Gracey 7 Posted May 9, 2009 Wow SNT hopefully you will be able to get rid of them soon! Thanks. Luckily I'm not in a huge amount of pain like a lot of people that suffer. I just feel kinda achy like I have the flu. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MacMadame 81 Posted May 9, 2009 Haven't been on a cycle since I was a kid. I think I might be to scared to get on a cycle now. Had a dear freind get killed on one. I hit a guy on a cycle once and it was really bad for him but all I got was a bruise on my forehead. I haven't been on one since. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kat817 19 Posted May 9, 2009 I love being on the bike....I can get on the bike, all stressed out, and as you ride along, it is like I can feel the air blowing all the cobwebs out of my mind, and blowing off all the stresses of the day. I like riding on my own, but I love riding behind my DH---I trust him implicitly, I know accidents happen, but I figure, if something happens, we are well insured, and we will have died happy. If we have had a disagreement, the bike is ideal, it puts us in close proximity, and yet limits the actual talking you can do!!! But there is no way to put 2 people on a motorcycle without them touching! It breaks the ice and puts the problems behind us. I love being able to ride along and rub his shoulder, or he drops his arm over my knee and rubs my leg. I love to get on my horse, and be is quiet. I ride down by the river....only VERY rarely do I go with anyone, it is my ME time!!! Would not want to give up either one!!! Lu I hear your DH---I hated that I once wore what felt like the entire cow when I leathered up!!! I gave my old leathers away, and did not even hesitate!!! I love my new ones, even tho the breaking in process sucks!!! SnT, sorry to hear about the shingles.....hope you caught them early, and do not have issues with the nerves. Sounds to me like you did. We went and did flowers for the Moms----we plant several pots on their patios for them for Mothers Day each year. Then went to dinner, and I had a few drinks, hoping to sleep better tonight. Well.....I am off to bed, my drinks caught up with me I do believe....YAY!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*slim* 2 Posted May 9, 2009 Morning everyone. Hot coffee and a quiet just doesn't get any better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tapshoes 2 Posted May 9, 2009 Why does it have to rain on the weekend? My play in the dirt time is ruined!!!!!! whine whine whine guess it is a washing, cleaning, vacuuming, dusting day today....but I don't wanna! I'd threaten to hold my breath until I turn blue, but as no one is around to see that, or is able to change the weather, it would be a waste of time and effort. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tapshoes 2 Posted May 9, 2009 How can he know she exists and NOT GIVE A CRAP? I have no idea how anyone could do that. There are those of us who wanted children and who would have done almost anything to have read of people like you ex just breaks the heart; it is beyond comprehension. Good kid, that one...and amazingly perceptive as well. He was friends with his natural father, but the only one he calls Dad is my DH. :glare: It reflects well on you Ebony, that your son is the man that he is. There are far too many deadbeat dads in this world! My daughter's father is one of them too. We split up when she was about 18mths old and the last I knew of him was a couple of months later when he stole my single parent's benefit cheque out of the mail, forged my signature and used the money to pay for a bus ticket from Perth to Brisbane (similar journey as from LA to NY). I figured it was money well spent! Instead, I used the gov't support for a few short years while I rolled up my sleeves, when back to college and trained as a teacher, then went out to work (never been on welfare since!!). DD turns 28 this year and has never met him...and has no desire to do so. Good for you Fanny! Has the ex-inlaws ever tried to contact your DD? PJTP my news - I just found out that I have shingles. WTF!!! We'd decided at work that I had poison ivy so I was very shocked to find out that it was shingles!! . Oh Sick - I hope you manage to avoid the worst symptoms! Take care. beat parents. Babies are so precious that I can't understand any parent(man or woman) that won't to right by their kids. WHat she said!!! [ Morning everyone. Hot coffee and a quiet just doesn't get any better. Well....if the weather was nice and I could go play in the dirt it would be better!!!But, ok....Good morning! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*slim* 2 Posted May 9, 2009 You are welcome to come play in the dirt at my house. I have a flower bed or two that really need some attention. I just don't know what to do with them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gone 4 ever 6 Posted May 9, 2009 Morning everyone. It's fixing to storm here. I have to go to the store before it does. I just hate waking up DGS. But I gotta! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY early to all of you that are mothers. I pray you have a blessed one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gracey 7 Posted May 9, 2009 Thanks all. From what I've read, it's best if you're on anti-virals w/in the first 72 hours and I think it was 81 hours. :glare: Last night wasn't the most fun; I kept waking up in some pain. It feels like I've either been burned or like I'm being stuck with pins/needles. I took some left over liquid hydrocodone from the surgery but I swear it's cough Syrup b/c it did nothing for pain. The doc gave me a percocet prescription so I guess it's time to fill it! The doc told me that I'm not contagious but webmd said that I'm not contagious to those that have had chickenpox or the chickenpox vaccine. So I don't know whether to go to work Monday or not, sheesh. Plus one of my gf's said that her son had it at 2 and that the doc says it gets worse before it gets better. Joy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*slim* 2 Posted May 9, 2009 I am so sorry SNT. I have only known one person that had it. It wasn't the best situation. I will admit that she was an older person (sixty something), and I think that made it worse. I hope that you were able to get started on the meds soon enough to stop it from getting worse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*slim* 2 Posted May 9, 2009 Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY early to all of you that are mothers. I pray you have a blessed one. What she said.:glare: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BethFromVA 5 Posted May 9, 2009 PJTP/Rant. I'm so pissed at DD's dad. He's never sent her anything for her birthday, or Christmas - or anything EVER. It's her birthday month and I've sent an email saying, "hey...where's child support?" Last check was January. As usual he hasn't received his check yet, so can't send I asked what he's getting DD for her birthday this year, and does he need suggestions? iTunes cards...any kind of gift certs...etc. No response. Of course. What an A$$. I did have VA taking it out of his pay, but he'd quit his jobs once they found him. He begged me 2 years ago to drop the case with the state, and said he'd pay when he could. So, I did...and I have gotten more in the last 2 years than I have since she was born. But still....GGGRRRRRR. I don't need too much, but hell, a $20.00 would do me good right now. Just throw me a bone,'s her 12th BIRTHDAY! It's gonna cost me more and more as she gets older. How can he not care? Not even a card. How do men do that? I know women walk away too, but how does anyone do it? How can he know she exists and NOT GIVE A CRAP? /rant sorry ya'll...I just had to get it out. When I was working in the family courts, we had certain days we did child support cases, and frankly I needed a barf bag for all the freakin' excuses these guys had. THEY can't seem to keep it together, yet the mothers of these children always held down jobs and kept food in the kids' stomachs. I wanted to punch each and every one of those guys in the mouths. We had one guy we called the sperm doner because he had 12 kids with 10 different women. No joke. People like that ought to be sterilized. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BethFromVA 5 Posted May 9, 2009 That is one HOT bike, girlfriend...I'm so envious (in a good way)...*stamping foot again* I WANT A MOTORCYCLE!:eek: Thanks. I love her, and she is very easy to ride. Here's a great shot of one that's for sale on Ebay: So... have you bid yet? :glare: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BethFromVA 5 Posted May 9, 2009 Good for you Fanny! Has the ex-inlaws ever tried to contact your DD? You know, I was so ticked about my ex not having anything to do with my DD that I never really took into account that my ex's family NEVER saw her after we split. She had a grandmother and aunts and uncles, and they never ever once saw her or, as far as I know, even inquired about her. The grandmother thing for me is almost worse than her own father not seeing her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gracey 7 Posted May 9, 2009 I am so sorry SNT. I have only known one person that had it. It wasn't the best situation. I will admit that she was an older person (sixty something), and I think that made it worse. I hope that you were able to get started on the meds soon enough to stop it from getting worse. Thanks! I read online that those over 60 are 15x more likely to get shingles than those younger. Other risks are being immuno-suppressed (not me), having cancer (not me), and stress. I had a busy April but I don't think I was anymore stressed than I have been in the past. Who knows!!! All I know is that it's annoying! I can't remember if I said on here but my maternal grandparents have both had shingles as have my mom and brother (who was early 20's). If you have familial history, you are more likely to be one of the lucky 1M Americans/yr to get it. I would've rather won the lottery!!! :glare: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites