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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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the big ones, like PYTHONS scare the bejesus out of me...anything that could eat / crush / want to eat / want to attack me like that - basically I'm a chicken! :eek: Like watching them from afar, but would never get close...


Nope, don't even like looking at them from afar...but, I know they are all part of the balance of nature so I won't hurt one, but I'd prefer that any of them stay off my property. Ain't gonna happen, I know, but I can dream...

Visa sent us a letter stating that we fell into a category that they were reinstating the yearly charge for simply having the card. So I called, and they would NOT waive the fee, so we cancelled the card, and WHAM it affected my credit rating!!!

We pay our bills on time, and I would not have hesitated to apply for any type of credit---and didn't---when I got the new card. But I ask for a copy of what they got and was SHOCKED! We went from excellent credit-----comsidered gold, to silver I would say, and we did not default a single thing, we still pay everything on time, and are not overextended. Our home is paid for. Now so are our vehicles, we own several pieces of land, and have little debt. And we are punished for it with lowered numbers!!!

Where is the common sense in that????

There is just something SO wrong in the world of economics. By my reckoning, you should be platinum!

kat - my credit score went down quite a bit when i stopped working ; went to cash/stopped using credit cards ; but i get so PISSED that because i carry no debt other than the ranch mtg i am penalized because i don't carry 10 cc's and run them up each month.

Well that's just nuts!!

i learned the hard way of turning my workboots upside down before popping them on.

Note to self: Turn workboots upside down.

ebony/beth - hope you both hear from the job search here soon.

What she said.

Belated birthday greetings Lu!!!


*As far as credit goes, we have 1 card that we want to cancel but we're afraid too b/c it's probably going to drop our rating. Ticks me off! We do everything right and it goes against us. This one cc already dropped our limit and I KNOW that had to affect it. We've never run that card up, don't even use it and haven't for a long time and have NEVER requested that they keep raising it like they did and now it's going to bite us in the butt! UGH!!

See??? That's just stupid!!!

RThe stand in doctor basically told me that i need to lose more weight for my height than i planned. She basically added about 15 more pounds needed to get me to the correct weight. .

Yep. Doc gave me a goal range...and frankly at my age, I just don't think I can get to it. I think of it as a 'young persons' weight. I am struggling to get to it, and may just stay where I am....but then again, maybe not. I keep trying, but the difference between my doc's upper acceptable limit, and my weight is still about 15 pounds.

I have a newf, but it will be my last one. He's the best. dog. ever......but it's just too hot for him down here.

Newfs are a Water dog bred for the far north....I just cannot imagine them in a southern climate. I've seen them in ice water and romping in the snow...and loving it! I'd love to have one, but not only do I not have the room, the ocean, the time for one, I really think I'm in too warm a climate...yes, even me!!

Mine gave me a goal of 142, based on the Met Life standard they all must use and then told me that it was too low and NOT to use that as goal, but it is what they must go by for insurance standards. They are based on the 1950 health model, so it is not realistic or healthy!

I wonder if that is where she got her number today for you?

Hey, BBK is back!! YEAH!!!!!

And yes, I too wonder where that doc got the number??

I used the BMI chart and what I weighed when I graduated from HS and kinda went from there. The BMI charts are really off-base but it and my HS weight gave me a place to start. And who knows, maybe I will get to 120 someday and be fine there! I wasn't too skinny back then based on pics but with age and time, who knows! LOL!!



We actually got him because my middle boy had a fear of big dogs, and we wanted a sort of "therapy dog" that was big (and boy is Tug big....last vet visit he weighed in around 190 lbs). He is by far the smartest dog I have ever owned.

Aside from the drooling, a lot of Newfs have a thing with water. I have a kiddie sandbox that I keep filled with water, and Tug loves to get inside when he drinks and splash about.

Yep, big drooling water dogs....love em, just love 'em!!

