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hey TPG - your band profile lists you as a male, you & plain might have more in common that i thought :cool2:


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:cool2: Do we only get to choose one???

Well, it depends on several things: Your age, your real age, your level of dried-upness (nice word), and if you know about transponders. Add your answers and head for the couch. If there are still M&Ms in the cushions, you have NOT screwed the pooch...but you might get to later. Green candies are worth more points, unless the color is due to mold. Offer pooch chicken. What happens from there is entirely up to you.....However, we will expect a full report on Monday.



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hey TPG - your band profile lists you as a male, you & plain might have more in common that i thought :cool2:

Secret's out now. Guess I'll have to become ThePoolPerson...SheMale? Hmmmm. The TransgenderPoolPerson....

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Secret's out now. Guess I'll have to become ThePoolPerson...SheMale? Hmmmm. The TransgenderPoolPerson....


& plain doesn't play on the wkend - only on FB :cool2:

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PJTP: Had a fill this afternoon. Love the doc's scale. Showed me at 180! Lost 6lbs since I was last there. 'Course that was 2 months ago! He gave me over .5ccs. I forgot to ask him what he decided to do. Tonight it seems to be working. I always take it easy for a couple of days. Had Soup tonight and could only eat about 1/2 a cup. Lets hope it holds. I'd like to have a good loss this next month. My 1yr is the end of August.

Need to get my eyes checked again! I think that's why I'm getting so many Migraines lately. Everything is fuzzy. When I went to get my license renewed, I could read the letters w/out squinting but they were VERY fuzzy! UGH!

I guess it's a bitch getting old! LOL! I'll be hitting 41 on Sunday. Don't generally FEEL old but am noticing a lot of changes! YIKES!!

Hope y'all have a great night! TTFN!

Yeah for the fill! I am still denying that the eye sight is going. Getting old is a bitch - looked at my hands the other day and thought they were my mom's - OUCH!

Friday morning, 2am

Crazy (looking) woman is posting notes on PJTP and talking to her cats. Occasionally, she rises and staggers through the house, plops in front of the TV and flicks channels. She is thankful that her stomach is so sick she cannot eat although she does open the fridge in her rambles and looks at a block of cheese.

sleep deprivation is not a pretty thing.

sleep, sleep, perchance to dream.

Sorry about the insomnia! Grab some sort of tech manual or text book - should help make you sleepy??

PJTP: My satellite dish is broken :mad2::cool2::cool::smile::eek:. Idiots won't come until Monday to fix. Monday, you hear me? Mon - day. It's Friday. WTH do I do Sat and Sun?:wub: Thought I was gonna have to actually do some real work today when LBT was down. Whew. Glad it's up and running or things may have gotten ugly:thumbup:.

Okay, found something constructive to do. I'll see just how many annoying Smileys I can add to this post:w00t:.



Hate the satellite company! Just think of all the housework you could get done. :angry: How kind of them to move you up to Monday morning - obviously the could have done this in the first place??? We live out of town, so they wait until they have several appts in our area before they will schedule - makes you want to go around to all the neighbors and pull down their dishes!

Oh to be back to last night, joyfully intoxicated, dancing and surrounded by sexy men in their 20's

20's may be a bit young for me, but fun to look! Maybe I should get out more often!! Or, maybe I should just get out!

I just don't enjoy alcohol since my surgery. I go from sober to slurring my words with just a few sips and then 15 min. later I'm cold, stone sober. I can't get to that mellow stage.

One glass of wine and I have numb lips, can't get a full sentence out. Love my tequila, but I have not been brave enough to go there since surgery almost a year ago.

:wub: Do we only get to choose one???


PJTP: My step-daughter invited herself and fiance to our house for a short visit. Ah, how kind of her. We have not heard from or seen her in at least six years and she pops up out of no where. Still wondering why she is here and what she is looking for! Needless to say, whole house is stressed and not much fun right now! She will be gone tomorrow night - very late, but gone.

I lost weight! Yeah! It has been over 4 months since the scale actually went down - praying it sticks!

You are a fun group - hope it is ok to join in!

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The 20's are probably too young for me too - but it sure was fun to be there.

then there's tonight - watching tv just me and the dog

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Hate the satellite company! Just think of all the housework you could get done. :smile: How kind of them to move you up to Monday morning - obviously the could have done this in the first place??? We live out of town, so they wait until they have several appts in our area before they will schedule - makes you want to go around to all the neighbors and pull down their dishes!

