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Hey y'all!

DH and I spent the weekend at a motorcycle rally, and had a great time. When we go to rallies, I ride with him, not comfortable on my own amongst all the bikes, and at the super slow crawl speed through it all. It amazed me, how much room we have on the bike! He used to use me as a backrest it seemed, now there is air space for circulation between us!! YAY!!

Ebony---excellent way to handle your situation. The fact that your BB is distracted might well be mentioned in your written statement. Just another case to prove the need to document EVERYTHING when it begins! And to be honest, we all spend enough time on our computers to document a quick "what happen" and store it, because when it comes down to it, you never know when it will be needed!

I sometimes think I would like to be able to run....but I have no reason to believe I would like it anymore than I did as a kid in PE!!!

I have a tumor in my fibula---the small shin bone---and have restrictions on activity due to it, as it comprises most of the diameter of the bone in the area---so breaking it would be very easy, and no one is sure what that would do to the tumor. It is stable and unchanging now, and they prefer it that way.

Zucchini----had it with dinner last night. We diced it in about 1" cubes, along with yellow squash, and sauteed it with onion and green chile, and then topped it with cheese. We also dice it, and toss it is a corn meal flour mixture like you would okra and fry it!

I agree, I only use the real things!! Regular Mayonnaise, butter, whole milk, real bacon, eggs in a shell - not a box!!! We used to make a Pasta dish with angel hair Pasta, where you brown the butter, in a saute pan, then add the al dente pasta, and coat it with the browned butter, and then add a generous amount of cheese, we used mazythra cheese, but you could use fresh grated parmesan as well. Toss some fresh chopped herbs and it was heavenly. Pasta is such a fickle thing for me now, we seldom have it! I can eat it, but only about 1/4 of a cup----very slowly. It feels like it keeps growing in my pouch! Probably a good thing actually!!!

My DIL went to the Dr. and the baby has dropped, and his head is engaged, looks like my newest grandson will be here soon!!! They have a 3 year old, and he is in for one heck of an adjustment. Poor sweetie, they have been very lax in training him, as far as discipline goes, and she is going to have her hands full, as my son works lots of hours, while she is a SAHM. Granny here will help out as I can!!

Better get some unpacking done....camping leaves EVERYTHING dirty!!!

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quickie post -

called to schedule an unfill & my dr's nurse told me to get to the hospital right away (my side of town) as my surgeon is just wrapping up a surgery and will wait for me. his practice is clear on the other side of the metroplex (1.5hr from me).

did NOT hesitate to take 2.2ccs' out - back to 5cccs.

don't feel any different - i'm swollen he says & will take more out next wk if no improvement. glad i made a pot of lentils this wkend:):smile:

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Kat-glad that you had a fun, safe trip. That sounds like fun, but I am terrified of motorcyles (like everything else).

Lu-glad you were able to get the unfill. Hopefully that will clear up any trouble. That is why I am scared of getting my fill tomorrow. I am not having trouble getting anything down at this point. I have no reflux or night coughing. I can eat pretty much anything (including bread). I know I need the fill, but am still scared of being too tight. Another girl on this board that uses the same doctor that I do had to have emergency surgery due to a slip Friday. That has thrown me for a loop as far as my fear. It doesn't take much.

re running:I thought I liked it as a kid, but I had a lot less of me back then. No tube socks hanging from my chest area to hit me in the face back then either. I haven't found anything that makes me want to keep doing it.

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Lulu- glad timing worked out for you - hope you feel better soon!

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At the first disciplinary meeting, both he and the dept HR person (not university HR, which is different) said that they felt I had a combative attitude because I was not looking at them and was taking notes.

WTF? THAT's what they base your "combative attitude" label on? I would have laughed out loud at that and them told them they could probably use tarot cards to get a much more accurate read.

Body weirdness....I woke myself up this morning burping. I've been burping ever since. No pain, no regurgitation, no acid reflux just burping. And some of them are fog-horn room clearing loud.

Try saying your "ABC's" during your next loud burp. I'm willing to bet your bosses AND your employees will be impressed.

Holy cow - that was a long biscuit post!

What's a "biscuit" post? Is it anything like a dickfer?

I've been without car payments for over 10 years, and now I know why - I HATE working with car dealers!

What will it take for me to get you in this car TODAY? I'll have to check with my manager on that.....lmao!!

I'm going to take some pictures in a day or so to upload to the Before / After forum. Now that I've hit 50% of my loss goal, I have to honor the commitment I made to myself to do that. I have an awesome dress I'm going to wear for the pics

Oh yeah!! *followed by creepy laugh*

Oh I would in a heavenly heartbeat! The standard they are holding you up to is one they themselves can't even do (not surprising as nobody can). It just goes to show that they are singling you out for whatever reason. Bastages!

