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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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What she said...oops - I just remembered, all those posts ago - everyone seems to be having a great weekend! TPG - I'm SO glad you joined us - you are terrifically funny and witty. Nice to have you here!:thumbup:

Thanks, glad to be here. I'm not too popular with pnkpassion and her chicken strips but at least you all like me, you really like me. I'm feeling a Sally Field moment here:wink2:.

Sleep well, everyone, and have a terrific night! :skep:

You, too! Happy almost Monday!

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Hey, y'all, finally back from Houston.

Not EVEN gonna try catching up. I came in on page 927 and read up until 935 and said forget it (it went to page 945 by the time I quit). The best I could do was skim posts for anything from Ebony to say she finally got the job of her dreams. I myself haven't heard anything YET (though the LAST time I talked to the agency, the company was supposed to know by the end of LAST week... :thumbup:).

Have proceeded to sign up for full-time classes, however.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! They are much appreciated.

If you had a good week, congrats.

If you had a bad week, I'm sorry.

If you had a birthday, happy birthday!

I have to say my visit was not great. Unfortunately, my best friend (who I stayed with and who I had to rely on for transportation) pretty much monopolized my time, to the point where she had the nerve to try to guilt me into going out with her Saturday night rather than realizing I wanted to spend it with DD and DGD. I came home crying to DH about it all, saying I was pissed at myself for not being more forceful, and disappointed that too many times that kiddo and I were supposed to hook up, it didn't happen for one reason or another. I swear we only had a couple hours' one-on-one time with nobody else around. I'm really rather incensed at my friend, and I'm not dealing well with that. I've never really been mad at her, and we've been best friends since 1990. I felt she was being very selfish, to say the least.

I've already determined IF there is a next time (and I don't just pay for kiddo to come here), I WILL GET MY OWN HOTEL AND RENT CAR and then I ALONE will dictate who I see and for how long.

I'm just so mad I'm almost crying again. Sorry to be a downer, but I know y'all are good listeners.

Oh, and I found something out while I was there that is likely to make me leave DH. Not an affair, but something that is almost as bad, imo. I'm in a really dark, sad place right now. :skep:

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Oh Beth. I'm so sorry! Both for your trip and what you heard about DH. I know you've got a lot of good friends on here but PM me if you feel the need. I'm a good listener. Take care of yourself.

Just a question for you. Are you SURE about the source(s) re: DH? Just don't act til you can think things thru thoroughly. And TALK with DH.



To everyone else, y'all were having way too much fun without me! LOL!

Thank you all for all the birthday wishes! Day ended normally enough. Didn't make it to the new restaurant. They are closed on Sundays!! AHHHH!!!!

Ended up at the lake at our fav place and had a nice dinner anyway!

DH and I have eye appts at 11 on Wed and I got a sitter for DD. I'm gonna angle for lunch at the new cajun place afterwards! It's across the driveway from the eye doctor's! Works for me!

Lu, where abouts is Brandy~? Kristen and I are going to try to hook up when I head to her area in September. Maybe Brandy~ can slide in too!

I'll have to ask her next time she's on!

It's going to be a busy week.

I've got my regular church work to do plus the state and federal quarterly's have to be in the mail by the end of the week.

DD starts swim lessons tomorrow, Wed the eye appts, grocery shopping, laundry, then packing Thurs to head to my mom's on Friday for the weekend with DD.

Okay I'm outta here! I hope everyone has a wonderful start to their week! Take care!

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Morning everyone!


Beth-sending you many cyber (((((hugs))))). I will be praying for your strength to do whatever it is that will make you happy.

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* taps, i'll take you up on the "offer".

i have a list of "stuff" for your hubby, he'll likely have a 115lb lab follow him around as his buddy for your time here.....starts on list.

* oregano - if over flowing - throw some in a jar w/water like wildflowers & enjoy the smell if you can't use just right away.

* i would call him on how to change a channel or fix the volume - how does the tivo work w/out turning off the security cameras????

You guys have no idea how excited DH is at this harebrained plan; honestly, he was checking out the prices of used camper vans and trailers last night! I of course am the witch...dear, what about our mortgage and this house? May be great for the short term, but there's no retirement benefits, etc What about the cats?

Thanks for the recipe; I am overflowing with oregano, so oregano bouquets for everyone!

Hey, if your DH is an engineer, doesn't he like to do repairs/renovations around the ranch? Every engineer I have ever known, regardless of specialty loves to putter and fix.

LOL - :) just saw your post on the food thread - have you tried making a pot of lentils??? i swear you'll love it, ask taps:wink2:

Hmmm.....lentils. I love lentil Soups, lentil stews, baked lentils.....

