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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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I usually stick an assortment of tinsel, bows and confetti in my underwear before I drive. I figure it'll be a nice surprise for the medical staff if I'm involved in a MVA.

Now that I might find hysterical - do the bows match your dress or is it just what you have on hand?

Isn't that why they call it a "crack pipe"? :thumbup:

Good one - I'll give you that. What really cracks me up is that we have to log it into security - I'm like seriously - aren't there some things I can just throw away?!

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OK talking about stupid questions and stupid things here is one for y'all. (if I can get it to show up and not take up to much room)

Nope won't show up. Anyway it was a picture of someones backside all burnt and nasty looking. Apparently him and friends thought it would be a hoot to stick a firecracker up his tail and light it.:ohmy:

A friend sent it to me. You have got to wonder what the heck people are thinking.:thumbup:

Luluc.. I understand about your thinking, but it is kinda in the line of what a friend of mine is on. She also has a ruptured disk, But her back dr. has her on a 2# weight limit. This has to heal since since she doesn't want surgery and I can't afford it. She was surprized that I wasn't on a lower weight limit than 10 lbs last I talked to her. But I also kinda messed myself up a little because I tried to weed whack the other day. My whacker is only 8#. I think that is why he lowered the limit so low. But I am feeling better and am not taking pain pills every few hrs. I took 1 before work just to be on the safe side and one a few min. ago. It's not real bad pain, but anoying enough to keep me awake.

Thank you for caring Luluc.:thumbup:

Edited by gone 4 ever

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You know, you're in this for the long haul. So chill....so far you've done very well.

Yessir, I know. It's just that I had a GAIN during those two months. Not good. :thumbup:

First of all, send me the address of that party. I have a "Little Bo Peep" outfit and 2 cans of crisco, so I'm good to go.

I thought you traded it in on the Wonder Woman getup? Or was that last year's?

You know, sometimes I wonder if these are joke posts. Can people really be that stupid?

Apparently they can.

Ok, what's up with this burning sensation when I pee?

Meeh, you'll be fine. Just take this pipe cleaner here and the Ajax...

I usually stick an assortment of tinsel, bows and confetti in my underwear before I drive. I figure it'll be a nice surprise for the medical staff if I'm involved in a MVA.

What, no green slime? That's no fun. Tinsel. Pffft.

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you've not cleansed the blow up doll?

I thought it was the dog. You know, the one that went on "vacation" with him a couple months back? The one with the guilty look and the unusual attachment to him? I knew something wasn't right with that dog.

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Thank you for caring Luluc.:thumbup:

g4e, if your getting proper treatment & feel relief - i am thrilled. i had a very bad experience & therefore jaded, and would just offer caution. they don't carry a MD lisc. & liability is yours to own -............

(hugs) - lu

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G4e---is your disc ruptured or herniated? Treatment will differ depending. And if it is ruptured, how are they watching the fragments? Especially if your back is being manipulated?

I have a hernation of L4, L5 at S1----and even with it just (said EXTREMELY sarcastically) being herniated, they watched it very closely during my PT, because if it ruptured, the disc fragments need to be dealt with differently.

Was back to work for me today.....9 days off, made me not want to go back!!

KC---send me your gory story too!!! I want in on the ick!

Our patients are usually not too gross, the occasional gore, but rare.....which I guess is really good if you are the patients!!

Lu, glad you got your unfill quickly, and that they took it seriously as opposed to putting you off for days as so many seem to do these days. My Dr. always tells me to head his way and call when I get there! He is 6 hours away and has met me everytime. Pretty impressive since he was not my surgeon! he was going to be, but insurance was a PITA (suprise!!!). But it is nice to know they are on top of things when you feel a problem. Hope you are back to good soon.

Back years ago when I worked in a hospital setting in the radiology dept. there was a huge following of what the wierdest thing found in body cavities was!!!

Loved the crack pipe reasoning tho. You know (along those lines) why they call a roach clip a roach clip doncha????

The word pot holder was already taken!

Well it is time to hit the shower and head to bed, it is back to it tomorrow.

See ya tomorrow!

Edited by Kat817
wrong word.......

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As a matter of fact, I think I could eat almost normally at dinner (unless I am stressed).

Which you are oftentimes b/c of your MIL. You do realize I wanna drive 2 hours and help you beat her to a pulp, right? Just saying!

re cold:It dropped to 60 here last night. DH was hot (he has some new extra padding) and I was freezing. I was under a sheet and 3 blankets! I was still freezing! I thought I was getting over the forever cold thing, but apparently not.

still haven't gotten to the freezing point yet; am hopeful!!!

