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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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67 folks canned here yesterday and HR has the conference rooms booked from 8 - 1pm today...so more coming!!!

Oh that must be very uncomfortable working there today. Keep your head down.

My DS had to bury one of her children after the babysitter beat her to death (long, painful story). Never really recovered from that and felt guilty the rest of her life.

Still no word on the job front...hanging in there for now. Gonna go out on a limb and send some 'status checking' emails today - if they get mad at me, so be it, but I hate twisting in the wind, so to speak.

Ebony - how very tragic for your sister.

There is nothing 'going out on a limb' about doing follow-up emails. It is a normal part of the job hunt, and certainly no employer I know of minds this. It demonstrates your continued interest and your willingness to follow-up on business - both commendable actions.

About to watch my dvr'd hell's kitchen right now while I hang and fold laundry - going to watch my remote though!


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Oh that must be very uncomfortable working there today. Keep your head down.


LOL - actually, I'm rather sick and keep joking about taking bets on who is next. I'm putting $20 on me...I think *other* people are uncomfortable, but it's who I am...if they don't like they can lay me off.

And, I'm sitting here BORED out of my mind. I have nothing to do.

Nothing. I can assist w/the Princess - who's not here yet...9:30 am, layoffs, but who needs to be here on time? - but she is protective of her stuff and I don't touch unless she asks. Which sucks because she'll only ask when her boss sees stacks on the floor and tells her to ask me.

Argh..yeah, lay me off...PLEASE.

My dvr is sooo backed up because I've been busy farming on fb. I haven't gotten into Mafia/Mob wars, but the farming stuff is FUN.

Edited by Gone4Now
can't type

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so today DH's BF gets his stem cell / bone marrow DNA transplant. he had been on a round of chemo for a wk, yesterday a "rest" day * today, he gets the DNA of a young 23yr student. we joke that his hair will turn red & he'll grow another 4 inches.....kinda exciting.

can't visit, because he's in a rejection tank essentially - but he's set up online & i've already been teasing him this AM.

fingers cross he doesn't reject.

HUGE prayers for your friend, Lu.

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Also praying for your friend Lulu - does he have skype? That could be fun for him and his family for not visiting times

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Beth - that's one heck of a course load...you mean business dontcha? :sad:

Yes, I know, and yes, I guess I am. Five classes. That IS do-able, isn't it?? :)

Watched part of 'More to Love' last night with DH. Ended up going to bed before I saw the entire show. I agree that the ladies' stats seem a bit out of balance with what they presented physically.

For me it's not that the stats are off, it's the fact that they put them up there at all. They don't do it with the size 2s... only the fatties. I think it takes this type of show to a new low.

Some of the ladies seemed so...NEEDY...I know it's probably part and parcel of being heavy - heck, I'm sure I was the same way years ago, but it was hard to watch that and try to be dispassionate about it.

I know I FEEL that way, but I put on a facade of being secure.

Watched Hell's Kitchen and saw one of the contestants blow up and cuss out the Chef...wow, just wow...wonder who will hire him after that? Definately not me...he went straight into the gutter with his body language and verbal assault and Chef Ramsay didn't really respond. Interesting show, though - stress, drama, etc...

Wasn't that somethin'?? :biggrin:

Not to bring back sadness, but...the toughest thing I ever had to do was tell my Mother that my DOB (Darling Older Brother) had passed away. It was totally unexpected and my nephew (DOB lived with him in our family home) didn't want to call her first in case she had a bad reaction. She just stood in the shower and cried...one of the worst days of my life. My DS had to bury one of her children after the babysitter beat her to death (long, painful story). Never really recovered from that and felt guilty the rest of her life.

Omg, both are HORRIBLE, but especially the one about the baby!! I don't know what to say... :sad:

Still no word on the job front...hanging in there for now. Gonna go out on a limb and send some 'status checking' emails today - if they get mad at me, so be it, but I hate twisting in the wind, so to speak.

