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PJTP...Had a good Sunday - the second car dealer was a pleasant change from the norm. Took my info, acknowledged that my 'troubled' credit might be an issue and told me we'd talk this afternoon. In and out in less than 30 min - I love it! Even if I don't end up buying a car from them, I'll definately recommend them for their no-nonsense approach.

Bought running shoes over the weekend and started a walk/jog routine with DH this morning. Walk 1 block, run 1 block...our goal is to get up to 3 miles before winter makes us move indoors for the season. Or maybe we'll run in the winter too - gotta find the right footwear for that...

***Celebration alert! ***

I am now officially at 50% of my loss goal! :thumbup::w00t::thumbup:

Stepped on the scale this morning (trying not to weigh obsessively) and I'm down 5 pounds, putting me right at the 50% mark! :thumbup:^_^:drool::crying::drool::lol::wink2:

Was having a wonderful morning...then I had to come to work LOL

Disciplinary meeting at 1 pm today - but I'm not going to let it bother me. I'm just going to recieve the paper work and say nothing. I'll do some thinking and consulting with others and then compose my response. They can sit and wonder what I'll say...while I keep on doing my job.

Now to the posts I've missed:

That sounds completely yummy Beth.

I agree - sounds wonderful, and I'm not that big of a seafood fan, but I think I might try that...


Mornin' Slim!

It is also really weird to actually feel cold again. For so long, I've always felt way too hot, and was only really comfortable when it was really cool like now. But I've taken my fat blanket off and now I'm really feeling the difference! I've had an extra blanket on my bed and been resorting to the old hot Water bottle at night!! :laugh:

Ain't it just too weird? I used to dread summer because I was always too hot...carry those extra pounds, ya know! Now, I couldn't wait for summer to arrive...80's feel wonderful to me now!

Beth - that sounds amazing - my way to cook!

Fanny - sorry you're cold! It's no fun to be uncomfortable no matter what the situation - I'm a little nervous about getting cold myself this winter - and I no longer have any winter clothes that fit me - I love the weight loss but my word it gets expensive!

KC - I'm turning over my wardrobe every couple of months so far...not buying a LOT of stuff, but you're right - it definately gets expensive! Even shopping the sales, I have to get new EVERYTHING from the skin out. I LOVE to shop, but this is gettin' reediculous! :-)

PJTP: Who woulda thunk you could expend so many calories washing and detailing a motorcycle? lol I felt like I was slouching yesterday because I didn't go walk or do a traditional workout, but my GoWear Fit showed I did very well.

Go Beth! All that bending, reaching, etc makes a difference! I was out in my garden weeding Saturday morning and when I uploaded my Bodybugg, it showed a much bigger calorie burn than I expected...wonderful for me and for my garden!

I am DETERMINED to have a good day - no matter what. I'm thrilled that I started jogging / walking with my DH this morning - in fact, I was able to keep up with him and even passed him a couple of times! He even remarked that the last time we tried jogging together, he was watching out for me...now the tables have turned.

I'm going to take some pictures in a day or so to upload to the Before / After forum. Now that I've hit 50% of my loss goal, I have to honor the commitment I made to myself to do that. I have an awesome dress I'm going to wear for the pics - very form-fitting and even got it on sale!

I'll let ya'll know when I post 'em so y'all can see what I really look like - amazingly enough, I really do resemble my avatar! :biggrin:

Have a great day, everyone - I'll check in after my meeting with da bosses...:thumbup:

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Ebony - What a great post! CONGRATULATIONS!!!^_^:thumbup:

And keep to your plan for your 'disciplinary' meeting; keep cool, polite, reserved in the meeting. Sign nothing.

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PJTP...Had a good Sunday - the second car dealer was a pleasant change from the norm. Took my info, acknowledged that my 'troubled' credit might be an issue and told me we'd talk this afternoon. In and out in less than 30 min - I love it! Even if I don't end up buying a car from them, I'll definately recommend them for their no-nonsense approach.

Bought running shoes over the weekend and started a walk/jog routine with DH this morning. Walk 1 block, run 1 block...our goal is to get up to 3 miles before winter makes us move indoors for the season. Or maybe we'll run in the winter too - gotta find the right footwear for that...

***Celebration alert! ***

I am now officially at 50% of my loss goal! :thumbup::w00t::thumbup:

Stepped on the scale this morning (trying not to weigh obsessively) and I'm down 5 pounds, putting me right at the 50% mark! :thumbup:^_^:drool::crying::drool::lol::wink2:

Was having a wonderful morning...then I had to come to work LOL

Disciplinary meeting at 1 pm today - but I'm not going to let it bother me. I'm just going to recieve the paper work and say nothing. I'll do some thinking and consulting with others and then compose my response. They can sit and wonder what I'll say...while I keep on doing my job.

I'm going to take some pictures in a day or so to upload to the Before / After forum. Now that I've hit 50% of my loss goal, I have to honor the commitment I made to myself to do that. I have an awesome dress I'm going to wear for the pics - very form-fitting and even got it on sale!

