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I hate it when people post just to post.....

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Sweet dreams, Benadryl girl.

You beat me to it.:blink: Nighty night babygrl.

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I was, I think, 3 or 4 at the time...so I blame my strange little child ID on that one. I vaguely remember the legs, but I do remember it.

I also picked up the severed head from the ground and talked to it, telling him he'd be fine. I was told I kissed it, too.

Eh, that's actually quite common.......AMONG SERIAL KILLERS!!!

That was over a month ago, and she's had plenty of opportunity to tell me if they had performance issues with me. She did not - instead, she does it in this meeting. WTF?

Stuff that was brought up includes things that happened when I first started on the job in June of last year, which I thought had been covered already. Guess not...

Ok, I'm not sure about your university, but every adult job I've ever had (except the "stand in genital guy" for less-endowed porn actors.....but I digress) has a very specific policy that maps out discipline progression. Things like verbal counciling, written reprimand (x3), suspension, termination.....stuff like that. Now here's the thing: If you did recieve one of those reprimands over the past events, then it's effectively over. . You can't be "re-counciled" for the same event unless you committed the same wrong (Am I making sense?). If you did not recieve a reprimand back then, then it is inappropriate and unprofessional to bring it up a year later (Your cue to say "I would appreciate somebody letting me know of my mistakes in a timely manner so I can correct them.....I can't read minds, ya know).

I'll be watching my back more carefully from now on, and making sure my performance is at 100%, no matter what. Guess 90% isn't good enough...

Yeah, that's the downside of my advice......Once you make your supervisor look foolish in front of HR, it can become "personal" sometimes. It might be better for you to disregard my advice and "play nice"....Only you know what best fits your situation.

My supervisor did say that she felt I "didn't take feedback well" - I take that to mean she's intimidated by me. We're similar in height, she's about 50 - 60 lbs below me (she had WLS also - bypass) and I guess I scare her.

Hey, I hear ya. I'm a big dude, always have been, and I fully realize that. In an effort to counteract that, I use humor and tend to speak very softly. In spite of that, I once had a doc write me up for suggesting ventilator changes to him. His reason? He told my boss (who loves me, BTW.....I'm the golden child of my workplace) that I was trying to intimadate him and was being vaguely threatening.....When my boss asked what I said, doc replied "Well...It wasn't really what he said, but his body language". We laughed and laughed and laughed about that.

Later, when my boss' back was turned, I caught the doc's eye and made that "draw the finger across the throat laterally" move and smiled. Ok, not really.

Edited by plain

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So...I went home, she came home and I gave her a list of chores to do. She asked why and I said because when I call, you answer. She asked if she could just get a warning instead of this punishment, and I said, "Oh, child. Child. Child.... THIS IS THE WARNING!!!" :angry:Duh!

Oh my stars, I would STILL be grounded. I definitely support your stance! A co-worker is having horrible, horrible probs with her 15-16 yo son (house arrest, etc). She did the "friend" type of parenting and is now realizing that she's made a mistake. He and his stepdad (friend's husband) drove her crazy while we were at conference.

Glou - your DD should be glad you didn't 'knock her into next week'...my mothers expression!

My family says that too!

Ok, I'm not sure about your university, but every adult job I've ever had (except the "stand in genital guy" for less-endowed porn actors...

OK enough enough about yo junk! :blink:

Comments for the last 5 days:

ColoradoChick - how is your nephew doing? I am so sorry your family is going through this. My thoughts are with you all.

Slim - a stove? We heard this comedian at a luncheon. His whole act was about the differences b/w men and women now can be tied back to caveman times. Men focused on one thing (hunting) and ignored everything around them to line up the arrow shot. Women gathered for berries, veggies, whatever so we are always on the lookout for stuff and details. His name is Vince Valentine. He was very funny - we did hear that some people didn't like it. I thought, "oh plz - he told the truth; get ovah it." So we think that buying a stove is idiocy but in his mind, I'm sure it made sense somehow, ha.

Gone - see above about re-graveling. That definitely would've taken a lot of effort tho not so romantic! Also, I lived in Memphis 14 years and never saw any salt Water taffy!!! Was it down on Beale Street?

Heartfire - do they have you on meds for the Migraines? My GP prescribed Treximet but I haven't taken any yet.

Gloucester - I really hope you don't make the layoff list. I've been laid off and the uncertainty really sucks. I don't understand how people get chosen as golden children. Plain is definitely case in point!!!

Fanny - awesome aboriginal pics. I'm sure that was so cool to experience!

Ebony - my dad's side is difficult to research too. Documentation is definitely key for the work drama! As far as the supervisor goes, she very well may be threatened by you.

Just make sure to keep that cya file up-to-date! (cover your ass)

To everyone - I am so happy to be home! Alas, I will be heading out tomorrow to go visit my parents. My dad called Monday to tell me that at his stress test (that he'd insisted upon), the doc(s) found that he had a minor blockage in his heart so they're doing the balloon thing early Friday morning so I'm going up to be with my mom. I'm going with the positive view that I'm so thrilled that they've found it now and can hopefully fix it before it gets/got more serious. My mom's sister was just diagnosed with congestive heart failure a month or so ago so my mom's all weepy a lot so again, I'm going to try to be the positive one. Thankfully I know that He will be with me to keep me strong!

