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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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I have no crafty skills at all. I just live on my laptop.

It's Friday, it's raining and I really don't feel like being at work. I am seriously considering giving myself the rest of the afternoon off.

DO IT!!! DO IT!!! I'm at home in the rain too

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Well, hell. This is going to be long! I just previewed this! Sorry!

I'm great I'm engaged to don the guy from work that gave me the ruby ring in the elevator..

Oh wow! Congratulations! How does DS feel about all of this?

* taps/michelle - i love gardening. but i have so much wildlife dh had a small green house built & this is really my first yr of veggies. i've done herbs/tx wildflowers testing it - but last night i had some of my first ever zuchinni. LOVED it.

* friend - took her spinning yesterday, then lunch & glass of wine. she got it, time to step up and be her husbands rock. dh and i can't live there or do it for her..

* got an unfill yesterday AM and ate like a pig - i just LOVE food. :tt1: reason for the damn band!

That's why the fencing. This year it's a 10'x12' dog kennel that I'm using. Not pretty and it's right by the house but the deer shouldn't be trying to jump in to that. Too small of space. I'm envious of the greenhouse! Maybe someday! Congrats on your first veggies of the season!!!!

I'm glad your friend is finally 'getting it.' I do know it hard on her but she's got to step up if she loves him and it sounds as if she does. Good for her!

Isn't food GRAND?! LOL!

Heartfire/Michelle, I am doing some container gardening this year and love it. I used to keep a huge garden which was frequently obliterated by deer and racoons. I remember the racoons were the worst because they would go through the sweet corn, knock it over, peel open a cob, take one bite and then move on to the next. It was more mass destruction than anything else.

Don't even get me started on 'coons! LOL! At our last place, we had a large deck on 2 sides of the house and I had potted plants and a huge 3 tiered waterfall. Came out one AM to find ALL of the plants uprooted and most of them in the waterfall. They were looking for grubs and washed all my plants! What a mess! I was SO pissed! Took me ALL day to clean it up and get what I could re-planted. Some of it was beyond even my help!

I just got back from the ER. I need 2 surgeries.

Oh g4e, I'm so sorry for what you are going thru! Prayers and best wishes.

Morning all! I'm on the countdown to a week of LBT absence - I leave on Sunday for a conference and shall be computerless.

I'd say have a good trip but this sounds like it's going to suck! So instead I'll say have a SAFE trip!

The second meeting with the bosses was...weird, sad, unproductive and did I mention weird?

Ebony, I'm so sorry. I just don't know what to tell you. I've always held low-end jobs and have never had to deal with garbage like this. My prayers are with you tho.

My hubby and I are doing better.

Anyways, as depressing as that all sounds, I am actually in quite a good mood.

Susan, I'm glad to hear that you and DH are on the same page again. And if giving up the house is what it takes to get you guys back on the right track, then give it up gladly and don't look back. Owning a house isn't always what it's all cracked up to be. It's a lot of work and expense!

And it's not depressing if this is what's going to help you two be the best you can be as a couple! Hang in there. Prayers to you as well.

PJTP...I just got called to interview for one of the other jobs I applied for...Thursday at noon.

Whoo Hoo!! Hopefully this is the one!!

Meeh, just think of it as a week away at Disneyland... without all the rides... or the fun... or the crowds... or the silly music... or the lines... or Mickey... or... :thumbup:

LOL! I don't think that's helping! :eek:

Anyway, they laid off 300 people at work. Only 12 in my division, none in our group, but 241 in the division we work very closely with and used to belong to. Lots and lots of long-timers who really know the code base were let go too.

Oh crap. Not you too! Hang in there, Mac! They do that at my mom's company too. All of a sudden, whoosh!, a whole department disappears. Or a good portion of it. Oh and b/c of the security, if you're let go, they have security standing by and when you get back to your desk, there are empty boxes waiting for you. Then security watches while you pack up your stuff, checking any papers you try to take out to make sure it's not company, then they escort you out taking your ID badge as you leave! Most times, the rest of the department doesn't know what's happening and you don't usually get to even say goodbye to anyone! It's pretty harsh! Tho I do understand the security issues.

My mom's position isn't even going to exist this time next year. She'll probably retire about then but we'll see.


