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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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I guess that's part of being more "mature" - you realize that small pay differences are not as important when balanced against your mental well-being and level of job satisfaction.

Amen sista! :thumbdown:

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Hello all!


Well... I felt the interview went well, but... I don't know.

I think it sounded positive and he probably told you more about what he's thinking than he did with any of the others. He is confused as to what he wants to do but maybe after speaking with you, it will help him define it better for himself. Best wishes!!

No I had the revision last week. Went well I finally look normal. But sick now--they think it is the flu.

Revision? Are you okay? Hope you feel better soon!

Whoohoo!! Got my date for plastic surgery :lol:. It all happens on Monday, 7th December. It's going to be a long wait but at the same time, I'll bet it goes really quickly. I have to lose a minimum of 10kg (22lb) before then - six months to do it, so it is eminently possible! Just have to get seriously back on the program again...

Congratulations!!! If you want it bad enough, you'll work to get back on track and get as much of that off as you can. I know you can do it!!!!!

I'm feeling really hopeful about the interview - in fact, I'm going to compose a thank you email and let them know I'm still very interested this morning just to reiterate...

Sounds like it went well! And a thank you email is a great idea! Best wishes!!!

I called to get my appointment set up to see my GP next week about my thyroid. he will be on Vacation next week. He is a walk in Dr. I have been his patient for 13 yrs. he has seen me through a lot. Anyway God is good, I asked if my Dr. would be on vacation or not. Normally I wouldn't of asked, but felt the need to. I would have been upset if I would have drove out there to see him and him not be there. It's not far,20 min, but when your strapped for gas.... So I have to wait a full week. I can't go today because I have orientation today and won't have the money until Monday.

I have gained 5 lbs since last week from a combination of eating/ steroids. Trying very hard today to get back on track.

I'm going to have to do the 5 day pouch test next week. have to go grocery shopping to get ingredients for my homemade Soups. LOL 90 degrees out and I am going to be doing soups! :thumbdown:

Everyone have a blessed day and weekend.

Sorry you have to wait but good that you'll get to see your own doc. I'd rather wait too. Unless I just can't for some reason. Best wishes on getting those steroid lbs off! I know that's frustrating.

I talked to my DH about it, and there is a remote possibility that I may have to step back a pay grade (my current position is an E, the new one is a D level). He put it all into perspective for me when he reminded me that I was doing just fine at the D level before, and then said that my health, happiness and well-being was worth far more than any temporary increase in pay.

Plus with the new job, there is room to move up...unlike at either my old position or my current one. That's important to me - I gotta have somewhere to go...I'm not ready for the ROAD program just yet (old Navy term - Retired On Active Duty)...:laugh:

We call it short-timer's disease here! LOL!

You and DH are very smart. Money isn't everything, tho it does play a HUGE role! LOL! But yes, when it's a small step pay difference, being happier in your job is worth the pay "cut" that comes with it.

So all of you are on my prayer list. Jobs, health, happiness, safety in travels, etc.

Speaking of travel, Tap should be home tonight or tomorrow, right? Hope she had a good week and it wasn't too horrible for her.

Beth, since I've been tracking my food again, I've been losing! I lost 1.6 this week, even with a couple of higher calorie days and no exercising. Still haven't got out for any walks. Yuck!

Hope everyone has a great day! TTFN!

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Beth, since I've been tracking my food again, I've been losing! I lost 1.6 this week, even with a couple of higher calorie days and no exercising.

YAAAAYYY!!!! I am doing a SERIOUS happy dance over here for you!!! :tt2::lol::lol::laugh::Banane35::Banane44::Banane33::Banane22::Banane11::thumbdown::Banane21::lol:

Still haven't got out for any walks. Yuck!

