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Please say a prayer for my brand new nephew Shane.

Done. I know it's tough being so far away. He's absolutely adorable!

He bought me a stove for one anniversary.

"The gravel in the driveway? I had it regraveled for you".

Ummm, those are NOT presents!! FIL bought MIL a vacuum one year for Christmas. Uh yeah, that didn't go over well!

Glouc and I had a roaring good time yesterday.

Sounds like fun! Glad you enjoyed!!

Sick, have a safe trip.

Lu, happy anniversary!

Beth, hang in there. It WILL get better!

I need another fill. Just got one a week and half ago. It was a refill after being so sick. He'd taken .25cc out and on the 25th put it back in. I had restriction for all of a week. Now I'm hungry again and EATING! I want another .25cc to see where that gets me. After being too tight when I was sick, I'm afraid of that happening again so planning to go slow with the fills.

Another Migraine. Off to bed. 'Night!

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I had to buy a new coffee pot yesterday morning before work because my coffee make died.

Slim - I think you jinxed my coffee pot - last night it started hissing and spitting and spewing the coffee everywhere except into the pot. Guess a new one is needed ....

I'd feel naked without my purse. Besides purses are another excuse to go shopping!

Another reason not to carry one - HATE shopping!

You don't carry a cell or a purse. I know not of what foreign language you speak!

:smile::lol: 'Tis true though; the only thing I carry to and from work (besides a song in my heart, and extra weight) is my lunch bag.

. hubby is so romantic getting me new golf clubs for our anniversary

Happy anniversary, Lulu.

Please say a prayer for my brand new nephew Shane.


. My DH wouldn't know romance if it walked up and slapped him in the face. He bought me a stove for one anniversary

Your DH remembered your anniversary??? In the last 5 years DH has not once remembered. Last year he was so proud of himself thinking he had remembered - he got the month right, not the day!! I just laugh - after all, what's a day in the scheme of things?

[/quote=gone 4 ever;1191485]

His reply............."The gravel in the driveway? I had it regraveled for you". :smile2::cursing: He could not figure out why I was MAD as a hornet!

Ummm, those are NOT presents!! FIL bought MIL a vacuum one year for Christmas.

I guess I'm weird - I'd like something practical like a new stove, or the driveway redone or something. They are things I would appreciate and more useful then something like jewellery (that I don't wear) or something that wouldn't last like a weekend away somewhere.

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Glouc -- I just have to say that ex-boyfriend really gives all of us CPA's a bad name. Not all of us are that bad. I agree with the 'banker's left' theory, but to keep a spreadsheet. WOW!!

:wub: I know, I know...I met him at the firm I worked for. None of the 30+ CPA's were that bad. He was just different in many, many ways and the money was one. LOL...but, he taught me to be better with my money. I'm still not as cheap, er *thrifty* as he is, but I'm much better in my spending sprees.

I'd feel naked without my purse. Besides purses are another excuse to go shopping!

I hate purses, but I need them. I've gone from having the little wallet purses to the big-ass fits-the-kitchen-sink ones. I still haven't found one I really like.

Sending positive thoughts his way.

Me, too!

PJTP: I smell fish. (Ask Glouc)

Glouc and I had a roaring good time yesterday. There was even a bit of flashing going on. Yes, I had too much to drink AGAIN. Glouc's friend Anna makes the most insanely delicious burgers. I didn't put it on a bun though so I'm still a good bandster, as long as you overlook all the empty calories from liquer shots, whipped cream topping on Irish Cream, margaritas...

:) Fish makes me gag!

Anna can make a good burger. She puts Italian dressing in it and stuffs it with cheese. Sooooo good!

I. hate. snow. $:smile::smile2::wub:#*&()%*&(#$*)($

Monday morning. I'm cranky and cold and wet.

Ahhh, Tappy, don't be cranky! It's a short week for us; you, too right? Just hold on to that.

I hate snow, too...that's why I moved to Houston - AND IT SNOWED THIS YEAR!!! I couldn't believe it. And, this morning it was cold - in the 50's! I'm wearing a sweater today and Friday when I got home I had on a tank top. This crazy weather is driving me batty.

Good morning all! :) I'm just glad to be at work. Another round of layoffs has started and I just pray I'm not one of them.

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Yes Glou, a short week (thanks be).

