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PJTP-It is glorious outside this morning. The temp is very decent (around 65). The high is only around 85 instead of 100... Alas, I am stuck at work in a windowless building.

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Morning everyone!

It's raining again/still and the forecast high is 68 - sixty-frickin-eight in July. That is just NOT right - even for here! I want a rebate on this summer!!!

Ebony - Others have given good advice - bottom line get outta there as fast as you can, and with all the grace you can muster. A previous work experience with a note on a person's file is not the first thing that is used to 'sort' candidates - qualifications first and relevent experience. Then interviews. At the interview you dazzle them but you acknowledge a challenge in operational styles with your current employer. You don't hide it nor magnify it. Then when they check the references they see this, are not surprised, appreciate your honesty and hire you. This isn't your only job in your history; you have much more than this one employer to use as a reference etc. You can do this.

Lu - zucchini bread, zucchini pickles, zucchini relish, I used zucchini in choc cake (adds moisture but isn't evident)....love zucchini. And KC's stuffed zucchini - wonderful!! I used to grow a LOT of zuc - entire beds of it.

G4E - Ummm...your head traction thingie sounds very painful and somewhat kinky - be careful.

Heartfire - you will survive this weekend, you will survive this weekend

Beth - I really hope your hear something this week; meanwhile, get that school stuff in order.

PJTP - I'm bored.

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It got down to 55 degrees last night - windows still open from yesterday - day #2 of air conditioning not needing to run - i think we are in an alternate dimension.

So I've rehearsed my lecture twice this am and will try to do it one more time before I leave - but I must go get ready.

Then going out with friends tonight - have a friend in from out of town. (will try to be good :cursing:)

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So I've rehearsed my lecture twice this am and will try to do it one more time before I leave - but I must go get ready.

good luck & have fun tonight.!.

so i made 6 zucchini loafs last night - froze one & the rest is going to a friends cocktail party tonight as gifts.

yesterday for lunch i grilled some, and topped it off w/goat cheese - it was so tasty.

i also shaved thin slices threw lots of lemon & zest (let the citrus "cook") it down, red onion, olive oil, salt & peper & more goat cheese to be a side dish tonight.....took a bite this am, and was really flavorful.

LOVE the pickle idea taps, i only grew zuc / pepers, aside from wildflowers & herbs....think i'll be eating zuc for a LONG time:)

now if i can get these 2 goats of mine to make their own cheese:)

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Ok, so I am not sure I have ever had zuchinni(not sure I can even spell it) much less bread made with it. What does it taste like? The recipes sound great, but I just don't recall ever having it before.

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Ok, so I am not sure I have ever had zuchinni(not sure I can even spell it) much less bread made with it. What does it taste like? The recipes sound great, but I just don't recall ever having it before.

it's in the squash family slim:

Zucchini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it's a very versatile veggie - growing up (like you KC) we had a big garden & my mom always had extra rows of zucchini.

one of my favorite meals mom made for me growing up was sauting (SP?) the zucchini w/tomatos & onions - add a can of cannelli Beans & serve over Pasta w/parmesan.

i didn't have any because dh ate it all, but i sliced 2 lg ones up, put on a cookie sheet w/olive oil, s&p, and shredded parmesan & baked...came out like chips...like i said - didn't have any.:cursing:

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I was planning to go to the health food store in town to see if they have those noodles that you mentioned before. I think I might pick up a zucchini too. I might be able to get my brat to eat them with the parmesan cheese on them. He won't eat most cheese, but seems to love anything with parmesan. Go figure. Thanks for the info luluc.

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Body weirdness....I woke myself up this morning burping. I've been burping ever since. No pain, no regurgitation, no acid reflux just burping. And some of them are fog-horn room clearing loud.

I'm hoping this ends soon - I haven't been able to, or rather I haven't tried to, eat yet today thinking the burping signifies a need to get something out of or relax my stomach - but now I'm hungry. Stupid burping.

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Catching up...

i think we are in an alternate dimension.

Then going out with friends tonight - have a friend in from out of town. (will try to be good :smile:)

I was really hoping another dimension would give me an alternative life, but rats, apparently not.

Speak clearly and be energized - that always makes any speech more memorable and fun. Have a good time tonight too.

so i made 6 zucchini loafs last night - froze one & the rest is going to a friends cocktail party tonight as gifts.

i also shaved thin slices threw lots of lemon & zest (let the citrus "cook") it down, red onion, olive oil, salt & peper & more goat cheese to be a side dish tonight.....took a bite this am, and was really flavorful.

now if i can get these 2 goats of mine to make their own cheese:)

What size of loafs - mini? And what size of zuc did you use? I used to use the big ones for baking - after splitting in half and discarding seeds)

Your side dish sounds wonderful - I must remember the recipe so that IF EVER my garden grows this pseudo-summer, I can try it.