Update - found the remote finally - got put away with clean laundry - another reason not to clean!

I'm puzzling on how a remote got put away with laundry. Tap scratches her head in puzzlement??

My mom just sent me a recipe for a white gazpacho using cauliflower - not usually a fan but it sounds good here.

MMMmmmm - sounds good. PM me the recip please.

At least it wasn't in the fridge! DH did that once. He watches 2 or three shows at once so he has to have his remote to flip back and forth. He searched for an hour! I happened to go into the fridge to start dinner and there it was!:lol:

Tap vigorously scratches head in bewilderment....:tt2:

KC - battery objects work OK???:tt2::):tt2::tt2::):tt2:


KC - Sadie is a cutie.

Lu - Red is also a cutie...I do admire his restraint in not trying to climb the tree to get at whatever he's staring at, or trying to rip branches from the tree. Every lab I've known or owned has had something for branches...

Saw the new Harry Potter today - LOVED it! Now gotta read the final book and wait anxiously for the last movie

Weekend was fun - busy, but fun - started jogging / walking this weekend. I feel the shake in my belly now versus my butt - I think that's progress!:skep:

Heading for bed now - gotta get up early again to do my run/walk and then go to work. Hopefully this week I'll hear about a new job!

Still haven't seen the new HP but am anxious to.

Walking - that's ok. Jogging - another one is going to be lost to the 'dark side'...I just don't get it!

Here's hoping this week brings that new job offer!

I myself haven't heard anything YET (though the LAST time I talked to the agency, the company was supposed to know by the end of LAST week... :thumbup:).

Have proceeded to sign up for full-time classes, however.

I have to say my visit was not great. Unfortunately, my best friend (who I stayed with and who I had to rely on for transportation) pretty much monopolized my time. .. I'm really rather incensed at my friend, and I'm not dealing well with that.

I'm just so mad I'm almost crying again. Sorry to be a downer, but I know y'all are good listeners.

Oh, and I found something out while I was there that is likely to make me leave DH. Not an affair, but something that is almost as bad, imo. I'm in a really dark, sad place right now. :tt2:

Beth, I am so sorry to hear about your trip and the situation with DH. Your plan for future visits to friends is good. But now the priority is your marriage. Take the time to process the situation and your feelings; verify the situation; and talk with DH.

Ended up at the lake at our fav place and had a nice dinner anyway!

sounds like a good time was had; that's the main thing.

Morning all!

I'm late heading out the door - and not for lack of sleep, just laziness, and the lure of PJTP! :tongue2:Catch you all later.

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PJTP...Good morning PJTP Family!:)

Hey, y'all, finally back from Houston.

We missed you...

Not EVEN gonna try catching up. I came in on page 927 and read up until 935 and said forget it (it went to page 945 by the time I quit). The best I could do was skim posts for anything from Ebony to say she finally got the job of her dreams. I myself haven't heard anything YET (though the LAST time I talked to the agency, the company was supposed to know by the end of LAST week... :thumbup:).

I spent a while catching up last night...and I haven't heard anything about the job yet, but I'm still hopeful and I'm still looking at other possibilities. The wheels move VERY slowly here...

Have proceeded to sign up for full-time classes, however.

I started my next round of classes this morning...

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! They are much appreciated.

It's just cause we :) ya, girlfriend!

If you had a good week, congrats.

If you had a bad week, I'm sorry.

If you had a birthday, happy birthday!

What she said...

I have to say my visit was not great. Unfortunately, my best friend (who I stayed with and who I had to rely on for transportation) pretty much monopolized my time, to the point where she had the nerve to try to guilt me into going out with her Saturday night rather than realizing I wanted to spend it with DD and DGD. I came home crying to DH about it all, saying I was pissed at myself for not being more forceful, and disappointed that too many times that kiddo and I were supposed to hook up, it didn't happen for one reason or another. I swear we only had a couple hours' one-on-one time with nobody else around. I'm really rather incensed at my friend, and I'm not dealing well with that. I've never really been mad at her, and we've been best friends since 1990. I felt she was being very selfish, to say the least.

Breathe, girlfriend, breathe...it's gonna be okay...

I've already determined IF there is a next time (and I don't just pay for kiddo to come here), I WILL GET MY OWN HOTEL AND RENT CAR and then I ALONE will dictate who I see and for how long.

And God bless the chile that's got her own...you know the answer - you're a smart cookie. I guess you're so fabulous that your friend didn't want to share you, even with DD and DGD...

I'm just so mad I'm almost crying again. Sorry to be a downer, but I know y'all are good listeners.

