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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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I have found myself very addicted to FB - it just sucks you in and won't let go! !

Hence reinforcing why I shall not join...I have enough of an addiction to this place! I'd never get anything done if I had 2 sites to monitor, or participate.

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That is one of the reasons I haven't tried FB. I am already addicted to LBT. I am shocked that I can access it from work, but I KNOW that I can't acces FB from work. They must know that NO work would EVER get done.:blink:
Hence reinforcing why I shall not join...I have enough of an addiction to this place! I'd never get anything done if I had 2 sites to monitor, or participate.

This summer has been bad! We finally got wireless internet at the house and I swear that at any given time almost everyone of us is on the internet. Sad, very sad! Of course, here I am. I could be outside in the hot sun slaving away at yard work - nah, I'd rather be here!

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PJTP...finally got free from the "weekly status update meeting" and am back to doing what I really WANT to do...surfing LBT and Facebook :blink:

good morning! Hows everyone?

Hi Diva!

GL on the interview ebony - but what's weird is the "are you done yet question?" Maybe I misundestood IDK.

It refers to my weight loss - they think I'm small enough and shouldn't lose much more...HELLO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I was a size 22-24, now I'm down to a 16-18, but one of my goals is to get completely off of diabetes and high blood pressure meds (which I'm not yet - dosages are reduced, but I still take meds) and the other big goal is to be HALF my size (roughly a 10-12 in clothes).

I know they mean well, but...

Weight Watchers online anyone? I just signed up. Feeling jazzed about it! I need a little fine tuning. I've already been being good and going back down again. I just need to top if off I guess, that with my new elliptical. It's all good.

I did weight watchers "live" but never online...I did like being able to log my food online (currently doing this via my Bodybugg)...hope it all works out great for you...

Hope everyone has a great day!!

You too! :huh2:


I have done the WW Online several times. They just love taking my money! Lose, gain back more, lose, gain back more. Of course that was the old me!

Can I get an AMEN! I, like you, remember losing and gaining and losing and gaining and losing and gaining...this is the first time I've been able to lose any significant amount and KEEP IT OFF. I :wub: my band!

It is a great program with tons of support. You have access to a huge database of foods (points), recipes, and menu ideas. I really loved having access on my phone so that I could know where I was at during the day, kept me honest (most of the time) :wink2:

Hmmm....My husband or your hotties...Wanna trade?:blink:

That can be a loaded question...depends on the day, sometimes...if DH is being a pill, sometimes I want to give him away, and other times, I don't think I could live without him. So far, the good days far outweigh the bad...:tt1:


Ok, all kidding aside, I am blessed...

Me too...and I thank the heavens for him...

<3 my DH .... Best Best Bestest ever!!

Hello. I wondered away from FB for a second. I am about to start twitching from withdrawls.

Hi Brandy! :huh2:

Hence reinforcing why I shall not join...I have enough of an addiction to this place! I'd never get anything done if I had 2 sites to monitor, or participate.

I completely get ya on that one, Tap...sometimes it's hard for me to keep up with both. I occasionally get a backlog of messages and stuff on FB, but I NEVER miss my LBT log ins! The weekends are the only time I'm not constantly on...

Eating slowly...chicken salad with a drizzle of vinaigrette...very good, but the bulk of the salad is making me eat slowly...this is a good thing, methinks! :thumbup:

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For the past week, FB has been open at work where before it was blocked.

Now, we think it's a trap.

Hi Glouc!

It could very well be - either someone forgot to reinstate the block when they did a software upgrade, or they are monitoring the channel and logging all the IP addresses that access FB from work computers.

Does your company have a written internet policy? When I was the IT Director for my town, we instituted one. If someone got caught doing stuff that was on the list of unapproved activities, or visiting sites not permitted, they could be disciplined - verbal, written warning, then suspension and then termination. In today's climate, I wouldn't take the chance...:blink:

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For the past week, FB has been open at work where before it was blocked.

Now, we think it's a trap.

Hi Glouc!

It could very well be - either someone forgot to reinstate the block when they did a software upgrade, or they are monitoring the channel and logging all the IP addresses that access FB from work computers.