Just to play devil's advocate, how sure are you that the bigBoss is getting an accurate picture of the situation? Could it be that the littleBoss is manipulating him via "poison whispers"?

no running for me. I just don't get the attraction of it. Running. Nope. Not gonna happen!

Yeah, I'm deeply suspicious of runners. Do. Not. Trust. They're the type that would kick a puppy, or kill a drifter for sport.....

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I hate to state the obvious but let's have another life's lesson from my place of employment:

1) It is not ok, when you're bored at a party to start shooting wildly into the air just to see what people do.

2) It is also not ok, if you live down the street from said party and "want to have some fun" to take out your guns and start shooting at the people running from the first shooting.

3) And it is definitely not ok, if you run out of bullets, to then hog tie some poor kid running by and beat the living crap out of him just because he laughs at you for running out of bullets

that's all!

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I hate to state the obvious but let's have another life's lesson from my place of employment:

1) It is not ok, when you're bored at a party to start shooting wildly into the air just to see what people do.

2) It is also not ok, if you live down the street from said party and "want to have some fun" to take out your guns and start shooting at the people running from the first shooting.

3) And it is definitely not ok, if you run out of bullets, to then hog tie some poor kid running by and beat the living crap out of him just because he laughs at you for running out of bullets

that's all!

#3 says more about the shooter's poor planning and bullet rationing skills than about the melee skills of the kid. EVERYbody knows ya gotta PACE yourself.

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Chris is in the process of rebuilding my computer, so I'm posting on my laptop and chewing my nails. He rebuilt his last weekend and all went well, so I have every confidence that he can do mine too... really I do... absolutely... I'm not nervous in the slightest... uh uh... not even a little bit!!

I've backed up all my data to CD. I have the disks for all the software I need to reinstall... this will be fine, just fine... chews nails...

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PJTP...Good morning Everyone!:)

Kat-glad that you had a fun, safe trip. That sounds like fun, but I am terrified of motorcyles (like everything else).

Slim - I was terrified too - mostly because I had an accident (fell off the bike) the first time my DH tried to teach me to ride. It took 17 years for me to try again...I took a motorcycle safety course and it helped my confidence and coordination immensely! Think about it...

Lu-glad you were able to get the unfill. Hopefully that will clear up any trouble. That is why I am scared of getting my fill tomorrow. I am not having trouble getting anything down at this point. I have no reflux or night coughing. I can eat pretty much anything (including bread). I know I need the fill, but am still scared of being too tight. Another girl on this board that uses the same doctor that I do had to have emergency surgery due to a slip Friday. That has thrown me for a loop as far as my fear. It doesn't take much.

Don't let someone else's unfortunate experience stop you from getting maximum benefit from your band, Slim - what happened to her will NOT necessarily happen to you. You seem to be really in touch with your body and I would bet you'd ring the alarm bells before you got as far as a slip...

re running:I thought I liked it as a kid, but I had a lot less of me back then. No tube socks hanging from my chest area to hit me in the face back then either. I haven't found anything that makes me want to keep doing it.

ROFLMBO...I hear ya on the tube sock thing...there are some really GOOD sports bras that help with the bouncing. Before I lost the 55 pounds, I couldn't FIT any of them, but I'm going to try again...


WTF? THAT's what they base your "combative attitude" label on? I would have laughed out loud at that and them told them they could probably use tarot cards to get a much more accurate read.

Ain't it great what they base things on, Plain? I wish they had more common sense...though I do know some really good Tarot readers... :bored:

What's a "biscuit" post? Is it anything like a dickfer?

I had the same question...

What will it take for me to get you in this car TODAY? I'll have to check with my manager on that.....lmao!!

Exactly...the second dealer I visited was MUCH better than the first. I ended up buying a car from them. Cute little Hyundai Accent - first NEW car I've bought in over 20 years (the last time was 1988). Damn - I feel OLD! :eek:

Oh yeah!! *followed by creepy laugh*

Watch it buster...I know how to find you! :sneaky:

Just to play devil's advocate, how sure are you that the bigBoss is getting an accurate picture of the situation? Could it be that the littleBoss is manipulating him via "poison whispers"?

Sometimes I wonder that...but I think of the two of them, he's actually worse. I think he drives a lot of this process - he's very passive-aggressive, and when you add that to HER passive-aggressive tendencies, it's a miserable combination.

Yeah, I'm deeply suspicious of runners. Do. Not. Trust. They're the type that would kick a puppy, or kill a drifter for sport.....