The conference was fun but some of the topics were over my head. My industry has a LOT of acronyms!! Had we been discussing my field, I would've been much better off, haha. One fun thing was that I met a (single) guy who was very fun to talk to...had the greatest Boston accent! And yes, there mighta been a little smoochfest. :tt2: Very good for the ego. He's got to come down here for a business function in July; supposedly he wants to see me so we'll see. My FB folks - pleeeeease, do NOT mention this on FB. He knows a LOT of people at my org and this does not need to get around.

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Fanny – Thank you so much for posting the photos! They are so neat! I really enjoy learning about other cultures.

Tap – My husband is from the beach – Corpus Christi Texas and does not like seafood. I am an Army brat and love it!

Glouster – I agree with you. The person who does more should receive more no matter their sex or any thing else.

My daughters pulled that same no answer stuff with their cell phones. It drove me nuts! You did well by driving over to see her!

EbonyRose – I am so sorry you are having a difficult time at work. I have heard a lot more of these types of things happening with the economic downturn. It seems like employers are looking extra hard for anything to complain about. I hope it resolves soon! It is so stressful especially since we are usually at work the majority of our waking hours! I also agree with LuLu – document everything because believe me they are documenting about you! That is standard HR procedure – document, document, document. This way if they try to fire you , you could have some recourse. {{{Big Hugs}}}

BethFromVA – I am also into genealogy. I found that my fathers grandmother was from the Ingalls family. Also I found free black and mulatto relatives listed from about the 1700’s. Pretty cool! I love doing the research. It is sooo fun!

Babygrl – Sweet Dreams!!

Plain –You intimidate me all the time! HA!

PJTP: I met two ladies tonight who have recently been banded at Starbucks. (I met them at Starbucks - they are not performing surgeries at Starbucks...yet) The contacted me on LBT. They were really nice and I enjoyed our chat. Both of them told me I look like Marg Helgenberger. I had to look her up when I got home. Hahahaha

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Nephew Update: The little guy is still in NICU. They took out his feeding tube for awhile but it has been put back in. He is not suckling hardly at all. His problems are caused by my sisters gestational diabetes. All of the tests have been negative. He is still under the lights for jaundice. His level was 18 and has only gone down to 17.5 so far. They sent in a speech pathologist to look at him, I guess she will help teach him how to suckle?? I dont really know. They have switched him to soy formula as he was vomitting up all the regular variety. He now has a bleeding butt from diaper rash. My sister is just beside herself! I think he will be fine eventually - he just needs some support in the hospital for awhile longer. Thank you everyone for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers! I hope to be ablet to get back to Colorado to meet him soon!

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Glouc---my grandaughter (who was 2-3 yo at the time) was in the house when my DH and SIL were dressing out the deer my SIL had shot. We had thought she was involved in cartoons, but out she barrelled and come to a screeching halt. Looked at the head on the ground and the body hanging---she lifts her hands palms up and says "broken". That was it!! No upset, no concern. Then a couple of weeks later going to my inlaws, a herd of about 15 deer run across the road in front of us, and she was so happy, she tells me "all better, not broken!"

But I am kinda glad she didn't want to play with the legs!!!

I have always thought rabbits feet were such a gross thing to carry around--they sure as hell were not lucky for the rabbit!!!

Ebony, I was reading along, and thinking to myself, time to get a notebook and start documenting EVERYTHING!!! And something we were told during a nasty legal battle. If something comes up you want to have definitive proof of a date--write it out, and mail it to yourself. Then when it arrives DO NOT open it! IF ever you need the proof of when it was documented, the postmarked envelopes can be opened.

When we were going through this battle, I refer to, we had a huge file full of things, and we referred to it as our "Sink Da Bitch" File!! And it worked pretty well too! Saved our ass many times in court!

Been getting the old baptism by fire routine at work, I am in the back in the lab most of the time. But the receptionist left early yesterday and did not come in today, so I learned A LOT about the front end of the office today!! Was good tho, I enjoyed it, but look forward to hiding out in my lab again!!

CC---My DD had to feed my DGD with a syringe for the first few days of her life, even once they got home, they dripped breast milk into her!!! She was a preemie, and at 4 pounds, her size when combined with my DD being overly endowed as well as engorged, they were not compatible, and she had no suck reflex, to even attempt to latch on. They had things they were shown to do, they dipped the pacifier in milk and within a couple of weeks she was eating like a pro!!!

She did not have other health issues, she was just premature because my DD delveloped pre eclampsia, and the baby suffered intrauterine growth restriction. She developed, in ways such as her lungs were fine, she just quit growing in reaction to her Moms health. But she DID get the bleeding rash, and it was from the Proteins in the milk she could not break down! Even tho it was breast milk, my DD had to quit ALL dairy---no butter, no cheese, nothing. When she did, the baby's system calmed down and the bloody stool, and rash eased. So maybe the soy will help him. I hope so, I will keep him in my prayers!!!