Well, not exactly a neighborly thought but I like the sound of it :cool2:! I'm in the 'burbs so no prob there. It just gets me that they will charge me $50 to wiggle the dish and tighten it. Oh, yeah, they are professionals. Not just any idiot could climb up there and wield a screwdriver :wub:. Come on Monday!

I lost weight! Yeah! It has been over 4 months since the scale actually went down - praying it sticks!

Wahooo. WTG:thumbup:

Good luck with the stepdaughter situation.

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Couldn't get my butt out of bed early this morning...wonder why, SNT?....but, DH said, "at least get up and take care of your farm on FB!" So, popped out for that!

Wha? Are you blaming little ol me?!? (PS that is so sad that you jumped out of bed to farm!!!)

Oh, PJTP - NSV for me and my DD that I wanna share:

Yea y'all!!!!! Mine was last Friday when a co-worker told me to buy clothes that fit (i.e. that weren't too big).

Don't ask me how but that managed to put boom boom pow in my freaking head.

Great, thanks for infecting the rest of us!!!

Hola chica! I am having a problem (I should be glad). I had braces put onto my lower teeth today.

Had em at 18 only on the bottom teeth for 10 months and they sucked! Make sure to take some kind of OTC pain reliever (Tylenol) before you go in for your next appointment. Gotta get ahead of that pain, gah.

Oh, Lu...don't slap yourself. Lemme do it for ya! HA! j/k...I <3 ya and hope to have skinny issues one day!

We'll all stand in a line to take turns!

*pouts that snt fell for the dickfer joke and nobody noticed* C'mon people, I'm trying my hardest to entertain here....

Afterward, I was like "awwwww mannnnn"! Glad there were others that admitted to also not getting the joke. O'course I'm not married so I don't see one as often as some of y'all. :cool:

PJTP: Had a fill this afternoon. Love the doc's scale. Showed me at 180!

way to go!!! :wub:

Need to get my eyes checked again! I think that's why I'm getting so many Migraines lately. Everything is fuzzy. When I went to get my license renewed, I could read the letters w/out squinting but they were VERY fuzzy! UGH!

being over 40 sucks with the vision thing!!! I'm right there with ya! :angry:

I guess it's a bitch getting old! LOL! I'll be hitting 41 on Sunday. Don't generally FEEL old but am noticing a lot of changes! YIKES!!

getting old ain't for the faint of heart; that's fer sure! Happy Early Birthday!!!

I don't know what was more fun - the drinking to excess and not caring since it's a rarity for me, enjoying bar food and the fact that it stayed down or the ridiculous flirting going on between myself and my out of town friend who is 8 years my junior - damn he's hot though!

Lu - we got us another cougar in the house!

Sorry Mac! Hi!!!! I knew as soon as I put in a roll call that I was going to leave off an important name. I am so very sorry.:cool2:

We share acronyms and basic geographic locations! :eek: What am I - chopped liver?!? :smile:

Please, no confusion with me and the original PG! You can call me Laura if that's easier.

I too am Laura! :wub:

Tippity Taps - hope the sleep situation improves; that must be horrid. I presume you've tried the deep breathing/meditating route? Does your mind wandering keep you awake? I had a doctor tell me that we think in word blips on an unending reel; not in sentences. So she suggested that I get up and write down whatever was on my mind to get the ideas out of my head. What about ambien? I hate pill popping to sleep but dang, it's been quite a while for you.

And why hasn't Plain diagnosed the problem yet?!? Sheesh!

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*Thanks, Sick! And I agree, Tap needs help and he's the sleep guru! He's been on all week, where are his wonderful words of wisdom? Sheesh! Friends, HA!

*Sorry about the step-daughter, Kristen! You know you'll find out eventually what she wants. You said, fiance. She probably wants daddy to pony up for the wedding! Oh, and not actually BE at the wedding!

Congrats on the scale FINALLY moving in the right direction!!!

*Tap, you have GOT to sleep!! I just feel so bad for you! I know what it's like to not be able to sleep (I have a young kid afterall!) and I know how horrible it is! SLEEP DAMMIT!!! :biggrin:

*Okay, I'm tired and was going to bed but now I gotta go find some skanky bitch and read what she's been up too! Thanks a lot TPG!! You could've at least posted a link to make it easier for us to find! LOL!

Whew my language today! Where's the soap!

Oh and I don't know what boom boom pow is so it is NOT stuck in my head!

Oh! Oh! Okay, geeky thing and will probably drop my coolness status with Fanny b/c I am a lover of AC/DC and Metallica BUT I was watching a Biography show on The Monkees. I'd forgotten how much I loved them when I was a kid. They were big the year before and year of my birth and my mom had their ALBUMS. I'd always watch the reruns of the shows and snag her albums to listen to. Anyway, found a 4 disc CD set on Amazon last night and BOUGHT IT! It'll be here in a couple of weeks! Took the slow train to get free shipping!

