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glouc - that is SO funny, i call DH a pyro in training - he goes OVERBOARD with fireworks on the 4th & NYRS. like a kid - but we too have a burn ban in effect; so there will be no boom boom pow:(

i think the only fear i have is ferris wheels - don't ask me why. i will go on roller coaster after coster, jump out of a plane, cliff dive you name it .... but something about those ferris wheels freaks me out.

i'm sure that's a psych chair diagnosis:)

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My DH loves to do fireworks. He would spend lots of $$$ on fireworks. DH and DS would spend hours just going through the fireworks store looking to see what they want to buy. They love the big things that we have no business with (we live in a neighborhood FULL of trees).

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g4e - funny about the ladder. I used to be such a dare devil, but the other day I tried to climb on the roof to take care of some branches and I COULDN'T. I just couldn't make myself do it. I was always a little punk kid climbing trees and such, and I just froze!

That's why I'd WANT to skydive, but someone would have to push me. Or, have me be tethered to someone who just drags me out. :lol::crying:

I hear you Glou. I used to climb trees, jump out of haylofts. Climb down the TV attena to sneek out:wink2:. I used to want to skydive, Maybe we can do it together in the future!:P We'll just hold hands and let someone push us out of the plane. Any takers? LOL

Ditto for rescues. I have eight. I belong to Greyhond Rescue. Five Greyhounds, two Iggies, one lab all rescues. Love Them. They are part of my journey to lose weight too! They are very encouraging and never have a nasty thing to say. Love it.:)

I have thought about adopting a greyhound. But I have cats. Right now I can't afford it anyway. All my dogs have been given to me so they wouldn't go to the pound. I don't have any dogs anymore. I miss them. But I have to have one that is kid and cat freindly. I still have to fence in my back yard before I get another dog.

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*G4E - hoping and praying you get some pain relief soon!

*The dog - omg, y'all are hitting the nail right on the head. I know my sister hates the dog, but at the same time she makes the same excuses her husband does for the dog. I think it's because she knows if she goes against sonny-boy, hubby will go against her. She waited to age 37 before she got married, and unfortunately her husband totally wussifies his son. Kid is 13 years old and cries for "daddy" when he goes to bed. When they visited here, he wouldn't even sleep in his own guest room! He piled in with the two of them. The reason? There was a mirror in his room. Which I offered to take down. :P

I have determined (though haven't said yet so as not to cause a fight) that if that dog bites me, I'm calling animal control. No ifs, ands, or buts. If I could afford a hotel room AND a rental car, I'd do it, but as it is, with no job... she's helping me with the airfare.

PJTP: I have an interview the day I get home! They wanted to meet with me this week, but obviously no can do. I get in Monday morning, and originally they wanted me there at 11:00, but because I get in at 9:00 and still have to get home to get my car... I asked if we could do afternoon. So I go in at 2:00! I got the referral through an agency, and it's temp-to-perm. They want somebody to grow with their firm, which is what I want as well. So... let's see how it goes!

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Beth, I know you are in a spot with the dog being as your sister now is in on the protect the kid thing, but I'll tell ya, if that thing so much as nipped at me, I would hit the ER, and ship the bill directly to them. That alone would get animal control involved. Do they at least get the dogs vaccinations??

My Dad years ago used to drive a company truck, around in the hills checking well sites. He had several dogs who would chase him from farm roads, and he was always afraid of running one over. He had a vet tell him to get a small Water pistol, and add a couple of teaspoons of vinigar to the water, and spray them in the face when they were running beside the truck. It will burn their eyes, but not harm them. He said it worked, they did not chase his truck. They knew the difference. He said he could be following another truck and they would chase it, then go to the side of the road and avoid his!

So maybe take a water gun and make him afraid of you without harming him. I know that sounds like I am not a dog lover, and I am, but seriously---------no one is going to take care of you, sister is too concerned about keeping the marriage peaceful, and it sounds like she has a brat of a step son, who will only get worse since boundaries are not there.....sister may have a rough road ahead.

Good luck Beth, vacation just lost some appeal I can tell.

As for eating out, I do not have much of a fill, so can eat lunch or dinner without issue, and since Breakfast is hard, I simply avoid it!

I have learned to completely quit eating---and it really has become habit. To take a bite and quit. Then take another....and quit. The pauses are seldom if ever noticed. I always quote the ones who mention it, that it takes 20 minutes for your brain to recognize being full----and they shut up, and usually slow down themselves!!!

Luckily I can still do part of a burger---maybe 1/4 of a small one. But I would have done the salad by choice.....so guess I am not much help. And yeah the Cookies and brownies would have been an issue--but I have ALWAYS found Fuddrucker brownies to be a dissappointment, so that helps!! Try ONE--you might find the same!

Gotta get to work----

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Beth Thank you for your kind words.

