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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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PJTP...just got in from taking DDog for his night walk. Beautiful night...a little cool, but still comfortable. No other dogs around (DDog doesn't like other big dogs much, is mostly okay with smaller dogs) and few people (he doesn't like strangers much either - men and children are a particular challenge. Loves my DH, though...go figure). I think he spent too much time at the pound or something before we adopted him - but loves WOMEN! :blushing:

Admittedly, I've never had access to corporate culture, unless you count my experience as chairman of the "Redneck Drankin' Club". But don't let that scare you away from Facebook, tap!

I know someone who should belong to the 'Redneck Yacht Club' (like the song) but that 'Redneck Drankin' Club' sounds kinda shady...LOL

Ah! Good times. Good times.

What, the exploring vacant houses or the almost-but-not-quite-larceny? :w00t:

Holy. Moley. I LOVE your house.

Thanks, Plain! I just HAD to have it once I'd gotten inside. Took some convincing to get my DH to see what a good investment it was. At the time, I didn't know that it also had an extra lot included with the property. Makes it even more valuable now...the day after we closed on it, our rear neighbor offered us $25k for the extra lot. We politely declined...I don't think he's ever really gotten over it...

It could go one of two ways, D.....either your current manager wants you gone and will give you a decent recommendation, or she dislikes you so much personally that she'll trash you (although this is kinda cutting off her nose to spite her face....she might succeed in keeping you from a new job, but she'll have to spend more time with you). Are you aware of the reference policy where you work? Here at my hospital, they have a policy where the supervisor can only confirm that the employee was employed when they say they were, and if the employee is eligable for re-hire or not (but my work is very afraid of any litigation).

Well her response to my email about my being a 'finalist' for the job was to say that she appreciated my honesty and wished me nothing but the best. Very short, clipped response (very much like her, the way she speaks) and was sent from a Blackberry - we'll see what tomorrow brings...:w00t:

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Well hello strangers! Some one mentioned this thread on Facebook recently so I thought I'd drop in and say hi! Sorry I've not been around for ages, but I was finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with this thread because I couldn't access it at work (when of course I should be on the net and not doing work LOL).

I'm pretty active on facebook, so if you send me a PM here with your email or FB name, I'll try to check back in more regularly and I'll add you :)

Hope all of you I'm not already friends with on FB and can follow there are well and wonderful!

Well, HI to you too! Glad to see you again! :smile:

NOT adding FB to my list of things I need to do on a daily basis! LOL!

Bunco? I don't know that game. Gotta get back into the routine heartfire...

Morning all. Got through yesterday without PB'ing, so perhaps everything has settled down. The challenge will be to try some 'real food' today and see how that goes.

Bunco game explanation below.

Yep, I'm getting there. And just as the weather is heating up too! BAD timing! LOL!

So glad you had a PB-free day! Let's hope that continues!!

What is Bunco? I have heard several people talk about it on FB and they always sound like they have a ton of fun playing it.

Tap and Susan, Bunco is a dice game! There are slightly different versions of play but basically all pretty much similar. Here's how we do it.

There are 12 ladies and we each host a month. I do July. We have 3 tables of 4 players. The person across from you is your partner. Each table has 3 dice. There is a head table and they control the game. As soon as the head table reaches 21 points, the bell rings and we switch tables or seats. Losers stay and one moves to another seat to await the winners from another table. We each pony up $5 for the pot. We play 3 rounds of 6 games.

Okay, so when the head table rings the bell to start the game, you start rolling dice. Start with #1 and you're trying to roll as many 1s as possible. As long as you roll 1s you keep rolling til no 1s come up, dice move on to next player. If you roll three 1s you get a BUNCO and it's worth 21pts. If you roll three of any other number it's called a travel and it's worth 5pts. For the game you and your partner are keeping a score of your total, each person has an overall game scoresheet that we carry around with us. As you roll buncos or travels, those are also marked on your own scoresheet as well as your game wins and losses. When a team at the head table reaches 21 first, the bell rings and game over. Team who has the highest score at each table, moves to the next table, losers stay for another round but one changes chairs so you get a new partner.

At the end of the 3 rounds, each person then tallies up their total buncos, travels, wins and losses. In our group, person with most buncos wins $25, most wins $20, most travels $10 and most losses, you get your $5 back!

It's so NOT hard to play and is a lot of fun and everyone is talking and playing and just enjoying themselves.

Saw a Yahoo story about a high school in Maine that wouldn't let a young man have his diploma because he waved to his friends and blew a kiss to his mom when he went on stage. :wink: They called it "fooling around" and said there was a zero tolerance policy for it. I think I'd go ballistic...I sincerely hope my DD DOES wave at us and blow me a kiss - I know I'm going to act a fool when she goes up and I hear her name...cheering, yelling, waving, etc...

