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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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The picture doesn't do the cupcakes justice - they are huge I bought new giant muffin tins this am at target - can't wait to take them over later this afternoon.

Darn it, girl. I have now drooled all over new laptop. I shorted the other one out drooling over your young men....hot, sweaty, shirtless...men....ah, I need a minute alone please :).

Men, chocolate AND Peanut Butter, oh my! Great, now Wizard of Oz songs are in my head. Arghh. Well, it beats the voices I guess :).


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I AM WORST godmom ever - took cakes and gift to her - opened and played for bit then her mom and i went drinkin and i am drunker than i have ever been in life.

O me gosh - i can't feel lips, stumbled out ofbar - never stunmbled before. i had 3 large mojitos at first restaurant then went to other bar and had 6 double tall malibu and diets - actualy only 4 - (drank em out of malibu and had to swith to parrot bay)

We were playing the video games at bar - LOL - I was shouting - told you so very competitive!

I have now been up for 32 and 1/2 hours hourrs - Help me! and dammit never watched my movie.

Have been flirting with yong hot friend boy toy on phone (texting) - the one who was in town.btwy - we're meeting in hawaii in february - got to lose me some more weight!

Holy Guacamole, Bat Girl! Sounds like you did some serious partying!! You might wanna check out whoever posted the anti-hangover remedy recently :). It's probably only 100 pages back. I do so love your hot young boy stories. Can I be you when I grow up??? Please!! :)


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funny - i posted remedy - I haven't grown up yet - problem!

I sit here trying to force down my Water - took pills

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Holy Guacamole, Bat Girl! Sounds like you did some serious partying!! You might wanna check out whoever posted the anti-hangover remedy recently :). It's probably only 100 pages back.

Erm, it was HER that posted it! :):lol::)

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Yeah, I kinda thought KC posted the remedy. However, I didn't want to overstep and suggest that she might need it after her party :). It was really more of a friendly reminder :). Hangovers suck!

And in her, um, current state, I wasn't sure she could remember it!! :)

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I love stories about STUPID!! My dad went to the grocery store for me today. He loves to go! And now he loves riding around on the store scooter. So, I wanted watermelon. He looks in produce section but can only find whole ones at $4.99. He asks the produce guy if they have any halves chilled. Nope. Says he can cut one for him though. Dad says okay, do it. Guy comes back with watermelon half and tells my dad that he ought to just buy a whole melon. Dad questions this. Produce guy says the half melon will cost $9. Nine dollars??!!!? (Tightwad)Dad says you gotta be kidding! Whole melons are five bucks. Guy says he had to charge for the labor to cut the melon :). True story. So, Dad, who shops in this store nearly every day, ended up with half a melon for $2.99 after bitching and complaining to manager. Labor to cut a melon?? Stupid, huh? On the up side, he got me blueberries 10 pints for $10. :) If only I liked blueberries....:)


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So glad you and DD had fun heartfire! So sorry about the Migraine and cramps. I know that was bad. Your DD was fearless on the pony! That is so great!

Thanks! Yes we had fun, yes Sat. PM sucked! LOL! Feeling better today. If my Migraines don't get somewhat less after I get my new glasses, then I'm going to have to go back to my PCP. May have to do another MRI and see if there are any changes. :)

Your DH is funny! How do you handle the carbonation! It scares me! Haven't had hardly anything to drink since banding either. Nervous about it!

Michelle~ So glad that DD loved the ponies! How fun is that! Sorry to hear about the migraine and cramps - no fun for you!

Watching Gran Torino with DH, the kids are out of the house - ah, quiet!

We did have a blast! Wish I hadn't been ko'd by the other. I felt like a party pooper!

How was the movie? DH really liked it. He and the boys watched it at work.

Third time lucky? Joo joo please!

Wish me luck folks, that the offer is good AND that the people are genuine!

Oh Fanny, I sure as holy hell hope this works this time! Best wishes!! (((hugs))) and prayers!