Good luck with the job interview! Lots of thoughts and prayers are going up for you to get it!

I like the idea Kat said about the vinegar. I forgot I used to pour it over my garbage bags to keep strays out of them yrs. ago. Do it. Explain to your sister that what you are doing. Just do it when the kid and daddy isn't looking! or spray them. LOL:rolleyes2: I pray your trip is safe and fun. Maybe it will work out for the best.

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Congrats on the interview Beth! I think Kat gave a very good idea with Water gun. I also don't blame you for deciding to call animal control if you are bitten. Hopefully it won't come to that.

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Hi all. Doing my monthly drive by post... not really I just forget to come here so much since I have so many LBT peopes on FB now.

Please blame Lulu for that! haha

I still have like 19 lbs to lose and eventually will get back on the wagon. Until then I am enjoying being like 12 sometimes 13 sizes smaller and the energy level I have. I still haven't had a fill since last October and each time I think I need one I go on liquids for a day or 2 and realize that when I am in check I cant eat much at all! So I am fine I just gotta tough it up and get my ass in gear.

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Hi Brandy! You should visit more often for us non-facebookers.

You're not gonna let us suck you into the darkside eh slim?

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You're not gonna let us suck you into the darkside eh slim?

Not so far. I just can't seem to make myself do it.

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PJTP...Been super busy today - going on vacation always seems to cause that!

I'm an animal lover, so don't judge too harshly when I say this: I would hope it does bite me, so that I would be the one taking care of it since they won't.

I'm an animal lover too, but damn! This dog sounds beyond help...

My aunt had 2 dogs. Brother and sister German Shepherds, and the sister was the sweetest dog ever. The brother...POS evil dog. It would bite anyone who wasn't my aunt, her son & husband, or my brother. They muzzled him 24/7 if people were there because he was Houdini and could chew through anything to get to someone to bite them.

Several times he'd barge through whatever gateway they'd constructed, knock me over and be at my neck in an instant! If it weren't for the muzzle, I'd be dead - several times over!

That is freakin' ridiculous...that dog should have been put down - and I hate doing that, because I'm an animal lover too, but obviously the poor thing had issues...

I think they should be willing to do more to protect their guests and family. If not, would a hotel be out of order? It's not really worth the risk of a) getting bitten and :ohmy: the family drama.

Looking back on our instances, I don't think a muzzle was good enough for our family menace. They should have had better training and if that didn't work, a proper home for a dog that vicous. A family isn't the place for that type of behaviorial issues.


not a bad thought.

as stated by glouc & ebony - this is just bad dog ownership, rather the dog owns them if they can't control it......and in my mind if you can't control, you shouldn't own - period.


i'm not subjecting myself to a lawsuit because my dog may not like someone.

This, IMO, is critical...you have to decide what's important...

a dominant dog will only get away with what you allow - if your sister can't deal, i like ebony's idea of a hotel rm. maybe then she'll take your concerns to heart??

Our DDog, Sisko, knows that DH is the boss, and I come in second...I don't hesitate to yank his chain (literally) if he's overstepping his bounds, and if he misbehaves, he's segregated from the family and we ignore him. He's become a real touchy-feely dog since he came to us, so depriving him of his pats on the head and his belly scratches sends a clear message...

The problem is, the stepson rules the roost. It's his dog, and the father makes all sorts of concessions for the dog for the sake of the kid. Where my sister used to be the lone hold-out, I think now she goes along to get along.

So does the brat have the money to defend a lawsuit?

I mean, the mother of the boy had the dog a few weeks ago when my parents came to visit (don't ask, I already tried that -- the mother won't be in town) because my mom was afraid the dog might bite. The dog ended up biting the friend of the boy's mother!

I have no idea how many times this dog has bitten. Truth be told, we will probably never know or be told how often. One time was a child that the dog nipped. My BIL asked if it drew blood, and when the mother said no, he was like, "Meeh, okay. Kid should stay away from the dog."

There is no f-ing way I would allow anyone near that dog, if it was mine...it would be muzzled or locked away anytime someone came over - the kid could just get over it...

This dog even gutted my sister's beloved dog, which I can't believe didn't result in them ridding themselves of this monster. The poor dog (smaller, maltese/shihtsu mix) had to get stitches!

I mean, WTF??

Okay - if Cujo is gutting other animals, that ALONE is a good reason to get him professional help or have him put down. I've seen pit bulls that were raised to fight at the pound - they can be sweet to people, but are very dangerous to other animals. They are always put down - a shame, because it's really not the dog's fault, but they are too dangerous to be let loose.

I forgot that this was the primary reason I wouldn't go visit them. I'm already nervous it's gonna get ugly.

You know where to find us if you need us, Beth...

*Beth, Ebony and Slim, Thinking of you and hoping y'all are able to work out the head stuff for yourselves. I'm finding the head stuff to be the hardest part so far. Tho waiting another month for a badly needed fill just may change my mind on that point!