PJTP-I am supposed to be working on changing my attitudes(saw my therapist today). I am supposed to be rewriting the internal script that runs through my head to a new more positive script. My "homework" this week is to write down my new positive goals and reasons for making changes in my life. Then I am to read them at least twice daily until they are automatic thoughts instead of how fat I am or something else negative that I think daily. We will see how that goes. I am also supposed to create a "cravings" box. I am to put things to do in the box i.e. manicure items, puzzles, etc. Things that are supposed to distract me long enough to get over the craving. We shall see how that goes too.

do you only discuss food or do you also discuss the marital/MIL issues? yes i am nosy. (pls feel free to tell me nunya, however!)

Way to go, Beth!

In no time you will be running a 5K. I will stand and wave as you go by - no running for me. I just don't get the attraction of it. Running. Nope. Not gonna happen!

sooooo with ya, tippity tap!

Lu-glad you were able to get the unfill. Hopefully that will clear up any trouble. That is why I am scared of getting my fill tomorrow. I am not having trouble getting anything down at this point. I have no reflux or night coughing. I can eat pretty much anything (including bread). I know I need the fill, but am still scared of being too tight. Another girl on this board that uses the same doctor that I do had to have emergency surgery due to a slip Friday. That has thrown me for a loop as far as my fear. It doesn't take much.

now you know better than to borrow trouble!!! that other person's misfortunes are theirs, not yours!

re running:I thought I liked it as a kid, but I had a lot less of me back then. No tube socks hanging from my chest area to hit me in the face back then either. I haven't found anything that makes me want to keep doing it.

cackled loudly at the tube sock image!!!

[/b]WTF? THAT's what they base your "combative attitude" label on? I would have laughed out loud at that and them told them they could probably use tarot cards to get a much more accurate read.

plain's on a roll - tarot cards: ha!

Try saying your "ABC's" during your next loud burp. I'm willing to bet your bosses AND your employees will be impressed.

can't be any louder than this one woman who i SWEAR people can hear laughing on other floors. i'm loud and she's shocking to me. shut up, already; they are not that funny!

What's a "biscuit" post? Is it anything like a dickfer?

just my wacky laura lingo. (much like a "squeezer" salad, glou!!!) wtf is a dickfer?

Yeah, I'm deeply suspicious of runners. Do. Not. Trust. They're the type that would kick a puppy, or kill a drifter for sport.....


I hate to state the obvious but let's have another life's lesson from my place of employment:

1) It is not ok, when you're bored at a party to start shooting wildly into the air just to see what people do.

2) It is also not ok, if you live down the street from said party and "want to have some fun" to take out your guns and start shooting at the people running from the first shooting.

3) And it is definitely not ok, if you run out of bullets, to then hog tie some poor kid running by and beat the living crap out of him just because he laughs at you for running out of bullets. that's all!

picky, picky, picky doggone law abider trying to ruin the fun for everyone! gosh! (the gosh is a Napoleon Dynamite for lulu)

#3 says more about the shooter's poor planning and bullet rationing skills than about the melee skills of the kid. EVERYbody knows ya gotta PACE yourself.

melee - look at YOU with the big word!

PJTP - Just got called into a meeting that I am totally unprepared for. I hate being out of the loop, but then called in to make the bosses look good. I AM good, but damn it, some head's up please!

happened to me yesterday. somehow i've gotten roped into helping another dept with their analytical/budgeting "needs." the head of said dept called me to see if he could come to my cube (huh?) to talk something through. now i know budgeting like the back of my hand but give me a general noun here. i did fine (he told my boss that i "rock") but still. i'm a virgo and like to plan!

I had surgery last night and I want to have a wild orgy but I hate condoms. What should I do???

ahh, heard about this thread but haven't read it. surely to hannah, that was a BS, ridiculous post and not real. stupid people scare me!

Beth, I'm still trying to figure out how to put the c25k podcast on my blackberry.


If the question is how to sync something from iTunes to Blackberry, download BB Media Sync. It'll convert everything you've purchased through iTunes. I can't remember if it converted cd's I had and uploaded. I can certainly double-check if you like. And since I'm a full service poster, please find the software URL location below! :thumbup:

BlackBerry - BlackBerry Media Sync – Tuned Up

Ask me about sex and I can answer anything...

anything, huh? i'll hafta put some thought into that!

here's one: why do people get off by dressing up into costumes like Mickey Mouse or some other furry creature and rolling around on the ground? (CSI episode)

By the way - if you all (men and women) are planning on getting into accidents in the near future - please remove any personal piercings prior to the accident so some poor nurse does not have to! Also - there are certain places on your body that were not intended to hide a crack pipe - let's keep it that way. Sorry folks it's going to be one of those nights!

I have always known that i was not put on earth to do anything medical related (chicken bok bok) but OMG, this has definitely reinforced those thoughts! A "suitcase" crack pipe - yummy now put that in your mouth! Disgusting.

time for second opinion - really not a fan of chiros so i'll back off my real opinion of the matter....