Well, okay... one thing at a time. Now go walk! :laugh:

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YAAAAYYY!!!! I am doing a SERIOUS happy dance over here for you!!! :tt2::lol::lol::laugh::Banane35::Banane44::Banane33::Banane22::Banane11::thumbdown::Banane21::lol:

Me too, Heartfire! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Well, okay... one thing at a time. Now go walk! :laugh:

Just got back from doing mine...humid as all get out today (74 but feels more like 84) but off I went anyway. Couldn't wear a jacket (my normal don't-look-at-me-coverup-garment) so it was just me and my slightly fitted black wrap dress (which on me is VERY fitted because of "the girls")...I got whistled at when I passed the construction site! :laugh:

A little ego boost never hurt anybody! :thumbup:

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Just got back from doing mine...humid as all get out today (74 but feels more like 84) but off I went anyway. Couldn't wear a jacket (my normal don't-look-at-me-coverup-garment) so it was just me and my slightly fitted black wrap dress (which on me is VERY fitted because of "the girls")...I got whistled at when I passed the construction site! :lol:

A little ego boost never hurt anybody! :lol:

I see! :thumbdown::Banane20::laugh:


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I see! :thumbdown::Banane20::laugh:


ROFLMBO....thanks, Beth!:lol:

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I think my ex-bf just flirted with me. Damn...Three years ago I left VA and him, and at the time he said he didn't miss me, nothing was wrong and life goes on - see ya.

We've kept in contact every now and then and remained friendly, but I just got a creep vibe from him.

He’s taking the Metro to DC on Sunday morning to take a train to Boston. He hasn’t used the system in years and sent a "metro sucks" email. I replied with "Want me to drive you?" Then I explained how I’d be in town over the weekend and could just drive him to the train.

So, he replied with: "Drive me? Is that anything like ride me?"

I said back to him: "LOL…it’s a little different.

He just replied: Just a little?

Um..yeah, okay - A LOT DIFFERENT!!!

1/2 of me is like, HUH? and the other 1/2 is kinda happy. I want to rub it in that he DOES miss me! And I DON'T miss him!!!

Is that wrong?

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Beth, since I've been tracking my food again, I've been losing! I lost 1.6 this week, even with a couple of higher calorie days and no exercising.

Way to go! WOOHOO

Just got back from doing mine...humid as all get out today (74 but feels more like 84) but off I went anyway. Couldn't wear a jacket (my normal don't-look-at-me-coverup-garment) so it was just me and my slightly fitted black wrap dress (which on me is VERY fitted because of "the girls")...I got whistled at when I passed the construction site! :confused:

A little ego boost never hurt anybody! :thumbup:

Wonderful! i don't know how I would react. I would be like who are you whistling at? LOL Eat it up Ebony!

I think my ex-bf just flirted with me. Damn...Three years ago I left VA and him, and at the time he said he didn't miss me, nothing was wrong and life goes on - see ya.

We've kept in contact every now and then and remained friendly, but I just got a creep vibe from him.

He’s taking the Metro to DC on Sunday morning to take a train to Boston. He hasn’t used the system in years and sent a "metro sucks" email. I replied with "Want me to drive you?" Then I explained how I’d be in town over the weekend and could just drive him to the train.

So, he replied with: "Drive me? Is that anything like ride me?"

I said back to him: "LOL…it’s a little different.

He just replied: Just a little?

Um..yeah, okay - A LOT DIFFERENT!!!

1/2 of me is like, HUH? and the other 1/2 is kinda happy. I want to rub it in that he DOES miss me! And I DON'T miss him!!!

Is that wrong?

No not wrong at all. I do it on a regular basis with 1 of my exbf. he works at the grocery store where I shop at. We broke up because his family is allergic to fat people. he definatly notices. he has started flirting again. LOL. So I just smile and flirt back a little. Now that may be wrong:rolleyes2:. it makes us feel like we are in control. Have fun hon.

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Went for my orientation today. They are talking about training me for management after I get trained on what they hired me for. they are going to be opening up a new store in a few months and will need managers. Since I have plenty of management experience.... So woohoo upgrade!

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Bah! Best wishes on the job front! How are your shingles?

The shingles are gone, thankfully; thx for asking! I then did something to mess up my back. I'd never had a back problem before so it really sucks!!! I went to a chiropractor for the first time (much to Lu's chagrin) but I find it very interesting. Two weeks later I'm much better and adjusting my neck got rid of the jaw pain I'd had for over 6 mos!

Yea, I'm the church's bookkeeper, I guess you'd call it, but I'm not actually a bookkeeper! Never been trained! I do all of the bills, payroll and taxes - monthly, quarterly and yearly, and generate weekly, monthly and yearly financial reports for the Council. When I started as secretary there, we only had a few employees and did strictly 1099s! Now, no way can I get away with that! Too bad. Life was so much simpler then. Tho if it was that easy, I wouldn't have a job either!

