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Congrats Mac! Even if you are not officially 1st, you are 1st to us! Also, Happy Birthday! When is/was it?

What she said - that is so awesome!!

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g4e, sorry you are going through so much with your BIL, I know how hard that can be. Pulmonary embolism, is a blood clot in the lung---not a good thing, as you know. The aspiration is Fluid, being breathed into his lungs as opposed to either being swallowed or spit out. Some bandsters who have serious issues with reflux have gotten pnuemonia from aspirating the acids into their lungs.

The sepsis, is an infection in his blood stream---or that is how they explained mine when I dealt with it. Mine was from a stupid bug bite on my toe that got infected. You never expect a bug bite on your toe to land you in the hospital but this did.

I will keep him in my prayers. Had he ever fully recovered from his battle before, or has his health been compromised ever since?

Cooked food to take over for my son and DIL to have when they come in from the hospital today. They seemed to be settling in pretty well when we left them. DH went with DS to get DIL's meds from the pharmacy, and I sat and held the little guy while Mommy caught a nap. Being Sunday, there was not much of a choice around here for filling the Rx, they ended up at Walmart, and had over an hour wait. Only other pharmacy open was Walgreens and they don't accept DS's insurance.

Older grandson, woke in the middle of the night, upset, he wanted his Mom, he wanted his Dad, he wanted HIS home, and he wanted his bike!

He was on edge until they got here and picked him up. He was happy to see them, went home, looked around and decided he was ready to go back to Papa's now!!!

KC--great pic of you and your Mom. My DD and I go to a candlelight vigil each year, that they hold here. They sell (I guess is the proper word???) luminarias, white for in memory of cancer victims, and standard brown in honor of cancer survivors. They will put the names on, or you can, and decorate the bags if you wish. They line the river walk with them, and hold a walk a thon. She has put my name on for years, and was with me for years before that putting my Grandma's name on first a survivors, then in memory of.....

Luminarias for those who don't have them are small lunch bag size paper bags, filled with 4-5" of sand, and small votive candles nestled into the sand and lit. They glow. If the paper bag happens to catch fire, they just burn down, the sand keeps the candle and flame from spreading. They are really popular here at Christmas. In fact our local community college does a luminaria display with over 50,000 of them lining the campus, for people to drive through---very pretty.

It means a lot for my DD to recognize the specialness of doing that with me each year.

Gotta go for a walk, or I am going to skip it.....and I know I shouldn't do that!!!

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PJTP...it's been a busy day, but productive! Got the sanding done and the new closet walls primed, plus one wall in the 'lounge' area of the Master Bedroom. Eventually, have to prime all walls (raw plaster - not easy to paint over) and patch some additional spots, then I can do finish coats.

DH and I are planning storage towers beside both sides of our bed (takes up the majority of the 3rd part of the room) and getting everything else out of that space. We have a wrap-around MBR suite - it was three bedrooms originally, and we combined two of them to form the original BR and future MBath. My DD slept in the third, smaller portion of the space. When she outgrew it and my DS moved out, she got his room and it took us quite a while to decide to break through the wall and take over that space. Now all three rooms are combined (kind of an "L" shape) with the MBR, then the 'lounge' then a walk-in closet, then the MBath to come.

Whew! When I say it, it sounds like a lot of work - and I guess it is...I'll post pics when we're closer to being 'done'. Right now it looks like a bit of a disaster area! :drool:

Very slow posting today. Apparently, I am the only PJTPer with no life (no big surprise there).

Nah, Slim - I was at the movies - went to see G.I. Joe...won't spoil it for the rest of ya, but it was a great story and lots of cool effects...

Ebony-when you get done fixing your house, I have a 40 year old house that could use your assistance! :0)

You got it, girlfriend...if I thought I could make a living at it, I'd love nothing better than to buy old houses, fix them up, and sell them to deserving families...just don't have the time or capital to do it right now...

I need to hire an organizer. I have trouble getting rid of my own things. I am good at getting rid of DS's things. I am good at getting rid of my own clothes, but other things not so much. I start "organizing" and get disenchanted with the entire thing. I'll get there eventually.

