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i wanted to go bungee jumping (went sky diving on my 30th - figured do another dare devil act for 40) but hubby said he didn't have enough life insurance out on myself...JK


I would LOVE to go sky-diving, but under no circumstances would I try bungee jumping....No one wants to go sky-diving with me, and what fun would it be to do this all by myself? Maybe I will do it as a 'finally made goal' reward. Or my 60th birthday...whichever comes first!

Glad you had a good birthday!

I think you are the coolest for WANTING to find the rightful owner. :thumbup:

Thanks Ebony! I tried customer service...no luck. The contents indicate the age of the locket, as does the locket itself...they don't make them like that anymore. The inscription is really worn.

The base price was very nice, but NOTHING is included. You want lights? Oh, that's an upgrade.

I'll just simmer the next few months, move into my house and then love it for the rest of my life - even if it kills him, er, me...

Been there, Glou. Windows (more than single pane) - extra. Locks on the doors - extra. Cupboard handles - extra. And so on and so on. Although the builder suggested budgeting 15% for extras, in fact it worked out to (in my case) 40%...and then of course, my relationship tanked, I had to sell the house...oh well. I LOVED it when I had it, and I just think back now that I was fortunate I was able to own it for the 13 years I did; some people never get that experience.

he's not a fan of bungee jumping - doesnt' think they're safe, like jumping out of a perfectly fine plane is...:thumbup:

But that's exactly how I think - and it makes perfect sense!!! :thumbup:

there are days i want to bite a hole in my tongue from biting it so hard INSTEAD of smacking DH upside the head w/a paintbrush. did i say that????:cursing:

You only want to use a paintbrush?!?! There are times during our renovations that I considered serious bodily harm...and I was using a sledgehammer at the time!!

. You are automatically charged $260.00 just for signing your name on the roster. it doesn't mater if you are seen or not. If you get tired of waiting and leave to go to the other hospital you are still charged.

G4E...It does suck having to pay the fee. Screwing with your health though costs a lot more in the long run. Perhaps there is some financial assistance capabilities?

Oh, G4E- what a mess! I am keeping you in my thoughts, and wishing the best for you.

re: ER fee - grrr...Bastards.


I did as I promised Ebony yesterday and contacted (via e-mail) a therapist here in town whose top three specialties includes eating disorders. Now I wait to hear back.

Good for you Beth!

With the economy the way it is and lenders not really leanding out much money, you'd think you could work a deal about now... :tongue2:

You would think so, wouldn't you?

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PJTP: Okay, is it just me overreacting?

I'm leaving tomorrow to see my sister. That's the good part. However, it wasn't until after I told my mom about me going that she reminded me of my sister's stepson's dog. Damn Dog (DD) has a helluva history.

I couldn't even begin to tell you how many people DD had bitten. I'd say I KNOW about at least 20 people. However, she and her husband (I think mostly the husband, but now sis is in on the excuses) keep saying stuff like, "She just bites strangers as they come in the house." Um, NO. She bit my SIL while she was visiting -- had already been there a few days -- as she was helping my sister bring in groceries. She has also rushed people at their cabin -- outside -- and bitten them in the driveway. She bit my cousin while he was building their fence after he'd been there for days. Tore his jeans! She's bitten friends. She's bitten strangers. She's bitten family. A couple years ago my sister and I were literally planning on how to dump the dog at the pound whne they moved to their new house, with the hopes that her husband and stepson would believe she got lost and ran away.

They have a muzzle for the beast, but the son (who's 13) won't keep it on her. After I had booked and paid for my flight, I remembered why I never have gone there. Because I know that, with this dog's history and THEIR history of not doing anything about her, if she bit me I'd stomp her into the dirt. And we're not talking a little ankle-biter -- she's about a 45-50 pound dog. Maybe more. I think my sister said their dog is a bit taller than mine, and mine is 48 pounds.

So the other day I was telling her something needs to be done with the dog. I had hoped it would go with the boy's mother, like they did when my parents went to visit last month. No can do as the mom will be out of town. Then I said maybe the dog can go with the guys to the cabin for the 4th (we're not going), and now she says that there's a problem with that too. SOOO.... we're gonna be stuck with this dog that bites, I'm ALREADY getting stressed about the potential troubles, and she's getting somewhat shitty with me now saying to quit "harping" on it. I wrote her back and said I wouldn't feel the need to "harp" if it wasn't for the fact that I know she's bitten SO many people (and these are just the cases I know about). She claims the dog will be caged from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. I also requested she be muzzled when she's not caged.

Frankly I'm surprised somebody hasn't sued them.

