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Morning SNT, and to all you other late risers, lol.

Fanny, I cannot allow chocolate to be anywhere within my reach or I will eat it all. Can you ask someone else to store it for you until the next meeting?

Michelle, great job on the hike. I bet if felt fantastic.

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Morning all

fanny I agree with Susan about someone else keeping them. I eat chocolates right up if I have it. Unfortunately putting a pic of myself on them wouldn't stop me at all. I would just pretend it wasn't there. I actually tried that once with the refrigerator with a picture of me and a pig.

Heart sounds like you had a good day yesterday.

I posted this on FB but I will post here also. I didn't sleep well last night. I finally started to doze about 5:30. At about 6:00 my neighbor starts weed whacking!:thumbup: I am not a happy camper.

Hurting today. I think part of it was I didn't get to ice down yesterday like the Dr. wants me to. After work had to go to my youngest DDs home. She didn't have any baggies or plastic bags to put ice in. Got home about 7:30 or so. Had laundry to do and tried hooking up my TV converter. So I only iced down before I went to work and once last night. Won't happen today. If I need to go take care of DD again today I will come home and grab my ice pouch thingy the Dr. gave me.

Well have a blessed day everyone.

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Morning all!

I'm working from home today; I somehow twisted my neck/shoulder and am challenged to rotate my head. As I walk to/from work, this could present a challenge in crossing roads safely! So, I decided to work from home and give it a bit of a rest. I am very disciplined about work, so I know I will get stuff done and not spend all day here!

Heartfire - YEAH on the walk. That's great!

g4e - Do what the doc says! Next time if you are visiting and don't have your ice thingie, see if they have a bag of frozen veggies or something.

Fanny - put the choc in the fridge, or at someone else's desk (although I do like KC's idea of a pic plus a sign of the cost of your PS)

OK - I'll check in later.

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I can't have chocolate near me, either! I wouldn't be able to do it!

Yesterday I was craving some junk food and I had a medium shake at Jack in the Box. checked the calories later and it was 910!!! Holy crap. I try to stay at 1000 each day and that was most of my day. So, I had salad for dinner last night, and I was still over 1000, but not as bad as I could have been.

If chocolate had been in the office - it would have been sucked down in one big bite. I never pb/slime chocolate - darn it.

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told dh about the windows last night - he wasn't all that pissed at me, but he did pull the bills out: each repair was $490.66. not sure who said it here, but he said the first one he could cough up as an accident - twice, she's just not being parented properly. not sure what i'm doing w/the bills just yet.

* heartfire - sounds like i nice hike w/your family!

* taps - hope your neck is feeling better / you too G4E.

* woke up way EARLY (lol susan) to jump on the tractor & mow before it hits 110 today. it would be so boring w/out my ipod:) here's a pic of my handy work:


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Wow, Lulu, that's a lot of mowin'! :)

Good job, though!

LOL - unfortunately that's only a 1/4 of the back property :wub:

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Lulu, I agree with Beth - that's one heck of a mowing job...and it's only partly done?!?!?!?!?!? Wow....just wow! Glad your DH didn't spaz out about the windows (on you, not the devil child).

Taps - take it easy with the neck stiffness...I have a recurring bout with that and it's so distracting. Makes driving a real adventure!

G4E - feel better hun! Follow those doc's orders (but you know that already)

Glouc, Fanny - I have NO control around chocolate either...Fanny - I agree you should either lock them up somewhere and give the key to someone else, or just get them out of your space. My former office used to keep chocolate for the medical residents when they came in off rotations and had been up all night. We got the good stuff - excellent dark chocolate and as many types of hershey's kisses as they made - including the seasonal ones...of course, this was all pre-band!:wub:

Kcmagu - you may have mentioned this, but what do you do for work? Sounds like maybe a hospital or health care setting...and what's up with the knife and gun club?

All - I was just informed by the Big Boss (BB) that they are going to file a 'next level' reprimand on me. This one will be written, and it goes into my employment record. :)

I'm falling apart at my desk as I type...the tears just won't stop. I do NOT deserve this...and I'm praying that one of the other jobs comes through before this thing hits my record...otherwise, it may make it impossible for me to leave in the way I want to. I've already notified my union rep - we are meeting tomorrow. I just want to say F-it and walk out. The job I had the second interview for still hasn't made a decision - at least not one they've notified ME about. I did email my contact on Monday after I returned from my vacation, but no response yet.