Okay, watching the late night news and off to find the skanky bitch! Night all!

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Wow! Ummm, just, wow!

Okay! Think she has some anger management issues! I also think I'll send her my bar of soap! I don't need it as much as she does! I was actually thinking about hitting the report post button but while I was trying to decide WHICH post of hers to actually report, I noticed that the thread had been closed and she'd been suspended! Whew!

Found the chicken thread too and there really is just something WRONG with her!

I'm not much of a prude but WOW! And talk about TMI!!


Oh man! It's getting to the point where the weather report on the news is just as bad to watch as the headlines and "breaking news!" UGH! More 100+ at least til NEXT weekend! Go away already! YUCK!!!!! :biggrin:

I'm going to bed! Night all!

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PJTP: My step-daughter invited herself and fiance to our house for a short visit. Ah, how kind of her. We have not heard from or seen her in at least six years and she pops up out of no where. Still wondering why she is here and what she is looking for! Needless to say, whole house is stressed and not much fun right now! She will be gone tomorrow night - very late, but gone.

Sorry for the step-daughter situation.

I lost weight! Yeah! It has been over 4 months since the scale actually went down - praying it sticks!

Way to go!

You are a fun group - hope it is ok to join in!

Welcome to the wild bunch!

The 20's are probably too young for me too - but it sure was fun to be there.

It's an ego boost! Enjoy it.

then there's tonight - watching tv just me and the dog

My DH and DS were here, and I was just as alone as you were.

Yea y'all!!!!! Mine was last Friday when a co-worker told me to buy clothes that fit (i.e. that weren't too big).

My boss's boss said the same thing to me. He told me I was just wasting away. I know it was just bull, but it still made me feel good. I wear uniforms at work. He controls if I could get an extra uniform allowance. He never responded to my request, so he can't really be all that concerned about how my uniform fits.

Great, thanks for infecting the rest of us!!!


Had em at 18 only on the bottom teeth for 10 months and they sucked! Make sure to take some kind of OTC pain reliever (Tylenol) before you go in for your next appointment. Gotta get ahead of that pain, gah.

Thanks for the reminder.

We'll all stand in a line to take turns!

Afterward, I was like "awwwww mannnnn"! Glad there were others that admitted to also not getting the joke. O'course I'm not married so I don't see one as often as some of y'all. :lol:

Seeing one often? Who? Not me....

getting old ain't for the faint of heart; that's fer sure! Happy Early Birthday!!!

What she said!

Lu - we got us another cougar in the house!


We share acronyms and basic geographic locations! :crying: What am I - chopped liver?!? :tongue2:

I'm so sorry! I knew trying to make a list at my age was going to bite my big ole butt!:unsure: Hi SNT!:biggrin:

I too am Laura! :thumbup:

Tippity Taps - hope the sleep situation improves; that must be horrid. I presume you've tried the deep breathing/meditating route? Does your mind wandering keep you awake? I had a doctor tell me that we think in word blips on an unending reel; not in sentences. So she suggested that I get up and write down whatever was on my mind to get the ideas out of my head. What about ambien? I hate pill popping to sleep but dang, it's been quite a while for you.

And why hasn't Plain diagnosed the problem yet?!? Sheesh!

I kept waiting for some pearl of widsom from plain on tap's sleep deprivation.

Wow! Ummm, just, wow!

Okay! Think she has some anger management issues! I also think I'll send her my bar of soap! I don't need it as much as she does! I was actually thinking about hitting the report post button but while I was trying to decide WHICH post of hers to actually report, I noticed that the thread had been closed and she'd been suspended! Whew!

Found the chicken thread too and there really is just something WRONG with her!

I'm not much of a prude but WOW! And talk about TMI!!


Oh man! It's getting to the point where the weather report on the news is just as bad to watch as the headlines and "breaking news!" UGH! More 100+ at least til NEXT weekend! Go away already! YUCK!!!!! :mad:

I'm going to bed! Night all!

Wasn't it awful! I could not believe the crud she wrote!

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May you sleep, eat, screw the pooch, find lost M&Ms in couch cushions....whatever you need, may it be yours. Thanks for all the laughs!


:biggrin: Do we only get to choose one???


hey TPG - your band profile lists you as a male, you & plain might have more in common that i thought :tongue2:


Getting old is a bitch - looked at my hands the other day and thought they were my mom's - OUCH!