I'll let ya'll know when I post 'em so y'all can see what I really look like - amazingly enough, I really do resemble my avatar! :biggrin:

Have a great day, everyone - I'll check in after my meeting with da bosses...:thumbup:

AWESOME GOAL, EBONY!!! WOOT WOOT! I wish I was that close, but I've had a couple bad months. By "bad" I mean no weight loss, though in the past it would have shown a gain, for sure.

Did you ever get a chance to wear your bathing suit this summer?

Looking forward to your pics.

As for the meeting, I guess you have representation going with you today? Maybe think about it ahead of time and write out some notes and slam them on their requirement for perfection. NO company worth its salt can ever expect "perfection." I believe that is an unattainable expectation of ANY employee, and I'd be curious to know how "perfect" those asses are. :laugh:

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PJTP...Hi Beth! :lol:

AWESOME GOAL, EBONY!!! WOOT WOOT! I wish I was that close, but I've had a couple bad months. By "bad" I mean no weight loss, though in the past it would have shown a gain, for sure.

Absolutely - I KNOW I would have gained weight this year had I not been banded...I'm thrilled with my loss!

Did you ever get a chance to wear your bathing suit this summer?

Not yet - a side effect of losing 55 pounds is that my belly has "dropped" :biggrin: and now I have a 'pouch' where there used to be solid mass. The suit is beautiful, but I don't feel I look as good in it as I wanted to...maybe after a few more pounds I'll put it on again and see what I think. Although I may just have to have it altered after I get closer to my goal weight...or give it to another deserving bandster!

Looking forward to your pics.

I'll try to get them done this evening - I'll get DD to shoot them - she likes to play with my digital camera...

As for the meeting, I guess you have representation going with you today? Maybe think about it ahead of time and write out some notes and slam them on their requirement for perfection. NO company worth its salt can ever expect "perfection." I believe that is an unattainable expectation of ANY employee, and I'd be curious to know how "perfect" those asses are. :crying:

I do have my union rep...though she's not as experienced as I would like, there was no time to get anyone else there. I will do as suggested by Tap - say nothing, sign nothing. I WILL be composing a response - that is for sure, and I will have something added to my employee file to go along with their reprimand.

I just pray one of the other jobs comes through - I have applied for others in my geographic area, in addition to the ones at my current employer. I have a bit of apprehension, but am hopeful that I will find another job - one that suits my talents and experience, and I'll be out of this toxic environment very soon.

And they are FOR SURE not perfect...I may even include a list of things THEY'VE done that I've gotten slammed for in my response and call them on their double standard...we'll see what the meeting brings.^_^

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And they are FOR SURE not perfect...I may even include a list of things THEY'VE done that I've gotten slammed for in my response and call them on their double standard...we'll see what the meeting brings.^_^

Oh I would in a heavenly heartbeat! The standard they are holding you up to is one they themselves can't even do (not surprising as nobody can). It just goes to show that they are singling you out for whatever reason. Bastages!

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Hi everyone!

Ebony, how great on the weightloss!^_^ I love your attitude today! I will be praying for you while you are at your meeting.

Beth-way to go with the workout detailing your bike. Maybe if I did that with my truck?

re butter:didn't start using real butter for cooking until banding. I only would use it for cooking crab legs before. Now I love it! I really like browned butter on veggies. Can you tell I am hungry?

re cold:It dropped to 60 here last night. DH was hot (he has some new extra padding) and I was freezing. I was under a sheet and 3 blankets! I was still freezing! I thought I was getting over the forever cold thing, but apparently not.

PJTP-I am supposed to be working on changing my attitudes(saw my therapist today). I am supposed to be rewriting the internal script that runs through my head to a new more positive script. My "homework" this week is to write down my new positive goals and reasons for making changes in my life. Then I am to read them at least twice daily until they are automatic thoughts instead of how fat I am or something else negative that I think daily. We will see how that goes. I am also supposed to create a "cravings" box. I am to put things to do in the box i.e. manicure items, puzzles, etc. Things that are supposed to distract me long enough to get over the craving. We shall see how that goes too.

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Here's hoping that works for you, Slim. I may try it myself.

I am hoping like heck that it works. I am already feeling like a failure because my weight loss seems as though it has stopped.

Edited by *slim*

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PJTP...I'm back from the "meeting" - it was so short (on purpose) and I went for a walk afterward, so I win! :crying:

Oh I would in a heavenly heartbeat! The standard they are holding you up to is one they themselves can't even do (not surprising as nobody can). It just goes to show that they are singling you out for whatever reason. Bastages!

The latest letter is three pages long - more detailed, nit-picky stuff at first glance. I haven't read through the entire thing, but will tonight after work. I'm not going to let it impact my productivity - I still have work to do, and I'm not going to let them say I was letting things slide as I prepare to make my exit.

I have made peace with the fact that this is NOT the right job for me, and I'm going to keep looking until I find the one that is. I also found out from my union rep that no one I am currently applying to will see the written garbage they put in my file, so this fight is just between me and them...game on! :thumbup:

Hi everyone!

