting nervous. My date is coming up soon....eeek. Should I read all the stuff on here or should I stick to possum recipes and play Pollyanna?


Thanks! And if one of you tells me to ask my surgeon, I'll hunt ya down :(

*grinning* Ask yo surgeon! :w00t:

Feel free to ask me as well - whatever experience I have, I'll try to share...

Good thing there's not a stupidity competition. Sounds like the complainer would win that one hands down. :thumbup:


Okay, I would ask your surg-- OOPS!

Okay, I was in your boat too. I didn't JUST want to know the good stuff because I felt I wasn't doing myself much of a service if that's all I chose to read. However, there were times I had to lay off the bad news threads too because it got to be a bit scary. It's one thing to read enough to be informed, but I didn't want to freak myself out. I still don't read about that stuff. If I end up being a statistic, then it'll happen, but at this point it won't be because of my aftercare. But I can't sit here and dwell on it either. The numbers are in my favor, but with the constant realization that it COULD happen.

I wholeheartedly agree - I wanted to know what COULD happen, but tried not to obsess about it...

I really hate the things that have been happening to our friends! I miss Tap! I don't want to miss Luluc! I don't like that Brandy and Glouc only come around every once in a while! It seems that one by one, all of the people that attracted me to this thread are leaving. It's not the same when all of you are gone (including the names that I didn't mention that had already left us). Why do the ignorant people have to ruin things for us! The PJTP thread is really the only reason that I come to LBT everyday. Reading about what is going on with you all is the high point of my day. It is just all so sad. I hope that all of you that have or are thinking about leaving would please come back.

I ain't going anywhere...they will have to pry my keyboard from my cold, dead, fingers...:sneaky:

Hello everybody!

PJTP: Already had a nightmare about school. :sneaky:

Breathe, girlfriend...you can do this - I KNOW you can!

GOOD NEWS Glouc and G4E!

Btw, where has Ebony been? Is everybody leaving us? :wub:

I'm here (jumping up and down)...gotta run, because we're going to lunch at a co-worker's daughter's restaurant. The daughter just graduated from culinary school and this is her first professional gig...


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PJTP...I'm here y'all, I'm here *Ebony waves arms wildly*

I'm here (jumping up and down)...gotta run, because we're going to lunch at a co-worker's daughter's restaurant. The daughter just graduated from culinary school and this is her first professional gig...


YAAY, glad to see you!

I'll be somewhat unavailable for a while as I'm driving to see the folks tomorrow. Right now I have no plan for how long I'm staying. The only things I have to plan for is a therapy session on the 27th and obviously school on the 31st.

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Have a fun, relaxing, and safe trip Beth! You will do great in school!

Ebony-I am so glad to see you girlfriend!

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