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PJTP: Heartfire is the new multi-quote queen!

LOL Susan! I :blush: multi-quote! I always forget what all was said by the time I read thru and hit reply! This way I think I can cover everything. Sometimes I forget to hit a multi-quote button tho! :grouphug:

Yeah! When it's the MIL, instead of answering "hello", you should answer "hell-no"!! I'm a punny, punny guy.


And PJTP to see my ticker that has been actually moving in the correct direction the last 3 weeks.


Initially post-banding I was cold, but now I'm back to my usual temperature tolerance

I hope this happens to me too! I get tired of being cold all the time!

(If everyone posts their weather it will certainly help me in deciding to what locale DH and I shall retire!! So far, Texas and Michigan are out; Alaska is out;...

If you tell us what exactly you're looking for we might be able to help you better! LOL!

CA's Central Sierra Nevada Mtns are nice! Rain, snow (if you want it, depending on elevation), sun, warm, cold, etc. We get it all!


Had a good lap band support group meeting in New Haven last night - all girls, lots of questions from noobs, three vets there to help answer everything, and all is right with the world. Lots of compliments on my weight loss so far - and I'm looking forward to clothes shopping this weekend! Just a little though - college bills coming!:idea:


I'm one class away from getting my Associates degree and planning to continue - should have done it YEARS ago, but kids and then work interrupted me...yep, it's late, but I'm going to finish! Goal is to have my Bachelor's before I turn 50 (I've got a little over 3 years)...

WTG!! Go for it! My mom got her Masters in her 50's!

Weather here is wonderful right now..... is going to be in the low 80's all week long, and lots of sunshine.

I plan on being astraddle as much of the weekend as possible, if not the motorcycle or horse, maybe even the DH!!!!!!

This weather makes me happy!!!!

Glad you're so happy! Sounds like the weekend will KEEP you happy too! LOL!

I'm contemplating asking DH if, by the time fall sessions start, if I don't have a job, should/could I just give up on work and go to school full time to get done. Doing two classes a semester while working full time is a bit difficult, especially since I won't be able to do any more online classes, campus is 30 miles away, and on average I was getting home about 11:00 pm on a work night and working all through my weekends on homework. Hubby and friends could not grasp why I couldn't go out riding motorcycles and having fun with them when I had on average 10- to 20-page papers due each week between the two classes. :thumbsup:

I think if you can afford to do it - GO FOR IT!!! Sit down with paper and pen and make a plan for it. If you go to school full-time, what's that mean for the household, how long will it take to get thru, etc.? VS. going back to work, what does that do for the household, how long will it take to get thru, etc.? Might make it easier to make a decision and with DH it would give him a better visual for you two to talk it over and make the best plan of action you can.

PJTP: A couple of you on the "NOT fitness over-achiever" thread will see this question but I want to ask here too.

Could I be hurting my dog by taking her for walks with me? Background before you answer. She's 10 and slowing down. I've never had a dog that I took on walks with me before b/c, well, I never WENT on walks before! She's getting really stiff and having a hard time getting moving when she's been laying down for some time. Seems to be a regular occurrence and whether we go out or not. She seems to love the walks and actually gets mad if we leave her just to walk up to the top of the road to get the mail! I really don't want to leave her at home but I don't want to hurt her either. Oh and my walks at this point are a mile and a half but I hope to start adding more by the end of summer. Thoughts? I am thinking I should probably make a vet visit. Yuck!

Okay, I've gotta get off of the computer for awhile! TTFN!

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Drive by:

I got only my 3rd adjustment last Thursday. Needed it as I didn't feel as if I had much restriction. Today I had my first true experience with PB and sliming. Damn that hurts.:thumbsup: Luckily, only lasted about 10 minutes. So, I guess I was lucky in that respect.

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I'm one class away from getting my Associates degree -Goal is to have my Bachelor's before I turn 50 (I've got a little over 3 years)...

Got some really good answers to questions about plastic surgery and prepping for it (yep, I'm thinking long term). Dr. Schulman's thread is wonderful - he has a lot of wisdom and is sharing it freely. I see a trip to New York to get him to do my surgery when I get there.

Great goals, Ebony! Go for it! I am really undecided on PS - it is true that I will need it, but the whole pain and money thing is giveing me second (and third and fourth...) thoughts.

I plan on being astraddle as much of the weekend as possible, if not the motorcycle or horse, maybe even the DH!!!!!!

Now thats a plan!

Well, summer (in Houston, anyway) seems to start about March and ends sometime in November, so...