Good luck with the goats....:rolleyes:

What does it taste like? The recipes sound great, but I just don't recall ever having it before.

Zuc on its own doesn't really have a taste; it tends to absorb the flavors of things it is with. Sort of like a really mild cucumber..

one of my favorite meals mom made for me growing up was sauting (SP?) the zucchini w/tomatos & onions - add a can of cannelli Beans & serve over Pasta w/parmesan.

i sliced 2 lg ones up, put on a cookie sheet w/olive oil, s&p, and shredded parmesan & baked...came out like chips...like i said - didn't have any.:thumbup:

Both sound really good. I'd throw in some (a lot) of garlic in the first one and probably substitute chickpeas, but the idea is the same.

I think I might pick up a zucchini too. I might be able to get my brat to eat them with the parmesan cheese on them. He won't eat most cheese, but seems to love anything with parmesan.

Good luck with that!

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Thank you for all the encouragement - lecture went great - in fact several of the physicians came up afterwards and told me it went very well and the course director asked if I would be willing to take on more of the lectures.

so thanks again - just got a pedi and going to do laundry and catch up on some tv before tonight.

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Congrats, KC! :rolleyes: I'm so glad you had a good experience doing the training. I have done quite a bit of public speaking and I know it's most people's number 1 fear, so good on you for doing an awesome job! People with that skill often get paid more and noticed more at work...that could be a really GREAT side-effect!

Luluc - I like zuc bread - have made it once or twice. My mom's zuc patch in Detroit went crazy one year and we had TONS of it. No garden here in CT, but your dishes make me want to go to a local farmer's market and get some...YUM!

Tap - I completely sympathize with the burping...I get the noisy tummy sounds of digestion quite loudly now. Figured out why my band has been so finicky - its my TOM...YUK! I guess everything will calm down in a few days, but until then, I'm basically on mushies and soft stuff cause anything really solid just comes right back up with a vengeance! liquids are fine, but no solids for now...happy side effect is that I'm down 3 pounds and off my plateau! :thumbup: Thanks much for the encouraging words...I was not seeing the forest for the trees - panic mode will make you do that LOL - but I'm much calmer today.

Beth - thank you SO MUCH for the links - I'm going to spend some time this weekend reading through the links and arming myself with information. Like most of y'all, I know my time in the department is limited - even if they did a 100% turnaround and suddenly turned nice, I would NOT stay there...

Spent a cathartic morning tossing stuff out of our old church building and boxing up things we're taking with us when we move. Very physical work, very therapeutic...went car-hunting afterwards, may be purchasing a Ford Focus sedan. Funny enough, I'm leaning toward a 5-speed. Takes me back to my VW Jetta days - the first NEW 5-speed I ever owned. I loved that car and the sporty feeling of driving a stick shift. Got my first speeding ticket in that little grey rocket...:cool:

Going car shopping at a different dealer tomorrow - see what they can offer. It was a lovely day - warm and bright - just what summer is supposed to be!

Have a great night all! :smile:

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I apologize to my withering friends in Texas - but this is a first for me in KC (at least in recent memory)

I had the windows open all night - had to pull up the covers and the temperature inside the house is 5 degrees less than what the air conditioning would take it to. I did a double take on the calendar to make sure I hadn't slept through the rest of summer.

I'm sure this will be a distant memory come next week but I'll take it for now - think it's supposed to be even cooler tomorrow!

I didn't think about opening my windows at night b/c it's July for pete's sake! I am lovinggggg this weather!!! It's supposed to get down to 60 in Atlanta tonight; that's wonderfully crazy!

Ebony-you are in my thoughts. You work for a real witch. You will be much better off out of there. God has something much better in store for you.

Amen! Long story short, my 90's career sucked off and on. I was fired from a job after a couple months (ex-squeeze me?) and then laid off from the next one after 2 years. The first experience made me realize that 1) I should listen to my "gut." I knew I shouldn't take that job but didn't listen to myself and 2) God really listens! I had prayed and prayed b/c I was so miserable at the first job mentioned so kerplunk, my big butt was unemployed! I got some good experience and then got the job where I was able to transfer to Atlanta. Looking back, I am so thankful to have made it through and now to have SUCH a better job. (The job that I was laid off from was sooooo boring but I made a couple of great friends so again, worth it.)

Ebony - those folks clearly SUCK and karma will catch up with their behinds. The stupid bitch that fired me got canned on her own later. Buwahaha!!