Or find the whiskers on your upper lip and chin and see your dad!

We live out of town, so they wait until they have several appts in our area before they will schedule - makes you want to go around to all the neighbors and pull down their dishes!

That's one way to get to know your neighbors - a manhunt with vigilante justice might be the end result though!

20's may be a bit young for me, but fun to look! Maybe I should get out more often!! Or, maybe I should just get out!

I was informed by someone I work with, the 'rule' is 1/2 your age plus 7. Someone needs to tell Hugh Hefner about the rule!

PJTP: My step-daughter invited herself and fiance to our house for a short visit. Ah, how kind of her. We have not heard from or seen her in at least six years and she pops up out of no where. Still wondering why she is here and what she is looking for! Needless to say, whole house is stressed and not much fun right now! She will be gone tomorrow night - very late, but gone.

Has the reason for the visit been revealed yet?

I lost weight! Yeah! It has been over 4 months since the scale actually went down - praying it sticks!


You are a fun group - hope it is ok to join in!


The 20's are probably too young for me too - but it sure was fun to be there.

See rule posted above!

getting old ain't for the faint of heart; that's fer sure!

Can I have an amen to that??

I had a doctor tell me that we think in word blips on an unending reel; not in sentences. So she suggested that I get up and write down whatever was on my mind to get the ideas out of my head.

It would have started as normal thoughts but by last night it would have been jibberish! Stream of consciousness of the crazed.

Oh man! It's getting to the point where the weather report on the news is just as bad to watch as the headlines and "breaking news!" UGH! More 100+ at least til NEXT weekend! Go away already! YUCK!!!!! :lol:

Now that's just not nice - here we are suffering the coolest and wettest summer on record, and you're boasting of hot temps! Send them this way!

WHOO HOO!!! I finally slept. I went from 9pm last night until 830 this morning - unheard of for me, but absolutely fan-freakin-tastic!!!! Thanks for all your wishes!

Now, if only I could go out and play in the dirt. But NOOOOOO, I've gotta stay inside and do stuff because it's raining again/still!!

Morning all!

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Oh and I don't know what boom boom pow is so it is NOT stuck in my head!

Me neither.

Oh! Oh! Okay, geeky thing and will probably drop my coolness status with Fanny b/c I am a lover of AC/DC and Metallica BUT I was watching a Biography show on The Monkees. I'd forgotten how much I loved them when I was a kid. /QUOTE]

LOL.... My youngest is like you on the music. She took the only David Casady (can't remember how to spell his name) record I had,She likes some of the Monkeys songs but not all. She love Joplin, The Who, etc.....





See rule posted above!

Now that's just not nice - here we are suffering the coolest and wettest summer on record, and you're boasting of hot temps! Send them this way!

WHOO HOO!!! I finally slept. I went from 9pm last night until 830 this morning - unheard of for me, but absolutely fan-freakin-tastic!!!! Thanks for all your wishes!

Now, if only I could go out and play in the dirt. But NOOOOOO, I've gotta stay inside and do stuff because it's raining again/still!!

Morning all!

YAY!!!!! I am so glad you finally got some sleep Tap. Just find something to do in the house. maybe do the neked happy dance for getting some sleep.:tongue2: Just shut the curtians because if plain thinks your doing the neked dance he will spy on you!

Yea I thinl I will call you Laura instead of TPG. Just incase I forget the "T". I don't want you to feel the need to preach. You want to know something though? My real initials are PG!

Kc...Yep she aint tellin!


Morning all. Hope you are having a great weekend! Have a blessed weekend everybody!:biggrin:

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I forgot my NSV.... I have a pair of walking shorts that I got from the clothes closet at our LB support group meetings. Any way I have had them about 3 months. Today I thought what the heck and tried them on. They fit and nicely! What makes me so excited is they button and zip! I can't remember the last time I wore anything on my bottom that buttoned and zipped! :biggrin:

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You are a fun group - hope it is ok to join in!


then there's tonight - watching tv just me and the dog

NOTHING wrong w/that, sounds like a good night to me!

aquiring strength to not spit my coffee out laughing at this:):biggrin:

WHOO HOO!!! I finally slept. I went from 9pm last night until 830 this morning - unheard of for me, but absolutely fan-freakin-tastic!!!! Thanks for all your wishes!!

that's great taps!! maybe you can catch a nap on this rainy day?

enjoying a saturday am - one in which i was able to guzzle my snapple diet peach tea. i can tell how open my band is - so need to hit my farmers market and stock up on good stuff, cause my quantities are about to go up!!!:tongue2:

have a good sat all!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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