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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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Poor lizard - and I almost said poor snake! Reminds me of how I used to feel after a pig-out session (pre-band, of course)...I bet it's going to take him / her / it quite a while to digest all of that!:tt2:

Hehehe, good point!

School starts up for me again today - Finance class, and the last one before my degree :smile2:

YAAAAAY!!! I am so proud of you!!!

Wonderful NSV - wearing a size 18 dress today for the first time in a very long time. The last time I think I could wear one like this was definately over 10 years ago. I think I may have mentioned the size thing before, but I'm so excited I couldn't help but mention it again!

And proud again!! That is SO fantastic!

I got the swimsuit I ordered yesterday - I bought it a little small because I KNOW I'll lose more by July - isn't in wonderful that we can say that and know it will be true? The suit fits okay now, but will be even better when I lose some additional pounds and tighten up the old bod with some additional workouts.

That suit is gorgeous!! And you're right about the weight loss -- it's nice to know we WILL be there. I'm almost a tad worried that the clothes I got off eBay right before I quit won't fit by the time I get back to work. It's kind of a mixed emotion.

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*** Vent Alert ***

The work thing is really tough for me - I guess I really DO define myself somewhat by what I do for a living, and knowing that DD is depending on me to help with college bills is putting some additional stress on me to keep this job. If I had a choice, I really would leave - I feel that no matter what I do, it will be colored by my past mistakes, and that I'll never live them down.

Just this morning, instead of calling my attention to a small mistake in a spreadsheet I prepared for this morning's meetings, my supervisor created her own copy of the spreadsheet and then just handed it to me. Of course there was attitude behind it as well. I didn't respond to that, but saw another item she had forgotten to complete and had to ask her to close the file so I could add the last thing.

It's like that a lot - instead of letting me know what I did incorrectly or what detail I missed, she just re-does the work so I don't really learn anything in the process, and if I have to do it again, I'm bound to repeat the same mistakes because I don't really know what they were in the first place! :smile2:

I don't understand this attitude, and there's really nothing I can do about it, but it does add to my stress level. I'm glad I'm the age I am now - the old me (5 - 10 years ago) would have just blown up at her and probably been fired by now.

Some friends of mine have said that I'll never be happy working for someone else - that I really should go back to owning my own business - but now is not the time for that. Not with DD depending on me to close any gaps in her college financing...I'm willing to stick this out as long as I can, but the constant feeling that I can't do anything right is wearing on me.

Even when I do things correctly, I am not recognized for that - its only my mistakes they have no trouble pointing out...:tt2:

*** Vent over, you may now return to your regularly scheduled PJTP...***

Hm, could you mention it to her in a way that wouldn't come across as accusatory? Something like, "I noticed that I had a mistake in my spreadsheet that you corrected, but it would really help me to know exactly what my mistake was so that I don't repeat it in the future. Could you let me know what it was, please, so that I can put forth an exemplary product?"

Geez, it's like you peed in her corn flakes or something! :wub:

My mom always says that I have issues working for people, and she's probably right. I don't like unfairness and bullcrap in the office. I really don't deal with it well. I work hard and am a perfectionist in my work and also wish I could have been recognized for it where I was before, but it wasn't gonna happen. I would have work up to my yahoo and keep up with it but would get a memo from the new bit-- er, boss saying that the shredding needed to be kept up with. :ohmy: Stupid cow.

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passive aggressive.

i'd let her re-do ALL the work, let her start making mistakes and sit back silently & smile or grin (well you know what)....

i hate that style, i'd rather a full on bitch than play around games.

I'm with ya on that one - hating that "style" that is...I would just let her do that, but when I was hauled in front of the HR person a few weeks ago, one of the black marks on my record was that she was doing my work. If she doesn't help me correct the errors, she'll be forever doing it...

One of my good friends thinks its personal with her - that now she's not the poster child for weight loss any more (now that my losses are more noticeable). I really hope that isn't it, because I ain't stoppin' for anyone!

love the suit & congrats all on the NSV's.

Thanks, Lulu - I think it's going to be gorgeous...

it's not raining - so i'm going to be a full on country chick today and put my ipod on and ride my tractor & mow , and mow & mow some more. hope i don't run into any snakes:)

I just got the cutest visual of you on a tractor...better be careful, some farm boy is gonna be stalking you soon, trying to get the cuteness all to himself...

YAAAAAY!!! I am so proud of you!!!

Thanks, Beth - I'm pretty proud of me, too!:wub:

That suit is gorgeous!! And you're right about the weight loss -- it's nice to know we WILL be there. I'm almost a tad worried that the clothes I got off eBay right before I quit won't fit by the time I get back to work. It's kind of a mixed emotion.

Ain't it great? I am fighting to keep from buying too many clothes because I know in a few weeks I'll be getting smaller sizes...I've never felt like this before, and I am getting used to it! :eek:

Hm, could you mention it to her in a way that wouldn't come across as accusatory? Something like, "I noticed that I had a mistake in my spreadsheet that you corrected, but it would really help me to know exactly what my mistake was so that I don't repeat it in the future. Could you let me know what it was, please, so that I can put forth an exemplary product?"