Naturally, I feel even worse now that the day is over. Idiot!

Tomorrow has just got to be better, or at least I have to be better! Do SOMETHING, and not eat crap...

I'm so sorry you're in a funk! I sure hope you feel better tomorrow.

I got a new iPhone!

And a hot pink case for it. :)


Sorry, hubby and I were over getting one of the gay neighbors drunk on our leftover mojitos. They, in turn, fixed us pork loin, corn on the cob, green onions (all done on the grill) and some fantastic potatoes. YUM!

drinks for dinner! Works for me!

Well it ended up being a nice dinner.< /strong>

Oh good!

Missed my little granddaughter being there.


And to top it off here in a minute I am taking my handyman to bed!!! LOL

Have fun!

I am really bummed about working and DH being off and all alone for his birthday. And in 2 weeks he will be off again while I am working and it will be MY birthday---which will suck seriously too!!!


We are both taking off Friday for the birth of our newest grandson.

Whoo Hoo!!!!

I AM WORST godmom ever - took cakes and gift to her - opened and played for bit then her mom and i went drinkin and i am drunker than i have ever been in life.

O me gosh - i can't feel lips, stumbled out ofbar - never stunmbled before. i had 3 large mojitos at first restaurant then went to other bar and had 6 double tall malibu and diets - actualy only 4 - (drank em out of malibu and had to swith to parrot bay)

We were playing the video games at bar - LOL - I was shouting - told you so very competitive!

I have now been up for 32 and 1/2 hours hourrs - Help me! and dammit never watched my movie.

Have been flirting with yong hot friend boy toy on phone (texting) - the one who was in town.btwy - we're meeting in hawaii in february - got to lose me some more weight!

DRUNK TYPING!!!!! You are SO going to hate this post later when you sober up! LOL! :)

*Hi TPG!!

PJTP: Nothing exciting to report here! Eventually went to dinner and got pizza. Came home, put kiddo to bed, took a shower and paid the bills online. Yep. Lots of excitement here!


We all gotta get on the ball about June 2010!

If I remember right, She Smiles was pretty flexible.

Also if I remember right, later in June sounded better for some and others were open to anything.

Are we thinking arriving on Friday, leaving Sunday or Monday? What's your preference Lu?

Also, accommodations? Ya gotta give us what you're thinking/expecting Lu and what you prefer! And what's in your area for lodging, do we need car rentals?

Do we all want to be trying to hit DFW about the same time if we're flying?

June weekend dates (Fridays):





Let's pick a date!


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I love stories about STUPID!! My dad went to the grocery store for me today. He loves to go! And now he loves riding around on the store scooter. So, I wanted watermelon. He looks in produce section but can only find whole ones at $4.99. He asks the produce guy if they have any halves chilled. Nope. Says he can cut one for him though. Dad says okay, do it. Guy comes back with watermelon half and tells my dad that he ought to just buy a whole melon. Dad questions this. Produce guy says the half melon will cost $9. Nine dollars??!!!? (Tightwad)Dad says you gotta be kidding! Whole melons are five bucks. Guy says he had to charge for the labor to cut the melon :). True story. So, Dad, who shops in this store nearly every day, ended up with half a melon for $2.99 after bitching and complaining to manager. Labor to cut a melon?? Stupid, huh? On the up side, he got me blueberries 10 pints for $10. :) If only I liked blueberries....:)



That is too funny!

Blueberries, throw them in zipper bags and throw them in the freezer. Then you can make breads and muffins for friends and family at the holidays! Easy peasy and YOU don't have to eat 'em!!

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That is too funny!

Blueberries, throw them in zipper bags and throw them in the freezer. Then you can make breads and muffins for friends and family at the holidays! Easy peasy and YOU don't have to eat 'em!!

I shall add them to the bags I have in the freezer from the last time they were on sale! I've been tossing a handful into my Protein Shakes which turns them a lovely shade of lavender. I still do not like blueberries, I do not like them in jam, not with ham, or even Spam...Sorry, Dr. Suess moment.... But now blueberry muffins are sounding kinda good.....................