Isn't it interesting how we morf (morph?) into different jobs!?!

I take Maxalt for my Migraines. Usually my clusters are due to PMS. I'm on Depo shots but I still PMS thru them. Sucks but at least I'm not laid up for a couple of weeks like I was before Depo!

Holy doggone cow, Batman. I can't imagine having a Migraine for a couple of weeks; bless your heart. I'm glad depo seems to help.

PJTP: a friend told me about a computer game that she's addicted to. Should NOT have looked into it b/c I'm now addicted to it! It's called Bookworm. Yikes!

There's no telling how many computer games I have been addicted to over the years. Bookworm was definitely one of them! I'm not the greatest at it b/c I freeze up! I'm better at puzzle-type games.

Now I DO know it's time to go...I'm starting not to care what they think of me...and for me, that's a dangerous place to be. Makes my ghetto side come out and I want to fight...:confused:

Do we need to watch for your to vaseline up or take off your jewelry? :thumbup:


OK what does pwnd mean?

Ha!! The only reason you are staying under that glass ceiling is so that you can look up the skirts of the women who've climbed above you!!!

Busted out laughing at this one!!!

I called to get my appointment set up to see my GP next week about my thyroid.

I have gained 5 lbs since last week from a combination of eating/ steroids. Trying very hard today to get back on track.

First, I completely admit that I have no memory!! Tell me again how you know you have a thyroid condition; has the doctor done the TSH blood test? If you you have hypothyroidism and are not on meds yet, then the weight gain can also be caused by the thyroid condition b/c that's where your metabolism comes from! So if you aren't on meds, your metabolism could be in the crapper! I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 17 years ago and am 5th generation - partay!

Gloucester - you hussy!!!

Went for my orientation today. They are talking about training me for management after I get trained on what they hired me for. they are going to be opening up a new store in a few months and will need managers. Since I have plenty of management experience.... So woohoo upgrade!

Danggggg! Tell them that they aren't promoting you nearly quickly enough! :blush: That's awesome!!!

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I guess that's part of being more "mature" - you realize that small pay differences are not as important when balanced against your mental well-being and level of job satisfaction.


So I got my first "hate" comment on my blog. I know people are prejudiced against WLS but I still can't fathom why anyone would actually take the time to post on someone's blog "in my mind I will always be better than you". It baffles me.

I answered back "It's nice to be a legend in one's own mind". Bwahaha.

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YAAAAYYY!!!! I am doing a SERIOUS happy dance over here for you!!!

Well, okay... one thing at a time. Now go walk! :blush:

Thank you! And I will, I promise!

I got whistled at when I passed the construction site! :thumbup:

Thank you! Enjoy the wolf whistles! Woot!

I see! :confused::Banane20::thumbup:


Is that wrong?


Since I have plenty of management experience.... So woohoo upgrade!


The shingles are gone, thankfully; thx for asking! I then did something to mess up my back. I'd never had a back problem before so it really sucks!!! I went to a chiropractor for the first time (much to Lu's chagrin) but I find it very interesting. Two weeks later I'm much better and adjusting my neck got rid of the jaw pain I'd had for over 6 mos!

Good news on the shingles! Glad the back is better! Nice bonus with the jaw!

Holy doggone cow, Batman. I can't imagine having a Migraine for a couple of weeks; bless your heart. I'm glad depo seems to help.

It wasn't all migraine, thank GOD! A little detail. With a 4 week cycle: wk 1, severe PMS - Migraines, bloat [upwards of 10lbs!], pain, b!tch from hell, etc.; wk 2, horrible, looonnnggg, painful period; wk 3, flu-like symptoms; wk 4, finally feeling good, only to start all over again the following week. It SUCKED!!! Got to the point that I told my doc he'd either better rip it all out or put me on something, anything to make it stop! Hence the Depo.

OK what does pwnd mean?

I was wondering this too.


So I got my first "hate" comment on my blog. I know people are prejudiced against WLS but I still can't fathom why anyone would actually take the time to post on someone's blog "in my mind I will always be better than you". It baffles me.

I answered back "It's nice to be a legend in one's own mind". Bwahaha.

No way! I went and read it. Person needs some manners! I thought about responding but it wasn't going to be nice and I don't need to lower myself to their level. You were much nicer!

Okay, battery is going on the laptop. Better say good night!


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