Hi Slim!

Ebony, how great on the weightloss!:thumbup: I love your attitude today! I will be praying for you while you are at your meeting.

From your lips...it must have worked, because I was calm and cool and very collected during the meeting. I even told BB that he didn't have to read the entire three-page memo - I could read it later and compile a response if I felt it was warranted. I could tell my positive attitude took the wind out of their sails - he was stuttering and stumbling over his words while he was trying to read the letter. Too funny - I guess he's a little distracted because his wife is delivering their third child tomorrow...

re cold:It dropped to 60 here last night. DH was hot (he has some new extra padding) and I was freezing. I was under a sheet and 3 blankets! I was still freezing! I thought I was getting over the forever cold thing, but apparently not.

I still sleep with a down comforter at my feet - I usually pull it up sometime during the night but before my alarm goes off in the morning...I am still forever cold! ^_^

PJTP-I am supposed to be working on changing my attitudes(saw my therapist today). I am supposed to be rewriting the internal script that runs through my head to a new more positive script. My "homework" this week is to write down my new positive goals and reasons for making changes in my life. Then I am to read them at least twice daily until they are automatic thoughts instead of how fat I am or something else negative that I think daily. We will see how that goes. I am also supposed to create a "cravings" box. I am to put things to do in the box i.e. manicure items, puzzles, etc. Things that are supposed to distract me long enough to get over the craving. We shall see how that goes too.

Slim - this sounds a LOT like an exercise I learned and use in my self-esteem workshops. That one used a list of positive words from which the participants created a group, then narrowed the group down to 4 words. Those four words were then used to create affirmations. Some advanced workshops had you distill the list down to 1 word, but I'm not at that level yet. The affirmations are read OUT LOUD every morning and night, and sometimes during the day as well. Something about hearing the words in your own voice makes the affirmations that much stronger.

Good luck with the exercise - and keep doing it even when that bad little voice in your head disagrees! Eventually the negative voice (a speaker I heard once called it the Nebbish) will SHUT UP and all you will hear is the positive.

You have a basis in faith - the world, according to some belief systems - was SPOKEN into being. What we say out loud brings the energy of the universe to bear in favor of what we SPEAK. Speak only positive and affirmative things about yourself TO yourself, and let the power of the universe work in YOUR favor.

Blessings to you, girlfriend...I know you are going to be great!:lol:

I am hoping like heck that it works. I am already feeling like a failure because my weight loss seems as though it has stopped.

I was on a plateau too, and feeling the same way...initially I think my loss was jump-started by stress, but now I'm more encouraged and my butt is going into a higher gear to keep those last 5 off and add a bunch more.

Onderland, here I come! :biggrin:

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Glad to hear it, Ebony. Take the higher road. You will be the victor.

But really hustle to get another position; at what stage are those other positions for which you have been applying? Any follow-up emails to them? Any calls? Hustle, girl, hustle!

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I am hoping like heck that it works. I am already feeling like a failure because my weight loss seems as though it has stopped.

I'm there with ya. I've been up and down more times than a roller coaster. I've had my GoWear Fit since APRIL and it only shows a 10-pound loss since then. ^_^

How long have you been stable?

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Ebony, glad to hear you had them stumbling! That's the way to do it, especially when they expect you to be emotional or combative. I'm SO PROUD of you!!!

PJTP: Just got back from another walk/run and whoo-ee, I certainly did push myself! I walked my farthest walk so far (went with hubby the other day and extended my walk run -- keep adding to it every week), and on top of going further, I chose also to really push the running. Whenever I felt like I wanted to stop, I pushed myself further -- to the next three, the next fence line, whatever. I got home and downloaded my GoWear Fit and it shows I went just over 3 miles and -- get this -- out of my 69 minute workout, 24 of those minutes were vigerous! WOOT WOOT! That's the highest vigerous reading I've had so far.

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Way to go, Beth!

In no time you will be running a 5K. I will stand and wave as you go by - no running for me. I just don't get the attraction of it. Running. Nope. Not gonna happen!

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Way to go, Beth!

In no time you will be running a 5K. I will stand and wave as you go by - no running for me. I just don't get the attraction of it. Running. Nope. Not gonna happen!

Honestly, I really don't like running either. Right now, though, it's a great way for me to guage how well I'm doing. If I can run more/farther this week than I did last week, it's something I can see.

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In no time you will be running a 5K. I will stand and wave as you go by - no running for me. I just don't get the attraction of it. Running. Nope. Not gonna happen!

not unless someone is chasing me. i did the c5k & 1 race and that's all i needed - HATE it. found spinning and i were much more compatible.....but congrats BETH!!!^_^

ebony - your attitude was great, probably the reason BB was stammering.

good luck w/your therapy slim!

*scheduling unfill - have a nagging cough & reflux, and more importantly trouble eating - Soup at lunch was a chore* sux cause the scale finally started to break after a yr of hanging on up/down the same 5lbs - but i can't risk any damage. i rely too much on the sucker...

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