Yeah, but now I keep booking flights outta town. You watch -- NOW I'll get the job offer of my dreams.

Where are you going?

She put me at 110 pounds as a goal. That like a skeleton with boobs! I am 5 1/2.


Morning all! I think I am caught up. I am sitting at home in my housecoat - haven't gone to the Y and by now should be at work. I just gotta get my rear in gear. But I was restless last night, so sleep when it finally came kept me in bed until 630 - ACKK!!!

Now to get my coffee, hit the shower and walk to work...catch you all later!

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* beth, it will be murphy's law you get called about a job when on vacation

* plain, HA - will be 22+18 next wk. my family had a early surprise party for me this past wkend - thanks, taps too!

* slim, we are the same height. just can't imagine being 110lbs - but i have a curvy / sporty body - not a petite frame. my surgeon told me i would do well to get to 140lbs. he state his experience was woman 35+ have a hard time getting to the lower end of the recommended BMI scale.< /p>

at first this pissed me off - he had no idea that i would workout hard/eat well and beat the odds. frankly, he's right. it's a struggle to stay below 130lbs IF i want to eat / drink what i want - and that is how i want to live. if me being 10lbs over what i should be - so be it, my clothes fit well, i'm in a bathing suit everyday and not the least bit insecure like i was at this weight when i was in my 20's.

only you are going to know what you should weigh when you get there.

* can't imagine a newfie in TX heat. plain my dogs roam at night too - summer time. i leave the kennel gate open if they want to crash - but during the day, on the cold tile under a ceiling fan and they don't MOVE.

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Slim--I say go with what you feel comfortable with, in the end it is YOUR body!

Beth--where at in Michigan?? That is where I live! :smile2:

Slim--keep the newf nice and cold. My bullie has enough trouble in Michigan heat, can't imagine Teas heat! :lol:

Heart--:eek: Thanks. I range between 150-160 and it is good with me. I did go down a bit too far for awhile and I looked like Star, it was gross. And that is where the Met set me at!

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Beth--where at in Michigan?? That is where I live! :smile2:

She lives in the Sterling Heights area outside Detroit, off 16 Mile.

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* beth, it will be murphy's law you get called about a job when on vacation.

THAT I can handle. What I figure will happen is that I will get called about a job before both vacations and I'll have to say, "Um..." lol

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Hi BBK! I wonder too. She put me at 110 pounds as a goal. That like a skeleton with boobs! I am 5 1/2. I know I am not the tallest, but 110 just seems too slim.

Do you mean you're 5 and a half feet tall (5'6") or 5 feet, 1/2 inch? Obviously at 110 pounds, there's a huge difference!

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Do you mean you're 5 and a half feet tall (5'6") or 5 feet, 1/2 inch? Obviously at 110 pounds, there's a huge difference!

i took her to be just under 5'1 - like myself.

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[quote name=luluc;1256411 slim' date=' we are the same height. just can't imagine being 110lbs - my surgeon told me i would do well to get to 140lbs. he state his experience was woman 35+ have a hard time getting to the lower end of the recommended BMI scale.< /p>

at first this pissed me off - he had no idea that i would workout hard/eat well and beat the odds. frankly, he's right. it's a struggle to stay below 130lbs IF i want to eat / drink what i want - and that is how i want to live. if me being 10lbs over what i should be - so be it.


I am 5'5"...my doc gave me a range of 115-122...and I just CANNOT see it happening! I keep trying, but have been doing the '3 pound bounce' for a few months. I think I would LOVE to be 122, but it isn't looking likely.

I'm going to Michigan over the 4th and Houston later in the month.

Enjoy the trips...assuming a job offer doesn't ground you!

Slim--I say go with what you feel comfortable with, in the end it is YOUR body!

I range between 150-160 and it is good with me. I did go down a bit too far for awhile and I looked like Star, it was gross. And that is where the Met set me at!