So... overreacting? To be honest, I'm more concerned about the trouble this will cause than the bite itself. The fact that they absolutely take NO responsibility for this dog just boggles the mind, but nothing's too good for sonny boy (as far as daddy is concerned). Apparently friends and family be damned. :thumbup:

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PJTP: Okay, is it just me overreacting?

I'm leaving tomorrow to see my sister. That's the good part. However, it wasn't until after I told my mom about me going that she reminded me of my sister's stepson's dog. Damn Dog (DD) has a helluva history.

I couldn't even begin to tell you how many people DD had bitten. I'd say I KNOW about at least 20 people.

This dog has a real history...has anyone reported this?

However, she and her husband (I think mostly the husband, but now sis is in on the excuses) keep saying stuff like, "She just bites strangers as they come in the house." Um, NO. She bit my SIL while she was visiting -- had already been there a few days -- as she was helping my sister bring in groceries. She has also rushed people at their cabin -- outside -- and bitten them in the driveway. She bit my cousin while he was building their fence after he'd been there for days. Tore his jeans! She's bitten friends. She's bitten strangers. She's bitten family.

And this dog is still allowed around normal people because why? :thumbup:

A couple years ago my sister and I were literally planning on how to dump the dog at the pound whne they moved to their new house, with the hopes that her husband and stepson would believe she got lost and ran away.

Oh my...

They have a muzzle for the beast, but the son (who's 13) won't keep it on her. After I had booked and paid for my flight, I remembered why I never have gone there. Because I know that, with this dog's history and THEIR history of not doing anything about her, if she bit me I'd stomp her into the dirt. And we're not talking a little ankle-biter -- she's about a 45-50 pound dog. Maybe more. I think my sister said their dog is a bit taller than mine, and mine is 48 pounds.

That's a lawsuit waiting to happen...especially with this dog's history. They could lose their house if the wrong person gets bitten and decides to sue. The muzzle, their refusal to use it, etc, would all come into play...

So the other day I was telling her something needs to be done with the dog. I had hoped it would go with the boy's mother, like they did when my parents went to visit last month. No can do as the mom will be out of town. Then I said maybe the dog can go with the guys to the cabin for the 4th (we're not going), and now she says that there's a problem with that too. SOOO.... we're gonna be stuck with this dog that bites, I'm ALREADY getting stressed about the potential troubles, and she's getting somewhat shitty with me now saying to quit "harping" on it.

You are not 'harping', this dog is dangerous...

I wrote her back and said I wouldn't feel the need to "harp" if it wasn't for the fact that I know she's bitten SO many people (and these are just the cases I know about). She claims the dog will be caged from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. I also requested she be muzzled when she's not caged.

Frankly I'm surprised somebody hasn't sued them.

Same here...are you going to be the first?

So... overreacting? To be honest, I'm more concerned about the trouble this will cause than the bite itself. The fact that they absolutely take NO responsibility for this dog just boggles the mind, but nothing's too good for sonny boy (as far as daddy is concerned). Apparently friends and family be damned. :D

I would book a hotel room close by just in case...you do NOT need to be subjected to that crap...and if the dog is not muzzled when you arrive, or in it's cage, don't go in the house. It may come down to that - but this is your safety we are talking about...

You could also drop an anonymous 'dime' to the local animal control officer and have the da** dog confiscated until they decide to DO something.

Our DDog, Sisko, has a difficult history with anyone outside of the family, so that's why we walk him in the early morning when no one's around, and late at night. If we're out in the middle of the day, he has a muzzle on...he hates it, but I'm not willing to risk my house, and most of the time he's inside during the middle of the day. We do take him to the dog park occasionally, but if there are dogs his size or bigger, he gets aggressive, so when we see them coming, we take him home.

It's just a fact of life...when we have people over, the dog is locked into another room of the house - we don't give him the chance to bite anyone. No RESPONSIBLE dog owner should!:cursing:

I feel for ya, Beth...but don't let this continue...you DO NOT have to put up with that kind of nonsense. They are going to find out very quickly if that dog bites the wrong person that there are serious consequences for doing NOTHING. :angry:

Besides, we need you here, whole and uninjured! :wub:

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I'm an animal lover, so don't judge too harshly when I say this: I would hope it does bite me, so that I would be the one taking care of it since they won't.

My aunt had 2 dogs. Brother and sister German Shepherds, and the sister was the sweetest dog ever. The brother...POS evil dog. It would bite anyone who wasn't my aunt, her son & husband, or my brother. They muzzled him 24/7 if people were there because he was Houdini and could chew through anything to get to someone to bite them.

Several times he'd barge through whatever gateway they'd constructed, knock me over and be at my neck in an instant! If it weren't for the muzzle, I'd be dead - several times over!

I think they should be willing to do more to protect their guests and family. If not, would a hotel be out of order? It's not really worth the risk of a) getting bitten and :thumbup: the family drama.

