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Newb looking for insight....Sorry such a long read

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1st let me say I am glad to have found this Forum. I found it yesterday after google 'ing bariatric support groups at the suggestion of my nutritionist. Along with a list of "what to start doing to get used to it" items she said I should find a support group for obvious reasons. I have very little knowledge on the subject bariatric surgery other than what I have learned from my visits with my surgeon and his group so far and what very little i learned from my brother having lap-band several years ago. Well gotta figure no better way to learn than to ask those that have gone through or are going through what I plan to.

I've been reading topics here since yesterday and have come across some things I didn't know or even think about. So I figured I'd give details of my current situation and see if others have anything in common and if they could give me some ideas of what to expect. It's been just over a month since I first saw my surgeon and came to the decision to go through with the sleeve surgery. I did not initially go to see him for it though. His name was on a list I received from my primary care doc after she told me the lump on my belly button was an umbilical hernia. When I went to see him he said he could repair the hernia but there was a high chance of either it reopening or another opening somewhere else due to my weight and big ass gut (not his words). After his, what I 1st felt was a sales pitch, He showed me some videos gave me some info to read and suggested I take some time to think about it and talk it over with my wife. We read, I showed her the video, we talked about it and decided it was probably the smart thing to do. Over the past few years I've put on a significant amount of weight and it seems every time I try to diet it off, I pack more on.

A little bit of medical history for ya...... According the old trusty BMI system I've been heavy since my late teens early 20's but that is because of my height. I was pretty fit and muscular back then. Stayed pretty fit but did gain weight heading into my 30's and put on more the older I got. I've had back issues since my late teens due to a vehicle accident but it was never anything more than a good cracking my back couldn't relieve. My line of work has always been very physical, so along with getting older and the weight gain my back issues became worse. Now about to hit my mid 40s I've been out of work for going on 3 years due to osteoarthritis, slipped/herniated disks and sciatica. I have very limited movement and seem to be stuck in my "snowball". Also because of the weight I am on blood pressure, cholesterol and get happy meds. I do not take pain killers other than occasional 800mg ibuprofen. I have an addictive nature and am terrified of getting hooked. Speaking of which I am an "alcoholic". On the wagon and have it under control but still might as well mention it. Damn I am one F***ed up specimen.

Well, I'll leave it at that and hope for any feedback, experience or suggestions/advice that any of you care to give. Thanks so much in advance for reading and feedback. Sorry this turned out so LONG.


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Welcome to the forums! I am currently 2 weeks pre-op but have found the experiences and knowledge shared on this forum over the past month to be hugely helpful to me in my planning and preparations. There are a great many discussions new and old about so many dimensions to bariatric surgery and how it intersects with our varying experiences.

I have seen mention of some people having worsening depression for a few months post surgery (possibly because of medications behaving differently and major hormonal changes with the rapid weight loss, however long term depression symptoms tend to greatly improve with the weight loss. Be alert to changes in your mental health and keep your primary physician in the loop, especially if you get suicidal feelings or anything similarly alarming.

Also talk with your support team about your addictive nature and any tools they can put in place to make sure you don't move into other harmful addictions post surgery. Some people who have been using an addiction to food or eating behaviours can fall into other harmful addictive behaviours such as drug or alcohol abuse once their ability to medicate their feelings when food is taken away by surgical restriction. Keep being involved with your alcoholics anonymous support groups. I think there were some recent posts on here regarding alcoholism that may be useful, or at least put you in contact with other sleeve patients dealing with alcoholism.

That's about all I can think of that might be relevant. But thank you for putting yourself out there with this posting and coming to these forums as they can be really helpful to pre and post op sleevers.

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Welcome!! Good morning my friend. Also 2 weeks preop here. VSG scheduled for 4/30. Remember to take things day by day and cut your itself SOME slack, but not too much. If you need any support or guidance, we are all here to help!

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I am one week post op and have discovered a few things.

Personal opinion only here of course. The first day I was elated. “Thank god it’s done”. “Whooohoo I did it”.

