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ptjp - i had oysters yesterday and the trippiest dreams ever. this thread came to life in it:)

need more coffee to wake up i guess - LOL

I had the weirdest dream last night... I have no idea why but I had the most hideous pants that I wanted so bad in my dream but I couldn't find a shirt that I liked with it. I seriously woke up from the dream 3 times and resumed the same dream each time I went back to sleep. I remember thinking in my dream wake up you retard you're dreaming lol.

On another note... I totally love food porn tv. I don't subscribe to regular magazines either I only get foodie stuff in the mail. I am not the worlds best chef obviously but I have fun with it!

The hard part at my house is out of 4 I am the only one that will eat fish or seafood :(

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Fanny I loved the pics. Thank you for posting them. It must be very interesting watching the ceremonies that they do.

Hi everyone. have a good day.

8_3_36.gif 8_3_19.gif 8_3_16.gif 36_15_36.gif 8_3_43.gif I love the 3rd one! That is so me! LOL

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Don't you just hate that - knowing it is a dream waking up, and then returning to the dream??

Although DH and I are both from coastal locations, we are not big fish eaters. Real tuna/salmon are wonderful, and many of the white fish, but shellfish we can take or leave. For me, the flavor of shellfish is fine, it is the texture that I can't stand...sorta like garbage bags (or at least how I imagine they would be to chew).

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I may get reamed for saying this, BUT, I have a hard time swallowing the family pill.

She has 3 kids, 2 under the age of 2. In 2 years, she's had 12 weeks time off, plus her regular 4 weeks/year for vacation (she's been here a while).

I get 2 weeks, and because I'm not pregnant or planning to be, then I'll get 2 weeks next year, then the year after, etc. Something isn't fair here.

Also, I used to joke with a pregnant coworker of mine at the last job (same company, different location.)

She and this other guy had been there the same amount of time - both hired on on the same day, both with the same amount of experience.

She got paid the same as he did. But...In the 10 years they'd been there, she's had 6 kids. He's had none.

She's taken time off for doctors, then maternity, then when the kids were sick....etc.

He worked non-stop, taking his regular vacation when he could, and some comp time as vacation, he covered her when she was out and was the on-call guy when more times than she was.

So...why was their pay equal?

God, I'm a radical pro-woman lady most of the time, so part of me is yelling at me for even saying that. But, all things equal - it wasn't. He worked harder than she did - for the company. I'm not arguing working and having kids is tough - but it's a personal choice and one that I believe shouldn't effect ANYONE else. Including co-workers, other family members, society...etc.

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Gloucester I wont ream you for it. I agree. I never took time off for the doctor appts and such I made sure those didn't interfere with work. However, the part I couldn't avoid was being off after having the baby... I didn't get paid for that time though so I think it was a fair trade.

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I may get reamed for saying this, BUT, I have a hard time swallowing the family pill.

God, I'm a radical pro-woman lady most of the time, so part of me is yelling at me for even saying that. But, all things equal - it wasn't. He worked harder than she did - for the company. I'm not arguing working and having kids is tough - but it's a personal choice and one that I believe shouldn't effect ANYONE else. Including co-workers, other family members, society...etc.

same here - i lived it. while me and my co-worker were decent friends, she complained that doing work on the wkend cut into her family time. i reminded here that , that was the only time i got to see MY husband before packing my suitcase on sunday night & coming home on thursday - while she WAS w/her family.

i pushed back, pushed back, pushed back - and refused to pick up her slack....she lost all her "favors". when i stopped working she took over the travel portion & complains she's not w/her family anymore & the person hired to do the "at home" job abuses her. karma.:(

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PJTP...I'm having a "to hell with it day"...

I generally like my job, and most of my co-workers. But recently, it seems like I can do nothing right. The work I prepare isn't good enough, the files aren't right, there's stuff missing (that I had nothing to do with - filewise) etc, etc, etc.

When I'm trying to get stuff ready for committee, I'm finding random files thrown in with the stuff that IS ready, and if I don't find them before I take the files down, it looks like I don't know what I'm doing.

I've got a meeting with my supervisor this afternoon, and I'm not sure what to expect. This is not something that happens to me a lot - normally, my performance is never questioned on any job that I have. It's just this one where I feel like I'm climbing uphill and can't gain any ground. Because of all the layoffs going around, I'm feeling really paranoid - like I'm being targeted.