DH and I were discussing moving when I retire; up until now he has wanted to leave the country, and go to Costa Rica or Panama. For the first time now he has mentioned just moving to Florida...don't know why the change, but that's the thought now.

We know nothing of Florida real estate so I guess the internet searching will begin. We do NOT want to live in a city; we want rural. We do NOT want to live on a main road either. So, any suggestions from any Florida bandsters?

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Slim - I think you jinxed my coffee pot - last night it started hissing and spitting and spewing the coffee everywhere except into the pot. Guess a new one is needed ....

Sorry Tap.

I guess I'm weird - I'd like something practical like a new stove, or the driveway redone or something. They are things I would appreciate and more useful then something like jewellery (that I don't wear) or something that wouldn't last like a weekend away somewhere.

It's not that I don't appreciate it. I really do. It's just that he wants splashy gifts. So knowing that, why buy me the practical gifts? I like splashy too.

I need another fill. Just got one a week and half ago. It was a refill after being so sick. He'd taken .25cc out and on the 25th put it back in. I had restriction for all of a week. Now I'm hungry again and EATING! I want another .25cc to see where that gets me. After being too tight when I was sick, I'm afraid of that happening again so planning to go slow with the fills.

Another Migraine. Off to bed. 'Night!

I hope the migrain is better. I think I need another small fill, but I am trying to tough it out. I am scared of being too tight. Right now, I can eat anything as long as I go slow.

Ahhh, Tappy, don't be cranky! It's a short week for us; you, too right? Just hold on to that.

Not for me. They no longer count Good Friday as a holiday.:smile2:

I hate snow, too...that's why I moved to Houston - AND IT SNOWED THIS YEAR!!! I couldn't believe it. And, this morning it was cold - in the 50's! I'm wearing a sweater today and Friday when I got home I had on a tank top. This crazy weather is driving me batty.

Same here! It was in the 70s yesterday, but today they are talking about snow! WTH?

Good morning all! :smile: I'm just glad to be at work. Another round of layoffs has started and I just pray I'm not one of them.

I hope you are not one of the layoffs.

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Good morning Bandsters! PJTP...

Had a lovely weekend (until Sunday - see below). Took DD to Virginia State Univ for a college visit. She's already been accepted, so we took advantage of the Saturday college visit day they scheduled and went down. Rain on Friday night made getting there a bit of an adventure, but we arrived just fine, got our rental car and found the hotel, then collapsed and slept. Because of being banded, I didn't eat a lot of junk food like I would have on previous travel days...

Saturday was beautiful - sunny and warm, and the college visit was a big hit. DD can't wait to get there in the fall - as a parent, I appreciated their emphasis on academic achievement and safety, and everyone I met seemed like they really wanted to take care of my DD in addition to helping her get her education. She's going to major in Mass Communications (Radio and Television concentration) and met a group of students from the Mass Comm club right before we left campus, so that was fun as well.

Spent the afternoon walking the mall, finding other essential resources (bank, hospital, etc) and looking at campus buildings. Got to tour a dorm room - that was fun as well. Lots of other 'kids' there with their parents, and even met a couple from Connecticut!

Sunday we were up at oh-dark-thirty (actually 4:30 am) for a 6:30 flight. Should have known better - the flight didn't leave until after 7 am because the idiots at Delta refueled the wrong plane (delay) and then had too much weight on the plane (people and luggage) so they had to take some off (another delay) and we arrived at LaGuardia just in time to miss our connecting flight. Now the nightmare begins...

The staff at the Delta counter were less-than-helpful and the only thing they could offer us was a 4 PM FLIGHT! It was 8 AM IN THE FREAKING MORNING! :smile2::cursing::smile::cursing::wub:

I told them no-thank-you-very-much - I could SEE home from the airport, and I was willing to either rent a car and drive it or take the train. The Delta rep then told me the most they could refund was $20 per person (on a just-under-$200-flight) because I'd already "recieved" the value for the flight...WTF???