Agree totally - the head stuff is tough...

*Beth, that dog needs to GO! It needs to find a home where the owner will step up and actually BE the alpha. If it's not too late. I'm afraid it may be in which case, unfortunately the dog will need to be put down. I HATE irresponsible dog owners. It's always the poor animal that ends up paying the biggest price.

Ain't that the truth!

*PJTP - truck is still at the shop and we haven't heard from them yet. Not looking good. :) I know it's going to be bad and it's going to have to go on a CC. :lol: :crying: My poor truck and our poor finances! :crying:

Oh yikes...I know THAT feeling...hope it's not as bad as you fear...

Morning all!

Lulu- it's a deal - if ever I get to Texas, we can go jump out of an airplane! I'm hoping to go hot air ballooning this summer with my mother but finding an operator who agrees to take a frail elderly woman with a bad cardiac history and using a cane or walker up is a challenge.

Maybe they would let you sign a special waiver? Do a google search for 'health waiver' and see what comes up...calling ahead might help as well.

Dogs - love 'em. Hate irresponsible owners. Beth, your sister's family dog is one bite away from tragedy and/or bankruptcy. Either way it will be a tragedy for a pet that has not been raised properly. One alpha being in a household, and it should NEVER be the dog!


Well, I suppose I should get to the stuff Im paid to do...oh, and to my Canadian friends and family - Happy Canada Day.


But it is a tradition I started with my girls. I let them choose what they wanted to eat for their b-day dinners.

How cool is that? My mom and dad did something similar...

Ebony, I pray you hear something today. I know your on pins and needles about the job. Are you driving or flying to Fl. for vacation?

No word on the job yet...they know I'm going on vacation, so hopefully tomorrow. We are flying - it's gonna be great!

Susan how is the unpacking going?

I pray everyone has a blessed day.

I just want to say Thank you all for being my friends. One of these days I might meet some of you all. That would be awesome!:ohmy:

Sounds like a plan...maybe we should plan a PJTP reunion in 2010?

*G4E - hoping and praying you get some pain relief soon!


*The dog - omg, y'all are hitting the nail right on the head. I know my sister hates the dog, but at the same time she makes the same excuses her husband does for the dog. I think it's because she knows if she goes against sonny-boy, hubby will go against her.

Whatever happened to 'forsaking all others' in the marriage vows?

She waited to age 37 before she got married, and unfortunately her husband totally wussifies his son. Kid is 13 years old and cries for "daddy" when he goes to bed. When they visited here, he wouldn't even sleep in his own guest room! He piled in with the two of them. The reason? There was a mirror in his room. Which I offered to take down. :ohmy:

OMFG...what? That kid is going to be a handful as he gets older - what, is Dad going to bail him out of jail, too?

I have determined (though haven't said yet so as not to cause a fight) that if that dog bites me, I'm calling animal control. No ifs, ands, or buts.

I agree - that's a plan!

If I could afford a hotel room AND a rental car, I'd do it, but as it is, with no job... she's helping me with the airfare.

If they don't control that dog, they will be paying medical bills as well...

PJTP: I have an interview the day I get home! They wanted to meet with me this week, but obviously no can do. I get in Monday morning, and originally they wanted me there at 11:00, but because I get in at 9:00 and still have to get home to get my car... I asked if we could do afternoon. So I go in at 2:00! I got the referral through an agency, and it's temp-to-perm. They want somebody to grow with their firm, which is what I want as well. So... let's see how it goes!

Yay! Good luck with the vacation AND the interview!

My Dad years ago used to drive a company truck, around in the hills checking well sites. He had several dogs who would chase him from farm roads, and he was always afraid of running one over. He had a vet tell him to get a small Water pistol, and add a couple of teaspoons of vinigar to the water, and spray them in the face when they were running beside the truck. It will burn their eyes, but not harm them. He said it worked, they did not chase his truck. They knew the difference. He said he could be following another truck and they would chase it, then go to the side of the road and avoid his!

This sounds like a terrific idea!

So maybe take a water gun and make him afraid of you without harming him. I know that sounds like I am not a dog lover, and I am, but seriously---------no one is going to take care of you, sister is too concerned about keeping the marriage peaceful, and it sounds like she has a brat of a step son, who will only get worse since boundaries are not there.....sister may have a rough road ahead.

I agree wholeheartedly...

I have learned to completely quit eating---and it really has become habit. To take a bite and quit. Then take another....and quit. The pauses are seldom if ever noticed.

I wish I could do that...that's always been an issue for me - stopping when I'm full and learning to eat slowly. I didn't begin to master it until I was banded. Sometimes I think if I wasn't banded, I'd still be eating way too fast and way too much...

Hi all.

Hi Brandy!