I HATE giving up, but right now that's what I feel like doing. I just want to go somewhere and hide...I feel like such a failure. :crying:

I've been working since I was 15 years old and NEVER has this happened to me...NEVER.

I just don't know what else I can do...they want PERFECTION and I can't give it to them...:crying::crying::crying:

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All - I was just informed by the Big Boss (BB) that they are going to file a 'next level' reprimand on me. This one will be written, and it goes into my employment record. :wub:

was this for something new that happened or previous complaint against you.?.

very sorry ebony - i don't have much advice for you but can send you a cyber (((HUG))).

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was this for something new that happened or previous complaint against you.?.

very sorry ebony - i don't have much advice for you but can send you a cyber (((HUG))).

Hey Lulu,

Follow up of the previous complaint. Anything short of perfection gets written up...this time, it happened to be a couple of seperate incidents.

First incident - I was sent an email that a candidate for our educational program had 'withdrawn' his candidacy. I put that word in quotes because it's important. I updated his record in the database as a 'Withdraw'. I was then told that he should have been an 'Admit Decline' so I changed it.

Second incident - there were discrepancies between what one of the divisions reported for scholarships and what our office reported. I had nothing to do with the reports, but was asked to check the status of the people with the discrepancies. While doing the check, I noticed a lot of them had no description for the scholarship they had recieved. I had been told earlier that this was important information, so I entered the description on the records - probably 25 or so of them. I was questioned as to why I updated the records, and I explained my actions. Obviously that wasn't good enough, because that's one of the things I am being written up for. I thought data consistency was important - obviously not.

I'm just going to have to wade through this...I don't know if I'll be able to continue with my current employer, though it is a big organization. Once this hits my permanent record, I'll be persona non grata, so I might as well start planning my exit now.

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I'm just going to have to wade through this...I don't know if I'll be able to continue with my current employer, though it is a big organization. Once this hits my permanent record, I'll be persona non grata, so I might as well start planning my exit now.

I am so sorry you are going through this Ebony. I am praying 15_3_37.gifloud and hard for you to hear back from the other position. Hold your head up because you haven't done anything wrong IMHO. I think your supervisor has it out for you and she is pulling all the stunts that she can to make you look bad. I know it is hard not to cry when you have been at a job that you liked at one time, and has now turned into a nightmare. But read my lips:wub: YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE! You are a wonderful, intelligent woman. Don't let them take that away from you hon! It is sad that the higher ups won't look past your supervisor to what you are really capable of and are missing out on because of your supervisor.

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So sorry for all the crap they are putting you through Ebony. Can you add things to your file as well, if so I would have it typed up exactly what your side of it is, and not sign the written reprimand without notation of it being in your file.

Will be praying hard for you today!!!

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Ebony hang in there - I'm so sorry you're going through all that - maybe your union rep will have some reassuring words for you.

In answer to your question I am an ICU nurse (if you haven't gathered I work nights) in a trauma center - the 'knife and gun club' is how we like to refer to the gangs.

Should be sleeping right now but my gutter man is back and he likes to wake me up.

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Hi everyone! It is coffee time. I hope everyone has a great day! I also hope that those of you having band problems are feeling better today.

Morning, Slim. Well afternoon now, I guess!

Michelle, great job on the hike. I bet if felt fantastic.

Thanks. It did feel great and I wanna go again!

I didn't sleep well last night. I finally started to doze about 5:30. At about 6:00 my neighbor starts weed whacking!:wub: I am not a happy camper.

Hurting today. I think part of it was I didn't get to ice down yesterday like the Dr. wants me to. After work had to go to my youngest DDs home. She didn't have any baggies or plastic bags to put ice in. Got home about 7:30 or so. Had laundry to do and tried hooking up my TV converter. So I only iced down before I went to work and once last night. Won't happen today. If I need to go take care of DD again today I will come home and grab my ice pouch thingy the Dr. gave me.

Well have a blessed day everyone.


I'm sorry you're hurting today. I sure hope you can get relief soon.

Morning all!

I'm working from home today; I somehow twisted my neck/shoulder and am challenged to rotate my head. As I walk to/from work, this could present a challenge in crossing roads safely! So, I decided to work from home and give it a bit of a rest. I am very disciplined about work, so I know I will get stuff done and not spend all day here!


