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51 minutes ago, DebSom54 said:

Hello everyone,

Newbie here. I've wanted bariatric surgery for years but my insurance wouldn't give in. Finally, I went on disability, medicare and YIPPEE, they agreed....so far. I had a heart attack in January and that was of course the realization that I was not going to survive to see the grandkids grow up if I didn't do something right away. Also, I wanted to zip line and ride the burro's to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.... and they won't let me because of my weight!!! Thus I've started the preliminary requirements for surgery. I am VERY excited to be doing this and hope it goes well. First, a little about me, I am 63 years old, single. I have 5 children, 11 grandchildren and one dachshund. My starting weight was 317 and is now 313.7; I am 5'9" tall, and a BMI of 45.6. I started this in April. Since the heart attack my Cardiologist has signed off for me to have the sleeve surgery. In fact, he encourages it very much!! I've met with my PCP twice, and the surgeon once ( I go to him again on Wednesday). I'm getting a lot of encouragement from my family and friends so I feel GREAT about it. Actually, I wish all these prelim's were over and I could schedule the surgery...... but must be patient! I'm excited to join your group of "people like me" and hope to call you my buddies!!


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7 minutes ago, KristinOlivia said:

I'm set for July 23!


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40 minutes ago, KristinOlivia said:

I'm set for July 23!

We have the same surgery date !

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55 minutes ago, CKap10 said:

We have the same surgery date !

Yay! Surgery Buddy! I'm excited and nervous - and so anxious for it to be July already. How are you feeling?

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DebSom hello hello hello. We are going to be friends, let me be among the first to apply. We have a few things in common, Don't feel you're too old for this venture, I am 72, will be 73 on December 26th. CW323 down from a HW of 355, officially 5ft8in, still believe I am 5ft 11in, well I was before menopause collapsed my spine, which gives me BMI 47+. so we are pretty comperable in this undertaking. I am widowed for nearly 6 years, 3 children only 2 living, my son who lives with me and his older sister RD short for Rotten Daughter who speaks or interacts with me every solar eclipse or so. Every family has one, I guess I gave birth to mine.
As an example I called her to tell her I was planning bariatric surgery, she immediately turned the conversation around to herself and her problems. I tried again,i called her by her first and middle names, now when my parents, her grandparents did that I ki,da shrivled inside, I knew it was tongue-lashing time, I said " Did you hear me? I am going to have bariatric major surgery in Columbus before summer? Her answer " Oh, whatever!" and this point I had it, I said"Whatever right back at you!" and hung up. I could have told her I was going to crouch over a buzz saw and expose my lady parts to the blade and got the same reaction. Sad, isn't it?
My son on the other hand is super-supportive, much more than his late father would have heen, but alas there lays another story all together.
What brought me to surgery? Well that it is multi-faceted. The latest was the 30 lb weight gain in one month. I had been seeking surgery since August 2015, just before I turned 70,when I realized I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Many of my high school classmates were dying I could feel my body starting to slow down in earnest and realized death might be in the cards for me as well. I have had arthritis since I was 25,2 knee replacements,every joint in my body hurting. Do I sit down,lie down and let the Angel of Death claim me as his own? No I came into this world, screaming at the top of my lungs and fighting mad. I won't leave without doing the same. The red(well strawberry blonde) head is natural and so,is the temper, I never will go gentle into that good night(sorry Dylan Thomas, I do apologize),
In August 2015 I took myself to Columbus and applied for admission to a Bariatric Program, found out my,current insurance UHC would cover such a thing. Was doing everything requested, had completed 5 of the 6 mandated nutritional sessions when my job terminated in January 2016. Tried to Cobra my insurance over, it would have taken $700 of the 900 I would now receive from Social Security. Oh I still looked for another job, but who hires a 70 year old fat woman when there are young slender chicks-babies available? So with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes I just didn't return . Never did formally resign. Found out just this year, Medicare's requirements were much less stringent, I had completed all of theirs and could have had my surgery February 2016.
I littered along trying to keep on losing weight, think I kept gaining the same 5 pounds. Early last fall I asked my PCP for some assistance. See I'm bright enough to know nutrition etc but I was getting nowhere but older. Dr Carroll, is a heck of a nice guy, he's in his mid40s, when I get peeved at him I call him Junior, but still pretty good doctor. He agreed to prescribe phenteramine, to aidmy diet endeavor & oh I tried, cut,my portions down gave up sodas, stopped eating carbs, are so much salad that i felt like a farm animal. Went back after a,month to be weighed, not only had I not lost weight, I gained 30 pounds. Had journeyed,my weight diet,is My Fitness Pal, so he said back to the Bariatric Surgeon with me. Although all body systems were reading normal or low normal, I was still a loaded time bomb at this age. So I humbled myself, went back to the Bariatric Surgeon and went,through the whole program again,including one extra one I hadn't done before Everything was done the third week of January, so I proceeded to wait 1st week,of February- it's in the,pile and hasn't been worked,2nd week- we found up,and are submitting it
3rd week- yes it's back, stop calling, we'll call you with a date.
Everything looks fine? Well things are not as they seem. February 20th I received the call, the 3 surgeons,in the practice had themselves a little meeting and voted to a man, to decline my surgery. I'm going Whha What do you mean? Something screwy, the psychologist turned in to them a declined evaluation. This woman, in front of,my adult son told me I had passed everything perfectly and shook my hand, wishing me Well on my future surgery. My son even remarked as we left "Gee Mom I bet you're glad that is over, now we can move on"
Her assessment now- I am psychologically and emotionally unfit and lack the,mental capacity to understand the risks of surgery. Geesh, why not say I stink too?
Oh I refute it all, I have an IQ off the boards, have been eligible for MENSA from the get go, have no understanding? I have been mentoring "newbies" from the time I signed into BP, I not only understand it, I can explain it all.
So I cried my eyes out for a few days, then my temper kicked in.
How dare they try to siderail my plans? Was I going allow a piss-ant group like them to put me down? Sorry for the term but I was country-raised and we say that. At this point I may have stomped my feet like an enraged skunk but I resolved to move forward. They weren't the only game in town so I called the other 2 Center of Excellence programs in Columbus Ohio and booked time in their seminars. Went to one at Ohio STATE university hospital-Wexner Medical Center on March 9th,fulled out an application, a release of information, made sure all those credits would transfer, and returned home. Less than 5 business days OSU called me back, they were very interested in me, would I please come for a 2 hour psychological evaluation/consultation with their staff psychologist Dr Kramer on April 25th, 6 weeks away but I didn't care, I said YES YES YES. I had a wonderful exam with him, don't remember the last time anyone wanted to talk two hours to me. Not only did I pass but he gave me papers for the next steps. On May m I meet for what I call the trifecta appointment, I meet with my case manager, nurse practioner, and dietician- okay,i figured it for a Hi Nice,to meet You meeting, now I'm not so sure. There was another poster on here meeting with the same professions of people, she said it is her presurgical appointment, perhaps just perhaps it will be mine also? I'm,living now with this hope! Now you know most,of the Frust8 story, still want to be my friend? I do hope so, there aren't as many,of us well-ripened individuals as the young ones on here and I'd like a "peer" to talk to.😜 Also I will,be a RnY bypass when my surgery comes.

