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Oh wow, I already feel better!

Yeah, I definitely needed an un-fill! I went in on Monday at 4.6cc and got my fill (don't know how much). He stuck the needle in today and asked the nurse what she had in my chart as my ending fill, and she said 5.2cc. Um, no... he pulled out 5.8cc!! Omg, my fill was 1.2cc!! No wonder I was having problems!

So now I am down to 5cc. We'll see how that does for a while.

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Drive by PJTP...

G4E - congrats! I'm doing the happy dance for you over here as well...makes my co-workers look at me funny, but who cares?:eek:

Beth - glad you've feeling better after your slight unfill...I haven't had that happen yet - and I think I'm glad!:thumbup: Feeling like I can eat the whole world lately - including one of those awful Domino's bread bowls!!! :eek:

SnT - thanks for the good wishes...I'm a little stressed about tomorrow, because I SO badly want out of my current situation, but I'm going to breathe and try not to stress too much. Already picked out my outfit for tomorrow - not too dressy, because that will make people suspicious, but nicer than normal so I feel my best.

Somehow, I've not gotten any LBT update emails today - came in and found I'd missed a few messages :ihih:

Don't they know what an LBT-addict I am? That, and FB...but then, I'm a geek, so it figures...everyone have a wonderful evening! :thumbup:

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Beth - glad you've feeling better after your slight unfill...I haven't had that happen yet - and I think I'm glad!:eek: Feeling like I can eat the whole world lately - including one of those awful Domino's bread bowls!!! :ihih:

Yes, feeling a HUGE difference. He wants me on liquids today (not a problem, still too worried about eating), and I asked about what to do about tomorow -- he said just play it by ear based on how I feel.

SnT - thanks for the good wishes...I'm a little stressed about tomorrow, because I SO badly want out of my current situation, but I'm going to breathe and try not to stress too much. Already picked out my outfit for tomorrow - not too dressy, because that will make people suspicious, but nicer than normal so I feel my best.

If it helps, remember that I am in the same boat as you at the very same time. Imagine me imagining my potential new boss in his boxers. Maybe it'll take the stress off.

As for how to dress tomorrow, you reminded me of a woman we had working with us for a while. After a number of months, it was very obvious she just wasn't a good fit for us. Kept making the same (big) mistakes, was rude, very hard to understand, etc. One day she shows up at work in a blue skirt suit (we NEVER wear anything that professional there -- more like dress casual) with a white blouse. ALL DAY she had these white tissues along her neckline to protect the collar of the blouse. ALL DAY! Helping customers, working the front counter!

When I saw it, I thought she missed them, and I said, "Hey, you have tissues..." She knew. It looked ridiculous every time she walked around because they flew around her face and stuff. It was very hilarious! :eek:

Not long after that, she quit. It was very obvious she had an interview that day. Worked out for us!

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Yes, feeling a HUGE difference. He wants me on liquids today (not a problem, still too worried about eating), and I asked about what to do about tomorow -- he said just play it by ear based on how I feel.

Here's hoping all goes well with your sensitive tummy - rub it for me and give it a loving pat and tell it Auntie Ebony said it's gonna be okay...

If it helps, remember that I am in the same boat as you at the very same time. Imagine me imagining my potential new boss in his boxers. Maybe it'll take the stress off.

ROFLMBO...that is too funny!

As for how to dress tomorrow, you reminded me of a woman we had working with us for a while. After a number of months, it was very obvious she just wasn't a good fit for us. Kept making the same (big) mistakes, was rude, very hard to understand, etc. One day she shows up at work in a blue skirt suit (we NEVER wear anything that professional there -- more like dress casual) with a white blouse. ALL DAY she had these white tissues along her neckline to protect the collar of the blouse. ALL DAY! Helping customers, working the front counter!

When I saw it, I thought she missed them, and I said, "Hey, you have tissues..." She knew. It looked ridiculous every time she walked around because they flew around her face and stuff. It was very hilarious! :eek:

Not long after that, she quit. It was very obvious she had an interview that day. Worked out for us!