I'm sorry you're in pain too! What's going on around here? Yikes!

Yesterday I was craving some junk food and I had a medium shake at Jack in the Box. checked the calories later and it was 910!!! Holy crap. I try to stay at 1000 each day and that was most of my day. So, I had salad for dinner last night, and I was still over 1000, but not as bad as I could have been.

YIKES! Aren't you glad you didn't gat a large? Holy Moly! And good thing you checked before eating anything else! The day could have been REALLY bad then!

told dh about the windows last night - he wasn't all that pissed at me, but he did pull the bills out: each repair was $490.66. not sure who said it here, but he said the first one he could cough up as an accident - twice, she's just not being parented properly. not sure what i'm doing w/the bills just yet.

* woke up way EARLY (lol susan) to jump on the tractor & mow before it hits 110 today. it would be so boring w/out my ipod:) here's a pic of my handy work:

Glad DH didn't go ballistic on you!

Nice mowing. Only 3 more days and you'll be all done!

Thanks, it was a fantastic day!

I'm just going to have to wade through this...I don't know if I'll be able to continue with my current employer, though it is a big organization. Once this hits my permanent record, I'll be persona non grata, so I might as well start planning my exit now.

Ebony, I just don't know what to say other than I'm praying for you. I'm PISSED OFF too!!!!

I am so sorry you are going through this Ebony. I am praying 15_3_37.gifloud and hard for you to hear back from the other position. Hold your head up because you haven't done anything wrong IMHO. I think your supervisor has it out for you and she is pulling all the stunts that she can to make you look bad. I know it is hard not to cry when you have been at a job that you liked at one time, and has now turned into a nightmare. But read my lips:crying: YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE! You are a wonderful, intelligent woman. Don't let them take that away from you hon! It is sad that the higher ups won't look past your supervisor to what you are really capable of and are missing out on because of your supervisor.

What she said!

So sorry for all the crap they are putting you through Ebony. Can you add things to your file as well, if so I would have it typed up exactly what your side of it is, and not sign the written reprimand without notation of it being in your file.

Will be praying hard for you today!!!


Ebony hang in there - I'm so sorry you're going through all that - maybe your union rep will have some reassuring words for you.

In answer to your question I am an ICU nurse (if you haven't gathered I work nights) in a trauma center - the 'knife and gun club' is how we like to refer to the gangs.

Should be sleeping right now but my gutter man is back and he likes to wake me up.

I gathered you were a nurse but I was thinking ER with the knife and gun club comment. ICU is just as bad once those idiots get going!

Sorry your gutter man is keeping you up! Hopefully you can sleep soon. Too bad he didn't work nights! LOL!

*Oops! Gotta go! Need to pick DD up from Preschool. Tomorrow is her last day. She'll be sad. :) This AM she came in to bed and said, "Get up mama! I got go preschool!" LOL!!

Don't know if I'll make it back on later. I've got a Depo shot appt in the city this afternoon then I'm staying down for a 4 wheel drive meeting. We'll see how late I get back.

(((HUGS))) to everyone! TTFN!

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Wow, you guys had a busy day.

Ebony,I am praying for you. I am also PISSED off for you. It is obvious that she has it out for you, but I cannot fathom why. You are a very bright, talented woman. Don't let that woman win by thinking your a failure. You are not the failure, she is! I can only hope that she hasn't said anything to your potential employers to make them feel that you are not employable. She seems that she would be just the b*tch to do something like that.

KC-I figured you worked in a hospital setting. I would not have guessed ICU. I would have said ER.

Tap, Beth, G4E-I hope that you are all feeling better (neck pains, tight bands, back pain, etc).

Luluc-your yard (mini city) is huge! You could fit my entire neighborhood (including the nearby golf course) in your backyard!

Fanny, Glouc-there is no way I could have chocolate near me. Actually, the last 30 or so pounds that I gained right before deciding to get banded were from eating chocolate. We had a candy dish(more like desk) that had nothing but Reese's, Hershey's, Snickers, and suckers. I was responsible for making sure it was re-filled (sure, make the fat chick by the candy). I finally told them no more! We haven't had candy since then. I have no will power when it comes to stuff like that.

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