Now for some tough love:

Beth and everyone else. I think you're all being too hard on yourselves. And this "my drama is trivial compared to your drama" is not productive. We ALL have issues that we're dealing with. Most of it is very scary for us and there doesn't seem to be any easy way out of it. I don't know, maybe there is never an easy way out! I'm so glad we're all here to support each other and be there for each other. It's a safe place to vent and we all need that! Prayers for all of us that we get thru and come out the other side much stronger than we ever have been!

Okay. I'm done now! :biggrin:


Woke up to a bunch of rain! Almost an inch since the early morning hours. We were expecting t-storms but they don't usually produce much in the way of precip. Just a lot of lightening. Not this time! I hadn't planned on walking today b/c of the t-storms anyway. If it clears up later then maybe we'll go out.

Cold too. I built fires in the wood stove and the fireplace! We shut the heater down last month!

I'm tired and feeling yucky. Bloated too. Showed a gain this week, darnit!! Sometimes I really HATE the scale! I'm also having to force myself out for my walks, which is unusual. I'm just exhausted and don't know why. sleeping all night too. Probably PMS, tho I'm on Depo, I still go thru the motions most months. This is probably about that time. :biggrin:

Gotta go! DD is hungry... again! LOL!

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PJTP...I just got called to interview for one of the other jobs I applied for...Thursday at noon.

Send up the good thoughts / prayers / positive energy! I'm so happy I could scream!!!!!:w00t:

Of course, I haven't got the job yet, but I'm hopeful, which is more than I could say an hour ago!:lol::lol::lol:

YEAY Ebony. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Feel the vibes from all of us here! Think positive! :thumbup::unsure:

Anyway, they laid off 300 people at work. Only 12 in my division, none in our group, but 241 in the division we work very closely with and used to belong to. Lots and lots of long-timers who really know the code base were let go too.

Wow Mac, that is awful.:eek: It must be keeping the rest of you on pins and needles also. My DSIL went through something similar recently. Another company bought them out. She was blessed. She was 1 of the few they kept. She has been with the company 32 yrs.

Now for me. I know, I know, It's all about ME!!!!!!!!:tongue2:

I got a JOB! yeay me!:thumbup: It's at a place I worked at before. They don't have any level caregiver that I am at so they are training me to the next highest level. i am a little concerned because of my back, hopefully I won't have to much lifting of patients. Training starts the 15th. 1st pay is I f I remember correctly the 26th? I will have to look. I haven't even told my kids yet! LOL. guess I need to call them and let them know.

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PJTP...I just got called to interview for one of the other jobs I applied for...Thursday at noon.

Send up the good thoughts / prayers / positive energy! I'm so happy I could scream!!!!!:unsure:

Of course, I haven't got the job yet, but I'm hopeful, which is more than I could say an hour ago!:tongue2::lol::thumbup:

Omg, somehow I missed this until somebody quoted it! WOOT!!!! Total prayers and good thoughts, positive energy, and maybe even a nekkid fire dance (only if need be, but for you...) to help this come about for you if it's meant to be.

Thursday must be a magic day. I don't want to steal any of your thunder, but I had an interesting day yesterday (Thursday) which culminates in something interesting for next Thursday.

I had an interview with the place I tested for two weeks ago. I hate to sound like a booger, but though it's a state job and pretty okay to get into (though the pay sucks), I really don't want THIS job. The way it was posted was, I see now, very general, and I thought it would be doing what I did before. It wasn't until I went in for the testing that I was told what it is: a front-counter job. Ugh. No challenge, no nothing interesting. Just a paycheck.

So... they called me for an interview for yesterday, which I went to. I'll also say that when I went to test, the lady in HR said, "I shouldn't be telling you this but there was a lady who used to work here and then left, and she is back now and applied for this job." In all honesty, I hope they give it to her.

Anyway... I get there for my interview and am about 10 minutes early. I approach the elevators and as the door opens, off walks an attorney I knew from where I worked before. He does a double-take and asks what I'm doing there, and I told him I was there for an interview. He asked why and I told him it was because of the changes where I was and how that didn't work for me. He asked what type of work I was applying for and I told him. He kinda perked up and started asking other questions, then said he was wondering these things because HE'S looking for somebody. He told me to give him a call, and I asked for his card.

