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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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Ha! Nice try, but no cigar! :) And where are your semi-nudes, eh? I went looking but could only find the beach pics. What's with the pea green Soup in the ocean? EW!

Note to Fanny: I don't recommend you using the words "nude" and "cigar" in the same sentence in the proximity of Plain. Better yet, don't use it anywhere on the 'net. He'll find it. And lordy knows what he'll be doing with himself in the bushes (with his pants up or down since he can't divulge). I shudder at the thought. :)

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I have seen an emergency vehicle just push a car that was sitting in the emergency lane out of the way.

I LOVE that. I wish more emergency vehicles would just side swipe a few of the people putzing along and not moving!

Love this - wish I could've seen it and wish more would!!! People have NO manners anymore.

luluc - how in God's name can a child break a window - much less two!?! I haven't seen anyone say but is the mother not worried about her child + broken glass? Is the mother on the drugs or something? I am shocked at this whole story - gah!

you should immediately say in a very matter of fact manner that she is not to touch your vehicle until she can learn to treat other's property with respect and pay for damages she causes - then go on talking to her mother without dropping a beat.

HOLLA! A co-worker friend did the whole "treat your child like a friend" business and is living to rue (sp) the day. Her son is 16 and she has been through hell with that child for the last two years. I'm seeing jail time for the neighbor's DD!

PJTP..."Jillian", my band is being very finicky this morning...

Jillian, LOL. Pls add my name to the finicky band list. My story is too long to type out (but it does include telling a doctor off-snaps)!!!

Glad to hear that the chiropractor's advice is working for you! I visited a chiro a few years ago when I was diagnosed with a 'dropped shoulder' from carrying purse on my left side all the time. I was a bit skeptical at first, but his techniques really worked well for me. Here's hoping you get permanent relief!

A lot of folks don't believe in chiropractic care but my experience this year has been top notch. I jacked up my back for the first time ever and was in excruciating pain. Not no mo! :smile: I also stretch before I get out of bed and did the ice therapy when it first happened. As I have said ad nauseum, that ice ROCKED!!!

Ya know...between my heavy purse and bra straps, my shoulders look like the back of a horse!:)

I clicked multi-quote on this but really have nothing to say but HUH!?! I know your man would love to hear that, haha.:drool:

i had a bad experience w/a chiro (an no not because i didn't get a happy ending SNT>.....) but i know many that get great relief. glad you are G4E!!!!

Hey, yer the one that continually mentions "happy endings" so I'm thinkin' maybe you did get one...or twelve!!! Bow chicka bow bow!

Fanny - I am feeling your temptation myself right now. the family of one of my patinets just brought in the biggest platter of fresh chocolate chip Cookies, a huge cheese and fruit tray and a giant bag of m&m's for us tonight. :eek:

I am on day 2 of the 5d pouch test so fortunately I am going to hold out I think :wink2: - I did grab 2 sm cubes of cheese

i think i can - i think i can - i think i can!

Stay strong, sistah! The lady that sits next to me at work is always bringing in candy and I wanna strangle her! Not only is it sitting there all.the.time. but people come by to tell her of her the temptation and I can hear it. GRR!!! Anddddd I'm the only big person in our dept of 12 and they always describe people by their size. I also wanna strangle them for that. Our VP has recently lost a good bit of weight (her DH is obese) so she's like a reformed smoker/drinker....all 'holier than thou'. I guess my weight issues are showing in this post, huh? :lol: Hee!

After numerous band issues and my laziness(!), I'm finally back on the program, so to speak. A couple of people have noticed the additional weight loss so I'm happy. My big thing right now is learning to STOP TALKING while I'm eating. I start shoveling like I used to and get stuck. Ouch!!!!!

Oh and just because it made me laugh so, I got hit on at Sonic today by a customer. (shut up, lulu!) I worked from home today which means I had the hair in a ponytail, no makeup, and blah clothes. He actually said the words, "well I think you look good." :) I said, "aren't you sweet!" and kept on going! This has been an interesting year....