I worked with a professional organizer - she was a friend and we bartered a color analysis for her from me and she helped me plan a reorganization of my home office. Worked out great - with her help, I greatly decluttered my office and became much more productive. There is a Nat'l organization for them - check Google and some even offer free initial consults, so you can see if you'll like them and if you're compatible...

Race for the Cure was soo much fun! 28,000 people - largest ever for KC.

That is so cool!

Thought I'd share a pic of mom and I - not the greatest but a fun remembrance.

Great pic of you and your mom - both of you are indeed gorgeous!

We almost lost him 1 1/2 yrs ago. he was in ICU for 4 months. So I love y'all and pray for him big time. His name is Carl. My sister is Connie.

Thanks guys1

Prayers going up for Carl and Connie...much love to both of them and to you, G4E...

it's Sepsis - it can be very bad (as it sounds with what you have shared) - do they have him on a drug call Xigris (pronounced zigris) - some hospitals are not familiar with it - it is one of the premier treatments for sepsis besides identifying and treating the source of infection and pushing Fluid.

I can help with whatever questions you have. I am actually the chair for our hospital's sepsis committee. I am at your disposal.

What a generous offer, KC - you rock! As the child of a nurse, I understand how bad sepsis can be...I pray he's getting better and that they have all the knowledge and expertise they need to help him.

Ebony~ I love doing remodeling work - so much fun playing with power tools! I am always putting around working on something. Just wish there was more cash to get it all done at once!

Me too - if I had unlimited funds, I'd hire Bob Vila and HIS crew to come over and totally re-do my house (as long as I could watch and help clean up a little). I always envied the people on This Old House who got that crew to come over and do their houses...

I am going to have to investigate the shapeups! Everyone seems to love them. I would love to have an organizer. We have so much crap laying around the house, it is crazy! I get started, but never seem to be able to finish!

I LOVED the suggestions and action plan I got from my organizer - I highly recommend them!

So, I did my birthday triathlon and I had a really good time and I finished in a really good time (for me).

Yay Mac!

I went to see the posted results and .... I was in first place for my age group! I said "no way" and then looked at the total time... it was 30 min. short. All the times were wrong. They were the combination of everything up to the run. But didn't include the run.

So I figured when they fixed them, I'd be out of first place, but I decided to enjoy it for the hour it took to post the corrected results. :cool:

You're still number one in our book, Mac! You are constantly surprising me and inspiring me with your wisdom and strength. I hope I'm still pushing the limits and getting stronger like you are when I reach my goal weight...

On my way to bed - finally got the new fridge up and running - though DH tried to level it and broke the left back leveling mechanism (go figure...DH seems to break something whenever he tries 'just a little more') :mad: :tongue:

Anyway - time for bed...I'll be staggering in the morning anyway because I'm getting in bed late. Gotta wog in the morning, so off I go! :)

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G4E - my prayers are with you and your family

The rest of you sound so energetic, busy, positive and enthusiastic. Me? I ate a gallon (a real gallon, not a figure of speech gallon) of ice cream tonight for supper (and I don't like ice cream) then had about 1/2c Peanut Butter on crackers, and then washed it down with a glass of wine. Yep, I'm depressed. The sum of my exercise was washing the dishes. Don't have the interest to do anything - BAH!. So, I think I will bow out of here for a while.

Take care everyone.

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Mac~ Happy Birthday and WTG on the Tri! I hope you did enjoy your 1st place! How did you finish? Hope you met your goal!

Ebony~ You are busy, busy! Would love to see the pix of the work that you are doing!

Kat~ What a good grandma you are! I'm sure your son and DIL love having you close by to help with the grandkids!

G4E~ I will have you in my thoughts this evening.

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So, I think I will bow out of here for a while.

Take care everyone.

while i totally understand ; i hope you don't bail for too long!