Does your company have a written internet policy? When I was the IT Director for my town, we instituted one. If someone got caught doing stuff that was on the list of unapproved activities, or visiting sites not permitted, they could be disciplined - verbal, written warning, then suspension and then termination. In today's climate, I wouldn't take the chance...:huh2:

I agree with Ebony. Our internet usage policy allows for occasional usage, but some things are off limits period. When they first gave us internet, nothing was blocked. They had quite a few people that got time off for going onto XXX porno type places. Why would you be stupid enough to go onto something like that at work?:blink: Now, not only is the stuff blocked, but if you try to go to those places, you get a blocked page with your user info which lets you know they KNOW who tried to go there. They let us know up front that they can/will audit our web usage.:huh2:

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Does your company have a written internet policy? When I was the IT Director for my town, we instituted one. If someone got caught doing stuff that was on the list of unapproved activities, or visiting sites not permitted, they could be disciplined - verbal, written warning, then suspension and then termination. In today's climate, I wouldn't take the chance...:thumbup:

Yeah, the job world is getting scary. I was thinking about an internet policy. Surf LBT and get the axe!! I think I'd have trouble firing myself though. I'm such a nice girl. :blink:

Hope you all are having a great day. I'm waiting for the clouds to leave me and then off to the pool :huh2:.

I have an actual LBT question and figured I'd get the quickest (and mostest rightestest) answer here. Do you have to crush pills after the clear liquid phase? I know I can get gummy vitamins and stuff like that but I'm wondering about my everyday stuff. I have high hopes of getting off those drugs or reducing but that won't happen overnight. I'd love to hear about your experiences. Did the pre-op stuff yesterday...survived the stress test. All went well, I think, but what the heck do I know?

I hope everyone remains vertical today (uh, Beth) and able to eat, keep a job, find a handyman, give us a new drink suggestion for the day, tempt us with recipes, and provide more hottie pics to drool over, etc. I have purchased waterproofing material for new laptop so bring on the MEN :huh2:.



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No hottie pics here - but I did post on my blog a copy of an earticle with reduced calorie alcoholic beverage recipes.< /p>

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PoolGirl - I'm jealous (or is that envious that's less nasty?) of you being able to work at home - I wish I could!:blink:

Yeah, the job world is getting scary. I was thinking about an internet policy. Surf LBT and get the axe!! I think I'd have trouble firing myself though. I'm such a nice girl. :huh2:

Hope you all are having a great day. I'm waiting for the clouds to leave me and then off to the pool :wink2:.

Ebony's envious side is getting stronger...I wish I had a pool to go dive into! I love to swim - worked summers as a lifeguard and loved to swim laps...

I have an actual LBT question and figured I'd get the quickest (and mostest rightestest) answer here. Do you have to crush pills after the clear liquid phase? I know I can get gummy vitamins and stuff like that but I'm wondering about my everyday stuff. I have high hopes of getting off those drugs or reducing but that won't happen overnight. I'd love to hear about your experiences. Did the pre-op stuff yesterday...survived the stress test. All went well, I think, but what the heck do I know?

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor - but I would check with your doc for any prescription meds. Some change when they are crushed (absorption rate, etc) and some have coatings that help to delay their entry into your system. You may be able to get chewables (which could be crushed, I would think) or a liquid version of your current meds.

I have had no problem so far taking my normal pills, but they are small. One I used to take was quite large and I think I would have had a problem with that one. Better to err on the side of making things easier for you if you can...you could also ask if the pills could be split if they are too big. I think I did split mine for a while just to be safe...

I think I remember seeing that you got your surgery date - congrats! I hope all goes smoothly and without complication for you, and you'll soon be joining us in the Bandland...good for you!:thumbup:

I hope everyone remains vertical today (uh, Beth) and able to eat, keep a job, find a handyman, give us a new drink suggestion for the day, tempt us with recipes, and provide more hottie pics to drool over, etc. I have purchased waterproofing material for new laptop so bring on the MEN :huh2:.

You're too funny - no wonder you fit in here so well!



Edited by EbonyRose
added info

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Diva: WW or any support is great to go along with the band if you need it. I tried them and OA, but decided to go to an eating disorder therapist. Have my second meeting with her on Thursday.

Sketchers Shape Ups... weird. I went to a Sketchers store here in town and they don't even have them! Not that they're sold out, they simply don't have them. Weird.

Beth you are absolutely right with the eating disorder therapist, and I have also considered this. I have had eating disorders ever since I was 12 years old, from one side of the spectrum all the way to the other. It's something that really needs addressing. That is so great you are tackling your demons, and you deserve to be free of them.

I thought about OA, but I really don't believe that is going to get to the heart of the matter.