Day 2-4 I can’t even get out of bed on my own. It took me 20 minutes and a crying session to get up and go to the washroom. Another realization set into my brain. “What the hell, I can’t eat 5 slices of pizza. I love pizza”. What the hell, I can’t eat barely anything”. I think that’s where the depressive mindset came for me. I ENJOYED those things, did I like the aftermath and feeling guilty about eating. Absolutely not, but eating was a pleasure that I felt I just threw away.

Now at a week post op, I’ve curbed that thinking... you look down and your belly has diminished, you can finally get out of bed on your own. There is still a bit of pain, but I’m only taking a pain med at night to ensure that I sleep better. And I AM sleeping better! You breath EASIER and my joints are hurting less.

I know my fat brain and taste buds will always miss the pizza party, but my sensible brain decided in a few months... you could tolerate a few bites or a slice.

I think I’m the end it will be worth it but everyday will be different for everyone

I wish good luck to all of you about to start your journey

Fyi... those vanilla Protein Shakes that you have to drink for two weeks pre op... a healthy dash of cinnamon with ice and Water in a blender makes them taste like a cinnamon roll, I drank every single one that way

HW 250

SW 243

CW 220


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30 minutes ago, Bentknee said:

w my fat brain and taste buds will always miss the pizza party, but my sensible brain decided in a few months... you could tolerate a few bites or a slice.

I picked up a package of caulifower crust pizzas at costco last weekend. Haven't tried it yet, but you might want to consider trying it, too. Plus, I saw a "pizza" recipe where they used Canadian bacon as the crust, which I thought was interesting. And last but not least, at some point you can consider eating the topping of a pizza, right?

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Based on what you've said getting a VSG done at the same time as your hernia repair sounds like a no brainer.

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50 minutes ago, Apple203 said:

I picked up a package of caulifower crust pizzas at costco last weekend. Haven't tried it yet, but you might want to consider trying it, too. Plus, I saw a "pizza" recipe where they used Canadian bacon as the crust, which I thought was interesting. And last but not least, at some point you can consider eating the topping of a pizza, right?

Many years ago I used to make a really nice low carb pizza that had a base made mostly from egg. If I ever manage to find the recipe I'll post it if I think it's suitable for Bariatric Eating.

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5 hours ago, J San said:

1st let me say I am glad to have found this Forum. I found it yesterday after google 'ing bariatric support groups at the suggestion of my nutritionist. Along with a list of "what to start doing to get used to it" items she said I should find a support group for obvious reasons. I have very little knowledge on the subject bariatric surgery other than what I have learned from my visits with my surgeon and his group so far and what very little i learned from my brother having lap-band several years ago. Well gotta figure no better way to learn than to ask those that have gone through or are going through what I plan to.

I've been reading topics here since yesterday and have come across some things I didn't know or even think about. So I figured I'd give details of my current situation and see if others have anything in common and if they could give me some ideas of what to expect. It's been just over a month since I first saw my surgeon and came to the decision to go through with the sleeve surgery. I did not initially go to see him for it though. His name was on a list I received from my primary care doc after she told me the lump on my belly button was an umbilical hernia. When I went to see him he said he could repair the hernia but there was a high chance of either it reopening or another opening somewhere else due to my weight and big ass gut (not his words). After his, what I 1st felt was a sales pitch, He showed me some videos gave me some info to read and suggested I take some time to think about it and talk it over with my wife. We read, I showed her the video, we talked about it and decided it was probably the smart thing to do. Over the past few years I've put on a significant amount of weight and it seems every time I try to diet it off, I pack more on.

A little bit of medical history for ya...... According the old trusty BMI system I've been heavy since my late teens early 20's but that is because of my height. I was pretty fit and muscular back then. Stayed pretty fit but did gain weight heading into my 30's and put on more the older I got. I've had back issues since my late teens due to a vehicle accident but it was never anything more than a good cracking my back couldn't relieve. My line of work has always been very physical, so along with getting older and the weight gain my back issues became worse. Now about to hit my mid 40s I've been out of work for going on 3 years due to osteoarthritis, slipped/herniated disks and sciatica. I have very limited movement and seem to be stuck in my "snowball". Also because of the weight I am on blood pressure, cholesterol and get happy meds. I do not take pain killers other than occasional 800mg ibuprofen. I have an addictive nature and am terrified of getting hooked. Speaking of which I am an "alcoholic". On the wagon and have it under control but still might as well mention it. Damn I am one F***ed up specimen.