Kinda how like Michigan's winters start in August and end sometime in June, right Babygurl? :thumbsup:

Texas is out; Michigan is out...

Not too hot, not too cool, NO SNOW, lots to do, countryside housing is affordable....you get the idea.

I have been sick since late Tuesday night. yesterday every bone in my body ached and I had sweats and chills. I woke up feeling good until I tried to eat.Then I upchucked. So I can't really eat. Drinking is o.k. though. Now I am aching again. m sick. I am sitting here with a blanket wrapped around me. If I am not better tomorrow I will go get checked out.

Hope you're feeling better soon!

*stamping foot* I WANT A MOTORCYCLE!

I cannot imagine it! I have been a passenger on one, and no thanks. Like snowmobiles, lots of noise and a fear of hitting the ground.

I'm in school now too. in the fall I will go back to George Mason for my Bachelor's.

I'm contemplating asking DH if, by the time fall sessions start, if I don't have a job, should/could I just give up on work and go to school full time to get done. But for me, it's as much about knowing I DID IT.

You go for it!!

i just finished pt semester of law school last wk and i did not enjoy. then again, i expect to be judge judy right away.....still deciding if i want to go back.

Is the desired outcome to be a lawyer or a judge?

Heartfire - Take the dog to the vet...I wouldn't want you to compromise the dog's health unintentionally.

That's if folks, it's quittin' time

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PJTP: A couple of you on the "NOT fitness over-achiever" thread will see this question but I want to ask here too.

Could I be hurting my dog by taking her for walks with me? Background before you answer. She's 10 and slowing down. I've never had a dog that I took on walks with me before b/c, well, I never WENT on walks before! She's getting really stiff and having a hard time getting moving when she's been laying down for some time. Seems to be a regular occurrence and whether we go out or not. She seems to love the walks and actually gets mad if we leave her just to walk up to the top of the road to get the mail! I really don't want to leave her at home but I don't want to hurt her either. Oh and my walks at this point are a mile and a half but I hope to start adding more by the end of summer. Thoughts? I am thinking I should probably make a vet visit. Yuck!!

i would check w/the vet.

i have dogs from age 3 to 17....i feel like i have a toddler to an old woman to care for on some days. but it's my 8yr old golden that is very similar to your dog. she's lost her gate/very stiff - tires easily and seems to be aging faster trying to keep up w/the younger labs. she's actually laying underneath me as i type. 10 is getting up there, especially for larger dogs; she may have dysplasia / arthritis / etc....and while some exercise is good - maybe not everyday & for shorter distance.

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LOL Susan! I :idea: multi-quote! I always forget what all was said by the time I read thru and hit reply! This way I think I can cover everything. Sometimes I forget to hit a multi-quote button tho! :blush:

Okay, so it's not just me that loves the multi-quote AND forgets to hit it on occasion! :sad:

Could I be hurting my dog by taking her for walks with me? Background before you answer. She's 10 and slowing down. I've never had a dog that I took on walks with me before b/c, well, I never WENT on walks before! She's getting really stiff and having a hard time getting moving when she's been laying down for some time. Seems to be a regular occurrence and whether we go out or not. She seems to love the walks and actually gets mad if we leave her just to walk up to the top of the road to get the mail! I really don't want to leave her at home but I don't want to hurt her either. Oh and my walks at this point are a mile and a half but I hope to start adding more by the end of summer. Thoughts? I am thinking I should probably make a vet visit. Yuck!

Definately worth a vet visit - our rescued pound dog Sisko is not quite as old (we think he's around 6) but he has one leg shorter than the other and walks a bit unevenly. He LOVES to go walking with me - especially my longer walks on the weekends, but we had the same concern, especially since he has tested positive for Lyme disease (before we adopted him). We put him on a joint health-type dog food for the winter, since it seemed to be cold weather that made his walk LOOK more painful (not sure if he was in pain or not). He definately showed a different look. Now that it's warm again, he bounces around like a puppy...

It's worth a visit to the vet, I think...maybe there is something they can prescribe to help him, and he can continue to go on shorter walks with you...

Okay, I've gotta get off of the computer for awhile! TTFN!

Get off the computer? Blasphemy! :thumbsup:

Drive by:

I got only my 3rd adjustment last Thursday. Needed it as I didn't feel as if I had much restriction. Today I had my first true experience with PB and sliming. Damn that hurts.:grouphug: Luckily, only lasted about 10 minutes. So, I guess I was lucky in that respect.