I still have like 19 lbs to lose and eventually will get back on the wagon. Until then I am enjoying being like 12 sometimes 13 sizes smaller and the energy level I have. I still haven't had a fill since last October and each time I think I need one I go on liquids for a day or 2 and realize that when I am in check I cant eat much at all! So I am fine I just gotta tough it up and get my ass in gear.

OMG - girl, you've done so WELL! I'd be happy to only have 19 to lose...hopefully, I'll get there by Christmas. That's the goal, anyway...

Going back to work now...crazy last-minute stuff going on...:P

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Talking about the 4th, they have already started celebrating in my neighborhood. They started shooting off fireworks last night about 9pm.

I just want to say Thank you all for being my friends. One of these days I might meet some of you all. That would be awesome!:crying:

G4E - Maybe those neighbors are Canadian and started celebrating Canada Day - my Canadian relatives and friends in the US do. Then they just continue on to the 4th of July ....double the fun!!

And yes, wouldn't a PJTP party be fun...who wants to host that event?? food bill would be small, but the liquor bill....:P:lol:

I am terrified of heights. It has only gotten worse as I have gotten older.

No fear of heights for me, but then again, if I was 3000' in the air, and the plane door opened and someone said 'jump'...I don't know. I hope I could, I would like to, but the reality might be different....

It's sad when I want to go swimming at DD's home and can't get above the 3rd rung on the ladder for the pool! It's one of those big inflatable pools. When I lose some more weight I am going to try to fix that problem. How... I am not for sure yet.

g4e - one thng at a time. First get your medical issues resolved, then the weight, and then the fear of heights...

I used to be such a dare devil, but the other day I tried to climb on the roof to take care of some branches and I COULDN'T.That's why I'd WANT to skydive, but someone would have to push me. Or, have me be tethered to someone who just drags me out. :crying:

I have heard that for your first jump you are with someone, so maybe that would solve your issue. So, at this PJTP get -together that someone will plan, perhaps a skydiving event could be incorporated and Lulu, you, I and others will have a grand old time leaping into thin air from moving planes at high altitudes....

. I have eight. I belong to Greyhond Rescue. Five Greyhounds, two Iggies, one lab all rescues. Love Them. They are part of my journey to lose weight too! They are very encouraging and never have a nasty thing to say.

Hi Grey...8 dogs; you and Lulu are a pair! I'm all for rescues, but 8 dogs would be too much...even if I were to get another dog which I won't. No NO NO!!!

i think the only fear i have is ferris wheels - don't ask me why. i will go on roller coaster after coster, jump out of a plane, cliff dive you name it .... but something about those ferris wheels freaks me out.

i'm sure that's a psych chair diagnosis:)

For me it is swings...I can climb on roofs, climb up ladders etc but I cannot get on a swing. Well...I can sit on it, but it better not move - I get seasick! And I don't do roller-coasters...are you mad? They are terrifying!!!:):scared2:

We'll just hold hands and let someone push us out of the plane. Any takers? LOL


LIne up starts behind me!!!

*PJTP: I have an interview the day I get home! I got the referral through an agency, and it's temp-to-perm. They want somebody to grow with their firm, which is what I want as well. So... let's see how it goes!

YAY Beth! Sending good vibes your way...

I'll tell ya, if that thing so much as nipped at me, I would hit the ER, and ship the bill directly to them.

I have learned to completely quit eating---and it really has become habit. To take a bite and quit. Then take another....and quit. The pauses are seldom if ever noticed. I always quote the ones who mention it, that it takes 20 minutes for your brain to recognize being full----and they shut up, and usually slow down themselves!!!

Maybe I need to try that...one bite and quit. It will be a challenge as self-control is not my middle name!

Hi all. Doing my monthly drive by post... not really I just forget to come here so much since I have so many LBT peopes on FB now.


HI Brandy! How can you forget us?????

Hi Brandy! You should visit more often for us non-facebookers.

What she said!

You're not gonna let us suck you into the darkside eh slim?

I'm with Slim...facebook is not in my future.

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DD is out of her first summer school session and home during the day. She made Peanut Butter Cookies, and taped herself making them! (She's a little Rachel Ray wannabe.)

So, we have low-fat peanut butter, she used splenda, and 1 egg - they are sooo good. But, we're watching it, so I told her to sit down and go over the calories.

260 calories for one! She was shocked, I was shocked...we were all stunned. We'd already eaten one each...well, sucked it down, really.

So, DH ate them and she and I had fruit. :P

I just wonder what it would have been if I didn't buy lowfat stuff, or splenda. I had to redo the math a few times!

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Yes! I'm up for skydiving at the get-together! The non-crazies can stay on the ground and get blackmail pictures as I smack the ground and bounce, then smack and bounce, smack and bounce, until I settle in a small heap over the body of the person who once was a tandem skydiver instructor...

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