That's a great idea...I'll give it a shot and see what happens. At this point, I've got nothing to lose...

Geez, it's like you peed in her corn flakes or something! :huh2:

Ooh - there's a visual! :tt2:

My mom always says that I have issues working for people, and she's probably right. I don't like unfairness and bullcrap in the office. I really don't deal with it well. I work hard and am a perfectionist in my work and also wish I could have been recognized for it where I was before, but it wasn't gonna happen. I would have work up to my yahoo and keep up with it but would get a memo from the new bit-- er, boss saying that the shredding needed to be kept up with. :eek: Stupid cow.

What is it about some people that once they get into a position with some authority, they lose all sense of common courtesy, lose their sense of self, and start trying to "prove" themselves on someone else's back? You would think that a work ethic like yours would be celebrated - instead, you get people that are "threatened" because they're probably afraid you'll show them up.

I've had the same problem since working full time. I once had a co-worker tell me at a programming job that I worked "too fast" and I needed to slow down so I wouldn't make everyone else look bad. :ohmy::confused::wub:

I just don't get it...but I'm going to try really hard NOT to obsess about it...I'll just keep doing the best job that I can. I have a book at home by author John Maxwell (he writes lots of business books) about managing up and I think I need to read it again...:smile2:

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What is it about some people that once they get into a position with some authority, they lose all sense of common courtesy, lose their sense of self, and start trying to "prove" themselves on someone else's back? You would think that a work ethic like yours would be celebrated - instead, you get people that are "threatened" because they're probably afraid you'll show them up.

I can one-up this one, and sorry if I've mentioned it here before. I write on a few different boards so I'm not sure where I've said it.

/looong rant alert

I worked in a courthouse as a court clerk. My judge was (is) the chief judge, and she LOVES the golden-haired child. Golden-haired child is a real pip. She got up in the ranks ONLY because of the judge pushing her and making things happen for her because she wanted golden-hair to be clerk of court when my prior boss retired last December. Which is exactly what happened -- even though golden-hair is really out of her league and over her head and, at 31, doesn't really have the wherewithall to know what she doesn't know.

Anyway, I was making a run for the clerk of court position as well. I knew that I was up against a brick wall simply due to the relationship between the judge and golden-hair, but I wanted to do all I could do anyway.

I've been going to school and studying criminal justice and management, even though that position doesn't require a degree (yet). I also took a course called the Clerk Certification Program, which is all online and offered through the Commonwealth in conjunction with the Michigan State University. It is reimbursable, but I paid the $700+ out of pocket so that when my interview came, I could prove my intent. Now mind you, SHE could have taken this course as well but chose not to. Each class was reimbursable and only about $50 to $70 per class, payable as you went along. You had 5 years to finish the program, and I got mine done in just over 7 months, the first one ever to finish this program (the non-credit bearing one -- they have credit-bearing for those going for Masters').

Anyway, I kept it all on the down low. The only person who knew was the Clerk, and that was ONLY because she had to sign off on my paperwork to get started. However, she wanted to see me get the job, and knew I would do a great job, so she kept it on the down low too.

Fast forward to late last year when I finally did my capstone paper which got me my certificate. I got it done before the interviewing started so that I would have my certificate AND my paper to show at the interveiw, which was supposed to be a panel. The "panel" got changed by the judge a month before interviewing, and it consisted of her, our other judge (who also was enamored of golden-hair), and a representative from Richmond. Great panel. :smile2:

But I trudged forward anyway. When my certificate was cut, the people from MSU wanted to toot my horn and asked my Clerk for names and addresses of people to notify. Of course she gave them our two judges.

The day came when I knew the letters had been sent. I got a large envelope in my in-box with copies of all the letters, so I knew. And at that time there were resumes coming in for the Clerk job. We had a few minutes between cases on this particular day, and my judge got her mail and brought it into the courtroom. I froze. At one point she says, "Huh, something from MSU. Must be somebody applying for the job." When she opened it, she said "Huh, this is about YOU," and proceeded to read. I could feel the sizzle in the air.

She looks at me with disgust after slamming down her letter and says, "When did you do THIS?" I told her. She gets a snide look to her face and says, "So the State paid for this, right?" And I said, "No, I paid for it myself to prove my sincerity." She got up from the bench, said she had to go do something, and slammed out of the courtroom. I almost burst out crying.

A co-worker, who didn't know what was going on, told me my judge came out, met the other judge (this co-worker's judge) and showed her the letter with an angry look on her face. My judge came back into the courtroom and didn't say a thing to me.

Later I confronted her in chambers and said, "If I didn't know any better I'd swear you're mad at me!" It got into a long conversation where she said Miss Golden-Hair had EARNED the job, and I said, "But you're supposed to be impartial! You're on the panel, and you're essentially telling me nobody else will even have a chance! And how could you be angry for doing something that betters my job performance??" It was long and got ugly, but I was officially disgusted. No congratulations, no "I'm proud of you," nothing. She was pissed because I dared to make golden-hair look bad.