That old saying "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people AREN'T out to get me" is running through my head. I've got to get out of this office for just a couple of minutes to clear my head before I either kill someone or collapse into a teary heap on my desk.

Add to that the fact that I nearly PB'ed on canned fruit this morning, and it's just not a good day so far...

I'll be back later...

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On another note... I totally love food porn tv. I don't subscribe to regular magazines either I only get foodie stuff in the mail. I am not the worlds best chef obviously but I have fun with it!

The hard part at my house is out of 4 I am the only one that will eat fish or seafood :blink:

I love the food porn tv, too! :beer_yum: I never know what I'm doing in the kitchen, but every now and then some of it sinks in.

I'm the only one that like salmon, so I'm on my own there. And I love salmon.

same here - i lived it. while me and my co-worker were decent friends, she complained that doing work on the wkend cut into her family time. i reminded here that , that was the only time i got to see MY husband before packing my suitcase on sunday night & coming home on thursday - while she WAS w/her family.

i pushed back, pushed back, pushed back - and refused to pick up her slack....she lost all her "favors". when i stopped working she took over the travel portion & complains she's not w/her family anymore & the person hired to do the "at home" job abuses her. karma.:biggrin:

Yes...karma! :lurk5: There it is again!

I really don't blame the mothers...they're doing what they want. Who wouldn't want to work in their PJs...kids or no kids???

I think the managers and workplace have a hard time regulating that, and I'm not sure it'll get better any time soon.

So...she has her kids (she's still not in, btw) and I have my LBT. :( I think that's fair....

It's only 9:30...my tummy is rumbling. After pb'ing the shake this morning and then after calming down now I'm hungry!

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PJTP...I'm having a "to hell with it day"...

I generally like my job, and most of my co-workers. But recently, it seems like I can do nothing right. The work I prepare isn't good enough, the files aren't right, there's stuff missing (that I had nothing to do with - filewise) etc, etc, etc.

When I'm trying to get stuff ready for committee, I'm finding random files thrown in with the stuff that IS ready, and if I don't find them before I take the files down, it looks like I don't know what I'm doing.

I've got a meeting with my supervisor this afternoon, and I'm not sure what to expect. This is not something that happens to me a lot - normally, my performance is never questioned on any job that I have. It's just this one where I feel like I'm climbing uphill and can't gain any ground. Because of all the layoffs going around, I'm feeling really paranoid - like I'm being targeted.

That old saying "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people AREN'T out to get me" is running through my head. I've got to get out of this office for just a couple of minutes to clear my head before I either kill someone or collapse into a teary heap on my desk.

Add to that the fact that I nearly PB'ed on canned fruit this morning, and it's just not a good day so far...

I'll be back later...

How long have you worked there? Do you have proof of weirdness, or good strong history of your own personal record? Anyone new there that doesn't know what they're doing, or someone that you know is out to get you?

I'm so sorry! That must be very frustrating - good luck with the boss.

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How long have you worked there? Do you have proof of weirdness, or good strong history of your own personal record? Anyone new there that doesn't know what they're doing, or someone that you know is out to get you?

I'm so sorry! That must be very frustrating - good luck with the boss.

Hi Glouc,

I've been at the university just about 2 years, with this particular department just under 1 year (June will be a year). No proof of weirdness, but I do have independent corroboration of the file challenges from last week - I suspect it's been going on longer than that, but can't prove it. :mad2:

Relationship with my manager - it's weird. :confused: We have some things in common, but more not. She's younger than I am by about 10 years, better educated (she was an attorney before stepping back into admissions work). We're both WLS patients - she had a bypass, me the band. We used to talk about our victories and challenges, but not so much now. I'm not sure if she's getting pressure from above, or our 'friendship' wasn't what I thought it was.

Maybe I'm just feeling emotional today - normally stuff doesn't bother me like this, but the past three weeks or so I've been getting what feels like a lot of "your work isn't up to par" messages from above.

Don't have any overt, in-your-face signals that someone's out to get me, but ya never know. I'm in no-woman's land between being part of the clerical crew and being just below management. Level C and D (most of the clericals here) are pretty plentiful, I'm the only level E (just below management). The managers are non-union. I'm the newest non-manager in the department.

When the layoffs at the university were announced, our union rep came to see all of us and said that unless our jobs were eliminated (not just reassigned) our contract said we couldn't be laid off.

It's nothing big - no big blow ups or upheavals, but just a general sense that I'm not living up to their expectations. Nothing firm, but maybe that's coming this afternoon.

Who knows? I'm going to try not to stress about it and get myself all worked up - if they are determined to get rid of me, there isn't really much I can do, but I'm also not going to tuck my head between my legs and run. :thumbdown:

I'll take a wait-and-see attitude before I go into battle mode...:sneaky:

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Hi Glouc,

I've been at the university just about 2 years, with this particular department just under 1 year (June will be a year). No proof of weirdness, but I do have independent corroboration of the file challenges from last week - I suspect it's been going on longer than that, but can't prove it. :mad2:

Relationship with my manager - it's weird. :confused: We have some things in common, but more not. She's younger than I am by about 10 years, better educated (she was an attorney before stepping back into admissions work). We're both WLS patients - she had a bypass, me the band. We used to talk about our victories and challenges, but not so much now. I'm not sure if she's getting pressure from above, or our 'friendship' wasn't what I thought it was.

Maybe I'm just feeling emotional today - normally stuff doesn't bother me like this, but the past three weeks or so I've been getting what feels like a lot of "your work isn't up to par" messages from above.

Don't have any overt, in-your-face signals that someone's out to get me, but ya never know. I'm in no-woman's land between being part of the clerical crew and being just below management. Level C and D (most of the clericals here) are pretty plentiful, I'm the only level E (just below management). The managers are non-union. I'm the newest non-manager in the department.

When the layoffs at the university were announced, our union rep came to see all of us and said that unless our jobs were eliminated (not just reassigned) our contract said we couldn't be laid off.

It's nothing big - no big blow ups or upheavals, but just a general sense that I'm not living up to their expectations. Nothing firm, but maybe that's coming this afternoon.

Who knows? I'm going to try not to stress about it and get myself all worked up - if they are determined to get rid of me, there isn't really much I can do, but I'm also not going to tuck my head between my legs and run. :thumbdown:

I'll take a wait-and-see attitude before I go into battle mode...:sneaky:

Sounds much like the office I'm in, as far as work placement goes.

I hope it goes well for you and it is not negative at all. Let us know how it goes.

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When I started my career in healthcare, I began in hospitals where not having children made me the 'go to gal' whenever anyone wanted a holiday off, a night shift off, etc. 'After all, I want to be with my children for their first christmas/birthday/day of school, it's mother's day, it's father's day, or I want to be home because now they are old enough to understand and really enjoy the event or this will be the last 'event' before they go off to university or this is the first grandchild... it was never-ending! I didn't mind doing extra shifts, or shift changes occasionally, but after that everyone would come to me...It didn't take me too long to become a hard nosed b***ch. When I became management that experience served me well. My oft-repeated phrase: "hospitals are open 24h/7days/52 weeks a year. You knew that when you were hired."

I survived - and have the thick skin to prove it! Leaving that environment did wonders for my mental health!

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Ebony/Beth - DH has just started into geneology; his new mac family program has become his addiction - well that, and the online vital statistics and church records...

I have a program I bought on family geneology, along with using the online ones for a fee. It's amazing how much you can find, and the nice thing is a lot of the work is done for you by others who have been doing it. What is also nice is I was able to fill in some gaps for others who didn't realize that my grandfather had kids, grandkids, or great-grandkids.

I found we have a Rockefeller in the family line, and we also had a Lizzie Bordon-style murder mystery as well. Father went to town with the crops and left mom and the kids on the farm, and when he returned, all had been hatcheted to death. He was arrested for the murder, but after a trial and numerous witnesses who saw him in town, etc., he was cleared, but they never found the murderer (likely a vagabond).

In doing my research, I was able to link with very distant cousins in my motherland who had also done research on the other side of the pond, so where my geneology research starts here in the states in 1610, over yonder they were able to take it back to the early 1500s.

Very interesting information!

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There are tons of geneology records around - and the Mormon historic records online are fabulous (assuming you can get on....very busy site). (for those reading who don't know this, they aren't records on mormons only).

My paternal and maternal history is well researched back to it's very early european roots; DHs family has very little. So far he has not discovered any Rockefeller's or mass murders, but enough minor 'scandals' to keep him digging...

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I'm a little nervous delving into my family history. I'm not sure why.

I think 1, I won't find anything. From what I understand, we were all just dirt poor farmers that never really kept records. 2, what if they all were crooks? :thumbdown: Not joking, I seem to have a lot of bad blood that runs in my family, so I'm not sure I want to know the family tree.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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