Sorry you had to lose your PB cherry...Oops, was that inappropriate to say? :eek: Hopefully you don't have to experience it too often, and YES it does hurt! :thumbup:

i would check w/the vet.

i have dogs from age 3 to 17....i feel like i have a toddler to an old woman to care for on some days. but it's my 8yr old golden that is very similar to your dog. she's lost her gate/very stiff - tires easily and seems to be aging faster trying to keep up w/the younger labs. she's actually laying underneath me as i type. 10 is getting up there, especially for larger dogs; she may have dysplasia / arthritis / etc....and while some exercise is good - maybe not everyday & for shorter distance.

Agree with Lulu here...our Labrador Retriever contracted hip dysplasia and the pain made our sweet, lovable dog a snappy, mean mess after a while. Nothing we seemed to do helped, and we had to let him go (R.I.P. Dave :unsure:).

PJTP...I'm having a good afternoon! Took a walk in the humid outdoors (not a complaint - I was plenty warm!) and looking forward to attending a play tonight with DH. :lol:

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I'm doing mine online via Kaplan - with my commute, I don't think I could do it any other way...plus, I get really sleepy when sitting in a classroom, but because I'm such a computer-head, online classes suit me perfectly!

I would do more online if I could, but Mason doesn't have them in my field(s) of interest. Trust me, I checked with my advisor on this. LOL

However, I took as many online gen-eds as I could, so I'm done. I'm taking a 6-week mini-mester in conversational Spanish that ought to be "fun..." Two nights a week, over 3 hours each class. Ugh. But I will be done in 6 weeks, so there is a trade-off.

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i just realized on another thread i had 3999 posts - so i figured i'd come here for 4000.....yep back away from lbt:)

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i just realized on another thread i had 3999 posts - so i figured i'd come here for 4000.....yep back away from lbt:)

LOL, wow! And there you are -- 4,000! :unsure:

Is there some sort of award or button you get for that? :)

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Drive by:

I got only my 3rd adjustment last Thursday. Needed it as I didn't feel as if I had much restriction. Today I had my first true experience with PB and sliming. Damn that hurts.:) Luckily, only lasted about 10 minutes. So, I guess I was lucky in that respect.

They suck muchly; I sympathize!

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Drive by:

I got only my 3rd adjustment last Thursday. Needed it as I didn't feel as if I had much restriction. Today I had my first true experience with PB and sliming. Damn that hurts.:) Luckily, only lasted about 10 minutes. So, I guess I was lucky in that respect.

Omg, my last one lasted an hour and a half. :unsure:

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*stamping foot* I WANT A MOTORCYCLE!

Me too!!

What I REALLY want is a Terminator-edition Harley FatBoy...*sigh*

BAM!! Instant erection. Or was that TMI, like the whole valtrex / genital wart fiasco?

PJTP: Whatever happened to SheSmiles? I miss her contributions.

Yeah! What tap said! I suspect she's off somewhere being awesome....probaly in cahoots with LosingJustMe...

i just realized on another thread i had 3999 posts - so i figured i'd come here for 4000.....yep back away from lbt:)

Woah! That's quite a career!

And PJTP, I recently friended Lulu on Facebook. Turns out she's pretty cute for a New York liberal transplant to Texas (I strangely didn't see any warts, so I had to remove mine as well). I'd have never thunk it. Don't tell her though......that would ruin my redneck rep.

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*stamping foot* I WANT A MOTORCYCLE!

Unfortunately, with DD going off to college in the fall, and the recent hit to my pocketbook, it will probably have to wait, but...

What I REALLY want is a Terminator-edition Harley FatBoy...*sigh*

Wow, I'll have to look that one up!

I love mine. It's a 2005 Victory Vegas, red (of course), and looks fast even standing still.

She looks just like this except mine doesn't have the flame motif on the back fender:

2008 VICTORY VEGAS WITH PREM.: Cruiser - CycleTrader.com

And I have these wheels:


I've added a few extras (saddlebags, floorboards, air horn), but overall, that's my baby.

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My ideal weather would be around 75-78 year around.

With humidity under 50%! :)

I would do more online if I could, but Mason doesn't have them in my field(s) of interest.

George Mason? My mom works there. I'll have to give her a hard time about not having more online courses since she's the computer mucky-muck there. :unsure:

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With humidity under 50%! :)

George Mason? My mom works there. I'll have to give her a hard time about not having more online courses since she's the computer mucky-muck there. :unsure:

They probably have tons of them, but in the disciplines I'm combining, it will be all campus, all the time.

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GOOD MORNING! Trying to wake people up here. Everyone is still in bed? What about getting up and excersizing your fingers before work? Have a good day all.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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