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I most likely will have my surgery in August. Yesterday I did my blood work and breath test. I’m going to my primary this week and he will do my EKG. I’ll also get my chest X-ray next weekend. My therapist will do my psych evaluation. I’m so excited! I really need to meet others having the surgery around the same time. I could use the support!

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10 minutes ago, jaadan79 said:

I most likely will have my surgery in August. Yesterday I did my blood work and breath test. I’m going to my primary this week and he will do my EKG. I’ll also get my chest X-ray next weekend. My therapist will do my psych evaluation. I’m so excited! I really need to meet others having the surgery around the same time. I could use the support!

Hi Jaadan, I am finishing my supervised weight loss visits in July so I hope to be having surgery either late August early sept. I can't wait to finish it all and get a date!

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I have 3 visits left which have to be done within 90 days so it’s 4 visits with exercise and 6 visits over 6 months without exercising. I’m exercising because I want to get it done as soon as possible and because I have to exercise anyway. This is the second time I’m going thru all this but this time I’m going to the finale. I’m tired!

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18 minutes ago, jaadan79 said:

I have 3 visits left which have to be done within 90 days so it’s 4 visits with exercise and 6 visits over 6 months without exercising. I’m exercising because I want to get it done as soon as possible and because I have to exercise anyway. This is the second time I’m going thru all this but this time I’m going to the finale. I’m tired!

I wish mine gave that option. It's just straight 6 mos. I have to do one a month for 6 mos. Then I see surgeon on July 24th. They submit for approval and then once approved I'll have lab work, x rays and egd. Then two wk pre up diet and it's go time! Can't wait!

Edited by Chrisb428

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Well the bad part is if you miss an appointment you have to start all over from the beginning. I’m not messing this up! I will be at all my appointments because it’s time! Good luck!

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I'm almost at the end of my road to surgery I finished my 3 months of visits and a lot of other stuff all I have left is my ekg, cardiac clearance and sleep study. Then I can be submitted to insurance, so hopefully these steps fly by.

