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Finding the courage to get gastric sleeve done in Mexico with a BMI of 33

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Hello everyone. I'm writing to ask for much needed help and advice. I'm a 41 year old female with 4 boys. I weigh about 202 pounds and I'm 5'5" which puts me at a BMI of just over 33. My story is sadly what most of you have been through--- dieted all my life, tried every type of diet--extreme diets, fad diets, you name it. I've been on phentermine for appetite control on the highest dose for more than 10 years, since a few months after I had my youngest son, it has no effect anymore but I'm terrified to stop taking it for fear of gaining even more weight. I've been to numerous weight loss doctors who have prescribed different prescription pills and not one of them was able to get me to a weight I could maintain for very long. I even went so far as to get a new procedure done called the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty where they suture your stomach going in through the mouth without any incisions. It was an outpatient procedure, I was home the same day and I really thought this was the answer to my weight problem. It was the only procedure I qualified for because my BMI was too low for any invasive WLS and I don't have any comorbidities. Sadly, it has been three months now and I have only lost a mere 10 pounds total. I'm soooo depressed and angry with myself for spending so much $, ($10,000 to be exact-- self pay) for a procedure that only produced minimal weight loss. What is wrong with me? Why can't I lose this damn weight? I exercise 4-5 a week for over an hour each time, sometimes I do intense cardio and sometimes I take an intense gym class. Of course my eating habits could be better but I've gone through weeks of extreme dieting to only lose 5-10 pounds after killing myself. My attitude after another failed diet is always, why suffer when I never get results. My normal eating pattern is not horrible as I don't eat Pasta, bread, rice, or sugar (I limit myself to only 30 grams of carbs a day). I have a green smoothie for Breakfast everyday, a salad for lunch, and a sensible dinner without carbs. This wouldn't bother me so much if I didn't care about my appearance. I hate the way I look. I'm avoiding social outings because I believe I'm so hideous. I'm depressed and although I know my issues run deeper than my weight, I believe that a big part of my depression is my weight. I want a solution to this, once and for all which is what led me to this forum.

I have been researching getting a gastric sleeve done in Mexico and I think that I have finally decided on the right surgeon--- Dr. Ponce de Leon. He has agreed to perform it on me despite my previous endoscopic sleeve AND he believes he can do a single incision gastric sleeve as well which would be the best I could ask for. For those of you who are still kind enough to keep reading my long drawn out post, can you please help me to answer these questions:

1-- If you have used Dr. Ponce in Tijuana, Mexico please tell me about your experience with him. Is he as good as the reviews make him out to be? Is the fact that he doesn't speak English a big negative or does the translator suffice?

2- Is having gastric sleeve the answer to my weight problems? If there are any out there with a similar BMI and have had this WLS, what were your results?

3- Am I crazy to go to Mexico for this? I can't find a surgeon here who will touch me and I'm tired of false promises and wasting thousands without any meaningful weight loss. But is Mexico the way to go?

4- How do I convince my husband that this is the way to go? He thinks I don't need it and that Mexico is too risky and dangerous.

I would really like a candid and honest opinion from those who have had the experience. I'm scared of going and not achieving any meaningful weight loss yet again. This is my final hope as I think a bypass is too extreme and I'm not ready to reroute my organs, I am ready though to have a big chunk of one removed, lol. This may sound weird but I'm not afraid of the actual surgery and the pain and the "dangerous" Mexico scenario but I am terrified of failing once again.

Any help would be a godsend. Wishing those who have had the bravery and courage to do this, a continued successful journey!

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I'll let the other folks more familiar with Mexico weigh in on that aspect. The part of your story that really struck me was that you have already had an ESG performed. My understanding is that the outcomes from ESG and VSG are similar in that they effectively do the same thing in different ways. It's unclear has your ESG "sleeve" failed in some way? Otherwise I'm not sure what you are expecting to gain from having a VSG performed. It sounds like your eating habits have managed to at least partially impact the success of your ESG, though even finding a new equilibrium point lower than you were is a measure of success. I've had the VSG and it isn't magic, its a tool that only works if you are able to address your eating habits as well.