Looking back on our instances, I don't think a muzzle was good enough for our family menace. They should have had better training and if that didn't work, a proper home for a dog that vicous. A family isn't the place for that type of behaviorial issues.

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I'm an animal lover, so don't judge too harshly when I say this: I would hope it does bite me, so that I would be the one taking care of it since they won't..

not a bad thought.

as stated by glouc & ebony - this is just bad dog ownership, rather the dog owns them if they can't control it......and in my mind if you can't control, you shouldn't own - period.

i have a 48lb TERROR of a red heeler. essentially she is our guard dog, and while she has never bit anyone - she does "head butt" a new persons heels (thus being a heeler). i have her on a short leash to get accustomed to new individuals - she has to snif you out - but I control that leash, and she knows i own her sassy ass if she gets out of control. we have a kennel on the property and if someone is scared of her - she spends the day there. i'm not subjecting myself to a lawsuit because my dog may not like someone.

but she is my protector - so i have to allow for her "controlling ways" somewhat - but on a SHORT LEASH, if i have anyone on the property that doesn't belong - she'll deal w/them, not the 100lb lab who will roll over for a belly rub.

a dominant dog will only get away with what you allow - if your sister can't deal, i like ebony's idea of a hotel rm. maybe then she'll take your concerns to heart??

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eating out w/DH is fine - both banded, both know to go slow and take it easy.

i have problems when dining out w/friends. i let the chatter get the best of me and i don't pay attention get stuck, and leave a plateful of food that will now become DH's lunch the next day.

That's me to a tee: eating + chatter = stuck every time :thumbup:.

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not a bad thought.

as stated by glouc & ebony - this is just bad dog ownership, rather the dog owns them if they can't control it......and in my mind if you can't control, you shouldn't own - period.

i have a 48lb TERROR of a red heeler. essentially she is our guard dog, and while she has never bit anyone - she does "head butt" a new persons heels (thus being a heeler). i have her on a short leash to get accustomed to new individuals - she has to snif you out - but I control that leash, and she knows i own her sassy ass if she gets out of control. we have a kennel on the property and if someone is scared of her - she spends the day there. i'm not subjecting myself to a lawsuit because my dog may not like someone.

but she is my protector - so i have to allow for her "controlling ways" somewhat - but on a SHORT LEASH, if i have anyone on the property that doesn't belong - she'll deal w/them, not the 100lb lab who will roll over for a belly rub.

a dominant dog will only get away with what you allow - if your sister can't deal, i like ebony's idea of a hotel rm. maybe then she'll take your concerns to heart??

The problem is, the stepson rules the roost. It's his dog, and the father makes all sorts of concessions for the dog for the sake of the kid. Where my sister used to be the lone hold-out, I think now she goes along to get along.

I mean, the mother of the boy had the dog a few weeks ago when my parents came to visit (don't ask, I already tried that -- the mother won't be in town) because my mom was afraid the dog might bite. The dog ended up biting the friend of the boy's mother!

I have no idea how many times this dog has bitten. Truth be told, we will probably never know or be told how often. One time was a child that the dog nipped. My BIL asked if it drew blood, and when the mother said no, he was like, "Meeh, okay. Kid should stay away from the dog."

This dog even gutted my sister's beloved dog, which I can't believe didn't result in them ridding themselves of this monster. The poor dog (smaller, maltese/shihtsu mix) had to get stitches!

I mean, WTF??

I forgot that this was the primary reason I wouldn't go visit them. I'm already nervous it's gonna get ugly.

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The problem is, the stepson rules the roost..

well that's worse than them not having control over his dog.

you must post while on vaca~

taps - i will go sky diving with you ANY day!!!!

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*Beth, Ebony and Slim, Thinking of you and hoping y'all are able to work out the head stuff for yourselves. I'm finding the head stuff to be the hardest part so far. Tho waiting another month for a badly needed fill just may change my mind on that point!

*Beth, that dog needs to GO! It needs to find a home where the owner will step up and actually BE the alpha. If it's not too late. I'm afraid it may be in which case, unfortunately the dog will need to be put down. I HATE irresponsible dog owners. It's always the poor animal that ends up paying the biggest price.

Have a safe trip!

*Ebony, YOU are a responsible dog owner. You KNOW your dog and it's limitations and it's issues and deal accordingly. THANK YOU!

*Glouc, sorry about the house stuff. I think that's ridiculous AND criminal!!!

*Lu and Tap, no sky diving or bunging jumping for me! I'll watch tho!! LOL!

*Mac, glad you got your bag back! How'd that happen? And was your stuff still in it?!

*Eating, I have to pay attention too. It's too easy for me to start inhaling w/out chewing! Or swallowing too soon!