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On 4/20/2018 at 12:34 AM, Frustr8 said:

Do you have room for me as a buddy? File me in the Sadder But Wiser drawer in the file cabinet. My little buddies I have finished my course perparations not once but twice. And how can this be? I've lived it and it still bewilders me. A short summation- late summer 2015 I first sought,bariatric surgery. My then insurance United Healthcare required 6 months of dietary consult and a record keep of all foods consumed. Downloaded. My Fitness Pal and we were off to the races. Finished all requirements except the nutritional/diatetic consult. 5 months into the 6month requirement, my job terminates and Goodbye United Healthcare. Attempted to Cobra it over, would have taken $700 of the $900 I got monthly,from Social Security, So with a heaviness in my heart, that was that. What I didn't know and was never told Medicare, my secondary insurance would pick,up the bill and their requirements were much less, the office this year claimed they were only waiting for,my to provide my numbers and surgery could have be scheduled, would have had it Feb/March 2016. Went on with my life, staying plump as a Thanksgiving Turkey, early,late Autumn,i. asked my PCP for some medical,assistance to lose weight, he prescibed me Phenteramine, a weight reduction drug. Took it faithfully all of last October 2017. Cut out carbs, reduced my,portion sizes, cut out sodas, yes all the right things. Went back,of the end of the month for a checkup, instead of a c weight loss I had packed on 30 more pounds onto my body. After a heart-felt WTF he suggested I return to the Baiatric Surgeonbin Columbus I had gone to before. And I started over again. My requirements were finished the third week of January 2018. Made sure everthing was in order and submitted to surgeon's office. They told me I would hear back 5-8 business days from them. So I sat and waited, first week,of February they were in the pile to be worked, second week of February, yes they were submitted and they were waiting to hear back, third week you just be patient, everything is being re reviewed and we'll get back to you. On February 20th my surgeon along with 2 partners had themselves a little meeting, they decided not to do my surgery, I was given the excuse that my psychological evaluation was,murky. This from a woman who had shone my hand, in the presence of,my adult son, told me to my face that I had passed everything perfectly and wished well with my upcoming surgery. In. employment circles this is called being S***Canned, I call it being kicked to the curb . Same basic thing! So I bawled my eyes out a few days, got up, dusted myself off, gave myself a pep talk in the mirror and set off to find another program. There are 2 other hospitals in Columbus with Bariatric programs, booked,time at their seminars in Early,March. I made application at OSU-Wexner Medical Center on March 9th. That program called me back within a week to have a 2 hour appointment with Staff Psychologist Dr Kramer on April 25th. Surely I will be given credit for Time Served, they do that for criminals and I'm surely a nicer person than them. If there are no extra things needing done I could have surgery in May, otherwise June/July. So,i qualify for your happy band of surgery-seekers. I am 5ft8in, 323 lbs and 72 years old. Don't worry, I'm in it to win it just like the rest of you, and you'll find I am old only in age not attitude. I can be just rotten and ornery,as the rest of You!!❤ Have a good evening and a wonderful day.😛

Hey there! You are a pip!! Of course I'll be your buddy. So you live in Ohio? I was born in Lorain, we were living in Vermillian at the time tho. Unfortunately my father died when I was three so mom moved us all to Washington State where her parents lived. I was raised there, in Wenatchee, Washington. Last September I moved to Pahrump, Nevada (about an hour away from Vegas) for the heat and away from the winters. I share a house with my ex-husband. He's okay, sounds weird but we are "companions"/friends and it's easier on the $$. I have a very cute house which I love and access to a gym and three pools. I love to swim! I've had one knee replaced, fusion of cervical vertebrae C5-7, and now a heart attack. I'm nervous I'll die before I can have the surgery... I'm still pretty "green" about all this bariatric stuff. People are talking about psych evals, upper GI's, Nutritionists. They haven't really told me much. I see the surgeon Wednesday and boy do I have questions!!! I've tried to get them to schedule the psych eval and nutritionists, but haven't heard anything yet. I'm afraid I'm not being very patient.... By the way, my IQ was 137 in high school... haha smart but only a little common sense... Anyway, consider me your friend and if you need anything, or if you have any answers for me talk away. Thanks for getting back to me. Anytime girlfriend. Haha

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May 31st! Start my liquid diet on Thursday [emoji15] my first appointment was in February and my surgeon required several prerequisite appointments with various dr’s, my insurance did not. So now it’s just down to having the surgery....seems like a dream to me...I have PCOS (as per the name [emoji38]) and have suffered with several things over the last 10 years...I am ECSTATIC to be back to normal!!! [emoji1373][emoji1373][emoji1373]

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Guys I need some support I have another weigh in in less than 2 weeks and it seems like my weight is going up and up I know I could do a liquid diet to bring it down but I get so cranky on those. Help you guys

Sent from my SM-T380 using BariatricPal mobile app

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9 hours ago, newmebithebypass said:

Guys I need some support I have another weigh in in less than 2 weeks and it seems like my weight is going up and up I know I could do a liquid diet to bring it down but I get so cranky on those. Help you guys

Sent from my SM-T380 using BariatricPal mobile app

Im right there with ya only mine is in 4 days. I have been watching what i eat, drinking plenty of Water and walking. They just increased my thyroid meds again last wk, so im sure thyroid levels didnt help. Just wanted to let u know that you arent struggling alone and I'm here if u need to vent. Also, if you think an accountability buddy will help, im willing to be here to check in daily till your weigh in.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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