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12 minutes ago, aNYCdb said:

I'll let the other folks more familiar with Mexico weigh in on that aspect. The part of your story that really struck me was that you have already had an ESG performed. My understanding is that the outcomes from ESG and VSG are similar in that they effectively do the same thing in different ways. It's unclear has your ESG "sleeve" failed in some way? Otherwise I'm not sure what you are expecting to gain from having a VSG performed. It sounds like your eating habits have managed to at least partially impact the success of your ESG, though even finding a new equilibrium point lower than you were is a measure of success. I've had the VSG and it isn't magic, its a tool that only works if you are able to address your eating habits as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read my entire post and respond. I felt it was important to mention that I had an ESG in order for some in this forum to see the whole picture of my struggle. Yes, according to the studies the ESG should produce similar results to the VSG. That did not happen for me. You may be right that it has to do with a failure within myself or the emotional eating issues I have. This is exactly why I posted. Perhaps some of you can see where I failed. The ESG did not produce the results I wanted at all. I followed the pre op, only two days of it btw, and the post op to the letter. I gave myself some extra time but I did not get any significant weight loss even if it were slow. I lost those ten pounds in first two weeks on liquids and then nothing. Is this where I failed do you think? I was on purée until 6 weeks post op. I quite honestly don’t feel any restriction which is key to weight loss. Keep in mind also that ESG does not take away the hunger hormone at all. I stuck with the plan even though I didn’t see even a slow weight loss for a good two and half months. At 3 months now post op I am frustrated and hopeless. Maybe you’re right and I have to deal with my head hunger before pursuing another procedure. Thanks for your input!!

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BTW I wasn't suggesting any sort of moral failing on your part (trust me we didn't all have our own food/weight issues we wouldn't be here). I would also point out that while Ghrelin production may be impacted by VSG that isn't necessarily going to result in a significant change in your hunger.

You describe your situation in such dire terms. You lost nearly 5% of your body weight (and kept it off) after you ESG, which while not what you wanted is not a failing by any means. The fact that you lost 10 pounds initially indicates that you are certainly capable of losing weight, the foundation of which (regardless of surgery) is by burning off more calories than you consume. To that end you kind of dance around it a little bit, but do you track how many calories you are consuming and do you know how many calories you are burning a day?

I don't have any great suggestions for your situation, but I would suggest giving your ESG a chance and build on what is a tool to see if you can make some other adjustments. I know you have said you have dieted before (who hasn't, right), but perhaps you would find some benefit in trying a structured program, whether commercial or with a dietitian to help you maximize the advantage that the ESG is giving you. I don't presume to know what the root of your habits is based in, but you might also benefit by considering therapy of some sort if you find yourself eating for reasons other than genuine hunger.

My concern for you in getting a VSG at this point is worry that you will put yourself through that and not have a markedly different result to show for it, which isn't to say that you shouldn't consider it.

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I had the sleeve done in Mexico with Dr Garcia at Tijuana Bariatrics in 2012... no problem and no issues other than why did I wait so long!! It took a bit to finding my new normal but with education and being prepared, I’m loving my life. I am however going back to Dr Garcia to revise my sleeve to bypass distal as I have plateaued for the past year and I’d like to loose more and my sleeve has got bigger, I’m noticing I am eating more again... this is my choice, I am learning that there are many people out there who have had the gastric sleeve and years later or going back to have it revised because it does stretch out we’re going to bypass, I wish I had just done the bypass to begin with it will cost me more money to go back and revise it but again my experience with the sleeve has been excellent and what is most important to know is that you are educated,prepared and you must have your head in the game.

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3 minutes ago, aNYCdb said:

BTW I wasn't suggesting any sort of moral failing on your part (trust me we didn't all have our own food/weight issues we wouldn't be here). I would also point out that while Ghrelin production may be impacted by VSG that isn't necessarily going to result in a significant change in your hunger.

You describe your situation in such dire terms. You lost nearly 5% of your body weight (and kept it off) after you ESG, which while not what you wanted is not a failing by any means. The fact that you lost 10 pounds initially indicates that you are certainly capable of losing weight, the foundation of which (regardless of surgery) is by burning off more calories than you consume. To that end you kind of dance around it a little bit, but do you track how many calories you are consuming and do you know how many calories you are burning a day?

I don't have any great suggestions for your situation, but I would suggest giving your ESG a chance and build on what is a tool to see if you can make some other adjustments. I know you have said you have dieted before (who hasn't, right), but perhaps you would find some benefit in trying a structured program, whether commercial or with a dietitian to help you maximize the advantage that the ESG is giving you. I don't presume to know what the root of your habits is based in, but you might also benefit by considering therapy of some sort if you find yourself eating for reasons other than genuine hunger.

My concern for you in getting a VSG at this point is worry that you will put yourself through that and not have a markedly different result to show for it, which isn't to say that you shouldn't consider it.

Thanks again. What you are saying is absolutely what I needed to hear. I started this forum thinking I would get the usual, “yes go do it”, and “gastric sleeve will change your life”. You are telling me the truth that I don’t want to hear. You are so right— at the very least I should give this ESG tool another try. You’ve basically told me what I didn’t want to hear but I always knew in the back of my mind—I have to address my issues with food before trying another procedure. No amount of surgery will fix this if I don’t fix my head first. You are most kind to tell me the honest truth I didn’t want to hear. All my best to you.