Have a great rest of your weeks!

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Oh and just because it made me laugh so, I got hit on at Sonic today by a customer. (shut up, lulu!) I worked from home today which means I had the hair in a ponytail, no makeup, and blah clothes. He actually said the words, "well I think you look good." :) I said,

So I have to go to Sonic to get hit on - too much temptation!

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So I have a severe trauma (motor vehicle crash) patient flying in. The fire truck that resonded to the scene -was just nailed by a tractor trailer and now that driver is coming in.

What is wrong with people - flashing lights do not mean come towards me - and I will move out of your way!

I pray that driver will be ok - I don't think mine will be.

I just don't get it!

(Not a great week for emergency vehicles in Kansas City)

Edited by kcmagu

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Ha! Nice try, but no cigar! :) And where are your semi-nudes, eh? I went looking but could only find the beach pics. What's with the pea green Soup in the ocean? EW!

They call that stuff "June Grass", but it's really just little strands of seaweed. It was really bad that day (because the tide was unusually calm). The ocean was a pretty blue for the majority of the week. As for the semi-nude - PM'ing this info to you.

So I have to go to Sonic to get hit on

It helps if you tip well. Also, putting the money in my front pocket and asking the server girl to get it herself works pretty good. *Note - all server girls in plain's sarcastic humor are aged 18 years or older

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It helps if you tip well. Also, putting the money in my front pocket and asking the server girl to get it herself works pretty good. *Note - all server girls in plain's sarcastic humor are aged 18 years or older

Well that explains why people thought you had a large member - it's ok though Plain - I hear not everybody thinks size matters.

Thanks for the tip though! :)

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So I have a severe trauma (motor vehicle crash) patient flying in.

Far be it from me to poke fun at a severe MVA trauma (although I certainly have in the past), but I blogged about a very funny experience I had trying to draw ABG's on a pretty bad trauma pt on MySpace. When I get home, I might cut and paste it to my blog on here.

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Coming from you - I expect it to be very interesting - the suspense might just do me in!

You know that although others may not understand - sometimes we have to find the humor just to get through it.

I'm actually having a hard time sitting still right now - the new RN I'm training is about to come off orientation so I need to let him do everything - which I have a hard time doing - so needless to say this is what has allowed me to be on here so much

Edited by kcmagu
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*KC and Plain, y'all are too funny!

So I have a severe trauma (motor vehicle crash) patient flying in. The fire truck that resonded to the scene -was just nailed by a tractor trailer and now that driver is coming in.

What is wrong with people - flashing lights do not mean come towards me - and I will move out of your way!

I pray that driver will be ok - I don't think mine will be.

I just don't get it!

(Not a great week for emergency vehicles in Kansas City)

KC, sounds like a rough night! I worry when DH is working an accident. Too many emergency personnel are hit by errant drivers.

DH had a rough last day of his shift last weekend (Saturday). Had a double-drowning at the lake, they got the adult back but not the 13 yr old. THEN that night had a 17 yr old boy heart attack and code at a local camp. They got him back and on the helicopter but don't know if he made it or not.

A few weeks ago the other shift had a drowning/recovery at the falls above the lake, 14 yr old boy.

Watching the 11 o'clock news tonight to find his station is at a structure fire right now. Total loss. He's home tonight tho but we were wondering why we smelled smoke. DH knew it was a structure and was outside looking for any evidence of something in our neighborhood. Nothing, then the "Breaking News" alert on TV.

I'm starting to get nervous now when he goes to work! YIKES!

Anyway, it's been a crazy few weeks here!

*Sick, it's good to "see" you!! Glad you're back on track again! Good for you!!! Don't be such a stranger! You're missed!

*Oh man! Must be a slight breeze 'cause we're getting more of the smoke and it's making me sneeze!! Dammit!

Okay it's REALLY late and I need to get to bed! See y'all tomorrow! Later today. Whatever! 'Night!!!!