That's too funny...I've worn my suits here before, usually when I have something going on after work, so they are kinda used to that...they know I am active in the community, so that's going to be my reason for "dressing up" tomorrow. Normally I wear dresses and unmatched suits (pattern in the jacket, solid shirt and pants or skirt) but a full-on interview suit might raise a red flag. At this point, I really don't care what they think about my attire, so I may just wear the interview suit anyway!

Now I DO know it's time to go...I'm starting not to care what they think of me...and for me, that's a dangerous place to be. Makes my ghetto side come out and I want to fight...:ihih:

I'll keep it in check until after I find out about the new job...taking out my supervisor might not look really good...LOL

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ROFLMBO...that is too funny!

Yeah, but you know you'll think about it tomorrow now! :eek:

That's too funny...I've worn my suits here before, usually when I have something going on after work, so they are kinda used to that...they know I am active in the community, so that's going to be my reason for "dressing up" tomorrow. Normally I wear dresses and unmatched suits (pattern in the jacket, solid shirt and pants or skirt) but a full-on interview suit might raise a red flag. At this point, I really don't care what they think about my attire, so I may just wear the interview suit anyway!

I say wear the suit. Who cares if they know? Maybe it'll make them realize what they'll be missing out on.

Now I DO know it's time to go...I'm starting not to care what they think of me...and for me, that's a dangerous place to be. Makes my ghetto side come out and I want to fight...:ihih:

Hehehe, now THAT I've gotta see! Promise me if it happens, you'll assure us somebody will be standing in the wings taking video! :eek:

I'll keep it in check until after I find out about the new job...taking out my supervisor might not look really good...LOL

Well, true... may not be something you wanna put on a resume: Typing, filing, ghetto rumbling...

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Beth and Ebony-praying, chanting, ancient nekkid rain dancing, etc... for both of you in your interviews. I would suggest you not imagine me doing the nekkid dance for fear you out right laugh during the interview. Much success to you both!

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If it helps, remember that I am in the same boat as you at the very same time. Imagine me imagining my potential new boss in his boxers.QUOTE]

It's sexist comments like this that keep me and my fellow men under "the glass ceiling".

I'm starting not to care what they think of me...and for me, that's a dangerous place to be. Makes my ghetto side come out and I want to fight...:rolleyes:

Hells yeah! Bust out the shiv!!

I would suggest you not imagine me doing the nekkid dance

Too late. I'll be thinking of it all night. And I mean that every bit as creepy as it sounds.....Bwahahahahahaha

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hope this help :rolleyes:

fish wrapped in foil slowly cooked in the oven

flake soak it in milk 1/2hr (to take the sea taste out)

place flake in foil put some lemon slices on top with alittle bit of butter. then cover with the foil

cook in a moderate hot oven for about 1/2hr to 40 min just keep checking it

when ready eat it and enjoy its beautiful my dad makes this for me and i love the fish is so juicy and soft

hope this helps enjoy!!!!

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hope this help :rolleyes:

fish wrapped in foil slowly cooked in the oven

flake soak it in milk 1/2hr (to take the sea taste out)

place flake in foil put some lemon slices on top with alittle bit of butter. then cover with the foil

cook in a moderate hot oven for about 1/2hr to 40 min just keep checking it

when ready eat it and enjoy its beautiful my dad makes this for me and i love the fish is so juicy and soft

hope this helps enjoy!!!!


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I have it on the desktop computer in the kitchen and on my iPhone! It is awful!

Evil, evil game! It sucks you in and you can't get out! <I wonder if I can get it on my ipod touch?>

Oh wow, I already feel better!

Yeah, I definitely needed an un-fill! I went in on Monday at 4.6cc and got my fill (don't know how much). He stuck the needle in today and asked the nurse what she had in my chart as my ending fill, and she said 5.2cc. Um, no... he pulled out 5.8cc!! Omg, my fill was 1.2cc!! No wonder I was having problems!

So now I am down to 5cc. We'll see how that does for a while.

