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If the Dallas area is "Africa hot" in August, then Houston is "OMG, even the devil is sweating" hot in September. :thumbup:

I used to say that once you suffered through August in Houston, you STILL had to make it through September, which was always worse. I would say if you could make it to mid-October without dying first, you were in the clear.

Right about now, Beth, "devil is sweating" hot sounds really good...my office is FREEZING!!!!! :D

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ebony - i'm constantly cold, DH called me just a few minutes ago to let me know that i have issues putting on the seat heaters in 85 degree weather. i like toasty Buns is all:):thumbup:

He was kidding by saying that or you really do put on seat warmers at 85? I'd be "sweating like a whore in church"!!!

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Oh PJTP - I don't remember if I told y'all but this school year I had been reading to a 4th grader. Today was the year end celebration. We said good-bye to our kiddos and a magician entertained us. He wasn't the most sophisticated magician but the kids absolutely howled!!! They were SO cute!

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I bet the magician was fun. I am sure the kids enjoyed it a lot.

***MIL drama alert***

Apparently, I have added hardware store to the list of things that I now do out of my house. MIL called wanting to know if I had any "extra" tubing that goes from the dryer vent to the wall. Who keeps extra of that stuff? Also, why would you call someone to ask that intead of going to the hardware store to buy it yourself?

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Ugh, we are hitting the 80's here. I got home, walked in the house and it was liking walking into a sauna it was so hot. So, I sauntered my way over to the thermostat to turn the air on and .... nothing, absolutely nothing!!! Guess I will be having a visit from the A/C people tomorrow.

Ouch. Sorry about the AC. Hope it's fairly painless. Ours isn't even up and running yet. DH needs to get it ready tho. We'll need it soon. [We shut it down and cover it up for the winter.]

Oh no... :D Gawd, why can't the a/c ever go out in the WINTER when you don't need it? :laugh:



i can't handle the cold. didn't get 90, but DH has had the ac on for days... he keeps the house at 62 & i've got a sweater on w/shorts & tee. i threatened to light a fire if he didn't turn that S^(T down tonite!

Ummm, that's the low overnight temp I set my HEATER at in the winter, in case the fire in the woodstove goes out overnight!

However, I notice I get cold more quickly now. I'm sure it's the weight loss, so let's see how next winter is for me. I may be coming for a visit! :wink2:

I'm cold all the time now too. I'm actually curious to see how I handle the summer this year. I'm usually way too hot! I hate summer!


Rats rabbit stew (and a whole bunch of ruder words to that effect)!!!! I just got the news that the finance for the people who offered to buy my house has fallen through, when it was due to settle on May 15. Turns out that the lying Kiwi scumbags have TEN warrants out for them in New Zealand and obviously thought that Australian banks wouldn't check back to NZ. GRRR!!! *kicks inanimate objects*

Back to the drawing board now, with another Home Open on Sunday... sigh. The only light at the end of this tunnel is that the Aus gov't is strongly predicted to change the terms of the First Home Buyers Grant as of 1 July, making it apply only to new homes being built, not existing homes, so there is likely to be a bit of panic buying over the next 7 weeks with people trying to get in before they become ineligible.


Oh Fanny! I'm so sorry! Best wishes that all goes well and you find another buyer soon!

Closing is May 14th - hopefully - so we're just crossing our fingers that their funding doesn't fall through, too.

Best wishes, Glouc! I didn't realize you were in escrow! Congrats!

I agree Lulu - I don't understand posting gut pictures at all...then again, I don't post any pictures of myself so maybe that's my one and only little quirk!!:sneaky:

I also wouldn't post pictures of other people, including childen...

I really debated posting a pic of DD and our dog, even on this thread. It makes me a little nervous.

You know you are old when...you refer to your new lunch bag as a Jethro Bodeen (?sp) bag, and everyone in the office stares blankly. :ohmy::blink:


I haven't read any post yet. A tornado has struck where I used to live and still have friends that live out there. Of course I can't get anyone on the phone. I pray they are all right. The tornado actually went over 2 of my DD's homes. 1 lives in a trailer and makes me very nervous because she very seldom will leave and go to a safer place. One place it touched down at was very close to DGD's school. This has been a very unusual spring. 1 county in the last 3 weeks has had 4 tornadoes touch down. They are right this minute under tornado warnings. Just very weird.

Oh no! I sure hope everyone is okay! Prayers!

Drama at home - DD's college raised tuition prices steeply this year. Out of state tuition went from 10K to 24K, so we are scrambling to find money.:crying: So far, the hunt is going well, so keep your fingers (and toes) crossed that we'll be able to bridge the gap and send her to the school she loves.:thumbup: Too bad I don't have relatives in VA to send her to...but then getting residency for college tuition purposes is harder than he** in VA. Methinks they've been burned on that a few times...