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9 minutes ago, missShotcaller said:

I had the sleeve done in Mexico with Dr Garcia at Tijuana Bariatrics in 2012... no problem and no issues other than why did I wait so long!! It took a bit to finding my new normal but with education and being prepared, I’m loving my life. I am however going back to Dr Garcia to revise my sleeve to bypass distal as I have plateaued for the past year and I’d like to loose more and my sleeve has got bigger, I’m noticing I am eating more again... this is my choice, I am learning that there are many people out there who have had the gastric sleeve and years later or going back to have it revised because it does stretch out we’re going to bypass, I wish I had just done the bypass to begin with it will cost me more money to go back and revise it but again my experience with the sleeve has been excellent and what is most important to know is that you are educated,prepared and you must have your head in the game.

Thank you. You are telling me what aNYCdb also expressed. I believe that you’re both right that I need to get my head in the game regardless of what procedure I have. All of us on this forum have struggled with these issues and we all had high hopes that the wls we choose would be the answer. I realize that this route is not the easy way out but I was hoping that when I got my ESG it would help me reach my goal without the never ending cycle of unsuccessful dieting. I guess what I’m hoping for is to put in the work but actually see results. I was thinking that the ESG was the wrong procedure and I should’ve gone for the gastric sleeve just like you now think the bypass was the way to go for you. Everyone is different and I just feel like sometimes I’m always fighting an uphill battle, even after the ESG. I was just thinking that the sleeve would help me fight at a more level battlefield.

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1 hour ago, newlifeat41 said:

Thanks again. What you are saying is absolutely what I needed to hear. I started this forum thinking I would get the usual, “yes go do it”, and “gastric sleeve will change your life”. You are telling me the truth that I don’t want to hear. You are so right— at the very least I should give this ESG tool another try. You’ve basically told me what I didn’t want to hear but I always knew in the back of my mind—I have to address my issues with food before trying another procedure. No amount of surgery will fix this if I don’t fix my head first. You are most kind to tell me the honest truth I didn’t want to hear. All my best to you.

Our pleasure, and by all means please stick around. There are certainly also some ESG folks here who can also give you specific advice on their experiences as well.

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Hi NEWLIFE!!! I am a Roux &Y peeps. But I just wanted to give you a high 5, You sound to me like you have your head straight it seems to me. Just your perserverance will go a long ways. You are trying to get help with a major situation. I just wanted to give you some KUDOS!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!

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2 hours ago, newlifeat41 said:

I have to address my issues with food before trying another procedure. No amount of surgery will fix this if I don’t fix my head first.


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1 hour ago, shedo82773 said:

Hi NEWLIFE!!! I am a Roux &Y peeps. But I just wanted to give you a high 5, You sound to me like you have your head straight it seems to me. Just your perserverance will go a long ways. You are trying to get help with a major situation. I just wanted to give you some KUDOS!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!

Thanks but I think you are giving me more credit than I deserve. I’m trying to get my head straight. How did you do it? How did you get to the right place to make sure you’re wls was a success. What was your motivation? Do tell please.

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Well, I know you need work but...looks like to me that you have the ability to go forward. Like I said your mind is thinking straight because you came to get help and not just jumping into it. Like myself I was always what I cal B***S to the wall or nothing. This has been a part of me forever. Like so many on hear I had TRIED everything I was very successful losing the weight but no way could maintain it for long. Up untl I decided that I WAS DONE!! The 1st Dr I seen treated me like I was stupid and lied about my not smoking for 8 yrars, he then told me that he would do a nicotine test and because I had Psoriases he would only do a Lap Band. My hubby had his for 13 yars and lost 100#'s then it malfunctioned thats another story. LOL So when I went to an Bariatric surgeon for his band removal. They told me that they could do the RNY. Which I felt that had one chance left!! I took it. I figured that I needed to go big or go home. I had my surgery and lost 134#'s but went really lower than even my team wanted. I did develope an ADVERSION to food due to having strictures and having 5 endoscopes wtih 4 dialations, starting 3 months after my surgery and went until Jan 2015. Al is great now. Besides my stress making me want to eat more than I should. But I have been very lucky that my mind has changed along with my weight loss. It is NOT the cure all for sure and it takes hard work with commitment to do it. I think due to my hard time begining after surgery has been my saving grace plus exercise. For the entire time since my WLS up to the last couple months I exercised at first 6 days a week until I became physically sick if I missed one day. But now I am having a hard time getting back at it. I KNOW I have it in me to continue my journey. I hope this helps and I want to say that support is almost a have to in this. Sorry I wrote a book. LOL Take care and KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!!