Always and forever, girlfriend...don't cry...it will be okay.

Oh, and I found something out while I was there that is likely to make me leave DH. Not an affair, but something that is almost as bad, imo. I'm in a really dark, sad place right now. :skep:

Oh Beth, my heart aches for you...I hope you have the opportunity to talk it out with DH before making a big decision like leaving. Please, please, talk to him - there may be information you don't yet have that could make a difference.

Speaking as someone who has been through her share of secrets and revelations, I know you HAVE to get the ENTIRE story before making a decision - or at least as much of the story as YOU need to make a quality decision. Try to be as dispassionate about it as you can - channel Spock and be logical - and only then should you try to make a decision. I have flown off the handle, so to speak, and run on emotion alone the past few months - you've been witness to some of that - and you've always helped me to see the logical side.

Hopefully I can do the same for you...pm me if you want, or just keep checking in with your family here on PJTP...you know you have us to turn to...:tt2:

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If you had a good week, congrats.

If you had a bad week, I'm sorry.

If you had a birthday, happy birthday!

Yeah, what she said - cuz holy moly ya'll were busy this weekend!!!

I have to say my visit was not great. Unfortunately, my best friend (who I stayed with and who I had to rely on for transportation) pretty much monopolized my time, to the point where she had the nerve to try to guilt me into going out with her Saturday night rather than realizing I wanted to spend it with DD and DGD. I came home crying to DH about it all, saying I was pissed at myself for not being more forceful, and disappointed that too many times that kiddo and I were supposed to hook up, it didn't happen for one reason or another. I swear we only had a couple hours' one-on-one time with nobody else around. I'm really rather incensed at my friend, and I'm not dealing well with that. I've never really been mad at her, and we've been best friends since 1990. I felt she was being very selfish, to say the least.

You coulda sent me a message!!! :skep: I'd have helped you out!


Sorry, Beth!!!!! (((hugs)))

I had a doggie fight this weekend. There was a stray lab (and labs are my weakness) and I brought her into the back yard. She was all happy go lucky one second, then attacked my boxer the next.

DD got the other dogs in, I kicked the other dog out and had to take care of the baby.

Here's her scar -

My poor baby! :) I should have listened to DH, who is constantly calling me CDL - Crazy Dog Lady.



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Glou - I love your dog too! DH's fav dogs are boxers, and he keeps saying that when all the cats go to the great catnip patch in the sky, we're getting one or two.

Strange that the lab attacked though; is the lab still wandering around? Ok now I'm going to start worrying about that dog...I'm such a sucker for dogs, cats, squirrels, chipmunks....well, all animals. Except snakes.

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The dog ran over to our dipsh!t neighbors' house. The kind that party all night sleep all day, don't pick up their trash, don't mow, don't fix the window that someone broke and instead put plastic over it...THAT kind of neighbor.

I have fed that same stray several times in the past, which is why this time I was going to take her in. I called about her around a year ago, and didn't see her since. I thought they either took care of her, or the animal control picked her up. But, nope. There she was again.

She was very sweet to me, DD and DH... My lab is scared of everything, so she just kept her distance, the chihuahua just yapped and yapped and ran around like a crazy child, but the boxer - she's friendly and curious, so I think that got her in trouble.

I think that the lab is a sweetie by nature, but being "on the streets" probably has toughened her up a bit.

I HATE people who don't take care of their dogs (or animals). DH literally had to stop me from going over to the neighbors yesterday, because I don't think. But, they're the kind of thugs that I may not have walked away from! :thumbup: But, I was going to take my chances, the f'ers.

Actually, cats, too. I almost ran over a cat the other day because it ran across the street - because it's owners and their 3 year old daughter were calling it. I told DH, "how f'ed up would that have been if I'd squashed fluffy right in front of the kid?"

Ick...people! Take care of your f'ing pets!!!!!


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Beth - honey I'm so sorry. I know no matter what anyone says - you will be in a dark place for a while - just know that when it's time - there's a lot of us in the light waiting with arms wide open for ya. but don't wait to long to come out on your own - because I am not above going there and ripping you out by your toes - (said while batting eyelashes) - Seriously though - you know I'm up late a lot - if you need to talk pm me anytime!

Glou - I am so in agreement about people taking responsibility for their animals - I don't know if I get more mad or sad when I see animals roaming - cause then of course I have to go and try to rescue them.

Have to go get ready - going to have Breakfast with my young hot friend before he goes to the airport - so sad!

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PJTP: Made the brownies :smile:. Ate a brownie. Turned on large fan to spread brownie smell to all of you, far and near.