Well, I'll leave it at that and hope for any feedback, experience or suggestions/advice that any of you care to give. Thanks so much in advance for reading and feedback. Sorry this turned out so LONG.

Welcome to the forum!

Mobility issues and pain may be improved with weight loss surgery. You will see a few patients that are disabled that are in wheelchairs. They still have success with weight loss.

"Speaking of which I am an "alcoholic". On the wagon and have it under control but still might as well mention it. Damn I am one F***ed up specimen."

Not fucked up - you are human. We all have things to overcome in life.

You are on or off the wagon? Make a plan to have counseling/therapy/support for alcoholism in place before your psych eval. It may help your approval for surgery. The psych eval is mostly for liability for the surgeons. It also is in your best interest to be in a good mindset to make this surgery successful long term.

I can relate to addictive personality. I changed the behaviors over to healthier addictions. Working out. This has developed into distance running. Worse addictions to have in life.

best of luck to you,


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Hello everyone! I am almost a week post op. I feel great. I am still a little sore. I haven't had any issues other than going #2. So far no vomiting which is good because I really do not like to vomit. I am on day 2 of full liquid diet and I am tolerating everything very well. I had hernia repair while being sleeved and seem to be fine.

I am glad that my surgery is over and I am looking forward to the life changes ahead. Best wishes to you all!

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Thanx all for the responses so quickly. So great to hear from others. I did not know the hernia could be corrected at the same time. For some reason I just assumed it would be done later. For those that had it done was it in you belly button? From what doc explained the reason he said it may reopen was because my gut is so damn big, he used the analogy of a full bag stretched out and ripped. Sew it back up but it still as full as it was and highly likely it will rip again. Does the belly go down that fast?

As per my alcohol issues, i've never been to AA or been involved with any support groups. I just decided to stop. I'm guessing this process varies from state to state or insurance to insurance. I've already done my visit with the shrink and she said she was going to send her approval. Is 1 visit norm and for them to let you know yes or no on the spot?

Next, liquid diet. I knew about post op for some time but don't remember anyone mentioning pre op. They probably did but everything seems to be moving so quickly I may have just not registered it. How long before does that take place?

Again MUCH THANX and Best in your Journies


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Hey so yes it is standard for the psych visit to be one session. And good on you for giving up drinking my dad was a heavy drinker for decades one day just got tired of it and stopped. Same thing with me and my brother we were both addicts and then just stopped. But as far as managing pain a very good medicine that is a happy pill and good for joint pain is gabapentin. It works wonders

Sent from my LGLS676 using BariatricPal mobile app

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56 minutes ago, J San said:


Next, liquid diet. I knew about post op for some time but don't remember anyone mentioning pre op. They probably did but everything seems to be moving so quickly I may have just not registered it. How long before does that take place?

Again MUCH THANX and Best in your Journies


The pre-op diet varies by surgeon, and they sometimes vary duration depending on your BMI (standard is usually 2 weeks, I was requested 4 weeks due BMI close to 50). Most pre-ops are low carb / no added sugar / very low calorie (800 calories or less) to remove as much fat from your liver as possible (it sits on top of the stomach that will be operated on, and needs to be safely lifted/moved out of the way during surgery)

Some unlucky souls are put on a full liquid pre-op, so mostly Meal Replacement shakes and diet jelly/pudding/liquid Soups etc. Mine was 2 meal replacement shakes and a health meat Protein + veggies dinner. Some are put on just low carb/low calorie diet of lean Proteins and veggies. Beware that most meal replacement shakes contain aspartame and/or splenda so if (like me) those make you ill or trigger Migraines you may need to source other options or advise your doctor you need an alternative pre-op diet option. (Here in Australia I was able to find formulite meal replacement shakes which are only sweetened with stevia so they don't trigger migraines for me).