*PJTP - truck is still at the shop and we haven't heard from them yet. Not looking good. :) I know it's going to be bad and it's going to have to go on a CC. :lol: :crying: My poor truck and our poor finances! :crying:

A friend called tonight and she's taking her son to see Ice Age tomorrow and wants DD and I to go. Should be fun. We're going the the early showing so it's a lot cheaper.

Thursday another friend and I are taking our kids up to the high country to paint some trail signs on a trail that our 4 wheel drive club adopted. Picnic and playing in the forest! Great day!

Starting Friday we'll be hibernating at home to avoid the July 4th craziness. The lake, 5 minutes from our house, has fireworks every year and it's popular. YUCK! It's already crazy in town with all the tourists making a week out of it and it's just going to get worse! That's the only problem with living in a popular tourist area. Summer sucks sometimes! They all go home eventually tho! :P

Okay, off to bed! Have a great night! TTFN!

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Morning all!

Lulu- it's a deal - if ever I get to Texas, we can go jump out of an airplane! I'm hoping to go hot air ballooning this summer with my mother but finding an operator who agrees to take a frail elderly woman with a bad cardiac history and using a cane or walker up is a challenge.

Dogs - love 'em. Hate irresponsible owners. Beth, your sister's family dog is one bite away from tragedy and/or bankruptcy. Either way it will be a tragedy for a pet that has not been raised properly. One alpha being in a household, and it should NEVER be the dog!

Heartfire - EEKS! Vehicle repairs on a cc - ouch!

Well, I suppose I should get to the stuff Im paid to do...oh, and to my Canadian friends and family - Happy Canada Day.

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Morning all. Talking about the 4th, they have already started celebrating in my neighborhood. They started shooting off fireworks last night about 9pm. My DGS's b-day is on the 3rd and they are having his party on the 4th. I am helping cook. He want's fried rice. My DD doesn't have the slightest idea how to make it. I have unusual GS when it comes to what they want to eat on their b-days. This DGS is going to be 6, my other one will be 10 at the end of July and he wants ribs. No pizza or hot dogs. LOL. But it is a tradition I started with my girls. I let them choose what they wanted to eat for their b-day dinners.

Ebony, I pray you hear something today. I know your on pins and needles about the job. Are you driving or flying to Fl. for vacation?

Susan how is the unpacking going?

I pray everyone has a blessed day.

I just want to say Thank you all for being my friends. One of these days I might meet some of you all. That would be awesome!:P

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Morning everyone!

G4E-how are you this morning?

Tap, Luluc-you are brave souls to go up in a balloon. I am terrified of heights. It has only gotten worse as I have gotten older. I have a hard time just climbing ladders at work (which I have to do on a daily basis).

Dogs-I am sure I have mentioned on here before that I am terrified of most animals. I could not visit someone that allows their dogs to bite. I have to agree that the dog situation is a problem just waiting to happen. When it does, it probably won't be family, but instead it will be someone that is ready to take it to court.

re: car repairs-I really feel for you Heartfire. Hopefully, it won't be as bad as you think.

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Slim...I am hurting some but not super bad right now. Thanks for asking.

I am also afraid of heights. I have a step ladder I won't get on hardly. It's sad when I want to go swimming at DD's home and can't get above the 3rd rung on the ladder for the pool! It's one of those big inflatable pools. I didn't become afraid until after I had my kids. When I lose some more weight I am going to try to fix that problem. How... I am not for sure yet.

Beth...As far as the dog situation there really isn't anything I can add that hasn't been said already. If you decide to stay at a hotel just explain you love your sister but hate the dog and you are afraid of being bitten. I am sorry you have this stress about your vacation. It should be a worry free time, not one full of stress. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

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g4e - funny about the ladder. I used to be such a dare devil, but the other day I tried to climb on the roof to take care of some branches and I COULDN'T. I just couldn't make myself do it. I was always a little punk kid climbing trees and such, and I just froze!

That's why I'd WANT to skydive, but someone would have to push me. Or, have me be tethered to someone who just drags me out. :P

re: 4th - I'm so happy that there is a burn ban here in Houston. I usually go all out, spending hundreds on fireworks, and this year I have a legal reason restricting my funding. :)

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yeah we got our last 2 from rescues. we might be going to get a cat or a dog from the spca soon. my last cat that had to be put to sleep was a stray kitten that we found under a pile of logs. my gf is an animal nut. put it this way we has a hamster we spent 300$ on trying to get healthy to only have to put it down. :cry

Ditto for rescues. I have eight. I belong to Greyhond Rescue. Five Greyhounds, two Iggies, one lab all rescues. Love Them. They are part of my journey to lose weight too! They are very encouraging and never have a nasty thing to say. Love it.:P

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        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

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        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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