Let them try and stop me!:sneaky:


Wow! You guys have been busy! I'm just dropping by to say hi!

Took a trip over the weekend back to VA.

Sounds like a great trip!

I found the house I'm living in now by doing pretty much the same thing.

Beautiful house! Love the style of it!!!


Y'know, I need to really do those happy dances. Then at least I would be getting in some exercise. :huh2:

Okay, so now it's your turn to re-commit to yourself and get your butt out there! What say you?

PJTP...apprehension and discomfort...:crying:

Hang in there, Ebony. Prayers that this comes thru for you!!

Your employer is probably going to 'sing your praises' if asked. She has previously and repeatedly shown she doesn't want you there, so she will view this as an opportunity for her to let you go without having to face union grievances etc. It is a win-win. At least, that's how I would view it. So, keep happy thoughts, and we will keep doing our chanting/praying/dancing...

What she said!

PJTP: I love love love being home again...

So glad you're home and so glad you're LOVING it!!

PJTP...just finished my online Finance class, and here I am back on LBT! :laugh:[/b]

Congrats on being done! Are you done just for tonight or are you DONE with the class?!!

Have a great Thursday!! 'Night!!!

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I'm thinking that too...and I'm excited, but trying not to count the chickens before they hatch, so to speak...

Totally understandable -- so we'll count them for ya. :wink:

Since I felt they were probably going to contact her, I told her what was going on. I wanted to tell her face-to-face, but she was away from the office today on another project. I sent her an email saying that I was in final consideration for another position, expressing a little frustration at my challenges on the job, not blaming anyone - and letting her know I'd give proper notice. She responded (one line - she was on her Blackberry) by saying thanks for letting her know and she wished me nothing but the best. At least it's out there now...and I don't have to look over my shoulder.

Omg, I bet THAT is a huge relief!!! It pretty much takes the fear and horror out of the mix for you. BRAVE MOVE!! And SMART!!

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Okay, so now it's your turn to re-commit to yourself and get your butt out there! What say you?

Yes'm. I've been languishing here at home too long, with no schedule, and I'm such a schloob that I need schedules to keep me on track. That, and my basement is torn up. I hate that I started a flooring project down there that I haven't been able to finish. It was pretty stupid to even try starting it. And I guess I'm a bit bored/depressed/blah.

Okay, now that I put all my excuses out there, I need you to kick my ass. What say you? :wink:

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Or even after high school! I found the house I'm living in now by doing pretty much the same thing...used to walk around the block for exercise when I worked in Norwich, saw the house, got nosy, went up the driveway and into the open back door. Yep, squatters were living there, but they were gone when I made my visit (good thing, too).

Saw the high ceilings, wood floors, and even through the grime and trash, it was still a potentially beautiful house. About 3100 sq feet, big columns out front, tall windows, etc. Tracked down the owner, bought it from him for a song (he was in foreclosure). Paid some back taxes, put about 50K into it, and for a total investment of around 65K, had a house that was appraised at over $275k several years ago.

Of course, lots has changed since then, so I know the value has dropped some, but it's still MY house and I love it dearly...and it all started with trespassing! :wink:

Somehow I missed this! I don't think I'm getting all my notifications, and when I do get them, it's not taking me to the last post I read.

That said, COOL HOUSE! I had a Georgian Colonial when I lived in Houston. A total labor of love, though I found I really didn't "love" the house. Maybe because I never felt like I could really enjoy it. It was 3316 sf and was dark, chocolate brown when we bought it (the VA owned it and I think they just wanted to use one layer of paint, so brown it became). I built our sprinkler system, tilled the yard, laid sod, and we had it re-sided and painted on the outside. On the inside we laid 550 sf of tile OURSELVES (hard work, but well worth the cost saved), painted everything, etc., INCLUDING wood paneling (yes, the house was built in 1972).

I came to really like it the last 6 months we lived in it, but I really wasn't committed to it. It was massive, the rooms were HUGE, and it was impressive to be 20-somethings with such a huge house, but beyond that, there was nothing more.

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Morning everyone!

Ebony-will be thinking of you while you are at work with the boss from heck!

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PJTP - Morning to all...

I showed my mother the pictures of the house (her father built it) and she cried. It's really a sad moment when the house you love is run down so badly that there really isn't any coming back from it.

I guess that's why memories are so precious.

Hope everyone is doing well, and have a great day! I have a ton of work to do and I SO do not wanna do it!

Time to roll up the sleeves and dive in.