Work is going ok...not great, just okay.:thumbup: I'm not getting hammered every day for little mistakes any more, but I'm just not really comfortable right now. It's partly the economy, I think, and partly just that I'm still feeling blindsided. Gotta find a way to let that go so I can get some mental peace. :sneaky:

So how's everyone else's day going?

Glad that the money hunt seems to be going well, here's hoping you get all you need for her!

Prayers that you can find some peace soon.

i like toasty Buns is all:):tongue:


Oh PJTP - I don't remember if I told y'all but this school year I had been reading to a 4th grader. Today was the year end celebration. We said good-bye to our kiddos and a magician entertained us. He wasn't the most sophisticated magician but the kids absolutely howled!!! They were SO cute!

How neat! Did you enjoy your reading sessions? What a great thing! Good for you!

***MIL drama alert***

Apparently, I have added hardware store to the list of things that I now do out of my house. MIL called wanting to know if I had any "extra" tubing that goes from the dryer vent to the wall. Who keeps extra of that stuff? Also, why would you call someone to ask that intead of going to the hardware store to buy it yourself?

The nerve! She just loves to HINT doesn't she? "Well, I need this so why don't you just be a doll and go get it for me and pay for it since I'm so lame and needy!" LOL!!

I think I've said it before, but she really does just need to MOVE!!! Very far far away!!

PJTP: Went woodcutting today. We'll be trying to go out once a week til it closes for the summer then we'll start up again once fire season ends and they re-open the areas and before the rain/snow makes the roads impassable or they close it at the end of the cutting season, which ever comes first.

Well, fire season has already started here in CA! News is on and there's a big fire in the Santa Barbara area [southern CA]. Monday the seasonals came back to work so DH's station is full of people again! Looks like it might have been just in time!

Better go deal with dinner. I made green chili, chicken enchiladas the other night so tonight is left-over night! We'll have steamed broccoli with it. Yummm!


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I don't post any pictures of myself so maybe that's my one and only little quirk!!

That's your only quirk.......riiiiiiiiiiight

You know you are old when...you refer to your new lunch bag as a Jethro Bodeen (?sp) bag, and everyone in the office stares blankly. :D:thumbup:

I had this conversation with LuluC the other day (sea-ment pond) and she fessed up that she didn't watch BH!! WTH is wrong with you non-hillbilly watching people?!?

if your on FB you can see my warts...:

Me too, except on my FB page you can see me applying Valtrex to my warts.

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I bet the magician was fun. I am sure the kids enjoyed it a lot.

***MIL drama alert***

Apparently, I have added hardware store to the list of things that I now do out of my house. MIL called wanting to know if I had any "extra" tubing that goes from the dryer vent to the wall. Who keeps extra of that stuff? Also, why would you call someone to ask that instead of going to the hardware store to buy it yourself?

Because she's a lazy beotch that thinks she's entitled to have everyone wait on her every need? :D

I'm cold all the time now too. I'm actually curious to see how I handle the summer this year. I'm usually way too hot! I hate summer!

I hate summer too!

Oh Fanny! I'm so sorry! Best wishes that all goes well and you find another buyer soon!

I too am sorry. My brother went through the same thing and finally closed April 30. Keep your head up!

Best wishes, Glouc! I didn't realize you were in escrow! Congrats!


Glad that the money hunt seems to be going well, here's hoping you get all you need for her!

Ebony - I just don't understand how the school can increase tuition by 140%...ridiculous.

How neat! Did you enjoy your reading sessions? What a great thing! Good for you!

Aww thanks. It's so surprising how little the kids are in elementary school!!

I think I've said it before, but she really does just need to MOVE!!! Very far far away!!

If only SNT were that lucky!!!

I had this conversation with LuluC the other day (sea-ment pond) and she fessed up that she didn't watch BH!! WTH is wrong with you non-hillbilly watching people?!?

Gasp! These carpetbaggers!

Me too, except on my FB page you can see me applying Valtrex to my warts.

Yeah, that was disgusting. Thanks for the warning!

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***MIL drama alert***

Apparently, I have added hardware store to the list of things that I now do out of my house. MIL called wanting to know if I had any "extra" tubing that goes from the dryer vent to the wall. Who keeps extra of that stuff? Also, why would you call someone to ask that intead of going to the hardware store to buy it yourself?

Maybe from now on, when she calls and you realize it's her, just say, "NO!" :thumbup:

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PJTP: Heartfire is the new multi-quote queen!