And, the mere thought of going up against PG...well, I'm a God-fearing gal but she makes me wanna act downright un-Christian. My slap reflex just itches to reach out and WHAP! I feel that if you ARE a Christian we should all know it from your acts and deeds - not rants and crazy, looooong threads. Scary, very scary. However, I'd mop up the floor with her and you can be sure she wouldn't get any of my brownies!:tt2:

I am a Christian. But my slap reflexes happened a couple of times with PG. Her response was "I'm sorry the post was meant for someone else." She just don't get it. I think that she thinks that if your a Christian, you will back her.



Have proceeded to sign up for full-time classes, however.


I have to say my visit was not great. Unfortunately, my best friend (who I stayed with and who I had to rely on for transportation) pretty much monopolized my time, to the point where she had the nerve to try to guilt me into going out with her Saturday night rather than realizing I wanted to spend it with DD and DGD. I came home crying to DH about it all, saying I was pissed at myself for not being more forceful, and disappointed that too many times that kiddo and I were supposed to hook up, it didn't happen for one reason or another. I swear we only had a couple hours' one-on-one time with nobody else around. I'm really rather incensed at my friend, and I'm not dealing well with that. I've never really been mad at her, and we've been best friends since 1990. I felt she was being very selfish, to say the least.

I've already determined IF there is a next time (and I don't just pay for kiddo to come here), I WILL GET MY OWN HOTEL AND RENT CAR and then I ALONE will dictate who I see and for how long.

I am sorry you didn't have a good time. If you do stay with her again, make sure you rent a car. That way you do have your freedom.

I'm just so mad I'm almost crying again. Sorry to be a downer, but I know y'all are good listeners.

We love you hon. lots of hugs ((((((Beth))))))

Oh, and I found something out while I was there that is likely to make me leave DH. Not an affair, but something that is almost as bad, imo. I'm in a really dark, sad place right now. :mellow:

Were here for you hon. Just don't make a rash decision.

Beth - honey I'm so sorry. I know no matter what anyone says - you will be in a dark place for a while - just know that when it's time - there's a lot of us in the light waiting with arms wide open for ya.

What she says!

Glou - I am so in agreement about people taking responsibility for their animals - I don't know if I get more mad or sad when I see animals roaming - cause then of course I have to go and try to rescue them.

In full agreement. I have had more strays than I can remember. Growing up mom and dad used to call me Ellie Mae

because there wasn't an animal I didn't pick up. I wasn't afraid of any animal as a kid. Plus we lived on a farm so we had plenty of room! Even though mom & dad didn't think we had room.36_22_18.gif 16_2_108.gif 16_2_103.gif 16_5_23.gif 16_5_24.gif 16_8_100.gif 16_3_127v.gif 16_10_9.gif 36_33_18.gif 16_10_10.gif 16_10_8.gif

Have to go get ready - going to have breakfast with my young hot friend before he goes to the airport - so sad!

Yep yer still not talkin huh?:crying:

Good morning all. I hope you all have a blessed Monday.

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PJTP...Beth, I feel your pain...

I think a serious talk and an arrangement for counseling are in order for DH - the fact that he effectively lost a job because of this puts it into the "he can't handle it alone" category.

I think I would have freaked out too if my DD walked in on my DH viewing porn on the computer. You know of my issues with that in the past, and I still struggle with it.

If this IS the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak, you need to make some plans. What, ultimately, do YOU want out of this for you and your DD? Do you want her to keep a relationship with him? Do you want to try and work it out?

All of that and the associated ish with it are the things you have to think through. Whatever I can do to help, I will.

Hate that you're going through this...love ya to bits!:crying: Hugs to ya, girlfriend...((((((((Beth))))))))

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Beth-I to understand completely what you are going through. You make your decisions either way, and we will all be here for you no matter what. (((((hugs)))))

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We've been through SO much counseling during this marriage that I feel more married to a counselor than I do to him. Sometimes you can't keep patching the boat because too much Water keeps seeping in. Besides that, he argues with the counselors. He could exasperate Ghandi.

I just feel... dead. Granted, it was some years ago that this happened, but I still get reverberations from his Kuwait job, hearing how bad it was for HIM (never mind how bad it was for US over here), blah blah blah. I don't give a shit about how bad it was for him.

As for his relationship with DD, he's ruined that on his own. He really wasn't a good dad to her, and I was so busy putting out fires and trying to do counseling with him that I didn't realize just HOW bad he was until she moved out and he turned all his nit-picky neurosis on me. He never reaches out to her, never talks to her, nothing.

He's just a bastard. Sorry, but that's how I feel. And now it's like it has come full circle.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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