Edited by Kat817

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One fun thing was that I met a (single) guy who was very fun to talk to...had the greatest Boston accent! And yes, there mighta been a little smoochfest. :blink: Very good for the ego. He's got to come down here for a business function in July; supposedly he wants to see me so we'll see. My FB folks - pleeeeease, do NOT mention this on FB. He knows a LOT of people at my org and this does not need to get around.

Hahaha....So you do "got some game", eh?

PJTP: I met two ladies tonight who have recently been banded at Starbucks. (I met them at Starbucks - they are not performing surgeries at Starbucks...yet) The contacted me on LBT. They were really nice and I enjoyed our chat. Both of them told me I look like Marg Helgenberger.

Yeah, I can see it.

Nephew Update: The little guy is still in NICU. They took out his feeding tube for awhile but it has been put back in. He is not suckling hardly at all. His problems are caused by my sisters gestational diabetes. All of the tests have been negative. He is still under the lights for jaundice. His level was 18 and has only gone down to 17.5 so far. They sent in a speech pathologist to look at him, I guess she will help teach him how to suckle?? I dont really know. They have switched him to soy formula as he was vomitting up all the regular variety. He now has a bleeding butt from diaper rash. My sister is just beside herself! I think he will be fine eventually - he just needs some support in the hospital for awhile longer. Thank you everyone for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers! I hope to be ablet to get back to Colorado to meet him soon!

Prayers still coming. It's difficult to see them in the NICU, but hang in there. It sounds like he's in great hands.

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Hahaha....So you do "got some game", eh?

Who knew!?!?!?! Supposed to see him in July when he comes down for a different conference. We shall see!

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Who knew!?!?!?! Supposed to see him in July when he comes down for a different conference. We shall see!

Better pick up a Barry White CD.

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Better pick up a Barry White CD.

Instead, I hear bwa-chick-a-waw-waw. (song in Alvin from the chipmunks voice).:tt2:

CC-prayers still headed your way. My son was in NICU for almost 2 months when he was born. Seeing them in there is so hard. I am sure he is in great hands along with HIS hands.

SNT-You go girl!:blink:

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PJTP: What if it were YOU hanging up on this wall....If it were YOU in that sandwich you wouldn't be laughing at aaalllllll......hahahahaha I love this commercial!!

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I happened to look down at my hand and see my veins popping out of them slightly. seeing my veins on the back of my hands is such a huge motivator to me because my hands were so fat before that I could never see them. So anytime I notice them it makes me feel good. Like I would love to have giant gross veins popping out of my hand or something. Am I just weird?

There are veins on the back of hands?!?! Guess I have a ways to go yet...sigh.

i noticed my sausage toes are no more & veins are on the top of my feet.

Feet too?!?!? **Louder sigh***

Oh benedryl...how do I heart thee. Let me count the ways. You make me feel oh slow light headed and floaty. Floaty enough that posting on LBT is probably not the smartest thing. Because typing is not so easy when you're cheesy.

Yep. Time for sleeping now.

Yes indeed. Hope it was a good sleep

.To everyone - I am so happy to be home! Alas, I will be heading out tomorrow to go visit my parents. My dad called Monday to tell me that at his stress test (that he'd insisted upon), the doc(s) found that he had a minor blockage in his heart so they're doing the balloon thing early Friday morning so I'm going up to be with my mom.

I met a (single) guy who was very fun to talk to...had the greatest Boston accent! And yes, there mighta been a little smoochfest. :blink: Very good for the ego.

Hope you Dad does well. And WAY TO GO on meeting this guy...of course, now we will all want to know ALL the details of the next encounter.

Nephew Update: The little guy is still in NICU. They took out his feeding tube for awhile but it has been put back in. He is not suckling hardly at all. They have switched him to soy formula as he was vomitting up all the regular variety.

CC - Hope the little guy improves. I was a soy-baby - the only result of that was that I never learned to like milk. I haven't had milk in my life...dairy products, yes, but milk by itself to drink or on Cereal or anything, nope. Can't stand the taste.

Whew ! I think Im caught up.

It is a glorious above freezing sunny Thursday...and my last work day this week! Yahoo!!! Any ideas for a nice Easter-ish dessert for a family dinner?

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PJTP...Morning everyone.

Ebony I pray things will work out to your advantage. Like everyone has said DOCUMENT.

CC..He's still in my prayers

Susan glad you are back and doing better. Are you on liquids for 2 weeks or longer?

Plain....what can I say..just gotta love ya.

I will probably be offline for a while come tomorrow. I'll be back on as soon as I can.

Take care everyone.

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I love that McD's commercial. It's the only commercial we stop the DVR FF for. Well, that and the baby saying Shankapotamus.

SnT - Sorry about your dad, but WTG on the dude! :tt2:

CC - Still praying and thinking about ya!

Plain - :blink: What can I say about your man parts that haven't been said already?

PJTP - I took off Mon - so it's a 4 day weekend for me! I have a fill appt scheduled for Mon, though, so not all fun and games. I'm going to discuss how I get stressed and really tight and can't keep anything down, to when I'm feeling happy and free I could eat EVERYTHING I see. May not need a fill, but just a smack in the head.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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