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Sorry, this is going to be long...

Slim~ I think I might have to bust out and make some mojitos, everybody seems to be loving them! I will have to go back and find the recipe - man, that was pages ago! Maybe it would be easier to look it up online!

Even food network has a recipe! Try it, they are really good!

A virgin mojito...I suppose. So, why can't you believe he tried it? Doesn't he like to try new drinks, food, things?

DH hardly ever tries anything new. It took years to get him to eat seafood for example.

Sorry Slim. I really was feeling sorry for myself today, and so kept away from here - don't like to bring others down. So, I did nothing today but eat lots of crap, and sat like a blob. Naturally, I feel even worse now that the day is over. Idiot!

Don't feel bad Tap. You are allowed to be in a funk every now and again. You should come on here though. You are among friends. We don't mind hearing your complaints. And you are NOT an idiot. Just saying...

Tomorrow has just got to be better, or at least I have to be better! Do SOMETHING, and not eat crap...

I hope that you have a much better day!

Fingers are crossed Fanny!

What she said. I could have sworn that I hit the button to quote Fanny too, but it disappeared...

I got a new iPhone!

And a hot pink case for it. :laugh:

I love my old iPhone! I still have some time on my contract before they will let me buy the new one. I am so jealous!

Sorry, hubby and I were over getting one of the gay neighbors drunk on our leftover mojitos. They, in turn, fixed us pork loin, corn on the cob, green onions (all done on the grill) and some fantastic potatoes. YUM!


Well it ended up being a nice dinner. The DD with the wierdo for a DH was our only one not to show up. He dislikes us all, so it is not a surprise. She wants to get together with her Dad later in the week to Celebrate his birthday. Not sure if it will be "later in the week" when her DH is working or "later in the week" when he only has to put up with DH and I and not the whole family. He really sucks!!!

I am sorry DD's wierdo DH kept her from being there. That does suck. I am glad that everyone else had a nice time.

Other than that we had a great time. Missed my little granddaughter being there, she was with her Daddy for the weekend, and he refused to let her come home an hour and a half early. Another winner there!!

What is it with crazy men!

Yep took my handyman to Home Depot and spent more $$$ but the addition is coming along nicely, and should be finished before too long. And to top it off here in a minute I am taking my handyman to bed!!! LOL


No alcohol for me, work tomorrow, and I seriously do not want to go. I am not usually this anti anything, but I am really bummed about working and DH being off and all alone for his birthday. And in 2 weeks he will be off again while I am working and it will be MY birthday---which will suck seriously too!!!

So sorry Kat!

We are both taking off Friday for the birth of our newest grandson. Providing she does not go into labor before then, they have her scheduled for c section at 7AM on Friday!!! YAY!!! My little Garrick will be here!


Time to hit the shower.....see y'all after work tomorrow!

Have a great day!

I AM WORST godmom ever - took cakes and gift to her - opened and played for bit then her mom and i went drinkin and i am drunker than i have ever been in life.

O me gosh - i can't feel lips, stumbled out ofbar - never stunmbled before. i had 3 large mojitos at first restaurant then went to other bar and had 6 double tall malibu and diets - actualy only 4 - (drank em out of malibu and had to swith to parrot bay)

We were playing the video games at bar - LOL - I was shouting - told you so very competitive!

I have now been up for 32 and 1/2 hours hourrs - Help me! and dammit never watched my movie.

Have been flirting with yong hot friend boy toy on phone (texting) - the one who was in town.btwy - we're meeting in hawaii in february - got to lose me some more weight!

I am glad that you had fun, but you are so going to regret drunk posting.:lol:

Darn it, girl. I have now drooled all over new laptop. I shorted the other one out drooling over your young men....hot, sweaty, shirtless...men....ah, I need a minute alone please :).