Thankfully I've found that although very low calorie, the pre-op diets get most of their calories from protein sources which make you feel full/satiated a lot more than carbohydrates (which can trigger blood sugar spikes and resulting hunger). They are also good practice for you and your body to get used to fewer calories and a protein rich diet.

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22 minutes ago, Taoz said:

I was requested 4 weeks due BMI close to 50

According to my info input here my BMI is 57, what will mean for me? I go for my 2nd visit with the surgeon next week, I think I should start a list of questions.

23 minutes ago, Taoz said:

to remove as much fat from your liver as possible

Learning is why I started this post. You and all the others are schooling me. I had no idea this was the reason for the loss of weight pre op. I thought it was just to prove you could and to start you on a new habit. I have been diagnosed with a fatty liver. Wonder what it's gonna take to get where they need me.

By The Way, I have an off beat/dark sense of humor so don't take some of my comments literally. I know comments written come off differently than if heard and I hope no one takes offense.

Thanx ALL!!!


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JSan if you aren't full up on new friends let me offer! Do you need a Bariatric Aunt or Godmother, here I be! I am literally,old enough to be your mamma, I am 72, 5ft8in tall, 323lbs that makes me only slightly,beytrr off BMIwise. Depending on which resource,table used,it is between 47-49. At my age you tend to have a slower metabolism, your body decided it's going to be nice to you that way. Problem being it doesn't give,up weight easily, I have lost 30 lbs since last October, and now I am rather stuck there. My body is happy FAT nut I am not. I have had arthritis since 25, yes you read that right. As a child I was double-jointed, could clap the souls of my feet together. Sound like cute thing? In. the long run this joint laxity gives you an 85% chance of deveoping,early,onset athritis. And I did, all kind of cute little bodily tricks. I have had 2 knee replacements because I went bone on bone,plus assorted bony spurs. I have multiple allergies, sleep apnea, asthma, 3 different " Isis" in my spine, scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis. Want those in layman's terms. I have a twisted spine, hunchback but not terribly bad, my,lower spine has a definite curve inward above my rump. Makes my booty,look even bigger than it is. Fracture? Top down: 1 broken nose, broken right and lower arm, wrist and right thumb, right lower leg spiral fracture, left lower leg and ankle, fracture v there called an avulsion fracture, I broke the bottom tips of my tibia and fibula right at,the point where they change from bone to joint cartilage plus small bone in,left,ankle and 7 of my 10 toes. And YOU think,you're,a WRECK? Occasional panic attacks and a healthy scoop of depression. Widowed for,almost 6,yesrs, youngest of my child my very wonderful Bryan known on Bariatric Pal as Tomkitten, my,middle child Kevin died 10 years ago at 31 almost 32, he had. undiagnosed,heart diseasr, we were told after his death from birth, but he died of a ruptured aorts, basically bled to death. internally. and,my oldest, a daughter known on here as Rotten Daughter or RaD. She lives maybe 6/10th of a,mile from me, calls as often as a solar eclipse, texts me infrequently, we share,the same middle name, she has altered the spelling on Facebook, my theory? She hopes no one will,guess we are related. There is a strong family resemblance between my late mother,myself, RD and RD's oldest daughter. In pictures mothers eyes, storm cloud gray, mine hazel green, RD,blue-gray the color my late grandmother, and RD's daughter pure blue. Otherwise our pictures lifelike think,the same,person dressed in different,era clothing. So I am the regretful,mother to the only 49 year old spoiled,brat in current history. Everyone has one of those in their family tree, I gave birth to mine.
I am planning a RnY bypass, hopefully in May or June in Columbus Ohio, I do not know my surgeon, it will be Dr Noria a very pretty but extremely competent female surgeon or her partner Dr Needleman, th e chief of Bariatric surgery and her partner. I would happily accept either but I suspect it will be Dr N he's been in the business longer and usually,does the older patients.
Hey I didn't mean this to be as long as War and Peace, I get a hold on a subject and I run without. If you have any questions,about surgery or anything else just ask. If I don't have an answer somebodybelse,on Bariatric Pal will. And we all,love helping people❤😝💙

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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