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G4E - my prayers are with you and your family

The rest of you sound so energetic, busy, positive and enthusiastic. Me? I ate a gallon (a real gallon, not a figure of speech gallon) of ice cream tonight for supper (and I don't like ice cream) then had about 1/2c Peanut Butter on crackers, and then washed it down with a glass of wine. Yep, I'm depressed. The sum of my exercise was washing the dishes. Don't have the interest to do anything - BAH!. So, I think I will bow out of here for a while.

Take care everyone.

Tap! My heart goes out to you! Sorry you are feeling so depressed. If you need to talk you can PM me if you like. We all have those times in our lives when it is not going well. I get the depression thing - been dealing with it for years!

Don't go far, we are here to support each other! (((HUGS)))

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Slim..I have no life either. So don't feel bad.

Tap..sounds like my dinner yesterday, PB and crackers, and 3 Icecream drumsticks.

Ebony, sounds like you had a busy weekend with the remodeling.

Mac..You done great at the triathalon, no matter what your time.

Kat. Smiling on your grandkids. they are so funny. I love luminaries.

KC..Great pic of you and your mom. Very lag. race for the cause. No my DBIL isn't on xigis. he is on 2 other antibiotics.

I want to Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.:cool: From what was explained to us was what he aspirated into his lungs was from his stomach which was backed up from him not using the restroom like he should have. Apparently a nurse asked him yesterday if that was all he had used the restroom. She seemed concerned. My BIL told my DS that he didn't feel right yesterday. But that is what caused the sepsis. I asked 2x to make sure I was clear on the fact. So basically it was bile that went into his lungs. I have a busy day tomorrow. I have my appointment with the ENT at the clinic. So I should know if they are going to do the surgery on my thyroid. Work if there is no change for the worse for DBIL. Then hospital after work.

Well I'm getting ready to go to bed. Night all.

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Mac~ Happy Birthday and WTG on the Tri! I hope you did enjoy your 1st place! How did you finish? Hope you met your goal!

I figured I could do it in 1:45 min but I also thought *maybe* I could do it in 1:30 min. if the course was flat enough. And it was! I finished in 1:32:59 and I ran at a 10 min. pace, which is the best I've ever done in a Tri and close to what I do when I just run and haven't swam or biked first. I was very happy.

I finished 9 out of 11 in my age group. It seems that all the good swimmers were bad bikers and all the good bikers were bad swimmers. So that's how I got to be in first place after the swim and bike. (Oh and fast transitions.) But my run was only just okay and some of the good swimmers or good bikers were better runners. Or something...

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Hey, I was 255 out of 401! That's a MOP finish!

(and 9th out of 12th, not 11th in my age group.)

Edited by MacMadame

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G4E - my prayers are with you and your family

The rest of you sound so energetic, busy, positive and enthusiastic. Me? I ate a gallon (a real gallon, not a figure of speech gallon) of ice cream tonight for supper (and I don't like ice cream) then had about 1/2c Peanut Butter on crackers, and then washed it down with a glass of wine. Yep, I'm depressed. The sum of my exercise was washing the dishes. Don't have the interest to do anything - BAH!. So, I think I will bow out of here for a while.

Take care everyone.

Tap-I wish that there was something that I could do to help. Just know that we are here for you no matter what.:thumbup: (((((hugs)))))

while i totally understand ; i hope you don't bail for too long!

What she said!

Tap! My heart goes out to you! Sorry you are feeling so depressed. If you need to talk you can PM me if you like. We all have those times in our lives when it is not going well. I get the depression thing - been dealing with it for years!

Don't go far, we are here to support each other! (((HUGS)))

We all agree, we are here for you Tap!

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Heading out to work, but wanted to jump in and say "morning".

Been unplugged all weekend (the inlaws don't have internet!) so will have to read the weekend-in-review later today! :thumbup:

Happy Monday all!

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PJTP...It's a muggy day in the neighborhood...:blink:

G4E - my prayers are with you and your family

Same here - hoping all is better today...