Men, chocolate AND Peanut Butter, oh my! Great, now Wizard of Oz songs are in my head. Arghh. Well, it beats the voices I guess :sleep:.



Yeah, I kinda thought KC posted the remedy. However, I didn't want to overstep and suggest that she might need it after her party :cool:. It was really more of a friendly reminder :). Hangovers suck!

And in her, um, current state, I wasn't sure she could remember it!! :crying:



I love stories about STUPID!! My dad went to the grocery store for me today. He loves to go! And now he loves riding around on the store scooter. So, I wanted watermelon. He looks in produce section but can only find whole ones at $4.99. He asks the produce guy if they have any halves chilled. Nope. Says he can cut one for him though. Dad says okay, do it. Guy comes back with watermelon half and tells my dad that he ought to just buy a whole melon. Dad questions this. Produce guy says the half melon will cost $9. Nine dollars??!!!? (Tightwad)Dad says you gotta be kidding! Whole melons are five bucks. Guy says he had to charge for the labor to cut the melon :). True story. So, Dad, who shops in this store nearly every day, ended up with half a melon for $2.99 after bitching and complaining to manager. Labor to cut a melon?? Stupid, huh? On the up side, he got me blueberries 10 pints for $10. :smile: If only I liked blueberries....:sad:


That sounds like so many people in my life.:laugh:


We all gotta get on the ball about June 2010!

If I remember right, She Smiles was pretty flexible.

Also if I remember right, later in June sounded better for some and others were open to anything.

Are we thinking arriving on Friday, leaving Sunday or Monday? What's your preference Lu?

Also, accommodations? Ya gotta give us what you're thinking/expecting Lu and what you prefer! And what's in your area for lodging, do we need car rentals?

Do we all want to be trying to hit DFW about the same time if we're flying?

June weekend dates (Fridays):





Let's pick a date!


Thank you! I have been wondering why the talk stopped. I didn't know if I had been left out or what!

I shall add them to the bags I have in the freezer from the last time they were on sale! I've been tossing a handful into my Protein Shakes which turns them a lovely shade of lavender. I still do not like blueberries, I do not like them in jam, not with ham, or even Spam...Sorry, Dr. Suess moment.... But now blueberry muffins are sounding kinda good.....................



Morning everyone! I hope everyone has a great Monday!

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Thanks for the joo joo, all! The offer came in at $368,000, which is only $500 below the previous offer, and they are not Keystart applicants (earn too much money to qualify for the 1st Homeowner grant) so I've accepted of course! Financial approval is due in only 3 weeks instead of the usual 6. If that comes through, settlement would be on 18th September, so 6 days before my birthday - how cool! *crosses fingers, toes, legs, arms, eyes, anything crossable at all*

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Yes, needless to say I am extremely embarressed! My apologies to you all.

Fanny- congrats on the house!

Tap - hope you have a better day today (no funk)

I know several of you have been together longer but I would love to meet up with everyone. Right now the last 2 weekends work best for me - my schedule is probably going to change next may/june - but i usually have enough flexibility to get coverage and can probably make anything be possible.

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I think drunk posting is funny. :) KC - that was a great read, thank you.

How did the txt flirting go?

My friend and I have a saying when we get drunk - "my nose is snumb."

The first time she got drunk, she said that ALL FREAKING NIGHT. "Hey, guess what...? My nose is snumb!" And she'd flick her nose, kinda tilt to one side with that look on her face like it's the most awesome thing in the world.


Happy Monday all!

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Your posts were no worse than mine KC! As long as you had fun, that is all that matters!

When are we going to finalize our plans? I still have plenty of time to get my request in, but it would be nice to start making those arrangements.

Fanny-I have every part that I can cross crossed! Much luck!

Ebony-What time is your interview today?

Tap-where are you? How you doing?

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Yeah, I kinda thought KC posted the remedy. However, I didn't want to overstep and suggest that she might need it after her party :cool:. It was really more of a friendly reminder :biggrin:.

Very PC. :biggrin:

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