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Happy Thursday All!! Ebony, I love your house!! As for the job, most employers are advised not to say anything negative about an employee when asked for a reference due to potential retribution. Normally, like Plain said, they will verify dates of employment, job title and a simple yes or no in regards to rehire eligibility. I don't think you have anything to worry about. I do know we are all on pins and needles waiting to hear the final outcome though! I still have everything crossed for you.

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Ebony, I love the house! I always wanted a colonial 1800s home to fix back to glory days. Also on the job front. I agree with what everyone else is saying, that the new employers wouldn't want to talk to current unless they were going to hire you. Besides legally she can't say anything other than yes you work there, how long employed and if you would be eligible for rehire. If she says anything else and it keeps you from getting the job she would be in big trouble.

Hello to everyone else. Have a good day and a blessed day.

God is so good. Woke up with very little pain this morning. haven't been like that in weeks.

Today is my youngest DGDs b-day. She is 3.

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PJTP...I'm feeling invincible today - certainly nothing to do with the weather (it's raining and chilly here) but everything to do with my state of mind.

Oh - and the fact that this morning, I got on my scale and I've reached the 50 pounds lost mark! :crying::):laugh::lol::smile::lol:

Well, HI to you too! Glad to see you again! :sneaky:

NOT adding FB to my list of things I need to do on a daily basis! LOL!

I'm already a FB addict - I found lots of friends from high school and even a couple from Elementary school on FB - it's pretty cool (though time-consuming)...

Bunco game explanation below.

I've heard of Bunco - never played...it sounds like fun!

Beautiful house! Love the style of it!!!

Thanks! I fell in love with it when I first saw it...it just needed someone to love it...:wub:

Okay, so now it's your turn to re-commit to yourself and get your butt out there! What say you?

Yeah! What she said!

Hang in there, Ebony. Prayers that this comes thru for you!!

Thank you so much...I'm very hopeful...

Congrats on being done! Are you done just for tonight or are you DONE with the class?!!

Just done for the night...still have about 4 weeks to go, but I'm getting a 'B' so far, so I'm having fun! My instructor is pretty cool and we tease him a lot during class, so that makes it a good class as well.

Have a great Thursday!! 'Night!!!


Totally understandable -- so we'll count them for ya. :huh2:

Thanks, Beth - I know I can count on y'all! :wub:


Omg, I bet THAT is a huge relief!!! It pretty much takes the fear and horror out of the mix for you. BRAVE MOVE!! And SMART!!

I was shaking in my chair when I wrote it, but I've never been one for the cloak-and-dagger stuff. I'm much more in-your-face! It's a relief to have told her...

Yes'm. I've been languishing here at home too long, with no schedule, and I'm such a schloob that I need schedules to keep me on track. That, and my basement is torn up. I hate that I started a flooring project down there that I haven't been able to finish. It was pretty stupid to even try starting it. And I guess I'm a bit bored/depressed/blah.

Okay, now that I put all my excuses out there, I need you to kick my ass. What say you? :wink:

Consider it kicked - get your not-so-big-anymore-butt out there and MOVE, soldier! *Ebony doing her best drill sergeant imitation)*

Somehow I missed this! I don't think I'm getting all my notifications, and when I do get them, it's not taking me to the last post I read.

I think I'm having the same challenge - I often don't get notified when PJTP stuff comes on...which is a bummer 'cause it's my favorite thread!

That said, COOL HOUSE! I had a Georgian Colonial when I lived in Houston. A total labor of love, though I found I really didn't "love" the house. Maybe because I never felt like I could really enjoy it. It was 3316 sf and was dark, chocolate brown when we bought it (the VA owned it and I think they just wanted to use one layer of paint, so brown it became). I built our sprinkler system, tilled the yard, laid sod, and we had it re-sided and painted on the outside. On the inside we laid 550 sf of tile OURSELVES (hard work, but well worth the cost saved), painted everything, etc., INCLUDING wood paneling (yes, the house was built in 1972).

I knew we were sisters-from-different-mothers...I've re-wired the entire second floor, helped my DH install a new boiler (plus supply piping), changed out the electrical panel, installed windows, plumbing fixtures, stripped paint, painted, laid new laminate floors, tiled a bathtub surround, caulked / weatherstripped / painted doors, installed door handles / locks / hinges, stripped wallpaper, hung wallpaper, tiled a fireplace surround, helped DH install a fireplace, replaced the roof, re-pointed a brick chimney, etc, etc, etc...just call me Ebony Vila!

I came to really like it the last 6 months we lived in it, but I really wasn't committed to it. It was massive, the rooms were HUGE, and it was impressive to be 20-somethings with such a huge house, but beyond that, there was nothing more.

I absolutely LOVE my house...and as big as it is, I need to do some major de-cluttering, because it's way too easy to hang on to 'stuff' when you have a big house!