He's a nice man and I've heard he's great to work for -- that he really appreciates his workers. Sometimes to bring up morale or thank people for a job well done, he gives them certificates for massages and stuff like that. Now, truly I don't care about the stuff -- I just like hearing that he appreciates his help!

So I called his office within minutes of getting home, but of course he was still in court. However, less than an hour later I got a call from somebody in his office asking for my resume and to set an interview -- next Thursday at 4:00. I asked the girl if I would be asking for her, and she said, "No, you'll be interviewing with him."

I'm VERY psyched about this. I don't believe in fate, per se, but I DO believe in divine intervention and things happening for a reason. Had I been even a minute sooner or a minute later, I wouldn't have bumped into him. The pay I quoted is about $10,000 more a year than the job I was there to interview for, his office is closer to my home (and I swear to God just a stone's throw away from my LB doctor's office), about a mile from where ColoradoChick works, and he knows me and what I can do -- which, in THIS economy, may be what makes or breaks people in getting jobs. I have to sell myself, but not to the degree of selling oneself to people you don't know.

So Ebony, I'll be on my knees praying for BOTH of us, sister!

Again, sorry for stealing your thunder. I've been wanting to post this since yesterday, but there were so many sad stories I didn't feel it was appropriate just yet.

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I got a JOB! yeay me!:unsure: It's at a place I worked at before. They don't have any level caregiver that I am at so they are training me to the next highest level. i am a little concerned because of my back, hopefully I won't have to much lifting of patients. Training starts the 15th. 1st pay is I f I remember correctly the 26th? I will have to look. I haven't even told my kids yet! LOL. guess I need to call them and let them know.

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! HOW FANTASTIC!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! :tongue2::clap::thumbup::clap::thumbup::clap::w00t::clap::lol::clap::lol::clap::eek::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

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ME TOO! Well, the crochet part. I haven't yet taught myself to knit, though I have books to learn from.

I know how to crochet ONE stitch! LOL!

I have no crafty skills at all. I just live on my laptop.

It's Friday, it's raining and I really don't feel like being at work. I am seriously considering giving myself the rest of the afternoon off.

I vote you go home too! Does my vote count? LOL!

Now for me. I know, I know, It's all about ME!!!!!!!!:unsure:

I got a JOB! yeay me!:tongue2: It's at a place I worked at before. They don't have any level caregiver that I am at so they are training me to the next highest level. i am a little concerned because of my back, hopefully I won't have to much lifting of patients. Training starts the 15th. 1st pay is I f I remember correctly the 26th? I will have to look. I haven't even told my kids yet! LOL. guess I need to call them and let them know.

WhooHoo! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you! And how cool that they are going to train you UP instead of just using you at a lower level?! Prayers that the back holds on for you!

So glad I rechecked before logging off!

Off to lunch! TTFN!

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Now for some tough love:

Beth and everyone else. I think you're all being too hard on yourselves. And this "my drama is trivial compared to your drama" is not productive. We ALL have issues that we're dealing with. Most of it is very scary for us and there doesn't seem to be any easy way out of it. I don't know, maybe there is never an easy way out! I'm so glad we're all here to support each other and be there for each other. It's a safe place to vent and we all need that! Prayers for all of us that we get thru and come out the other side much stronger than we ever have been!

Okay. I'm done now! :tongue2:

Yes'm, message received. :thumbup:

I know for me, I got that way years and years ago when I was in a women's shelter for domestic abuse, and you'd see women who were beaten within an inch of their lives and you felt almost guilty... that your problems weren't as bad as theirs because your face only had a couple bruises. :unsure:

It's hard to not put things in perspective with what others are going through, but I'll try to be better.

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Oh my gosh! I'm never going to get off this computer if y'all don't stop posting! LOL! But since it's GREAT news! Keep posting! LOL!

So I called his office within minutes of getting home, but of course he was still in court. However, less than an hour later I got a call from somebody in his office asking for my resume and to set an interview -- next Thursday at 4:00. I asked the girl if I would be asking for her, and she said, "No, you'll be interviewing with him."

I'm VERY psyched about this.