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morning all.

still haven't gotten the tire fixed. SIL didn't get home till late last night. My neighbor still isn't home, so I suspect he is out of town on a business trip. I'm going to call my DSis and see if nephew worked last night or not. If not see if he will come change tire for me. This is killing me not doing it myself. I've done it many times, but I don't want to screw my back up any worse than it is. The 10 lb weight limit is driving me crazy. (not that I wasn't already crazy):)

Anywho......Ya'll have a blessed day

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FINALLY a full nights worth of posts!:) Plains back!

* happy endings - actually a joke between DH and i, there is a certain neighborhood downtown dallas that does massages & well you can pay extra, plain i'll get you the address.

don't ask how i know:sneaky:

* slim - for all the mowing requirements, i do love our place. we bought the place based on the property - the house, well we've been remodeling for WAY too long.

* snt - how can a kid break a window? well i didn't want to be ugly, but this 6yr old is probably 85lbs & she grabbed a partial open window and free form hung on.....crack & crumble.

her mom did leave me a vmail last night - so oblivious.

* kc - i love hearing about your job.!.

* fanny - our waters can't compare to your pics of AUS, i see what you mean re- split pea Soup.< /p>

* heartfire - 17yr old heart attack??? how scary

* ebony - like beth, i think plain might be onto something. kat also made a good point, not sure i would sign off on the reprimand w/out my documentation of "your" story included. hope your feeling better today.:)

caught up over coffee -

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G4E - I know what you mean! I hate not being able to "do anything" because of medical stuff. You just want to say, "let me do it!" But, you're doing good not to give in.

I'm here...at work. My lazy co-worker isn't. The chatty/touchy one is, though.

Why can't I scientifically combine them and take the cool, calm and fun-loving from the lazy chick and the dedication, honesty and intelligence from the touchy one?

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PJTP...Mornin' all! :)

Feeling much calmer this morning - kinda got my F-it attitude on. Smiling at everyone, stepping high...:wink2:

ROFLMBO at the previous night's messages - thank you all for the laughs this morning! :smile::lol::eek:

Heard from one of the jobs last night late - they are in the middle of a busy period, incorporating another section into their office. No decision made yet. I told them in the second email (sent one Monday) that I'll wait to hear from them. In the meantime, I've applied for 4 other positions - I'm not waiting. :drool:

Sent an email to the BB (Big Boss), who happens to be a man, not the LB (Little Boss) who is my immediate supervisor and the woman I have more challenges with at work. Told the BB that I'm planning to leave and asked that they hold off on the written reprimand to give me time to get out. LB already knew about the other job, since they wanted to contact her as my most recent supervisor. Don't know if they contacted her yet or not. Still no response from the BB to my request.:)

If he decides to move forward with the written reprimand, there's really nothing I can do about it - I'm hoping that he doesn't feel that vindictive and will just let it drop since I'm choosing to leave anyway. I wonder if he's getting pressure to resolve the matter before he goes out on paternity leave next week - not even sure how long he'll be gone.

No matter what, I'm going to try to keep my head up and not let the haters get me down. Having lunch with my union rep today to see what options she might have for me - though I'm not holding out a lot of hope with that either.

I hate that my 30-plus year work history has come to this...NEVER have I had someone treat me this way or cast aspersions on my work product this way. NEVER. :lol:

I am better than that - and I damn well know it. Sometimes I still want to cry, but I'm not going to let THEM see that. All they will see is a proud warrior woman going about her business and doing her job the best she knows how until I leave this place.

Have a great day all! Thanks tons for all the love and support - I really appreciate it! :eek:

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Well that explains why people thought you had a large member - it's ok though Plain - I hear not everybody thinks size matters.

Thanks for the tip though! :)

Oh my, you fit in VERRRRY well! :)

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Awesome attitude, Ebony. And I think you had a great idea in contacting the BB and asking them to hold off.

Gawd, what is it with some people???

Tell you what: Tomorrow, put on that white power suit to go along with your warrior mentality and set the place on fire with your upbeat attitude and think nothing but good thoughts about who you are, what you are, and what they are tossing away. :)

Cyber hugs and MUCH love to you.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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