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Ebony-you are in my thoughts. You work for a real witch. You will be much better off out of there. God has something much better in store for you.

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ebony - hope you can enjoy a relaxing wkend , you deserve it!

pjtp - zucchini.

this is my first year growing veggies outside of container herbs and i have enough to feed a family of 10, just w/today's picking. i'm not much of a baker, but i think i need to make a few zucchini breads & either give away or freeze....who knew my thumb was actually green:)

anyho - TGIF!

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PJTP...ain't this about a b**ch!

After I sent a specific, heart-felt (I thought) plea for 2 additional weeks to find another job before this written reprimand hits my file, I get this response from the BB (not my immediate manager, but her boss):

I understand your situation, but we do need to move forward here. I don’t believe the written versus verbal will make any difference in your file. I can look into how and when it will be reflected. I’ll set up a meeting for Monday.

WTF? :scared2: How can he NOT see that the written versus verbal will "make a difference" in my file? They've requested a meeting for Monday afternoon, which I have not answered.

I sent him an email stating that I did not know if my union rep would be available and that I would NOT attend without union representation. Let him chew on that all weekend and see how HE likes it. They can have the meeting without me if they wish - but I'm NOT going without representation.

I'm going to check with a knowledgeable friend and mentor (used to head of the human rights and opportunities office) and see what she thinks. It may be too late now, but it won't hurt to try...

I'm in fight mode...dangerous place for ME to be, because I know how I get...I'm also at home - my band is so tight from the emotional upset that everything is coming back up - even liquids!:wink2:

Gonna put on my sneaks and go for a walk with DDog - maybe I can sweat it out!:angry::cursing:

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I'd love to set a time and place to meet with them and say that you are bringing your attorney. :cursing:

Do they have a legitimate leg to stand on here??? Or are they must making up the rules as they go along??

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Ebony - I'm glad to hear the fighter coming out of you - sounds like you have a good plan - don't you roll over and take what they want to dole out! You go girl!

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ebony - is your state of employment a right to work state?

i know TX is, and even w/union representation - an incorporated employer can fire on spot ... no reason needed.

from all appearances - you are being managed out.

while thinking about your next step - include with that a compensation exit plan. you know the kind where if they really want you gone - you have a price tag to go quietly.

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Ebony, I am glad that you have a full weekend ahead of you. That way you won't have time to think about them idiots. I agree with you about having a union rep. around for the meeting. Hopefully the walk with your dog will do you and your band some good.

I am getting ready to put together the head traction thingy the chiro. gave me this morning. I'm just praying I don't accidentally hang myself!:cursing: It hangs over a door and has pulleys and a Water bag you fill up to equal different weights. Then you have this thing that fits around your head that attaches to the pulley and weight thingy. I am to do this 3 times a day along with icing down.

Chat with ya later.

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Ebony-my heart goes out to you for going through so much heck with those idiots. I can never understand how people that have NO business managing people, end up managing people. Let them out of your head for the weekend. Try not to think about them at all. Whatever is going to happen, will happen whether you constantly think about it or not. Don't let their ineptness make you ill. They aren't worth it. Plus, that lets them win. You are better than that. You deserve better than their treatment of you. I believe that your previous employment history will speak for itself. I agree that any potential employer will notice that there is nothing like this on your record any where else. You are a strong, intelligent woman. You can/will do so much more. Don't let them ruin your self confidence.

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I'd love to set a time and place to meet with them and say that you are bringing your attorney. :confused:

Do they have a legitimate leg to stand on here??? Or are they must making up the rules as they go along??

Honestly, I think it's some of both...I have made some mistakes - I gotta be real about that. But I don't think it's as bad as they would like to make it sound. They are talking as if I can't do ANYTHING right, when I feel they are nit-picking about specific issues. I almost feel like I'm being set up. The whole issue about me editing the scholarship descriptions a couple of days ago - that was one of the things the BB mentioned. It happened two days before he decided to "elevate" the problem - so I think he was just waiting for something, anything to happen so he could write me up again. No matter that my job is partly data analysis and IT stuff - making sure the data is consistent is part of what I feel my responsibilities are...maybe because he was doing it before I arrived, he feels I'm stepping on his toes. Maybe I don't kowtow enough - he may feel I'm too combative because I will stand up for my decisions when I think I'm right, and debate in a respectful manner.

At the first disciplinary meeting, both he and the dept HR person (not university HR, which is different) said that they felt I had a combative attitude because I was not looking at them and was taking notes. I think they've got it stuck in their heads that I'm not cooperative and anything I do to defend myself just reinforces that "angry black woman" stereotype...

I believe that no matter what I do, they will not be happy. If I don't catch an error, they will say I'm not detail oriented enough; if I catch an error and fix it, they say I've overstepped my bounds...I can't win!

ebony - is your state of employment a right to work state?

i know TX is, and even w/union representation - an incorporated employer can fire on spot ... no reason needed.