Lu and I definitely differ on the topic of chiros. My chiro has done amazing things for my back + neck probs and I grew up thinking they were quacks. Luckily I got her name from a good friend who had also had back probs. I'm sure there are plenty of quack chiros but i know there are plenty of quack MD's also. It's all about finding a good one IMO.

First of all, send me the address of that party. I have a "Little Bo Peep" outfit and 2 cans of crisco, so I'm good to go.

your poor wife + kiddos must be SO proud at halloween time!

You know, sometimes I wonder if these are joke posts. Can people really be that stupid?

yes and i too hope they're kidding.

Ok, what's up with this burning sensation when I pee?

too many self-inserted catheters while yer bored at night?!?

I usually stick an assortment of tinsel, bows and confetti in my underwear before I drive. I figure it'll be a nice surprise for the medical staff if I'm involved in a MVA.

mental note: never get into a car with Plain!

Isn't that why they call it a "crack pipe"? :thumbup:


all very humorous posts, Plain!

Good one - I'll give you that. What really cracks me up is that we have to log it into security - I'm like seriously - aren't there some things I can just throw away?!

it CRACKS her up - also badabing! :ohmy:

good grief, another long ass post. i have to sign on more often!

Edited by SickNTired

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Okay, I was going to try to catch up, but it's just impossible.

Had a great trip to Tahoe. Triathlon was just so-so but ended well with a great run.

Hate my job.

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Okay, I was going to try to catch up, but it's just impossible.

Had a great trip to Tahoe. Triathlon was just so-so but ended well with a great run.

Hate my job.

Pretty much sums it up. lol

Welcome back, and glad you had fun!

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Oh. My. Goodness! (DD's new favorite phrase! LOL!!)

Like Mac, I have no hope of catching up. I've read but now can't remember everything and to quote would send this thing into lockdown! LOL!

I do remember KC talking about an interesting night at work, please share! I was gonna be a cop, married to a fireman, watch discovery/health and tlc all the time. Well, not while DD is awake. She is only 3 afterall. I'd like to keep her somewhat innocent as long as possible! :ohmy: So, yep, don't mind the gruesome at all.

And I will have to go back and find the link to the thread y'all are talking about. It's amazing what people will post!

G4e, please listen to your chiro! So glad you're feeling better.

Hello and hugs to all!

PJTP: We are officially in a heat wave. A full week now of 100+ temps and no end in site for at least another week and a half! Sunday afternoon, on my SHADED front porch, we hit a high of 107.6. I'm in the mtns, about 3000ft elevation level. That's unheard of for here! YUCK!!! It was 112 in the city that day. :thumbup: Shoot and here I was thinking Lu had it bad. At least she has a pool she can soak in all day! LOL! Thank GOD for AC!!!!

Hosted Bunco at my house tonight! We had a last minute cancellation and played with a "ghost." DD got to play the "ghost" once in awhile and had a blast! Three years old and I'm teaching her how to roll dice! LOL!! Kid's gotta have a skill of some sort! :thumbup:

Going for a fill on Thursday, can't WAIT!!!!!! So badly needed!

Well, I think that's it for now. Have a great night y'all! I'm off to find the weird/ kinky post! LOL!

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Back years ago when I worked in a hospital setting in the radiology dept. there was a huge following of what the wierdest thing found in body cavities was!!!

My hospital still keeps the X-Ray of a guy that came in complaining of rectal pain. X-rays revealed 3 small potatos (we call them "new potatos" here in the south) jammed up his backside. They extracted with forceps (basically medical pliers)!! Ouch!!

Originally Posted by plain viewpost.gif

What's a "biscuit" post? Is it anything like a dickfer?

just my wacky laura lingo. (much like a "squeezer" salad, glou!!!) wtf is a dickfer?

It's most often used by males for the the elimination of urine. It is also used in the act of sexual intercourse.

Thank you folks, I'll be here all week. Be sure to tip your waitresses.....

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our last y-chromosome cavity removal was a bottle of brut cologne

there was also the x-chromosome large deli dill pickle.

were about to get a trauma patient in:

man was driving around with his dog - got out to pee along the side of the road - left dog in car - dog put car in gear and RAN OVER his owner!!!!

(note to self - be nice to your dog)

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Which you are oftentimes b/c of your MIL. You do realize I wanna drive 2 hours and help you beat her to a pulp, right? Just saying!

Feel free to join me!:thumbup:

do you only discuss food or do you also discuss the marital/MIL issues? yes i am nosy. (pls feel free to tell me nunya, however!)

We talk about everything that can send me to the fridge. MIL, DH, my own mom...

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