SO glad you're feeling better! Think you were a little full? YIKES!!!! Take it easy and enjoy eating again when you go back to solids!

Ebony and Beth, Many prayers, best wishes, special good vibes, and what ever else I can think of! LOL!! Let us know how things went AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!!!!!!

PJTP: Still migraining a little but was able to get all of my work done today. Offering totals got entered, weekly financial reports got generated, payroll and bills got done and mailed, monthly payroll taxes got figured, posted and paid. Whew!

DH made chili verde for dinner. Sat in the slow cooker all afternoon and made the house smell so yummy! Dinner was great and DD and I have leftovers for a day or 2! :rolleyes: If I wasn't so full, I'd still be eating! LOL!

Okay, off to PM a friend then it might just have to be a game of Bookworm!


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Too late. I'll be thinking of it all night. And I mean that every bit as creepy as it sounds.....Bwahahahahahaha


Evil, evil game! It sucks you in and you can't get out! <I wonder if I can get it on my ipod touch?>

I think you can.:rolleyes:

SO glad you're feeling better! Think you were a little full? YIKES!!!! Take it easy and enjoy eating again when you go back to solids!

Ebony and Beth, Many prayers, best wishes, special good vibes, and what ever else I can think of! LOL!! Let us know how things went AS SOON AS YOU CAN!!!!!!!What she said!

PJTP: Still migraining a little but was able to get all of my work done today. Offering totals got entered, weekly financial reports got generated, payroll and bills got done and mailed, monthly payroll taxes got figured, posted and paid. Whew!I hope you feel better soon!

DH made chili verde for dinner. Sat in the slow cooker all afternoon and made the house smell so yummy! Dinner was great and DD and I have leftovers for a day or 2! :w00t: If I wasn't so full, I'd still be eating! LOL!

Okay, off to PM a friend then it might just have to be a game of Bookworm!


I hope you get over those migrains soon. I haven't evern experienced one, but I worked with a lady that had them badly. She passed out during a training class from the pain.

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Beth and Ebony-praying, chanting, ancient nekkid rain dancing, etc... for both of you in your interviews. I would suggest you not imagine me doing the nekkid dance for fear you out right laugh during the interview. Much success to you both!

Great... now it's a for sure that I WILL! :rolleyes: But all of that is appreciated. I'm very excited!

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I'm back at Argyle for my last swing before starting the new job. As it turns out, I had fortuitously arranged for my parents to come and visit the mine site this week (as they were travelling through the area on holiday). I took yesterday and today off work and we have spent the time looking around the area and doing some serious birdwatching. I've been able to give my new camera a real workout and got some great bird pics!

Here are some links to the slideshows, for those who want to see them all, but I'll embedding my favourites coz I think they came out really well!

Day one

Day two

Crimson Finch


Diamond Doves and immature Zebra Finches


Spinifex Pigeons


Red-backed Kingfisher (taken from a LONG way away)


Tawny Grassbird (I think the best "photograph")


Zebra Finch


Pied Butcherbird


Me with my Mum and Dad


Edited by Fanny Adams

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It's sexist comments like this that keep me and my fellow men under "the glass ceiling".

Ha!! The only reason you are staying under that glass ceiling is so that you can look up the skirts of the women who've climbed above you!!!

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Ebony and Beth, thoughts and prayers are coming your way for the jobs! I pray you both get them. That way the world might see something new.........All your friends here dancing nekid all at once because you got the jobs. LOL. Who is always talking about dancing nekid?:tt2::w00t::rolleyes: Anyway the world would be so scarred to see me they would pay me not to dance nekid. then I would be rich I tell ya, Rich!:tt1:

I am surprised and thankful I still have my phone bundle. If I can hold on until Mon. then I can pay it.

Fanny once again I love your pics. I have gotten where I show my grandkids them. They really like them. Through what you post I am teaching them about your country. My oldest DGS loves the mines. We spent about 2 hrs. the other day looking and talking about the heavey equipment used there. So thank you for being my teacher, so I can pass it on.

Have a wonderful day everyone. Blessings.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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