Off I go to the rental car counters - and NOONE has any cars available for one-way rentals. :wub::cursing::) This while also trying to figure out where our luggage had gone. We were told one lie after another: It's on the way, just be patient; then we were told it went to Hartford on the plane we supposedly just missed. Okay - so now luggage-less, we figure out how to ride the airport train / elevated tram to the Long Island Rail station, rode the LIRR to Penn Station in NY, and then rode Amtrak to New Haven. I'm in familiar territory, so I'm starting to relax. Of course that didn't stop me from PBing everything I tried to eat on the train! :):cursing:

Because I'm diabetic, I have to eat "on the regular", so I try to, but it just wasn't happening yesterday...we eventually made it to Hartford, and my hubby came and got us and took us to the airport (about a half-hour drive from Hartford, 45 min from my house).

He nicely took us to dinner (he knew I was at my limit) and meatloaf and mashed potatoes never tasted so good! :thumbup:

Our luggage finally made it to us around midnight last night - what a horrible travel day! DH said he was proud of me for not losing it at some point (he knows my temper) and I was happy I didn't lose it in front of DD. She said she was proud of me, so I was feeling pretty good after all was said and done.

On the positive side, my DD is in LOVE with Virginia State, and since she's already been accepted, we paid her first deposit, and she's got a spot secured...:wub:

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Wow, you experienced a lot in one weekend. I am glad your DD likes the school. It helps to have visited and get an idea of the layout. I am sorry you had such an awful time traveling home. You are a good one for not losing it. I think I would have at the airport counter. I am sure the stress caused your PBs. Anyway, it is over so that now you can relax.

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Slim - I think you jinxed my coffee pot - last night it started hissing and spitting and spewing the coffee everywhere except into the pot. Guess a new one is needed ....

Unless you just want a new one, maybe try to run some CLR or other product that eats away at the mineral deposits first. Do that, then run Water over and over again. If it still spits coffee, however, run the CLR again.

That has saved many a coffeemaker. Usually when it's spitting like that or dripping very slowly, it's simply build-up.

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We know nothing of Florida real estate so I guess the internet searching will begin. We do NOT want to live in a city; we want rural. We do NOT want to live on a main road either. So, any suggestions from any Florida bandsters?

my parents live in ocala - horse country. aside from key west it's my favorite part of the state. they actually get a bit of seasons being that north & the countryside is beautiful. susan doesn't live too far from there - she could give a better description of the state.

cc - hope baby shane is doing well!

heartfire - how do you manage your Migraines? hope your feeling better

glouc - it's freezing up here, well not really but 40 is close. similarly, i was in my bathing suit on sat. UGH......

**hope your not affected w/the layoffs**!!!

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Wow, you experienced a lot in one weekend. I am glad your DD likes the school. It helps to have visited and get an idea of the layout. I am sorry you had such an awful time traveling home. You are a good one for not losing it. I think I would have at the airport counter. I am sure the stress caused your PBs. Anyway, it is over so that now you can relax.

Thanks, Slim...DD really is a wonderful kid - no one's perfect, and we've had our moments, but I am torn between wanting the best for her (getting out and spreading her wings) and not wanting to lose my friend! I know I'll be a teary mess when she leaves...it'll be hard not to make HER cry...we are both puddles at times.

DH is so much better about this stuff - at least on the surface. He plays strong, but I think when she goes, he'll be in a bit of a funk for a few days. Then we'll realize we have some extra freedom and the fun will begin again!:smile2:

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Ebony - glad to hear that DD liked the university; sorry to read of your travel woes. I'm puzzled though - i thought the new airline securities wouldn't let someones luggage go somewhere if the person wasn't on the same plane??

Lulu - thanks for the real estate tidbit - DH and i will probably start internet looking tonight - particularly as the snow was such a rotten unwelcome horrible icky terrible thing to wake up to this morning. forecasters are saying another 3" of snow today with more tomorrow............

Glou - hope you aren't hit in the layoffs

Beth - we use bottled not tap Water so theoretically that shouldn't be the problem, but it is worth a try

Susan - hope things are going well.

CC - any word on the baby?

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Good morning all. I sure wish it wasn't Monday again already. Looks like it might make it to the 50's today! OMG that's be great.

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Ok, I am just doing my monthly (or less) check in on here. :smile2:

Nothing much going on with me. Still no word on my possible BIG news.:smile: Hopefully soon. Had vacation a couple weeks ago down in Orlando. Bought another timeshare down there. First is in AZ. We now have 2.

Ok, that's my life. Pretty boring. Can someone do a recap of the past 100 pages or so?:wub:

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