It's a pisser, ain't it? Have heard nothing either. It kinda ticks me off to be interviewed on the 6th, being told they will make a decision that week, and here we are nearly a month later. :mad:

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LOL - actually, I'm rather sick and keep joking about taking bets on who is next. I'm putting $20 on me...I think *other* people are uncomfortable, but it's who I am...if they don't like they can lay me off.

And, I'm sitting here BORED out of my mind. I have nothing to do.

Nothing. I can assist w/the Princess - who's not here yet...9:30 am, layoffs, but who needs to be here on time? - but she is protective of her stuff and I don't touch unless she asks. Which sucks because she'll only ask when her boss sees stacks on the floor and tells her to ask me.

Wouldn't that be something if princess goes? :biggrin:

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She just got here at 10am...drops her purse off, turns on lights and walks out. LOL No need to check emails or anything - it's not like US Customs is important.

Princess won't go. She knows she's safe.

I thought a friend of mine was let off because he's not at his desk, and his boss was standing outside the conf room waiting to escort someone...turns out he had a doc appt.

I'm kicking his ass when he gets back.

On more sad notes: My step-dad had his little girl die a few weeks after she was born. He's 77 and never got over it. He had all sons and when my DD was born he said, "this is the little girl I was supposed to have." It just kills me when I think of that stuff.

Lu - hope your friend is doing okay. Is he still online - you still ragging him?

Okay, ANOTHER note...we have a friend who's son joined the Army and she cries every day for 2 weeks since he left. She called the recruiter several months ago and tried to get him to let her son "get out of it" and the guy was like, Um...he SIGNED UP.

She told me, "You'll see one day". I say, "No...I'm ready for DD to hit the road NOW."

Her empty nest is BAD....she needs to call someone.

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*reality shows - i like the sports competition kinds (amazing race, BL, survivor), the dating ones are a ^&*())(*&^%&* joke.

I agree about the dating ones. I like Americas Got Talent, Biggest loser, American Idol, Dancing with the stars, I can't stand chef Ramsey.

*bacon - YUM, DH would eat it daily.

Me too

*online tiffs - commical. i can't believe what some get worked up about from STRANGERS....

Can we have an Amen!

so today DH's BF gets his stem cell / bone marrow DNA transplant. he had been on a round of chemo for a wk, yesterday a "rest" day * today, he gets the DNA of a young 23yr student. we joke that his hair will turn red & he'll grow another 4 inches.....kinda exciting.

can't visit, because he's in a rejection tank essentially - but he's set up online & i've already been teasing him this AM.

fingers cross he doesn't reject.

off to read some more here before the gym:wink2:

I pray that his body doesn't reject it.

Went and saw a late showing of the Orphan last night - well made movie but VERY DISTURBING!

I want to see it so badly

67 folks canned here yesterday and HR has the conference rooms booked from 8 - 1pm today...so more coming!!!

I pray it's not you. But also praying for the ones laid off.

Not to bring back sadness, but...the toughest thing I ever had to do was tell my Mother that my DOB (Darling Older Brother) had passed away. It was totally unexpected and my nephew (DOB lived with him in our family home) didn't want to call her first in case she had a bad reaction. She just stood in the shower and cried...one of the worst days of my life. My DS had to bury one of her children after the babysitter beat her to death (long, painful story). Never really recovered from that and felt guilty the rest of her life.

I am so sorry to hear that Ebony. That is tough.

Still no word on the job front...hanging in there for now. Gonna go out on a limb and send some 'status checking' emails today - if they get mad at me, so be it, but I hate twisting in the wind, so to speak.

Go for it girl!

Fighting a headache...didn't want to come in today, but there are 11 boxes of stuff to be shredded and I have to be here to sign off on them with the shredding company...

Everyone have a wonderful day!:biggrin:

Hope you feel better soon. Prayers are with you.

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Her empty nest is BAD....she needs to call someone.

Well, in fairness to her, her empty nest syndrome includes her son being in harm's way. But yeah, mommy calling the recruiter? Erm...

My best friend James (who died from cancer the fall before I moved to Virginia) was one of six boys. Before he was ever born, there was a sister.

One night she went to the bathroom, and way back then they had the gas heaters on the walls, and her nightgown caught fire and she burned to death. At that time maybe they only had one other child, a son.