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Hello everyone. I'm writing to ask for much needed help and advice. I'm a 41 year old female with 4 boys. I weigh about 202 pounds and I'm 5'5" which puts me at a BMI of just over 33. My story is sadly what most of you have been through--- dieted all my life, tried every type of diet--extreme diets, fad diets, you name it. I've been on phentermine for appetite control on the highest dose for more than 10 years, since a few months after I had my youngest son, it has no effect anymore but I'm terrified to stop taking it for fear of gaining even more weight. I've been to numerous weight loss doctors who have prescribed different prescription pills and not one of them was able to get me to a weight I could maintain for very long. I even went so far as to get a new procedure done called the endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty where they suture your stomach going in through the mouth without any incisions. It was an outpatient procedure, I was home the same day and I really thought this was the answer to my weight problem. It was the only procedure I qualified for because my BMI was too low for any invasive WLS and I don't have any comorbidities. Sadly, it has been three months now and I have only lost a mere 10 pounds total. I'm soooo depressed and angry with myself for spending so much $, ($10,000 to be exact-- self pay) for a procedure that only produced minimal weight loss. What is wrong with me? Why can't I lose this damn weight? I exercise 4-5 a week for over an hour each time, sometimes I do intense cardio and sometimes I take an intense gym class. Of course my eating habits could be better but I've gone through weeks of extreme dieting to only lose 5-10 pounds after killing myself. My attitude after another failed diet is always, why suffer when I never get results. My normal eating pattern is not horrible as I don't eat Pasta, bread, rice, or sugar (I limit myself to only 30 grams of carbs a day). I have a green smoothie for Breakfast everyday, a salad for lunch, and a sensible dinner without carbs. This wouldn't bother me so much if I didn't care about my appearance. I hate the way I look. I'm avoiding social outings because I believe I'm so hideous. I'm depressed and although I know my issues run deeper than my weight, I believe that a big part of my depression is my weight. I want a solution to this, once and for all which is what led me to this forum. I have been researching getting a gastric sleeve done in Mexico and I think that I have finally decided on the right surgeon--- Dr. Ponce de Leon. He has agreed to perform it on me despite my previous endoscopic sleeve AND he believes he can do a single incision gastric sleeve as well which would be the best I could ask for. For those of you who are still kind enough to keep reading my long drawn out post, can you please help me to answer these questions:

1-- If you have used Dr. Ponce in Tijuana, Mexico please tell me about your experience with him. Is he as good as the reviews make him out to be? Is the fact that he doesn't speak English a big negative or does the translator suffice?

2- Is having gastric sleeve the answer to my weight problems? If there are any out there with a similar BMI and have had this WLS, what were your results?

3- Am I crazy to go to Mexico for this? I can't find a surgeon here who will touch me and I'm tired of false promises and wasting thousands without any meaningful weight loss. But is Mexico the way to go?

4- How do I convince my husband that this is the way to go? He thinks I don't need it and that Mexico is too risky and dangerous.

I would really like a candid and honest opinion from those who have had the experience. I'm scared of going and not achieving any meaningful weight loss yet again. This is my final hope as I think a bypass is too extreme and I'm not ready to reroute my organs, I am ready though to have a big chunk of one removed, lol. This may sound weird but I'm not afraid of the actual surgery and the pain and the "dangerous" Mexico scenario but I am terrified of failing once again.

Any help would be a godsend. Wishing those who have had the bravery and courage to do this, a continued successful journey!

We have exactly the same stats!! I get sleeved in Mexico on 4/27!!

Also, I will add that I have the lap band and feel it didn’t give me the results I expected. I’ve had the band about 5 years and will be sleeved in like 9 days!! Yay!! I can keep you posted on weight loss!

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So Shedo82773, you are saying that the WLS is what kind of forced you into good eating habits and consistent exercise? And don’t apologize for the long post, I really enjoyed reading it. Besides my initial post was way longer, lol. You did have the RNY which is the gold standard in WLS. It also quite a bit step which I think was very brave on your part. From what I’m reading here you made up your mind to do this and your determination to make it work was what carried you through. Congrats on a very impressive weight loss. You should be proud of this as well as taking that bold move to change your life. I’m so mentally worn out right now that I was looking for how to move forward. I can’t stay this way. I feel so uncomfortable in my own body but as others have pointed out, I can’t move forward without making a solid decision to change my eating habits for good or I will faced with another failed procedure. Thanks for the motivation!!

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7 minutes ago, teacherlady095 said:

We have exactly the same stats!! I get sleeved in Mexico on 4/27!!

Also, I will add that I have the lap band and feel it didn’t give me the results I expected. I’ve had the band about 5 years and will be sleeved in like 9 days!! Yay!! I can keep you posted on weight loss!

That would be wonderful! Who is your surgeon in Mexico if you don’t mind me asking? Why did you feel your lap band wasn’t giving you good results? Was it because of poor restriction or minimal weight loss? I’ll be very interested in knowing how you do. I wish you success and an uneventful procedure. I hope to hear more about your procedure. Best of luck and keep us updated please.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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