Not sure Lulu - gotta check into that. I think there is language in my union contract that states that the written reprimand that I'm about to get is one of the last steps before termination. I think there is one more disciplinary step - which I have no doubt they are already planning. Even though I defended myself against the last series of accusations, it was as if all my responses fell on deaf ears. There has also been NO attempt to provide any "remedial" training or education - if my performance is so bad, you would think that would be part of the plan, but nothing's been mentioned.

from all appearances - you are being managed out.

while thinking about your next step - include with that a compensation exit plan. you know the kind where if they really want you gone - you have a price tag to go quietly.

I agree that I'm being managed out - the short time interval between disciplinary "actions" has told me more than anything that they just want me gone...

Not sure about the exit plan - I think because I'm union, there isn't a lot I can do. I think this whole thing started because they had budget cuts and then found out they could not lay me off without eliminating the job. I think this is part of a plan to eliminate the job or to change the classification.

Ebony, I am glad that you have a full weekend ahead of you. That way you won't have time to think about them idiots. I agree with you about having a union rep. around for the meeting. Hopefully the walk with your dog will do you and your band some good.

And it definately did - he always helps put things in perspective, and my DD just came home from New York, so I'm smiling from ear to ear right now...:wub:

I am getting ready to put together the head traction thingy the chiro. gave me this morning. I'm just praying I don't accidentally hang myself!:cursing: It hangs over a door and has pulleys and a Water bag you fill up to equal different weights. Then you have this thing that fits around your head that attaches to the pulley and weight thingy. I am to do this 3 times a day along with icing down.

Chat with ya later.

Good luck with the traction thingy - it sounds complicated, but I hope it helps your back.

I am totally outdone with the whole job thing - I feel like I'm being railroaded. Unfortunately my union rep has no experience with this kind of situation - most of the folks she's worked with have been real disciplinary cases. She does not understand why they are so hot to get rid of me. I probably should have been suspicious when the job got suddenly 'cancelled' before I got it and then it suddenly 'reappeared' after I asked questions.

Something that they have said is that they expect 'perfection'...if that's the real truth, then I'll never be able to satisfy them, because I'm only one woman with two hands and I don't read minds...I cannot anticipate their every want or need and they don't seem happy with my 'best effort'.

I'm in wait-and-see mode right now. I hope that someone from the union will be able to attend the meeting with me, otherwise they can have it without me - I won't go. I'm not admitting to anything and I'm not signing anything without representation.

Got some data gathering to do and to bounce this off of a couple of respected mentors this weekend to plan my course of action.

I appreciate all the good wishes and support I get from you guys and gals. It means a LOT to me...

Now I gotta go work on my Finance class final exam! Have a wonderful evening everyone - I plan to!:)

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I think they've got it stuck in their heads that I'm not cooperative and anything I do to defend myself just reinforces that "angry black woman" stereotype...

Could there be any type of racial thing going on here?

Not sure about the exit plan - I think because I'm union, there isn't a lot I can do. I think this whole thing started because they had budget cuts and then found out they could not lay me off without eliminating the job. I think this is part of a plan to eliminate the job or to change the classification.

But if that's the case, why ruin you in the process? Why not wait the couple weeks you asked for? If they just want to eliminate the job this is a very (excuse me) shitty way of doing it.

Anyway... enough of that. It's friday evening, the workday is over, and I pray some relief or, better yet, ANSWERS for you by Monday (preferably a new job answer).

I just got called this afternoon to be told by the agency that the company now won't have a decision until the end of NEXT week. :cursing: Pissin' me off. In the meantime, I've filled out financial aid paperwork and will be looking at other ways of doing this while choosing classes.

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Could there be any type of racial thing going on here?

Some would say no, because my manager is from Trinidad - but Black folk of Caribbean descent don't consider themselves the same as Black Americans. Go figure - one more layer of crap that we all need to work through...

I'm not sure what their REAL problem is...I'd love to know, just for my own edification. I think it was G4E that reminded me I have a 30-year successful work history, and this is only one blip on the radar, so to speak. I hope my next employer - within or without - sees it that way.

But if that's the case, why ruin you in the process? Why not wait the couple weeks you asked for? If they just want to eliminate the job this is a very (excuse me) shitty way of doing it.

I agree totally - my parting thought to them is that I hope they are treated with the exact same level of compassion and humanity that they have shown me in the very near future. What goes around comes around, and everything you do comes back to you...I believe in karma!

Anyway... enough of that. It's friday evening, the workday is over, and I pray some relief or, better yet, ANSWERS for you by Monday (preferably a new job answer).