I am terrible at guessing weights...from your pic BBK, I would have guessed a much lower weight. Regardless of weight, you look good. And you're right, if you feel good, that's the main thing!

. What I figure will happen is that I will get called about a job before both vacations and I'll have to say, "Um..." lol

Yep...that's what I think too!! But you can always say, thank you for the offer; I would like a few days to think about it/discuss it with DH...and then happily go on vacation knowing you will accept a job offer you when you return!!

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Well, the interview I had today, they think they won't make a decision until the end of next week (hopefully she said that right) anyway, though I said I would be available on Tuesday July 7. That way my vacation with my sister will be over. And I told them the only other hang-up I have is the 2 1/2 days in late July where I have already bought a ticket. And I kept stressing that it was to go see my baby granddaughter. :smile2:

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I am 5'5"...my doc gave me a range of 115-122...and I just CANNOT see it happening! I keep trying, but have been doing the '3 pound bounce' for a few months. I think I would LOVE to be 122, but it isn't looking likely.

ah the bounce.

i float between 124-130 on any given day - pms, sodium, not enough cardio, planets not aligned properly????, too much wine, interrupted sleep? ???

got annoying trying to figure it out - i get on the scale now once every other wk. i KNOW if i have a margarita, the scale will show it. i KNOW if i do a spin class, plus hit the treadmill - the scale will show it. so long as the clothes don't get snug, i'm trying to avoid the number.....especially since my dr says i'm good to go with my body fat %. would i like to be 115??? probably so - but i just did botox on the face, trying to fight mother nature, i say the extra 10lbs is keeping the face a bit more "young".......so i tell myself :smile2::tongue:

and then there is the hubby factor - prefers a booty (THANK GOD) - tells me daily don't lose another lb, so there ya have it.:lol:

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Do you mean you're 5 and a half feet tall (5'6") or 5 feet, 1/2 inch? Obviously at 110 pounds, there's a huge difference!

Sorry, I was typing from my iPhone. I can't type on those little things. I am no where near 5 foot 6. I am 5 foot 1.5 inches. The sad part is, I claimed I was 5'4" for years. The nurse at my doctor's office just laughed and made me get measured. It was funny to find out I was no where near as tall as I thought.

i took her to be just under 5'1 - like myself.

I am just a little taller. I have always had lots of extra padding around my hips and butt, so even when I was slim, I had to wear larger pants to fit my butt. I wore small tops and 6 pants. I doubt I will ever get there again. At this point, I still weigh more than I did the day before I gave birth!:smile2: I just don't see me ever being 110 pounds.

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ah the bounce.

i float between 124-130 on any given day - pms, sodium, not enough cardio, planets not aligned properly????, too much wine, interrupted sleep? ???

got annoying trying to figure it out - i get on the scale now once every other wk. i KNOW if i have a margarita, the scale will show it. i KNOW if i do a spin class, plus hit the treadmill - the scale will show it. so long as the clothes don't get snug, i'm trying to avoid the number.....especially since my dr says i'm good to go with my body fat %. would i like to be 115??? probably so - but i just did botox on the face, trying to fight mother nature, i say the extra 10lbs is keeping the face a bit more "young".......so i tell myself :smile2::tongue:

and then there is the hubby factor - prefers a booty (THANK GOD) - tells me daily don't lose another lb, so there ya have it.:eek:

I tell you, if I ever get to your weight, I will dance around my house nekkid for days!:lol:

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I tell you, if I ever get to your weight, I will dance around my house nekkid for days!:smile2:

Yep, me too! Heck, I'd probably do it in the street, I'd be so happy. :lol:

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Yep, me too! Heck, I'd probably do it in the street, I'd be so happy. :smile2:


so for this whole time i thought i held up well (loose skin wise) till DH tells me the girls are looking like deflated Water balloons. quick snap of my head in cybil fashion caught his A$$, and said well they look good for cougar boobies.

i then went shopping...............................

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