This is sooooo exciting!!!!

Okay Beth, I put you and Ebony ON MY CALENDAR for next Thursday! I am going to be saying prayers ALL DAY!!!!! And actually, since I'm on the west coast, I should probably START on Wednesday night! LOL!

Good things are happening! Whoo Hoo!

Okay, NOW I've got to go get lunch! LOL!

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Yes'm, message received. :tongue2:

I know for me, I got that way years and years ago when I was in a women's shelter for domestic abuse, and you'd see women who were beaten within an inch of their lives and you felt almost guilty... that your problems weren't as bad as theirs because your face only had a couple bruises. :unsure:

It's hard to not put things in perspective with what others are going through, but I'll try to be better.

No, I totally get it. I'm doing the same thing myself. I really need to read and TAKE my own advice! :thumbup:

I haven't wanted to post this either:

DH works for the state and the good 'ol governor is looking at taking ANOTHER 5% of DH's paycheck. That would put us down a total of 15%. I don't want to do my job anymore but I can work from home and it gives us a couple of hundred bucks a month. Pretty soon that's going to be important! We're already tight, it's going to get tighter. I feel like I should go get another job but with DH's schedule and the fact that it's fire season, anything I get has to be when he's home b/c child care would take my paycheck. Impossible! No one in their right mind would hire me when I can't even tell them that I can for sure be there! So we tighten our belts even more and hope it all works out.

NOW I'm getting off this computer! LOL!

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all the good news has made me decided to drag DH to our little mexican joint and sit on the patio and do ritas''''

i blame glouc & brandy....:unsure:

happy TGIF ya'll!!!

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WooHoo Beth. thoughts and prayers all the way around!

Well guess what I have another job interview on Tuesday. The thing about this is my daughters boss called them and told them about me and my health problems and they are still willing to interview me!

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Ebony, Beth, G4E-I am doing the happy dance! Thankfully, you can't see it. It ain't pretty. I am sending prayers, good vibes, good thoughts, etc your way!

luluc-drink a 'rita for me!

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heartfire-I hope things turn around for your DH's pay. I know all about the childcare situation. The amounts most daycare centers charge are dreadful.

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I got a JOB!

YAY G4E. That's fantastic! :unsure:

He asked what type of work I was applying for and I told him. He kinda perked up and started asking other questions, then said he was wondering these things because HE'S looking for somebody...less than an hour later I got a call from somebody in his office asking for my resume and to set an interview -- next Thursday at 4:00. I asked the girl if I would be asking for her, and she said, "No, you'll be interviewing with him."

I'm VERY psyched about this.

And YAY Beth!! That is just so wonderful - fate/faith/star alignment/coincident...whatever it is, it's wonderful!

DH works for the state and the good 'ol governor is looking at taking ANOTHER 5% of DH's paycheck. That would put us down a total of 15%. I don't want to do my job anymore but I can work from home and it gives us a couple of hundred bucks a month. Pretty soon that's going to be important! So we tighten our belts even more and hope it all works out.

Prayers for you too Heartfire.

the good news has made me decide to drag DH to our little mexican joint and sit on the patio and do ritas''''

It's as good a reason as any!

Well guess what I have another job interview on Tuesday. The thing about this is my daughters boss called them and told them about me and my health problems and they are still willing to interview me!

OMG! Things are starting to look up for you - Fabulous!

So it is Saturday morning, I'm on my n'th load of laundry, and am starting to put clothing aside for the trip. Between 6 days of meetings and then dinners and evening meetings and one evening reception, how many suits do I need? Men have it SO much easier: 1 suit; one other jacket; 10 shirts....

My 1 step-daughter's univ graduation is happening while I'm away; DH informs me last night that DSD, DSD #2, his ex, and DH's #1 DSD from his previous marriage are all not only coming to this city for the event, but are going to be coming to our house! That's it, DH...just add to my joy for Saturday as now I need to up the cleaning ante! I am going to be making a quilt for DSD's baby shower gift, and I have the pattern book, materials, etc spread out in the guest room. Good thing it isn't in the hand quilting stage, or I'd have the quilt frame set up too, and that's a bugger to de-construct!

OK - time to get back to work...catch you all on my next break...enjoy your weekend!

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