Hey, hey! I'm an aspiring runner here, and would NEVER kick a puppy - not even one that was nipping at my heels! Now that drifter thang...:sneaky:

I hate to state the obvious but let's have another life's lesson from my place of employment:

1) It is not ok, when you're bored at a party to start shooting wildly into the air just to see what people do.

I hate to say it, but sounds like Detroit at New Year's (I grew up there and always stayed indoors that night because of the idiots with guns)...

2) It is also not ok, if you live down the street from said party and "want to have some fun" to take out your guns and start shooting at the people running from the first shooting.

WTF?? Makes ya wanna re-think personal gun ownership in a real way...

3) And it is definitely not ok, if you run out of bullets, to then hog tie some poor kid running by and beat the living crap out of him just because he laughs at you for running out of bullets

that's all!

WTF??? Where do you live again? Where do these idiots think they are? On the movie set of the remake of "Deliverance"?

Chris is in the process of rebuilding my computer, so I'm posting on my laptop and chewing my nails. He rebuilt his last weekend and all went well, so I have every confidence that he can do mine too... really I do... absolutely... I'm not nervous in the slightest... uh uh... not even a little bit!!

I hear ya, Fanny - I don't trust my computers to ANYONE...in fact, I won't even let my DD or DH USE my computer...for that very reason. They do stuff I don't want them to do, visit suspicious sites and generally are not as paranoid about tech stuff as I definately am...

I've backed up all my data to CD. I have the disks for all the software I need to reinstall... this will be fine, just fine... chews nails...

It'll be okay, Fanny *Ebony says in a hopeful voice* just keep breathing deeply and try not to look at the computer while he's working on it...

I'm still job hunting...haven't really read through the 'laundry list' they gave me yesterday, but I have a meeting set up with my union rep today, so I'll be going through it. At first glance, it's more of the same nit-picky stuff they mentioned before. Did I say that already?

I'm still a bit stressed - but much better than previously. Now that I know that potential departments will NOT see the written reprimand they put in my file, I feel a little better, but still pissed that they put me through all this...

Anyway - it's raining here and I've got a serious crick in the left side of my neck and my left shoulder. I hope I'm not turning into one of those folks that can tell weather by their aches and pains...:eek:

Have a great day, everyone!:thumbup:

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Morning everyone - at least I guess it is morning. Insomnia insanity has struck. Went to bed at my normal time, was up less than 2 hours later, finally returned to bed about 630 this morning and am up again now. I am not quite functioning in all gears....:thumbup::sneaky::Yawn:

To catch up:

KC - where on earth is your hospital - downtown Beirut? Holy crap, does everyone run around with guns and have poor social skills and lack anger management skills? Note to self: do not visit wherever it is KC works.:bored:

Lu - glad you got your slight unfill. A scale victory is a distant second to health.

Kat - sounds like your trip was a blast!

Ebony - respond to each claim with honesty and dispassion. Make any counterclaims clear and include witnesses to any infraction if possible.

Fanny - I know your trepidation. DH frequently works on my computer - and it is never without a lot of anxiety on my side and frustration on his. "Trust me; I know what I'm doing"...those words can bring a level of anxiety to my day!:)

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I hate to state the obvious but let's have another life's lesson from my place of employment:

1) It is not ok, when you're bored at a party to start shooting wildly into the air just to see what people do.

2) It is also not ok, if you live down the street from said party and "want to have some fun" to take out your guns and start shooting at the people running from the first shooting.

3) And it is definitely not ok, if you run out of bullets, to then hog tie some poor kid running by and beat the living crap out of him just because he laughs at you for running out of bullets

that's all!

Good grief, what the hell has happened to Kansas City?? :bored:

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Morning all.

Ebony - great accomplishment on the goal! :bored: You're doing so well, even though things are stressful! Congrats!

I joined up on the cool running website...myactive.com, I think. I'm restarting the c25k program, only I'm at week 3. Week one and two are already kinda easy, but week 3 kicks my butt. So, I'll work on that. I'd love to be a runner one day!

Kat - yay...a new baby. I am definitely at the point in life where I love other people's babies, then love being able to hand them back when I'm done or they get cranky!

PJTP - Just got called into a meeting that I am totally unprepared for. I hate being out of the loop, but then called in to make the bosses look good. I AM good, but damn it, some head's up please!

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PJTP: So... got on the scale this morning, and good news: down to 229 (my lowest so far has been 228.5). However, I could also kick myself in my smaller behind because the last time I was this low was May 14, NINE WEEKS ago. >sigh<

How irritating. Yet good. But irritating. :bored:

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Beth - congrats on the 229 - hang in there.

I am a little delirious - supposed to get off at 0715 (HA!!) I clocked out at 10:52 - BAD NIGHT!

There was actually a story I was going to share - but have decided it is too gross to put out for general viewing.

Have a great day all!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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