The rest of you sound so energetic, busy, positive and enthusiastic. Me? I ate a gallon (a real gallon, not a figure of speech gallon) of ice cream tonight for supper (and I don't like ice cream) then had about 1/2c Peanut Butter on crackers, and then washed it down with a glass of wine. Yep, I'm depressed. The sum of my exercise was washing the dishes. Don't have the interest to do anything - BAH!. So, I think I will bow out of here for a while.

Take care everyone.

Tap - we love ya, girlfriend...like the others said - don't stay away too long. If this is something you've dealt with before, try to go back to what worked in getting through it. We'll miss you...please stay in touch.

Ebony~ You are busy, busy! Would love to see the pix of the work that you are doing!

Will take some pics and post them sometime this week - it's a work in progress and a definate labor of love. The current market says I am doing the right thing, because if I hired a "professional" I'd probably have to wait another 10 years to get my money back! Sweat equity and the cost of materials is about all our budget can handle right now...:eek:

G4E~ I will have you in my thoughts this evening.


Tap! My heart goes out to you! Sorry you are feeling so depressed. If you need to talk you can PM me if you like. We all have those times in our lives when it is not going well. I get the depression thing - been dealing with it for years!

Don't go far, we are here to support each other! (((HUGS)))

What she said!:wub:

Having a calm morning - Mgr is out today on business travel and my tummy has calmed down. Had a productive weekend, but no fruit yet in the job search. I don't know what's holding it up, and my patience is running thin, but since I don't have any alternatives right now, I just gotta bear up.

Going on the "offensive" as Beth termed it a few days ago...was left an undefined task to complete last week, have completed it to the best of my ability and sent it to the BBoss to review. We'll see what comes of that - I included him in the email stream between me and my Mgr, including my requests for specific feedback on why the version I prepared first was incorrect.

I'm not going to stand here and take this crap any more...I'm ready to fight back (in a measured and business-like manner)...will let y'all know how it goes.:thumbup:

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*Ebony, sounds like a great weekend! And the dinner your DD made sounded wonderful too. Good on ya re: work! Go get 'em girlfriend!!!

*Tap, I'm so sorry. I know they make special lamps and lightbulbs that can go in existing lamps to help with SAD. Have you tried those? Couldn't hurt and may help! Take care and don't stay away too long.

*KC, great pic of you and your mom. So glad the race was such a success!

*Mac, sounds like you did a GREAT job! WTG!! And happy birthday!

*G4E, so sorry about your sis and BIL, prayers going up.

*Ragu Recipe will post below so you only have to print that post and not get any of my garbage with it.

PJTP: So I've been following a dog rescue site that does giant breeds. We want a Newfoundland someday. I was on there yesterday and they have THE cutest newfie puppy! Called Cinnamon and it's color is just that! SO CUTE! Hopefully he finds a good home soon. Tho where he's at is great too.

Was in such a funk this last week. Feeling a little better today. Maybe b/c I know DH is on his way home and he can take over with DD. I'm exhausted and that's part of the problem.

So I think I've caught up with everyone from the near week I was off-site.

I hope everyone has a good Monday! TTFN!

Recipe below.

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from eatingwell.com (found on foodnetwork.com)

2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil

1 onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced (I always at least double b/c i like garlic... a lot)

1 eggplant, 1-1 1/4lbs, diced

salt & pepper to taste

2 cups prepared marinara sauce

red or yellow bell pepper, diced (or I use whatever I have on hand)

3 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

12 oz. pasta, preferably penne

1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese or 1/4 cup freshly grated parmesan

Put a large salted pot of Water on to boil.

Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat, Add onion and garlic and cook, stirring, until softened, about 4 minutes. Add eggplant and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes more. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in marinara sauce and bring to a simmer. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until eggplant is almost tenter, about 20 minutes. Add bell pepper and basil; cover and cook for 5 minutes more.

Meanwhile, cook pasta in boiling water until al dente, 8-10 minutes. Drain and toss with sauce. Sprinkle with feta or parmesan and serve.

*Those are the written instructions, my pasta doesn't take that long to cook, so read the pkge directions too. Also, you can vary the size of the eggplant and how much sauce you use, if needed.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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