Now, I had had my certificate sitting up on my shelf for a while at this point, and nobody had noticed. A couple days after this exchange I saw the other judge and we were standing near my cubicle and I said, "Oh, did you hear about what I did?" She didn't know what I meant until I pointed at my certificate. Her response? She said, "Oh, yeah," and walked off!!

And people like my mom say I have a problem with people in authority. UM, NO, I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH PEOPLE LIKE THAT!! :tt2:

/end long rant

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Wow...just wow...Beth, you have my sympathy and my congratulations.

That sounds like an awesome program, and good on you for doing it on your own and not waiting for someone to encourage you to do it.

The judges...there are no words to describe the idiocacy you've described. Why in the he** would they be upset with you wanting to better yourself? It defies logic and reality...just crazy!

I know you'll be okay - you are a fighter, and you're going to come out on top. Heaven forbid the golden-haired one finds herself without either of her champions, or does something that makes them look bad, because I get the feeling they'll cut her loose like yesterday's newspaper...

It's situations like that which make you wonder...:smile2::confused::tt2::confused:

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Wow...just wow...Beth, you have my sympathy and my congratulations.

That sounds like an awesome program, and good on you for doing it on your own and not waiting for someone to encourage you to do it.

The judges...there are no words to describe the idiocacy you've described. Why in the he** would they be upset with you wanting to better yourself? It defies logic and reality...just crazy!

I know you'll be okay - you are a fighter, and you're going to come out on top. Heaven forbid the golden-haired one finds herself without either of her champions, or does something that makes them look bad, because I get the feeling they'll cut her loose like yesterday's newspaper...

It's situations like that which make you wonder...:smile2::confused::tt2::confused:

No, she'll never be cut loose or be held responsible. Even the prior clerk (we had lunch two weeks ago) wondered how long the judges are going to do her job for her. They will NEVER let her foot hit a stone. To her detriment, really...

And yes, I was so defeated when I was shown DISDAIN for doing things that not only bettered myself, but bettered myself for THAT JOB.

I filed for unemployment, but of course the agency said they are going to conduct an investigation. I need to copy and paste what I wrote here to send to them ahead of time (they want any pertinent paperwork/info before the hearing on the 21st). I also need to send them a copy of my resignation letter.

It's stuff like that which will make you literally lose your mind. I was almost taking more mental health days than true sick days because of that sort of crap. And in three years, that's just ONE example. :ohmy:

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beth - sorry you went through that & hope you get your unemployment w/out issue~

ebony - it was just me / grass & a whole lot of bugs outside:biggrin:

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PJTP: I just updated my ticker and I have lost 93 pounds or the equivalent to one Hollywood starlet!

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PJTP: I just updated my ticker and I have lost 93 pounds or the equivalent to one Hollywood starlet!

HAHAHAHA!!! And WOOT!!!! I noticed on another thread that you were no longer languishing in the 80-something weight loss!!!

You can call your weight loss Calista. I'm sure you lost a Calista Flockhart!!

Tennis tonight? :smile2: If yes, so long as it's over before America's Next Top Model's finale! lol

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Sure! I have my exercise class from 5 till 6 but will be home after. :smile2:

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Sure! I have my exercise class from 5 till 6 but will be home after. :tt2:

I forgot that was Wednesdays. But yeah, if you feel like it, we can chase balls and laugh at how silly we are. :smile2:

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I forgot that was Wednesdays. But yeah, if you feel like it, we can chase balls and laugh at how silly we are. :smile2:

Yes, I will call you. I would like to play as although I got rid of that Starlet I am still carrying her 47 pound chihuahua around and I have got to get rid of that beeoch too! hahaha

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Yes, I will call you. I would like to play as although I got rid of that Starlet I am still carrying her 47 pound chihuahua around and I have got to get rid of that beeoch too! hahaha

Omg, spittle just hit my screen! BAAHHHHHHAHAHAHAH!! :crying::lol::lol:

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What is it about some people that once they get into a position with some authority, they lose all sense of common courtesy, lose their sense of self, and start trying to "prove" themselves on someone else's back? You would think that a work ethic like yours would be celebrated - instead, you get people that are "threatened" because they're probably afraid you'll show them up.

If you figure it out, please school me. Three of us were moved from our old dept and combined into another. A manager in the new dept was "explaining" something to me that I've known....oh 6-7 years now. I looked at her like she had a 2nd head. Ever since she got promoted to manager, she has thought her sh!t doesn't stink. Heaven help her if she ever talks down to me like I've heard her do others!!! Tho one fun thing is that one of the acctg ladies has called her everything but a beotch and at a very high decibel. Whew but it was hi-larity!!!

PJTP: I just updated my ticker and I have lost 93 pounds or the equivalent to one Hollywood starlet!

1. That is SO great; congrats!!!! :crying:

2. I almost spit out my drink; was not what I was expecting!

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PJTP: I just updated my ticker and I have lost 93 pounds or the equivalent to one Hollywood starlet!

Whoohoo!! I too have lost a Calista, so I can relate! We must have started at almost exactly the same stats, as we both have lost similar amounts and are currently about the same weight. Always nice to find someone who's journey closely matches your own...

Bye bye, Calista!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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