I'll co-sign on that one! :)

I just got called this afternoon to be told by the agency that the company now won't have a decision until the end of NEXT week. :cursing: Pissin' me off. In the meantime, I've filled out financial aid paperwork and will be looking at other ways of doing this while choosing classes.

I'm SO glad you are not waiting for them...YOU are taking proactive steps to continue your education and get even better than you are. Congrats!

Once I complete this Financial class, I'll have my Associates, and the end of the month, I start coursework for my Bachelors.

I'm also looking at possibly buying another car - with the incentives going on (Cash for Clunkers program) I may be able to get a new car soon. The job thing is giving me a reason to be cautious, but I refuse to give in to fear. I am going to find a new, better job, and I'll have a new car to drive to work (if I choose to drive).

My final exam calls...have a wonderful weekend, my friend, and I'll check in with ya in a couple of hours when my brain is fried and needs a rest :confused:

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ebony - i have a lot of stuff going through my head, but it all depends on how you wish to proceed

**i'm baking while DH's flight is delayed - so got time on my hands** :cursing:

*can you change your union rep to one who is equipped to deal w/your issue specifically?

*if you don't have a copy of your union contract, get it - find all specifics as it pertains to involuntary dismisal. if they forget to dot an "I" ... or anything else, you can start the groundwork for wrongful termination (again, find out if your state is right to work).

*sign NOTHING & don't be pressured to do so w/out letting "employer" know you would like your representation review first. signing is acknowledging - and until your side can be heard.......all they would have is paper.

*GRIN (blank) them 24/7 - OMG i'm such and expert there,

NEVER let them see you sweat

*managing one out of a dept is done daily. had to do it myself - BUT, a compensation pckg is ususally part of the deal. i don't like/your not working out/lets work something out that mutually benefits......

i can keep going - but you get the drift, i've never been part of a union so don't know their role in this situation - other than you need an expert to deal w/your problem.

i was a contract employee forever - that contract had to be fulfilled if my metrics were met - can't play w/someones money.

i typed a book and have bread in the oven......i'll be back:)

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*Ebony, I am absolutely speechless as to what has transpired today. Everyone gave you some wonderful advice. I have none. I have no experience with upper-level jobs and management. Just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Wish I could give you a real hug but we'll have to settle for a cyber one. (((HUGS)))

PJTP: DD is such a JOY today!! :cursing: Well, NOW she's being a joy but that's after several time-outs, a spanking, and the loss of one of her stuffed puppies. I told her that she could have the puppy back ONLY after she behaved herself for a couple of hours. And if she refused to change her attitude and the way she was acting then we would NOT go see her papa at the station tonight. Now she's "cooking" for me. chocolate cake for Breakfast and lemon cake for lunch. Gotta love a kid who likes chocolate cake for breakfast! LOL! I really HATE days like this.

Oh and of course, my mom calls right in the middle of some of this! Then she feels bad for not being here to give me a break! UGH! Don't TELL me you will take her when you can't drive your butt down here THIS INSTANT to actually TAKE HER!!!!!!!

AND it's too flippin' hot to go DO anything outside! So no relief there!

Anyway, DD only has to wail until after dinner for the puppy. And at this rate, if he's not on a call, we'll go see papa tonight.

My right jaw hinge is sore and I'm getting a migraine! LOL! And it dawned on me later that DH is working OT on Sunday and won't be home til Monday instead! YIKES!!! <I will get thru this weekend. I will get thru this weekend. I will get thru this weekend.>

Okay. Done now! Thanks!!

Off to fix dinner. BBL!

Edited by heartfire

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Ok everybody - hang in there all of you!- I kinda feel guilty for not having any major trials in my life right now - but of course I guess you have to have a life to have trials. - Problem with being a workaholic.

Lulu - although it sounds like you've already been baking up a storm - but I have a great lowfat zucchini bread recipe that doesn't taste lowfat.

I grew up with large family gardens (zucchinis that looked like they were given HGH) my mom used to always make the most delicious stuffed zucchini - one had ricotta, parmesan and mozzerella w/ fresh herbs or pesto another basically the same but with sausage mixed in and topped w/ marinara and sometimes she would just toss in bread cubes, eggs, fresh herbs and parmessan - just wanted to give you some ideas to feed your army.

Realized something funny tonight - was watching the local news while making dinner and saw that they were having local auditions tomorrow for the biggest loser. Now I love the show - but cracked up when I realized I was no longer a candidate b/c I didn't have 100lbs to lose :cursing:

who knew being too light could be a downside.

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Ebony, I found this. I think I remember where you live, and even if you're in the general area and I don't know the state for sure, I think you're safe. The ones in blue are right-to-work states; all others are forced-unionism states:

Right to Work States | National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation

There's also a page here for free legal aid:

Request Free Legal Aid | National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation

It looks like a lot of this site is by those who are for right-to-work and against unions, but there still may be some info to be found here.

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