Skechers... still love em!! I did two miles today (thanks to WW online to get me to produce more activities!! :wink2: ) and my thighs are kinda sore now... LOL Oh, I forgot to mention, I got my elliptical up and running and I absolutely love it!! I burned 200+ calories in 20 minutes... awesome!

hey, hola, howdy - there caught up:)


off to do a million errands - i let them pile up too often....:thumbup:

catch ya;ll ltr!

Hi Lulu!

Me too... sadly.

That is one of the reasons I haven't tried FB. I am already addicted to LBT. I am shocked that I can access it from work, but I KNOW that I can't acces FB from work. They must know that NO work would EVER get done.:huh2:

FB and addiction in the same sentence? Say it isn't so! :blink: One this is certain, I would seriously never get anything done here (at work)...

Hence reinforcing why I shall not join...I have enough of an addiction to this place! I'd never get anything done if I had 2 sites to monitor, or participate.

Ha! Now I have LBT and WW!! I'm in love with WW already. My home addiction is FB.

I agree with Ebony. Our internet usage policy allows for occasional usage, but some things are off limits period. When they first gave us internet, nothing was blocked. They had quite a few people that got time off for going onto XXX porno type places. Why would you be stupid enough to go onto something like that at work?:blink: Now, not only is the stuff blocked, but if you try to go to those places, you get a blocked page with your user info which lets you know they KNOW who tried to go there. They let us know up front that they can/will audit our web usage.:huh2:

Are you serious? Some people should just be led to walk the plank. XXX at work ?? Can you spell idgit?

I have an actual LBT question and figured I'd get the quickest (and mostest rightestest) answer here. Do you have to crush pills after the clear liquid phase?



PoolGirl, I do not have to crush any of my pills. I chew my Vitamins though (Flintstones). BW on the getting off pills, I'm living proof it can be done. I'm down to one BP medicine pill per day and it's the lightest dose even. I was taking 4 max doses per day. I was bad off.

Ebony, thank goodness you clarified! I thought when you said "are you done talking yet" that they were asking while you were answering your questions during your interview... hehe, but that's just me. ADHD. :lol: Now that you mention it though, that was a good question. Shows you how others are seeing you, and they think you look great!!

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Are you serious? Some people should just be led to walk the plank. XXX at work ?? Can you spell idgit?

tee-he-heeee...I loved this. :huh2:

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Ok - Soooo one could argue that there are some LBT threads that could qualify - text only of course (thank goodness)

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Yeah, the job world is getting scary. I was thinking about an internet policy. Surf LBT and get the axe!! I think I'd have trouble firing myself though. I'm such a nice girl. :blink:

Hope you all are having a great day. I'm waiting for the clouds to leave me and then off to the pool :huh2:.

I have an actual LBT question and figured I'd get the quickest (and mostest rightestest) answer here. Do you have to crush pills after the clear liquid phase? I know I can get gummy vitamins and stuff like that but I'm wondering about my everyday stuff. I have high hopes of getting off those drugs or reducing but that won't happen overnight. I'd love to hear about your experiences. Did the pre-op stuff yesterday...survived the stress test. All went well, I think, but what the heck do I know?

I hope everyone remains vertical today (uh, Beth) and able to eat, keep a job, find a handyman, give us a new drink suggestion for the day, tempt us with recipes, and provide more hottie pics to drool over, etc. I have purchased waterproofing material for new laptop so bring on the MEN :huh2:.



I tried to go to the pool today and there were at least 4 people in each line. Too busy for me! I will head out for a run later!

I could swallow my pills, but I had to open up (time release) my ADHD med and sprinkle it on applesauce the first 6mos. Now I can swallow it and have not had any problems!

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For the past week, FB has been open at work where before it was blocked.

Now, we think it's a trap.

I would be a bit leary!

I make sure I do all of my internet fun stuff from home - just safer that way. We do have lunch that is off duty - however, I always have a ton of kids in my room, but I do sometimes check in and do some craigslisting during that time during the day. My addiction for FB will have to go on hold when school starts back up! :blink:

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Ok - Soooo one could argue that there are some LBT threads that could qualify - text only of course (thank goodness)


dragged DH to errands, gym, shopping & lunch - he's already on the raft vegging.

did get the sketchers - plan on using them on the treadmill tomorrow to give them a "whirl"..... were on sale of $67.99

i only use FB for chatting - i'm about done w/lbt aside from 2 threads and i can't get into the apps.

no issues w/pills - ever

band WIDE open, had to slap my hand @ lunch to keep from eating.

off to throw someone off the raft & play some volleyball:)

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