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I remember Jethro quite fondly.....he was so smart with his vast education, and knowing all his gozintas........

2 gozinta 4 , 2 times........I really thought it was a word for awhile when I was a kid!!!

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Maybe from now on, when she calls and you realize it's her, just say, "NO!" :thumbup:

Yeah! When it's the MIL, instead of answering "hello", you should answer "hell-no"!! I'm a punny, punny guy.

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Ebony and Beth...see now I can stop my complaining about the weather since it is finally getting warmer around here. Personally I think 70 is about the perfect temperature in Michigan but you know there are only maybe 5 days of the year that there is beautiful weather. And not that it is extremely relevant or anything but I live downriver.

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Me too, except on my FB page you can see me applying Valtrex to my warts.

Did not need that visual over coffee.:idea:

Because she's a lazy beotch that thinks she's entitled to have everyone wait on her every need? :grouphug:

So true.

Maybe from now on, when she calls and you realize it's her, just say, "NO!" :thumbsup:

:thumbup: Perfect!

I remember Jethro quite fondly.....he was so smart with his vast education, and knowing all his gozintas........

2 gozinta 4 , 2 times........I really thought it was a word for awhile when I was a kid!!!


Yeah! When it's the MIL, instead of answering "hello", you should answer "hell-no"!! I'm a punny, punny guy.

Too funny!:blush:

And PJTP to see my ticker that has been actually moving in the correct direction the last 3 weeks.

Yay for the ticker move!

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Drama at home - DD's college raised tuition prices steeply this year. Out of state tuition went from 10K to 24K, so we are scrambling to find money.:blush:

Work is going ok...not great, just okay.:thumbsup: I'm not getting hammered every day for little mistakes any more, but I'm just not really comfortable right now. Gotta find a way to let that go so I can get some mental peace. :unsure:

Ebony - OUCH on the tuition hike!! Why does the term 'unmatched greed' come to mind?

And yes, you need to find a way to let it go, otherwise it will just make you miserable...

i have issues putting on the seat heaters in 85 degree weather. i like toasty Buns is all:):thumbup:

Seat heaters in 85? I think if my rear were ever to experience that heat, I'd be looking for an ice-pack!

I'm always wanting the house "Africa Hot"...well, since I was banded, "Africa Hot" feels pretty good!

Initially post-banding I was cold, but now I'm back to my usual temperature tolerance - which does not have an 'Africa hot' zone! Then again, it doesn't have an Arctic Circle zone either...like Goldilocks, a 'just right' in between zone is what I would like.

If the Dallas area is "Africa hot" in August, then Houston is "OMG, even the devil is sweating" hot in September. :grouphug:

I used to say that once you suffered through August in Houston, you STILL had to make it through September, which was always worse. I would say if you could make it to mid-October without dying first, you were in the clear.

Note to self: do not travel to Houston or Dallas in the summer or September

Right about now, Beth, "devil is sweating" hot sounds really good...my office is FREEZING!!!!! :sad:


Oh this school year I had been reading to a 4th grader. Today was the year end celebration. We said good-bye to our kiddos and a magician entertained us. He wasn't the most sophisticated magician but the kids absolutely howled!!! They were SO cute!

How cute!

Apparently, I have added hardware store to the list of things that I now do out of my house. MIL called wanting to know if I had any "extra" tubing that goes from the dryer vent to the wall. Who keeps extra of that stuff? Also, why would you call someone to ask that intead of going to the hardware store to buy it yourself?

Needy, manipulative, whiny, spoiled, self-centered...your MIL is certainly a piece of work.

Ummm - dare I say that I have extra dryer vent hose, and that I keep it because you never know when you may need it?

on my FB page you can see me applying Valtrex to my warts.

Like Macbeth, will anything ever wash that image from my mind????

I remember Jethro quite fondly.....he was so smart with his vast education, and knowing all his gozintas........

2 gozinta 4 , 2 times........I really thought it was a word for awhile when I was a kid!!!


Yeah! When it's the MIL, instead of answering "hello", you should answer "hell-no"!! I'm a punny, punny guy.


there are only maybe 5 days of the year that there is beautiful weather. And not that it is extremely relevant or anything but I live downriver.

Note to self: do not move to Michigan if 5 days = summer!

(If everyone posts their weather it will certainly help me in deciding to what locale DH and I shall retire!! So far, Texas and Michigan are out; Alaska is out;...

And PJTP to see my ticker that has been actually moving in the correct direction the last 3 weeks.


Morning all! coffee is hot, sun is shining, the 'tree man' (the guy who is removing the 70' tree that fell on my house in December) is at the house today, and the boss is away. What a grand day!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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