They tried for years to have another girl, had six boys, then gave up. Very tragic, especially since when James died, his folks were still alive. :biggrin:

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I have a ticket for a free movie and am contemplating going to see The Ugly Truth. Anybody see it yet? I could use something funny, though I usually go for the more twisted. I've been in a funk since coming back from Houston, so maybe funny would be better.

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PJTP...Beth, you are a crazy woman...FIVE classes...I'm in awe. Two is about all I can handle. My latest round of online classes started today - Business Math and a Art & Humanities course. Biz Math so far sounds easy, but that's the dangerous road to take...if I think I "know" it already, I might take it less seriously...gotta guard against THAT thought process.

On the dating show - did they put HIS stats up there? I can't remember...

Luluc - prayers for your friend...hope all goes smoothly and without complication on the transplant.

Glouc - I hope you are NOT laid off - though I admire your not being afraid of it. I sympathize with your friend who is crying over her newly-Army son. When mine signed up, I was okay (being from a military family), but when he told me he was going to Iraq with his unit, I cried for four days. Didn't sleep really well until after they came home...thank the heavens for satellite phones and email...at least we could keep in touch! For your friend - they probably have a family group or counselor available for those with loved ones who are deployed - they did when I was a Navy wife...maybe she can talk to them. It might help...

Packed 9 boxes of stuff for shredding this morning - physical activity felt good, since I overslept and missed my jog/walk this morning. Will have to "wog" tonight to make up for it...:biggrin:

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re: movies...there are sooo many I wanna see, so I have no good suggestion. ;( sorry.

re: empty nest...well, when I started here a couple years ago, she was talking about her son in such a way that I thought he was little. I said, "Ohhh, he sounds so cute - how old is he?" She said 16 and I about laughed in her face.

He had a trip to Germany w/school and she went w/him. :biggrin: I think the Army is his way of getting away from HER.

re: WTH is wrong with people? TPG - I think if you were The Pool Guy, you'd be okay. Miss thang has a 'tude for sure.

What is it with users and the word "pink" in their name? Could she be the other pink from a year ago that kept popping up?

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Beth - want to go see ugly truth too - I might go tonight - could use some romance/comedy!

I just don't get where her 'tude comes from. Just the entire attitude about how she doesn't need the band, she thinks she's fine- just doing it to see what happens - WTH? then shut up go away and enjoy your perfect self!

(Notice I said this here and not where my mouth might get me in trouble - which is why I usually keep it shut - unles of course you are a Dr who needs to be put in your place - because I do not hold back then.)

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PJTP...Beth, you are a crazy woman...FIVE classes...I'm in awe. Two is about all I can handle.

Yeah, but is that while working full-time? Remember, I ain't workin'. But I won't lie, I am a bit worried. I don't know how much work this will turn into, and I don't like the unknown that well, especially since I am very anal about my grades and GPA.

My latest round of online classes started today - Business Math and a Art & Humanities course. Biz Math so far sounds easy, but that's the dangerous road to take...if I think I "know" it already, I might take it less seriously...gotta guard against THAT thought process.

Good for you, and good luck!!!

On the dating show - did they put HIS stats up there? I can't remember...

Not like the girls'. I heard him mention that he was either 300 pounds or nearly 300 pounds. But every time they showed one of the girls talking, they put her age, her height, and her weight. Tacky. Very tacky.


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I just don't get where her 'tude comes from. Just the entire attitude about how she doesn't need the band, she thinks she's fine- just doing it to see what happens - WTH? then shut up go away and enjoy your perfect self!

(Notice I said this here and not where my mouth might get me in trouble - which is why I usually keep it shut - unles of course you are a Dr who needs to be put in your place - because I do not hold back then.)

I think her 'tude is inbred. It's obviously indicative of how she was raised or WHERE she was raised.

I about laughed at her bio where she said that at 5'9" and 324 pounds, she didn't look as bad as she thought. Erm...

Frankly I don't understand how she can consistently cuss people out and not be banned. I mean, some of us get into personal squabbles, but she's taking it to a whole nuther level. Whassup with that??

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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