Morning everyone!

Ebony-will be thinking of you while you are at work with the boss from heck!

Mornin' Slim! She's out of the office today, working across campus with a special program...looks to be a quiet day...

PJTP - Morning to all...

Mornin' Glouc! I'm fortunate that my nephew still lives in the house I grew up in...it would have really hurt my mom to lose that house to neglect...

I showed my mother the pictures of the house (her father built it) and she cried. It's really a sad moment when the house you love is run down so badly that there really isn't any coming back from it.

I guess that's why memories are so precious.

Hope everyone is doing well, and have a great day! I have a ton of work to do and I SO do not wanna do it!

Time to roll up the sleeves and dive in.

Go for it, Glouc!

Happy Thursday All!! Ebony, I love your house!! As for the job, most employers are advised not to say anything negative about an employee when asked for a reference due to potential retribution. Normally, like Plain said, they will verify dates of employment, job title and a simple yes or no in regards to rehire eligibility. I don't think you have anything to worry about. I do know we are all on pins and needles waiting to hear the final outcome though! I still have everything crossed for you.

Thanks, Susan - I am starting to feel less worried as time goes by. Even if this isn't the job for me, there will be something else...I believe that!

Ebony, I love the house! I always wanted a colonial 1800s home to fix back to glory days. Also on the job front. I agree with what everyone else is saying, that the new employers wouldn't want to talk to current unless they were going to hire you. Besides legally she can't say anything other than yes you work there, how long employed and if you would be eligible for rehire. If she says anything else and it keeps you from getting the job she would be in big trouble.

Hello to everyone else. Have a good day and a blessed day.

God is so good. Woke up with very little pain this morning. haven't been like that in weeks.

Today is my youngest DGDs b-day. She is 3.

Thanks, G4E! I'm so glad you're having a good day, and give your youngest DGD a kiss for me on her birthday! 3 year olds are so cute and adorable...

The votes of confidence from all y'all, my LBT family, are so heartening and encouraging. I :wub: y'all for being with me through all this...I don't know if I would be nearly as calm about this without all of you.

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Morning all...

Ebony - I LOVE your home! I could quite easily adapt to that size and style of home. And of course, waiting to hear what happens with your job.

G4E - Glad to hear things are going a little better each day!

Glou - yep, sad indeed. My father went into a depression when the farmhouse he grew up in (and the farm land itself) were all destroyed by developers and now several hundred box houses occupy that once beautiful land...

Beth - are you going to finish the floor, or call in someone else to do it? Having unfinished projects that I can see drives me crazy and makes me feel miserable the longer they are undone (hence my putting any of the kajillion unfinished needlework and quilting projects in cabinets out of view)!!

Plain- I went to the Facebook site, but just as quickly backed away. They want to know tooo much information including name etc.

Fanny - when you said you loved 'being home again' you meant reporting into LBT, right????:wink: We love having you back with us!

A coworker brought in his 1 week old baby today for 'show and tell'...sweet LITTLE baby...less than 6 pounds. Geez, I'm used to 9 and 10 pound babies in my family; a 6 pounder is just half a kid! All the same, lovely to look at and hold, but just as happy to return to the parents.

Apparently an unfill is not necessary - I managed all 'real' food yesterday with no issues - well, other than I over ate in the calories...But it was all in the name of 'testing', so those calories don't count, right?????:sneaky:

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Morning all...

Mornin' Tap!

A coworker brought in his 1 week old baby today for 'show and tell'...sweet LITTLE baby...less than 6 pounds. Geez, I'm used to 9 and 10 pound babies in my family; a 6 pounder is just half a kid! All the same, lovely to look at and hold, but just as happy to return to the parents.

Awww...tiny babies are so...huggable (but gently!). Like you, I'd probably be a little nervous about holding the little, little ones...

Apparently an unfill is not necessary - I managed all 'real' food yesterday with no issues - well, other than I over ate in the calories...But it was all in the name of 'testing', so those calories don't count, right?????:sneaky:

Yay! Glad you're feeling better and can eat again!

Tap - testing cals don't count.

What she said!:wink:

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Tap - testing cals don't count.

Thank heavens! ***Tap tells her burgeoning gut "see, I told you so, so stop it'***

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Okay, ya'll. I kind of have news, but part of me doesn't believe it, so I'm kinda scared to announce it to my "real life" folks.

DH isn't really DH, he's been DBF for over 2 years, and I just refer to him as DH for simplicity.

Well, as of January 1, 2010 he really will be DH and I will be his DW.

And, I keep giving him crap that he hasn't asked "the right way" yet so I should believe it since he's asked about 5 times.

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