I sent him an email stating that I did not know if my union rep would be available and that I would NOT attend without union representation. Let him chew on that all weekend and see how HE likes it. They can have the meeting without me if they wish - but I'm NOT going without representation.


I'm going to check with a knowledgeable friend and mentor (used to head of the human rights and opportunities office) and see what she thinks. It may be too late now, but it won't hurt to try...

Her thoughts absolutely couldn't hurt!!!

Ebony-my heart goes out to you for going through so much heck with those idiots. I can never understand how people that have NO business managing people, end up managing people. Let them out of your head for the weekend. Try not to think about them at all. Whatever is going to happen, will happen whether you constantly think about it or not. Don't let their ineptness make you ill. They aren't worth it. Plus, that lets them win. You are better than that. You deserve better than their treatment of you. I believe that your previous employment history will speak for itself. I agree that any potential employer will notice that there is nothing like this on your record any where else. You are a strong, intelligent woman. You can/will do so much more. Don't let them ruin your self confidence.

What Slim said!

At the first disciplinary meeting, both he and the dept HR person (not university HR, which is different) said that they felt I had a combative attitude because I was not looking at them and was taking notes. I think they've got it stuck in their heads that I'm not cooperative and anything I do to defend myself just reinforces that "angry black woman" stereotype...

I had been thinking about the stereotype thing as well but thought I'd keep my white mouth shut. Is the university really white?

Not sure about the exit plan - I think because I'm union, there isn't a lot I can do. I think this whole thing started because they had budget cuts and then found out they could not lay me off without eliminating the job. I think this is part of a plan to eliminate the job or to change the classification.

I would perceive that universities are really under the gun with budget cuts; however, that does not give them the right to act like asshats.

Something that they have said is that they expect 'perfection'...if that's the real truth, then I'll never be able to satisfy them, because I'm only one woman with two hands and I don't read minds...I cannot anticipate their every want or need and they don't seem happy with my 'best effort'.

And the real deal is that no human being is perfect; even Mr. BB!

I'm in wait-and-see mode right now. I hope that someone from the union will be able to attend the meeting with me, otherwise they can have it without me - I won't go. I'm not admitting to anything and I'm not signing anything without representation.

The only thing I regret during my firing was writing out anything so I definitely agree; write nothing! As I was walking out, I told my boss, "don't forget the so-and-so meeting on Monday/Tuesday." Her eyes got big b/c I was being "nice." Still loved that I did that and it's been 11 years! :smile:

My right jaw hinge is sore and I'm getting a migraine! LOL! And it dawned on me later that DH is working OT on Sunday and won't be home til Monday instead! YIKES!!!

I've had TMJ off and on since the mid-90's but hadn't had in incidents in Atlanta (6 years) and then right before the surgery, my left jaw started hurting and it hurt for 6 months. After my first chiropractic neck adjustment, it quit...period!

i didn't have any because dh ate it all, but i sliced 2 lg ones up, put on a cookie sheet w/olive oil, s&p, and shredded parmesan & baked...came out like chips...like i said - didn't have any.:thumbup:

DH didn't even let you try your handiwork??? Rude!!!

Body weirdness....I woke myself up this morning burping. I've been burping ever since. No pain, no regurgitation, no acid reflux just burping. And some of them are fog-horn room clearing loud.

I'm hoping this ends soon - I haven't been able to, or rather I haven't tried to, eat yet today thinking the burping signifies a need to get something out of or relax my stomach - but now I'm hungry. Stupid burping.

Foghorn clearing - LOL! I definitely have the burps in (time) spurts. My friends that know about my having been banded know that I'm not burping to be tacky!

Thank you for all the encouragement - lecture went great - in fact several of the physicians came up afterwards and told me it went very well and the course director asked if I would be willing to take on more of the lectures.

That's awesome; congrats!!! WTG!!! :rolleyes: KC kicked ass!

I can do training day after day but public speaking definitely scares the hizell outta me! Many people at work are shocked hearing that since I'm pretty confident and talkative!

Going car shopping at a different dealer tomorrow - see what they can offer. It was a lovely day - warm and bright - just what summer is supposed to be!

Yanno, of all the crap you're going through, you ought to be able to get a phenomenal deal in this economy on a car! Do your research and give em hell! I really like edmunds.com for research.

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Almost 3am. Having trouble sleeping. just enough pain to wake me up and keep me awake. I am hoping pain meds kick in quick. I tried to weed whack yesterday. I shouldn't have done that. Oh well live and learn. I also had a very weird dream about my mom who has been dead 13 yrs. That didn't help with the sleep category.

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